Can it be Charlie? But according to my own investigation, there seems to be no change in Charlie's family! At least Charlie and his son, who are familiar with Ding Yu, did not have any contact with Ding Yu, and what's more, Sasha has never come here! And as far as the news from the headquarters came, Sasha had no contact with Charlie's family!

Don't because it's very difficult to investigate. It's very simple. It depends on whether you want to investigate or not!

I can feel the problem, but there is no direction!

In fact, Wesley is really afraid to read the information on the market? Because the flow of funds is too fast! The damage to the whole UK is too big! It's like a man's artery opened! That blood left, can't stop at all! Whoops! It's terrible!

And then comes other countries and forces, which are ready to move! Britain's current situation can be said to be quite complex, dealing with too many things, Wesley has his own clear goals, but it does not mean that he really does not care!

But looking at Jensen sitting in his office chair, Wesley felt a little puzzled! After coming back, we all went back to their homes and went to find their mothers! He's in his office now? Why? There seems to be nothing between each other? Looking for yourself to reminisce, isn't this bullshit?

However, Wesley, who is more able to be a man, also indicated to Jensen, and then put the coffee in front of him. "Is the work going well? I heard that you are busy with your work! "

Jensen walked around the air with her own hand and saw that Wesley didn't show any sign. She also took an instrument out of her hand! There is no intention of avoiding Wesley at all! "Wesley, my work here is relatively busy, but in the process of work, I found some problems and conditions, I don't know who to look for!"

"Certainly not me! There is no affiliation between you and me, so your boss will not be very happy to know that you come to me! Your affairs in Boston, USA are already very troublesome! Ding Yu didn't kill you, and I feel very surprised! Who knows when you may go to see God

"When to see God, I don't care so much about it! It doesn't matter! But the problem is what I find now, which explains some of my doubts! I don't really appreciate your performance in Boston, at least not at that time! But now I seem to understand some of the reasons! "

"Jensen! You want to die? I will never stop, but do not drag other people into the water! At least I don't want to go into the water. What's the point? Walking by the river, there is no wet shoes! You are playing with fire! It's easy to play with fire

What a clever man Wesley is! All of a sudden I want to understand! But even if you want to understand! Wesley didn't mean to disclose to Jensen. Although he said that he was sitting in such a position, he was just a little shrimp relative to the royal family! The faster you expose yourself, the faster you die!

"I know you are a ghost, but I didn't see the situation clearly at that time. But now I come back, I'm not scolded, and no one even talks about Boston any more!"

As she spoke, Jensen also looked at Wesley. "I came back a little later, and I don't know so many things. It seems that both of us are hidden in the drum!"

"I don't know anything! Are you from operations? You can be brave to do anything, but I'm a member of the intelligence department. You need to be careful when you do anything. Otherwise, it will easily lead to great disaster! It is not easy to survive under Mr. Ding Yuding's hand! There's nothing wrong with cherishing a little bit! "

"Is that a warning? Or threaten me

Without waiting for Wesley to speak, Jensen waved her hand. "It should be a warning, not a threat! On the Boston side, I'm afraid I would have been in heaven now without you! There may be some trouble in killing me, but judging from the current situation, even if it is trouble, it will not involve too much! "

"I find your cleverness useless! Yes? You want me to share it? "

There was no change in Wesley's face! Even the whole person didn't make any other movements, but his eyes were fixed on Jensen. "Jensen, what's our first priority? You should be very clear in your heart. Don't be confused about the so-called primary and secondary relationship at this time! "

"Why did Kim know so many things about me before, including how many missions I performed and how many people I killed? I can't even remember how many tasks I executed and how many people I killed? How should this be explained? " Jensen didn't get angry, but obviously she was venting herself!

