When Ding Yu came out of the operating room, it was a little late! Ding Yu here is not too much tired, but how can other staff at this time wish to be able to directly fall on the bed!

Although the domestic and foreign systems are different, the nature of the work is basically the same! Don't think capitalism is how to be good? It's all tired dogs! People who give up halfway are everywhere!

Now there is no need to compliment Ding Yu, but there is such a mind, but how can not mention the spirit, such a long time of surgery, and still such a big operation, but everyone has so many can not bear, not everyone is like Ding Yu! With such energy! Because he is not a normal person at all!

But Ding Yu saw three people waiting at the door! "Ouyang! No rest so late? "

There is no intention of forbidding the operation in Harvard general hospital. It mainly depends on whether the patients agree or not? If the patient does not agree, there is nothing the hospital can do! I didn't think Ouyang Qian had such an interest, but how did the two people around her do things? I don't know!

"Teacher! This is from my elder martial sister and elder brother! I'm free today, so I'm here to visit you! "

"Come to my office!" Then they also left, but they followed Ouyang Qian's two people. Looking at Ding Yu who left, they felt a little sad. Although they knew the doctor Ding, they didn't really have too much contact, because to a certain extent, they couldn't touch at all!

"Hello, director!" This director is not that director. Ding Yu is still a nominal student in the medical college, but it is just a student with Guo Li. Moreover, the number of students is not as large as expected, but it is quite famous in the whole medical college!

Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng will not talk about it! Ouyang is also a part of the United States! We are all in the same system. Those who have been sent to study are totally two things to do with Ding Yu's students!

"Sit down!" Then the coffee was delivered! "What? They all come to me to block the door

"Teacher, I was in touch with Xiao Li before! But no matter it's Xiao Li Zi or Shen Mingzheng, there's nothing wrong with me. It's not good to disturb the teacher. I didn't expect that the teacher came to the hospital these two days! "

"Teacher, elder martial brother and elder sister are also assigned! But I haven't been waiting for you in the hospital! It's not good to disturb the teacher! The main thing is that there are some things in the school. I want to ask you to go back and have a seat! This is roughly the case! "

"School?" Ding Yu is also a Leng, "the old Dean didn't call me!" Ding Yu expressed his incomprehension!

"It's over there!"

"Technical college?" Ding Yu is also not from Leng Leng Leng, "I have nothing to do with the technical institute there! Did not hear the old Dean mention any news? This is a little strange! " But then Ding Yu seemed to remember something, "this thing is quite simple! Just because of such a thing, it's a little exaggeration for you to block the door! "

"Hey hey, everything can't be concealed from the teacher, your eyes!" Peeping at his elder martial brother and elder sister, "teacher, the situation is like this. The time for school communication and training is fixed, but what are the requirements here? There are also some troubles! "

However, just after finishing this sentence, Ding Yu also glared, Ouyang Qian also spat out her tongue, "teacher, in fact, this is not a big problem, mainly because elder martial brother and elder sister participated in some projects, but those foreigners bullied people! In the end, they want to take away the research achievements of senior brothers and sisters! "

Ding Yu snorted, "you are also from the Xinglin family. If the domestic medical system does not sell your family's face, there are not many people, but who is so brave? Dare to do something like this? It seems that I was bullied seriously! It's not the first time

Looking at the elder martial brother and elder sister who still don't dare to speak, Ouyang Qian doesn't have so many taboos! "Teacher, when you are a graduate student, you are working. It's no big deal. Everyone came from that time, and you can learn a lot. But stealing such things is not a matter of learning! It involves quite a problem of character! "

"What do you two say? I must listen to the opinions of the party concerned. "

"Director!" Two people looked at each other! "We've been here for a long time! It's always quiet in the lab! I don't know so much about other aspects! So I don't know so much about Tao! "

As soon as they spoke, Ding Yu knew the situation, but he didn't really mean to embarrass him! Slightly nodded his head, "what about the specific things? I can't give you any reply now, but what about some things? I still need to say something! The so-called backwardness means being beaten. This is very normal! "

Then Ding Yu also put his eyes on Ouyang Qian's body, "are you so enthusiastic? Not very common"Teacher! We have more people in Boston. Although I am very busy with my work, I am willing to communicate with you and promote each other in my spare time. The effect is good! "

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, and even nodded twice with his hand, "I didn't expect that you, a girl, are still so smart, OK! I know about it! What else? I'm going back! There are a lot of operations today, but I have to go back and have a rest now! "

"Hey, teacher, or I'll give it to you?"

