Some little guys are out fishing! How was it? Ding Yu does not know, but should be very happy, also not no one to accompany, small nine accompany them to go together! And Ding Yu is busy in the operating room!

If there were other doctors like Ding Yu, I'm afraid the hospital would have opened it. However, Ding Yu is still staying in the hospital, with his strong financial resources? There is really not too much relationship, the main thing is that Ding Yu's technical level has really reached certain requirements, which is really what other people envy!

"Hurt?" Wesley looked at Jensen who walked into his office. He didn't know why, but his arm fell on his chest! Although it's not clear what's going on, the pungent smell can still explain quite a problem.

"Traffic accident! There are not too many problems, but the arm is damaged! "

After all, doctors like Ding Yu will be more and more popular in any place! This is the fundamental reason why Ding Yu can stay in the hospital! Is also the envy of others!

"Car accident?" Wesley hummed, "all right! An accident is an accident! But you come to me one after another, and it doesn't help. What is the specific situation? I think you are more clear about it! "

"I know!" Jensen sat on the sofa, tapping the armrest with her free right hand! "This is a warning! An attitude is very clear warning, and there is that my immediate supervisor should be transferred! That's almost the case! "

"I didn't hear about it!"

"It's basically the same situation whether you hear or not. At present, everyone's attention is basically on the market. The fluctuation is too big. There are a lot of people jumping off buildings in London these two days, and many of them are still some nobles!"

"I'm not in charge of it, and I'm not going to get involved in it!" Wesley also expressed his attitude at this time. It's easy to say other things, but this matter can't be involved in anyway. Although the royal family can't be said to be unscrupulous now! But now they're even starting to do it!

Maybe tomorrow we'll hear that Jensen is dead! Although very small, but if someone is really crazy, they really dare not do this guarantee!

"Wesley, I know your worries. I didn't intend to let you join us this time. However, we need some support. We lack some soul characters. We have no rules of action. We don't know the details and conditions of our opponents. I can't find anyone else. I can only come to you!"

"Jason, is your head broken? Or is my head broken? "

"Wesley, this is not a question of whose head is broken, but what kind of future we are going to face. Judging from the situation in Boston, I believe you are a person with a great sense of honor in your heart! I believe you will make the right choice

"Don't you see the danger? Or do you mean to turn a blind eye, you have broken your arm now! What else do you want? Can't such vigilance be enough to wake you up? You're so obsessed

"It has nothing to do with obsession, I just do what I should do! Is this also wrong? "

"Jensen, we are not talking about right or wrong at all! To a certain extent, it's a matter of life and death. I don't care what you see or what you have experienced. What you represent is your own views, opinions and opinions, but for me, I have my own consideration! "

"Do you have your own consideration? What considerations? Can't give up your seat? When I was in Boston, I didn't think you would put your position in mind. When you come back, you will be able to buy you with a seat? "

Looking at the angry Jensen, Wesley couldn't help shaking his head! That's what you're thinking about? Or is this the consideration behind you? If this is the consideration, I can only say that you are stupid enough. No wonder people don't want your life! Now I understand it roughly at this time? