"What about this so-called loneliness? Directivity is too obvious! You haven't felt it yet, because you lack such a heart! " When he said this, Wesley's attitude was slightly contemptuous! And it's face-to-face! But it doesn't seem to have much effect on Jensen!

"How do I feel that your admiration for Ding Yu has reached the point of adoration! Why don't you just say you're his "running dog" Jensen said with no hesitation!

"It is true that they are hostile to each other! However, it does not hinder my respect for Mr. Ding, because he has done what many people have not done, at least what you and I have not done, and even there are not too many people in the whole department, which may be what I have not met! That's why I feel so strange! "

"Is this loneliness?"

"Yes! My personal feeling is that Mr. Ding is a little lonely, because he is ahead of everyone in pursuit of such a thing. His future is boundless, but he has never stopped his own pace. What about us? It's just to follow such a step, and sometimes it will stagnate! For we have been bewildered by what is in front of us

This answer made Jensen's whole person fall into confusion! I didn't respond for a long time. When I came back to my mind, Wesley next to me had cleaned up the sundries on his body!

"Ding Yu is able to endure such loneliness, so you don't see him in any of the colorful places, nor do you see him wantonly showing off and squandering, because he knows what he is doing and what he is going to do? This kind of person can only destroy his body! It's impossible to destroy his spirit! "

"No wonder you hold him so highly! I seem to have found the reason

Jensen feels that she already knows Ding Yu very well! But after listening to Wesley's explanation, I found that his understanding of Ding Yu is very superficial! Those things on paper, want to concentrate together, it seems not their own specialty!

"The ideas of each other are somewhat different, so we are just hostile to each other! But if Mr. Ding really walked on the front desk, I believe there will be countless people who respect his performance, even in the headquarters? For Mr. Ding respected people will not be in the minority, but we are not good to express it! Of course, many people have such a mentality. It's not good to comment on whether it's good or bad! "

"I think it's very dangerous to think like that!"

"Isn't it dangerous to face such an opponent? It's dangerous, too Wesley puns, "so at this time, think about how to solve your own problems! In their own no way to solve the situation, rashly on the stage, can only be to send the head just

The words were not very pleasant, but Jensen understood them already!

However, Jensen did not mean to continue to speak, because some words were not easy to express, especially in the presence of Wesley, which had nothing to do with whether to have a face or not! I really need to think about it!

The next day, when Wesley and Jason arrived, Ding Yu had already arrived! But it seems that the time is not very long, even just sit down! "Hello, Wesley!" He first said hello to Wesley, and then nodded to Jensen, "are you Jason? Hello

They shook hands with each other! Wesley and Jensen are really the first close contact with Ding Yu, which makes people feel very young. There is no trace of years left on their faces, that is, the whole person is slightly indifferent!

What's more, there are not many luxurious places on his body, which is a little monotonous, and the only place that makes people feel a little personality? Maybe it's the string on the wrist! Although Wesley and Jensen don't have the ability to see the reward, they can feel that it won't be too expensive!

"I haven't seen each other all the time, but I don't know how curious I am?"

After losing his mind, Wesley also gave an apologetic but embarrassed smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, it's a little rude! Facing your invitation, I think no matter who it is? I feel so nervous! Of course, it's quite exciting

"Very good performance, can be called excellent!" For Wesley, Ding Yu really did not mean his praise! "King thinks highly of you. Even Elizabeth mentioned your situation to me. If you can, she should be a very good partner. Especially when you refuse, everyone will appreciate it!"

"This is my honor, but I also have my own pride!"

Looking at the coffee served by the waiter, Ding Yu reached out and made an invitation gesture, "do as the Romans do in Rome, so we can only invite you to have coffee! Although from a personal point of view, it is not a particularly good choice! "

Did Janson get it? Wesley is really not very clear, but he really understand! Ding Yu wanted to attract himself, but he refused! Ding Yu did not have any anger or dissatisfaction, at most is to return a little regret!"Mr. Ding, there have been quite a few things in the past, and there have been quite a lot of problems and problems in the process. We are deeply sorry for this." Wesley was very polite! But there is no kowtow!

