As soon as Wesley and Jensen came back, they reported the details to the British headquarters. There was no omission in the movements, expressions or words. This is a very good opportunity to learn about Ding Yu!

It's a pity that such an opportunity is really too rare. I don't know when it will be next time!

However, such news is not of no use to the British headquarters. It is really not like this, but the news came a little late! In other words, the news came at such a wrong time!

Because the British referendum is over?! What about domestic voting? Actually, they are in favor of brexit. I don't know what people think? For this matter, the information management department expressed the most serious concern, but also can only be expressed concern, the next is the most troublesome!

At this time, the continuous surveillance of Ding Yu has no effect at all. Even when this news is transmitted, the entire intelligence management department can be said to be crying out! Because Ding Yu has entered! For this admission, Ding Yu prepared for too long. Under such circumstances, will Ding Yu let himself go empty handed? Will he enter Baoshan and return empty handed? What's more, his hand also took a group of greedy people!

What's more, sun Yingnan and Sasha have both come to London, and their purpose can be said to be self-evident!

Ding Yu didn't mean to come, but did he come now or not? What's the significance! The fluctuation above the market is too obvious! Some stock prices with diving are not enough to describe, jumping is almost!

"Wesley, you and Jensen will explain what you have in hand, and come back to England as soon as possible! Because of the referendum, things on the London side are very chaotic and complicated. We need to gather a considerable number of people now! "

Two hours later, Wesley and Jensen were sitting on the plane back home. Now they are not in the same mood at all! Talk and laugh with Ding Yu! Two people look at each other! They are all looking at each other!

"Wesley, we're just going back! Then Ding Yu left behind

"Ding Yu won't do anything about it!" Looking at the clouds outside, Wesley was very lonely and said, "we have been fighting with him for such a long time. He just went to make the so-called strategic changes. As for the specific things, he never meant to be involved! So it's meaningless to follow Ding Yu's side now! "

"So relieved?"

"This may be the difference between Ding Yu and others! Of course, it may be the main reason why he is so successful! There's already so much chaos in the UK headquarters! The market has been hit too hard! "

"But the problem is that we are not professionals at all! What we can do is too limited! "

"Things in the capital market have nothing to do with us. Even if we are involved, we can only do harm to us! But what about things other than capital markets? We can still do it. We should know that the situation will be extremely complicated after brexit. "

Jensen said, "Wesley, do you think Ding Yu will get involved?"

"Mr. Ding?" Wesley also had a little hesitation. "Seriously, I hope he can get involved in it."

"Why do you say that? You've decided he won't get involved? "

"Mr. Ding is a smart man, and he is a tough opponent! And his work style is completely different from others. He knows what he should get and what he should give up! At this point, no one has such a decision! And throughout the past Mr. Ding's style of doing things! You will know what kind of choice he will make! Another thing is very important. You must bear in mind that what he lets you see is only what he lets people see. As for what he doesn't let you see, don't try to guess at will! "

"What do you mean? I don't think this is a mistrust of me! "

"Just a reminder! I have some understanding of Mr. Ding, but you know little about Mr. Ding. What Mr. Ding let you see may be true or false, but you need to have your own judgment! That's all I can say

Then Wesley was silent! In my own inference, Mr. Ding will never be involved in the internal affairs of Britain! Why? You don't need it at all, OK? And the royal family will never allow Mr. Ding to do this!

The Royal counterattack force is to wipe out all the forces. Although Ding Yu said that he had a good relationship with the Charlie family, it was always a foreign force. In such a case, if Ding Yu really got involved, the foundation between them would be destroyed!

If there is a real fight between the two sides, I would like to, but I can understand the problems and the situation. Can Mr. Ding not understand it? Can't the royal family understand?Both sides will see this very clearly and thoroughly, and they both understand each other too much. Therefore, in this brexit, we can say that we take what we need! You're looking for you, I'm looking for mine! Cooperate with each other, but they are not related!

In fact, this is the most troublesome for the Department of emotion management, and even for myself! It's no big deal for one of them to do it, but it's afraid that the other party is eager to try, just like this time, it's going to be a fight against Ding Yu?

Did the Royal side do nothing? It's not like that. They did it! And it has been very successful. Even the whole intelligence department has nothing to say! This is to cooperate with each other!

He is now separated from Mr. Ding Yuding, but when facing the royal family, who knows if Mr. Ding will stare at him? Hard to say? There are so many things on my back. I don't know what to say! Of course, this pressure also makes me feel so out of breath!

"Sir!" Although Yanu said that he was very arrogant in his clothes, when standing in front of Ding Yu, he was really respectful! Ding Yu looked up and down, "what? Look at the situation on your face. Good news

Yanu slightly a Leng, immediately also thought of what, "yes, now, just checked, I have a child!"

"A very happy thing!" Then Ding Yu also delivered a piece of wood carving prepared by Ding Yu! "A small gift, I hope children can grow up healthily and healthily

In fact, Yanu has just known the news. If it is not mentioned by Mr. Ding now, he has really forgotten about this matter! But is Yanu really a little suspicious? How does Mr. Ding know this matter after all, because his girlfriend, also is only inadvertently inquired out!

Is Mr. Ding warning himself? The first time Yanu put this idea behind him. It was impossible. When Mr. Ding mentioned the happy event to himself, he and his girlfriend did not have this so-called love crystallization!

Is it true that we can see some problems through the so-called faces? It's not that there is no possibility in this respect. I know a little about Chinese culture. Even there are such people in the family, but there is no comparison with my husband!

Take the old Peyton family for example! Their family's medical record is a very strange thing, many generations of efforts, have not produced any results, but after the husband's horse, immediately took place earth shaking changes! But so far, it seems that none of them has succeeded except Mr. De!

Sir, there must be a unique way, such a way for Sir? It's exclusive if you don't see it, but the problem is that other people can't reach the so-called height. This is really something that can't be done! It needs a lot of talent, but it also needs a lot of hard work! Both can be said to be indispensable!

Don't think things too simple, if simple, why there are no other people! Is the old Peyton family short of money? Is there a lack of people? It can be said that there is no lack of any resources, but why can't people like Mr. Zhang appear?

"What? Is Sanchez interested? "

"Sir! Now everyone has calmed down their minds Received the gift, Yanu is also a positive book said! "If you have time, I think there will be an endless stream of visitors!"

"I don't have much interest. Please decline it for me." For this aspect of the matter, Ding Yu is really not any interest, "what's more, after such a long time of fuss, we are very tired! And what was the result? It's still uncertain. It's too early to start the dinner now! "

"Sir, Boston will give you the best environment! Make you feel comfortable, sir! Be quiet

"Yes Ding Yu also expressed some praise for this! From the above, Yanu's performance is quite good! At least know what you want and what you don't want!

After seeing him off, Yanu also went to see Sanchez. "I just went to see him, and he took the lead in blessing me. This news can be seen through the face-to-face. It's too amazing! It's just immortal means! There are so few such people, and there are not many people in Chinatown! "

"Yanu, I didn't know you were too young! Or you are too reckless Sanchez ordered a cigar for himself, of course, not Ding Yu's cigar. That kind of cigar needs to be in a special environment with special drinks, which is the real enjoyment! It's too wasteful to smoke that at this time!

"Sir, I don't know much about it either, so it's too late to do it!"

Yanu soon woke up, he can feel the problem, but other people do not feel it? They felt the problem earlier, and even earlier than Mr. Zhang appeared in the United States! For example, Dongfang Jing is a very good example!Why does Bruno value Dongfang Jing so much? Besides the economic reasons, is there any potential situation behind this? These guys! Receive different education, contact is completely different! It's not like yourself. It's just a monk who is a monk on the way. The difference can be said to be very far!

"Can't you find such a man?"

"Do you know the Tarot? There are many people like this, but Gypsies, this adjective has some derogatory meanings. It should be said that the Roma talents are the best! But how many Roma are there in modern society? Tarot cards may not be created by the Roma. There are many statements, but in the process of spreading, they have absorbed the culture from them! "

Yanu pointed to his head. "My head is a bit disordered. I can't understand that."

"China is a country! From the historical point of view, it has suffered too much, but its history and culture have never been broken. What do you think is the reason? "

"Because they can absorb it?"

"It's not only simple to absorb, but also quite inclusive." Sanchez said confidently, "in fact, take a look at Ding Yu, which is a very good example. However, this example is slightly extreme in some aspects. What is not seen is wrong, but the way is not appropriate."

"I seem to understand a little. He was born in Taoism, and he had considerable research on traditional Chinese medicine, but he did not exclude western medicine! Even one of them, this is a very good reflection! That's it

"What's more, Ding Yu's exploration of the unknown is beyond imagination. We only saw a small part of it! To a certain extent, did you see what he was really addicted to? It seems that there is no such thing! Anu, I hope you will not be able to open my mind in the future

"It used to be a yearning, even ambitious, but now I'm a little afraid!" Yanu couldn't help shaking his head. "I'm really worried about what impact I'll have on the Boston consortium after I sit in this position."

"Very good! It's a good thing to have such worries! It shows that you have begun to learn to think quite well. There are not many people in the Boston consortium who can feel this way! Even many people are fighting for power and profit, not a few, but I am afraid these things will be handed over to you! My child! I look after you

The last words, a bit of second!

Ding Yu's return to the Harvard general hospital did not deceive other people. It can be said that he got the news from all aspects, but what can he do if he got the news? Everyone's attention now is not in Ding Yu's body! Almost all the eyes are on Britain! The pressure they are under now is really not so big!

But there are hardly any poor people in Britain at this time! At least there are not many outside forces, and even there is not much news in the United States! Because a large number of consortia and forces have joined it! The power behind is beyond imagination!

For all of you, we will talk about the matter after a while. Put the meat in your mouth first!

On the other hand, the British people are more upset about the referendum! Even ready to launch the so-called second referendum! But how could such a thing be possible? The royal family won't agree! It's not easy to form this situation, OK? Absolutely can't let go so easily!

As for the performance of the market, it is particularly obvious! Ding Yu has already entered the arena! With a large amount of money deliberately vented, the British side is really so angry, and even quite humiliated! But what can be done?

With a gun to Ding Yu? It's not that I haven't thought about it, but why doesn't it have any effect at all? What's more, Ding Yu is not in Britain at all now, OK! He's hiding on the other side of the Atlantic, not to mention guns! Even if you take the gun, it's useless. You can't reach it, OK?

Wesley sat in his own office and had a lot of things to deal with. But Wesley still didn't give up what he should do. He still expressed his concern about the movement of the capital market!

Although from the time point of view, it may be a little bit short, but from the market above the target point of view, quite targeted! If you don't get this information, you may not have such an intuitive feeling, but after seeing this information, Wesley's heart is also covered with a shadow!

The royal family is not only involved in such a simple! Even collude with Ding Yu! I also expressed the most serious doubt about this! Why do you say that? All along, he has expressed the most close attention to Mr. Ding Yuding, and the one behind him has also expressed the most close attention to the royal family!

How on earth are they united with each other? Does it depend on the so-called tacit understanding? This is just a joke! It is also impossible. There must be contact between each other! But who was in touch? I haven't seen anyone in this area! Do they dare to transmit over the Internet? This seems to be impossible at all! No insurance at all!But after racking his brains, Wesley didn't want to know which link was wrong!

Ordinary people are not able to see Ding Yu, unless they are quite recommended, but they did not find signs of this aspect outside Ding Yu's apartment! What's more, if the royal family comes directly? The target is too obvious, and it is not to say that you can stop it if you want to stop it! So who is this man? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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