Ding Yu is also a relatively sensitive person! It's not a big deal for Ding Yu! It's normal!

He is also a person, not what kind of immortal, what's more, there is no so-called messy problem in the immortals? They all live in the same world! Inevitably there will be so-called bumps and bumps! And these so-called bumps and bumps, will continue to develop, to the final formation of a considerable problem! It's normal!

It doesn't matter if there is a problem, just solve it! Now things have come to their own side, regardless of what kind of problems and conditions behind them, Ding Yu felt it necessary to check! What's more, I don't really have too many things these two days! The adjustment of strategy has nothing to do with myself!

Since this is the case, then try to see what their harvest is like! It's also a matter of taking care of the so-called business! I just don't know what's behind this incident!

All discerning people can see that Ding Yu has made too much profit in the capital market! Of course, Ding Yu didn't mean to take it alone! But Ding Yu is also a participant, not a professional manager! This time, we need to be grateful to Ding Yu! Since you are in love with Ding Yu! Some things need to be well said!

Jackson is the first to know the news, and then the first time he also sent the news to Yanu! Is Yanu feeling a little strange about this? What does this mean, sir? What does he mean to Ouyang?

No way! If it really meant anything to Ouyang, I would have done it for a long time! There's no need to wait now! And as far as I know, Mr. Zhang is more open to this aspect, but also relatively conservative! At least in their own impression, is not!

Living in an environment like the United States, especially in Boston, where he lives, Yanu has a certain understanding of both the high-level and the low-level. Some of the atmosphere is not as good as expected, even in the consortium side? On the surface, everyone is respectable, but what is behind it? There are really so many hard to mention!

However, Mr. Yanu is really admirable in this respect. Even Yanu himself has never felt that he is a good gentleman on morality. Sometimes, it is hard to resist temptation? It's hard to say that you deliberately indulge yourself and show your personality and power!

"Sir, there are so many things I don't understand!" Yanu also covered his head, "is this a big thing? Is it really not big at all? Even small can't be smaller! But I always feel that things are a little bit weird. I don't think Mr. Ding is aiming at us! So I don't know, or even can't understand! "

You too, Sanchez! Some of them think too much! What about Ding? Is in the test suddenly, that female, after all, is his student, is romantic? It's very normal, but what's not normal is that the girl should have passed the matter to Ding. This is a problem in itself

Hearing Sanchez say so, Yanu also suddenly realized! "Sir, I have known about the girl named Ouyang Qian! No problem, but did he find this boyfriend? There are really some problems with identity, old Mark's second son! "

"Who? Old mark

"Yes! Old Mark's second son! If I remember correctly, he visited you when he came to Boston Yanu slightly stood up his shoulder, slightly helpless to mention a sentence! I didn't think it would be like this. I didn't expect it at all!

"The well-off man?"

"Yes! Instead of taking over the family business, he chose to become a doctor and now lives in an apartment! However, as far as I know, he is still very progressive. He is very interested in medicine and is also quite obsessed. However, I really don't know when he colluded with Ouyang! This thing makes people feel a little confused! "

"Trouble!" Sanchez also slightly bared his teeth! "What is Xiaokang Na's own situation?"

"It's a little different from the family. As we all know, after coming to Boston, he didn't seem to go back. Otherwise, he would not rent a house now. I don't think it's a problem for his family to buy him two castles in Boston, but he seems to be separated from the family."

"Does Xiaokang Na have anything to do with other aspects?" Other things Sanchez is not so concerned about, but on this point, Sanchez can be said to be particularly concerned about! After all, this matter involves Ding Yu's students!

"According to my personal investigation, there is no such thing for the time being! I can only say it is temporary, because my investigation has just begun, and I'm not sure whether all the findings are true! "

"It's a little strange! What do you think? "

"I think it's a little strange, too! Although I haven't met that girl, she should still have a good head when she can become a student of Mr. Ding. Although love can confuse some people's minds, it doesn't mean that people will lose their cool. This can't be confused at all! ""So who is so afraid of death that he is now provoking Ding?" Sanchez tapped on the table with his hand. "The British action has begun to continue. Judging from the temporary gains, we are quite satisfied! But at this time, someone wants to fight Ding? This is a bit of a bad thing to say

"What are we going to do, sir?"

"No, don't do anything!" Sanchez directly stopped Yanu. "Jackson was able to deliver the news because Ding took the initiative to let us know. Since he actively let us know, then it means one thing. If this matter is not made by us, then don't let us get involved! He hopes someone will come out! "

"Sir, you mean some forces behind it!"

"This time, there are still quite a lot of waves in the UK. Whether we admit it or not, the fact is the same, but not everyone knows how to be grateful!" Sanchez could not help humming, "even if Ding Yu moved out of Boston, they would never get along with Ding to the same extent as Boston! What a wonderful thought

"Some of them value interests too much and don't maintain this friendship!"

"Yes, Yanu, it's not easy for you to see this. What about friendship? It's not what you say, but what you do. When your friend falls off the cliff, you should take the initiative to pull it, instead of trying to do it again when you hear his cry for help. This is two times of business

"Understand!" Yanu solemnly nodded his head! "But it's a pity that it's interesting! Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng are no longer in the United States! It is said that they are particularly valued by Mr. Ding, but they are really out of touch! " In this regard, the expression on Yanu's face is also more regretful!

"I hear the children are back?" Sanchez seemed to remember something. "Bruno, that guy hasn't come back yet! If I have time, I should invite the children over. What do you think of the idea of taking them out to sea? "

Yanu scratched his head. "Sir, isn't the party a bit over the top! If it is with fishing words, it seems that some of them are too tasteless! They should be given some other fun. They are all children

"Yes, I should think about it! You can't afford to let Bruno take advantage of everything

When he woke up in the morning, Ding Yu looked at the disordered children in the room and turned his mouth slightly. Now, it is not appropriate to restrain them excessively. He had let them stay in China for more than a week, which could not affect them at all!

The death of an old man, his mother's bad mood and so on, all of these will cause some depression to the child. Although this kind of depression may not be seen, it is actually there! Ding Yu still has a good taste for it.

"How about the house? I saw the photos you sent to me, but I didn't expect that you would be able to use them in person! "

Sitting with Tai Xi, Ding Yu also handed a cup of milk in the past. As for Xiao Jiu next to him, Ding Yu did not deliberately treat him. He just sat down and had a meal together! But for the little girl holding his thigh, Ding Yu glared fiercely and hugged him! Bite oneself, how is this a thing?

But then Ding Yu seemed to find something! Looking at the mark on his arm, he pointed to the mark with his finger, "Tai hee, when did the little girl begin to lose her teeth? I didn't notice it? "

"Didn't you see that she didn't speak when she came back? Smile when also covered the mouth, I just thought she learned to be reserved, and then found out that it was missing teeth! Mom and dad know it! You don't know what's wrong at home

Looking at the little girl beside her, Ding Yu also laughed and held her up. "When I was a child, I lost my teeth. It was normal. When I dropped my teeth, I liked to throw them over the roof! I didn't want to collect them. I said that I would throw my teeth over the roof and grow again. If I didn't throw them away, I couldn't open them up! "

"Dad's a liar!"

"That's what your grandmother said at that time, but I don't know what happened to your mother!"

"I just put my teeth away! Now I don't seem to know where to shelve it? " Tai Xi is also very dissatisfied with a glance, this is not intentional embarrassment? "Xiao Jiu, what about you? Where did you change your teeth when you were a kid? Is it lost? Or collected? "

At breakfast, Wang Xiaogang showed his teeth on purpose, but was soon taught by his sister! From this can also reflect a truth, to provoke women, is not a good choice! It has nothing to do with age!

"By the way, Dad, uncle Bruno's side seems to have some things to do. I'll be able to come tomorrow or later!"

"I see! He sent me a message! Do you have any plans? ""Grandfather Sanchez is going to take us out to sea to play, and we've agreed!"