"There's a little misunderstanding between each other, isn't there?" Ding Yu nodded. "It's unfair for you and me to discuss whether it's right or wrong. Even if Jensen joins in, it's the same! From your point of view, you are right, I am wrong, from my personal point of view, I am right, you are wrong! "

"I didn't expect Mr. Ding to be so generous!"

"It's too flattering! I never think I am a generous person. On the contrary, many people say that I am a person? Some are too small! It's even a matter of revenge

While talking, Ding Yu also took a look at Jiansen! However, Jensen did not really feel any domineering or murderous spirit from Ding Yu's body. It seemed that he was no different from ordinary youth!

Even Jensen has some doubts. Is he the big devil that the headquarters and even many forces are bothered by? Give oneself the feeling that one hand can give him to take down, and absolutely effortless that kind!

However, this matter Jensen that is to think about it, really did not have any meaning to put into fact! At least from the information we know, Ding Yu is absolutely the best in the battlefield, and his personal ability is absolutely outstanding!

Even if it's the so-called skill of a single round, I'm afraid he can't even put Ding Yu in one hand. But what about his body shape? It's not very majestic, even gives people the feeling of a little thin! Usually it seems that there is no too intense exercise. How does he keep his body shape!

It has to be said that Wesley and Jensen are different in the direction of Ding Yu! However, it should also be mentioned that their respective jobs are not the same! This may be the biggest difference!

"At least in my heart, Mr. Ding's position will not be replaced by anyone!"

"It's just a matter of time!" Ding Yu can hear a pun in Wesley's words! This response? It's not soft or hard, "what about today? It's a farewell dinner for you! The time may be a little early, but I may not have so much time next. The hospital has taken over a lot of operations, which is quite a delay! "

Wesley, light it! "Thank you for your dinner. If you have time to invite Mr. Ding to London, I will have a dinner with Mr. Ding myself! But if Mr. Ding doesn't mind, my salary will be very limited! "

"I haven't been to London for a long time! At that time, when I studied there, I still left a very good impression, and the market spread in the streets and corners! Now think of it, there is still a little miss! "

Jensen listens silently beside her, giving her own feeling. Ding Yu and Jiansen have a dialogue. There are too many meanings in it. It's not easy for her to be able to follow! If you let yourself immediately analyze the meaning of which, the requirements for yourself are too high!

Is a small banquet, more is mutual understanding between each other, also really will not spend too long time in the meal above! At least Wesley and Jensen didn't pay much attention to this, but Ding Yu basically didn't move the things on the table because of his own habits, which had nothing to do with other things!

"Mr. Ding, if I may, may I venture to ask a few questions?"

"Yes Put down the cup in his hand, Ding Yu also made a consent to say! "Say it! Now that we have such an opportunity, I think we can all put down some burdens in our hearts! "

"Mr. Ding, if there were no airport affairs in those years, would there be no such problems and situations now?"

"Well, Wesley, history has no hypothesis! And assumptions don't make much sense! But be able to ask this question, want to come in your heart to have some of your own ideas and opinions! Ideas may not be that important, but what about opinions? It's not a good thing to do. At least, it's not suitable for this place and this time! "

"With emotion! So it's hard to avoid feeling quite excited! "

After encountering Ding Yu, Wesley's heart is bound to be so excited! And this kind of excitement also leads to some confusion in his thinking! On this acre of Boston! Isn't it an embarrassment to Boston, and even the United States behind it, to mention certain things? Boston can have nothing to do with it, but what about America?

"Conservatives or radicals? The difference seems obvious, but what about the actual situation? Everyone's purpose is the same! Seek common ground while reserving differences! However, it seems to be a simple four words, but if you want to achieve this goal, you need to put too much into it. More often than not, we are willing to take a simple road! "

"Yes! Most of the time, we are willing to take a simpler way. If we kill the other party directly, we will be the only one to solve the problem! But this simple way is the most troublesome! What about the relatively troublesome road? But it's full of thorns, but actually it's the most suitable one! "Ding Yu pointed to the knife and fork on the table! "Where are the knives and forks? This kind of equipment has not been used for a long time. What about in China? We eat with chopsticks! From the time of drinking Maoru blood, to now, this kind of appliance has been very good application! Moreover, it has its own unique history, and even contains quite a few thoughts! "

Jensen felt a little bit bad all over the place! Because after he came, he was just a puppet. He could only listen. There was no way to speak. What's more, what about Wesley and Ding Yu? I can't get in the way! It's not that I don't want to, but some of them can't do it!