"Forget it! I don't trust a woman driver like you! " Ding Yu is very direct to express his contempt, "OK! You two's business should be put aside first. If you have any problems, you can tell Ouyang about it then! "

Ouyang Qian also made a gesture to them. After they left, this time, ah, I was embarrassed to smile at Ding Yu, "teacher, I still have such a little thing to lose. If you don't mind the trouble, I'll tell you something?"

"When did you learn like Guo Li? Yes? That's how much he affects you? "

"Teacher, little plum, that guy has been exaggerating recently! Small life that called a beauty! If it wasn't for the teachers and colleagues in the hospital looking at it, maybe this little tail would be cocked up! " As for why to wear small shoes for Guo Li, it is really this guy has so many hateful!

That guy's little life is a happy one! Although we are usually tired like a dog, but Guo Li is still idle. Even a lipstick needs to be calculated! But this guy! There's a team for him! How can this be tolerated?

His salary is really very high, although to some extent, he is just an intern? But there is no comparison! And what about your own home? Xinglin family is very rich! But in such an environment, how can they get rid of the big army!

And also need to take care of other students, but Guo Li? How dare you laugh in the group! You really don't have a temper, do you? So Ouyang Qian also took advantage of this opportunity to fight the so-called small report!

At this time, Ding Yu took his coat. "If you are interested in Guo Li, you should start earlier. There are many people in the capital who are interested in Guo Li. That is to say, Guo Li has always looked down on! It's no use mentioning this matter to me. I'm just responsible for paving the way for you. It doesn't matter to me how to go on this journey. "

"Teacher, Guo Li has used his personal team! Isn't this exaggeration? "

"I knew this from a long time ago! What's more, it's my suggestion. He paid a lot for things in Britain at the beginning, so this harvest is not cheap. If he is allowed to handle it alone, he will be exhausted! However, judging from the current situation, his performance is still good. At least he knows what he should do and what he should not do! "

A glance at Ouyang Qian, "you! Don't use such a thing as a cover! I don't believe you don't know anything about Guo Li! If you have anything, just say it! Don't be so hesitant

"Teacher, I found a boyfriend!"

Ding Yu almost slammed the door and looked at Ouyang Qian with puzzled eyes, "are you looking for a boyfriend? This matter also needs to report to me? I said, is your head really funny? What about this kind of thing? Just report to your parents! What about me? Don't have so much time to listen to such things? "

"Teacher! I'm a little fidgety here! We all have quite different opinions about it! "

Ding Yu, who had already twisted the handle of the door, also stopped his own steps? Americans? " Looking at Ouyang Qian nodding, Ding Yu's mouth slightly twitched for a while, "what about me? Just your teacher, not your parents! What's more, how can I express my opinions and opinions on this matter? If you are not happy in the future, your parents put all the responsibility on me. I agree with this matter?! Is that all right? "

"But I feel pretty good!"

"You feel good. That's your personal opinion. What about me? At most, I've eaten more sorghum rice than you have! It can play a limited role, but what about the elderly at home? We have eaten more salt than we have eaten rice! Their views may be conservative, but they have considerable experience! That's all I can say

After leaving his office, Ding Yu also slightly shakes his head. He doesn't know what Ouyang Qian thinks! However, such a thing really won't have too much attention! It's normal to find a boyfriend, but do you want to do it yourself? This is not so simple as being confused!

What kind of opinion is it at home? It's not so clear that he is a half baked teacher? What kind of a thing is this? If it is really spread out, is the teacher himself or not?Back in the car, Ding Yu took a look at his mobile phone and thought about it. It took a long time for the phone to be connected! "This time? No rest yet? "

"Hello, teacher!" Guo Li also called out respectfully, "teacher, you haven't had a rest. It's late at night in the United States! I have just had the next operation, and the operation in the morning has just finished. I'm here to help. Take a rest and get ready to eat! "

"Long winded! Ask you something! Did you hear that? "

"Well?" Guo Li was really stunned, "teacher, what's the matter! I've been in the hospital all this time! What's going on? " For the teacher's words, Guo Li is also feeling a head of fog, are what with what! I don't have much contact with teachers! Is the sun out in the West today?

"I just got off the operating table, ready to go back to rest. Just now Ouyang found me?"

"About the paper?" Guo Li asked tentatively, "I've heard something about this matter. We have made some judgments on this matter, but the elder martial brother and elder martial sister are also too careless! At the same time, it is too beautiful to imagine the world

"I know something about it! What about the rest? "

Eh? Guo Li also felt a little guilty! How can I answer such a thing? What's more, it's a personal matter, OK? "Teacher, I've heard something about this. It's mainly because someone mentioned something to me. I really want to say that I know the inside story. I really don't know about this matter!"

"The girl's head is really broken! What did she think? I also have some doubts now! Who on earth gave him such an idea? Are you or Shen Mingzheng? Should not have such courage? The only one who can give her advice? I think of you

"Teacher, I know other things, but I don't dare to kill such a thing!" Guo Li also argued that he might feel his voice was a little loud, and he also nodded to the people next to him, "teacher, I don't even know what's going on here, let alone get involved! Can I be wronged? "

"It's a little strange! I can make decisions about your affairs. After all, this guy is heartless, but Ouyang's affairs are really difficult. I think you should know something about her family! I don't object to him looking for a boyfriend, but... "

"Teacher, I understand! It's just that uncle Ouyang has been lecturing at school recently! We are also invited to sit down together! I'll find a chance to ask. Uncle Ouyang will make up his mind about such a matter! "

"You can climb the pole! Didn't you say that you didn't know anything before? "

"Teacher, it's all gossip! Who knows if it's true or not! What's more, men should be married and women should be married! It's no big deal, do you think? " Guo Li is also "comforting" and says, "but I didn't think there might be other things in it. Teacher, what else do I need to do?"

"It's no use telling you! How are you doing recently? I was mentioned by the old Dean earlier, you and Mingzheng's performance is quite good! But Ouyang said to me earlier, your tail seems to be a little warped? What's the matter? "

"Isn't this planted?" Guo Li also said, "teacher, I have my own assistant here?"? The work of the hospital is a little busy, so some things are basically handed over to the assistant to deal with! This is not the previous birthday of Ouyang, this matter I forgot! And then it's a disaster! "

"Because of this? How can I feel a little unconvinced! Just forget a birthday? Would she be so angry? I can't see it! " Ding Yu expressed the most serious doubt about this, "I said you don't make those messy things?"

"Teacher, I didn't dare to mess up! I played games and watched animations before, and then collected some handmade ones! Who could have thought that this also caused everyone's prying! "

"What? Do it yourself? " Ding Yu felt that his head was not enough! The two children at home are a little interested in this, but they really don't care about it! Because I don't know so much about it! "Why are you like your younger brother and younger sister?"

"Teacher, this has nothing to do with age, it's just a hobby! What's more, my love with younger martial brother and younger martial sister is different! We like the animation is not the same! I don't have much time for other things

"All right! I don't care what hobbies you have! Pay more attention to work and study, and take care of your classmates when you are free, and urge them to study and work! Understand what I mean

"Yes! If you are rich, you will benefit the world; if you are poor, you will be well protected! Teacher, I will remember it and implement it well

"Don't grin! That's it

What about Ding Yu's call? There are so many no taboo meaning! Of course, there are other meanings of Ding Yu! I believe that the outside world will react to this matter soon!As for Ouyang's finding a boyfriend, Ding Yu naturally doesn't put it in his mind. As Guo Li said, a man should marry a woman, but he should take the matter to his side? This is a problem!

Say this is a big deal! It's not really a big deal, but what about small things? It's really not a small matter, trouble!

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