"You mean that someone cooperates with Mr. Ding. That's what you mean!""I can't think of any other reason." Jensen sighed deeply, "I am also a senior information worker. I really don't believe it. There are too many examples to illustrate this point. There is another thing, that is, Lucas's death is directly sealed up in the investigation! What is this? Compromise? Or something else? "

"Jensen, I want to ask you one thing. You are an intelligence officer. You should know that in our position, obeying orders is an intuitive and important thing. Are you dissatisfied with the whole management when you show such doubts? You know, I'm a member of the management now

"I know you're part of management, and the rest of management? One is because I can't reach them, and the other is that I don't know how to believe others. More often than not, I feel that they have changed. Sometimes they are more like a politician than a so-called manager! "

"It's too dangerous to know if someone will pay for you! You are lucky to live to this day

"To live is to be lucky!" Jensen snorted, "I come to you because I think you can at least believe that, at least in the process of fighting Ding Yu, your performance is not good. But after I came back, I thought it over carefully and found that if you follow your idea, it may be another situation now!"

"Ha ha!" Wesley gave a cool smile. "You know what? I always have some doubts about you. I think you may be Mr. Ding Yuding's person, but now I want to come, you should not be valued by Mr. Ding, because you are such a guy! It's stupid enough. I don't know how you got to be such a leader! "

"Follow orders! Never a lot of words

"If it's work-related communication, I welcome it. But if it's not about work, I don't think it's necessary. If we go too close to each other, it's easy to be misunderstood by others. Especially in our profession, it's really taboo!" He patted the table. "Do you find any other clues?"

"Shouldn't the clues be from you? Our operations department is only responsible for the work! " Jensen also echoed with a smile, "but I do know a little bit of Charlie's news, although he has never admitted, but as far as I know, it seems that Mr. Ding hasn't denied that little Charlie is their man all the time."

"And little Charlie? We went out here. We can investigate some information about him, but he has been in France for a long time! Sometimes I would come and look around. It's not easy to find him out! "

Charlie's presence in operations and intelligence is tainted in every aspect! Still very clear about some things, little Charlie? You can catch him. After all, he is a wanted criminal on the surface, but the problem is that you can catch little Charlie if you want! This is just two things, OK?

If you want to catch it, you can't catch it. If you want to catch it, you can't catch it! The former is attitude, the latter is ability!

In terms of the situation, little Charlie is also a leader in the intelligence department! Such a person is used by Ding Yu. It is conceivable that what kind of situation can he create! Sometimes even think about it and feel a little headache!

"Little Charlie's situation is very important. It's a matter for the operations department, but I'm not so worried about it. I'd like to see more people! The calm above the sea is no big deal. If you can, you still hope to see the waves under the sea. This is the most important thing! Otherwise, it will be very difficult for our big ship to run smoothly

"It's an impossible task to find out the people behind them. This is the most essential difference from the" impossible task "in the movie. Sasha, sun Yingnan and others all have considerable security behind them. I can't find any direction at all if there is anyone behind the security."

"If you can't find any direction, it means a problem!"

"The man is in England!" Jensen was quick to respond, "but the more like this, the more trouble it will be. They have already penetrated into this environment! We even know what they look like, men? Women? Chinese? Or British? It is not clear how to find the so-called direction under such circumstances? "

"We are thinking in different directions!" Wesley said thoughtfully! In fact, after opening up the previous topic, Wesley's mind is more relaxed. No matter whether Jensen is sincere or sincere, he is not ready to disclose. Even if everyone is in the same line, he is not ready to expose himself!

"Different directions? This is not what you said Jensen was slightly puzzled!

"You notice these people because you're a professional, but I'm not paying attention to these people? Mr. Ding Yuding is a man, not a God. I am more interested in the staff behind Mr. Ding. What kind of people are they? It will be a huge support! ""I didn't dare to think about it!" Jensen didn't deny the problem. "It's easier to cover up what they want. Professors, staff, or staff of a certain group and so on! Since they can be Mr. Ding's staff, the protection they receive must be extremely tight! How much worse than we are if we don't see it! "

"This should be the best direction!"