"I've tried, but my hands are always so hard to open!" Why do you two use the stick? You can use it to clip beans, even tofu! I can only use a spoon. It feels very convenient! "

"Different from person to person!" Ding Yu didn't explain too much, "but I think it's a suitable way for you to go into politics in the future. As far as I know, when the great emperor of Russia was young, he was from the Department of information administration. It's never too late to learn such things, isn't it?"

"Be taught! After your contact with Mr. Ding, I found that I was small enough! "

"Is this self belittling? Hearing such words from you, I still feel a little disbelief. I hope it won't be three minutes' blood. Otherwise, I will be too embarrassed! "

Turn the string in your hand twice! "Jensen is a leader in the operations department, but he has no problem with the operation Department. If you want to take him with you, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the future! But a trusted partner! It is sometimes a little hot blooded, not calm enough, is a drawback! "

This remark is very critical. Jiansen is also a little angry and looks at Ding Yu angrily. Wesley laughs and laughs, "Jansen is an excellent person in the operations department. There are some small problems, and there is not enough experience. But I think he is a very good colleague!"

"Jensen, I feel a little fluctuation of Qi and blood. Are you killing me?"

Wesley's face changed a lot? What you said just now is still good. How could Ding Yu turn over suddenly! Jensen's expression was a little dull, but there was no sign of weakness! "I thought about it? Because in my opinion, the boasting about you seems to be a little too much! I want to give up, but I want to

"I haven't done it myself for a long time!" Ding Yu gives Jiansen a provocative look. "I really hope to have such a chance. Sometimes I sit in such a position, and there are too many things to consider!"

Wesley patted himself on the head, and Jensen certainly didn't understand the meaning of the words! Mr. Ding will not take the initiative to deal with Jensen, because his identity is really to bully the small, there are so many people despise! At this point? Will Jensen be an opponent?

Don't look at Ding Yu's gentle sitting here, but the actual situation! This guy is definitely a big devil, don't because he exercises every morning? It is the so-called ostentation. If you really use your hand, even if you tie yourself with Jensen, you are not Mr. Ding's opponent! That's for sure!

"Mr. Ding, I hope we have another chance!"

Looking at Jensen's appearance, Wesley knew that he had lost some control! Besides, Ding Yu has already held up the coffee cup in front of him. He knows a little about Chinese etiquette! It is clear that they are serving tea! It's not so appropriate for me and Jensen to continue to fall down!

"I wanted to give you something as a souvenir, at least this period of time is still interesting! But think about it, it's just a feast for you! Give you things, you have not been able to keep in your own hands! So don't try to do it! Well, you two, I hope to see you again in the future

Out of here, Jensen finally loosened his fist and got on the bus with Wesley!

"Jensen, you seemed to be too impulsive just now! What's the reason? Although I know you have some opinions about Mr. Ding, it is not wise to start at this time! "

"I know!" Jensen was very frustrated, and then pointed to the back of her hand with her finger, "see, it's all wet! I even have some doubts about what I will look like if you leave a little later? "

"What happened? Are you poisoned? "

"No Jensen shook his head. "This Mr. Ding Yuding has given me a lot of pressure. I can't bear it. So it's such a result. Although I'm in the action department, I have a lot of tasks to take over, but compared with this one, it's a big difference."

"I didn't feel it!" He and Jensen have been sitting together, but think about this opportunity, Mr. Ding should not use any so-called out of pocket moves, he also disdains such!"Giving me a personal feeling is like facing a sea of corpses! No real face Ding Yu, never have such a feeling, he just looked at me! I find I can't restrain myself

"Are you sure Mr. Ding didn't do anything else to you?"

"Although I don't like him, I still feel a little shameful about such a thing! This guy! It's not human at all! A monster is a monster

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