Ding Yu looked at Tai Xi, not to ask, "are you going? This old man has leisure, but I may not have that time. It's quite good to go out and see the sea and have a look at it! "

"No! I'm going to New York. There's a press conference over there. I want to see it! The two of them will stay here! " Taixi said this matter directly, and didn't give Ding Yu any chance at all!

"Are you alone?"

"It's not just one person, assistants and other people like security. Besides, there are good friends in New York! I won't disturb you! " Tai Xi also has some bad smiles. Ding Yu showed his teeth slightly. He came back yesterday! Run today? I don't know what's going on in the house!

"Sir, the investigation last night, the two children! Some of them are too simple! "

Ding Yu looked at the information in his hand, and he also frowned slightly, "when did the general hospital come out of such scum? Isn't that bullshit? In academic fraud, the problem can be said to be quite serious, this is even more serious than credit fraud, as far as I know, the legal punishment can be said to be quite serious! Doesn't he know? "

Ding Yu is also a teacher. Let's call it a teacher! There is no need for Ding Yu to squeeze such things, although this one? It's already normal! But embezzlement of students' papers and research results, this is another thing!

"How did Ouyang do things?"

"I like other people, sir. I have investigated one or two of them. They are in agreement, but what about Ouyang? The family style may be a little bit old-fashioned, but I really don't know who gave the attention, but that child is the second son of old mark

"Old mark?"

"Yes! Old Mark's kid! The California consortium has a lot to do with old Peyton, but Connor doesn't like the style of family, so he goes to Boston directly, and has not much to do with his family. It seems that he is not ready to accept the business at home! But Ouyang doesn't know about them yet! "

"It's interesting." Ding Yu's face is also exposed to a bit of sarcasm, "you said I was too sensitive! Or is there something wrong with this thing? How do I feel that I'm a bit of a demon now? "

"Sir, as far as I know, Ouyang is not a fool. If she can calm down a little bit, she may feel the problem. But now she is confused, so there will be some problems in other aspects. If there is no other person involved, I will not believe it!"

"So there's something wrong with this! It may be that I feel a little too light lately! "

A sigh! Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "where's grandfather? Maybe three or seven! I still have to go back! After all, I left in a bit of a hurry when I left earlier

"Sir, is there any danger! Now the British side can be said to be very grumpy, after all, the loss is a little bit big! There is no guarantee that they will do something impulsive at this time! Hard to say! The dog jumped off the wall in a hurry

"If you don't toss around, some people won't jump out! What's more, it's a good excuse

Get it! I've understood that! What about the other excuses? It's really not very good, but if we go back to worship the elderly, it's another thing! Even if there are opinions and ideas in my heart, I can't say anything!

However, Jin really doesn't intend to get involved in this matter! It won't hold up at that time!

"Sir, the advance income has come out! Our investment has been recovered! Although this time is very short! "

"It's not just a massive hemorrhage in Britain at this time?" Ding Yu snorted a little, and his dissatisfaction with Britain is well known to all. Under such circumstances, how could Ding Yu indulge his hands and feet? What's more, there are British Royal endorsements behind, which is even more unscrupulous!

"It's going to blow up in London! The intelligence department is not involved this time, but there are also people who want to make trouble for them. The royal family will never allow such an opportunity. However, Wesley's situation is very good, and the one behind him has been determined by the general public! "

"The Royal side is ready to do it? It's tough enough! "

"It's impossible for the information management department not to feel at all. At least according to my personal information, some people in the information management department have expressed serious dissatisfaction, but so far they have not found any information, so this matter has also been delayed! As for whether the follow-up will be decided by other developments, see the progress! "

"Surely there must be martyrs at the forefront! You know what happened to Lucas is sealed up! But it doesn't mean that the royal family will agree. This is just two things! Some questions are too simple to think about! ""Sir?"

"What? What's wrong with sun Yingnan

"No! It's just that Sasha's reaction has been a little bit strong lately! "

Ding Yu couldn't help patting his head! "Well! I will take care of it myself! " The so-called strong reaction, but because of some aspects of things, ah! What can I do?

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