Jensen hesitated for quite a long time without speaking! "Wesley, I don't deny this, but I don't have the right to mobilize some operational personnel or even set up secret operation teams. I can, but it's a layman to let the people in the operation department do such things! What's more, I don't think you have such a right. Even if your direct supervisor wants to do such a thing, he needs to carefully consider it! "

"I'm just giving you a proposal. As for whether you want to do it or not and how to do it, it's your own business, and I don't get involved. Didn't you say that just now? Even my immediate supervisor has not got this right, so I can't have this right! "

"Wesley, I really underestimated you. No wonder you are in the process of fighting with Ding Yu? Always did not fall in the downwind, and even to a certain extent, can compete with each other! It's just because there has never been a balance of power between each other, otherwise Ding Yu will not be your opponent! "

"Wrong!" Wesley directly shook his head to express his opposition. "I have great respect for Mr. Ding. Although we are enemies and opponents, I am still willing to be inferior to him. If we fight with him, I can't even fight him with one finger. You know, the contest process you see does not seem to fall behind, but in fact, it is Mr. Ding showed up on both sides. Did Mr. Ding show up? Not at all

"But he is the most important of them all!"

"His angle and height are totally different from ours!" Wesley slightly moved his body, "and I once said that Mr. Ding is only responsible for the above strategic affairs. As for other aspects, he basically ignores them, but the people below are very good at implementing them! Few can do it! "

"This is self denial!"

"It's not self denial, but being able to recognize yourself. Jensen, I've read your information and know something about you. Sometimes you will rush to the front line in person, which is a good thing, but not a good thing. Take a look at Ding Yu. What about him now? It looks like it's in the operating room, not in England! "

"I still don't like Ding Yu so much, and I won't have any worship for him!"

"Personal opinions and wishes are just different!" Wesley didn't mean to take the matter seriously. "However, if you say one thing, you don't have to sit down in person at this time. For this point, you need to be convinced. You need to know that surgery requires calm, especially in Harvard general hospital!"

"You mean he can calm down in such a turbulent time!"

"However, we may not know much about the market situation, because we are not specialized in this field, but we can still understand the relevant situation. To be exact, the number on the book can be said to be solid, which is definitely a huge amount of funds and income. Under such circumstances, how many people can keep their own mentality? Can you do it? "

There was a slight twitch in the corner of Jensen's mouth, and then she shook her head!

"Don't you try me? I'm sure I can't, and I don't think anyone else can do it, but I still have some opinions and opinions about Ding Yu! Another thing is that this guy is not a normal person at all! Damn it, I can bear it

"So many consortia and forces! It means that the pressure he needs to face is enormous. Under such circumstances, he can even enter the operating room and even carry out the so-called major operation. What kind of psychology does it need? It seems that we are about to enter the battlefield, and even in front of us, we are already in full swing! What kind of psychology are you

"So this guy is not a normal person at all, freak!" From this speech, we can clearly feel that Jiansen is not generally hostile to Ding Yu! But it is also inevitable! After all, he suffered so much from Ding Yu's hands! And there are not a few people involved!

Although Jensen obeyed orders, he took the people out after all. The British headquarters didn't mean to investigate. It doesn't mean that the matter is really over! In the future, if it is liquidated, who knows what the result will be! However, what should be said, what needs to be said and what should not be said is always hidden in my heart!

After coming out of Wesley's office, Jensen also returned to his office, but it's not to say that Jensen is really honest! Have been waiting for leisure time, but also found their own direct superior!

"Sir, I've just tried Wesley! He should have felt something when he was in Boston! That's why we have the previous disposal method. It's almost impossible to let him join in. It's very slippery! He certainly won't get involved in such a thankless thing"Wesley is also a person in the front line. He has been in the same line with us, but his relationship with the office is fair. He has made friends in all aspects, but at the same time, he keeps a considerable distance! A very clever man

"He obviously didn't mean to care, not just for fear of getting burned up!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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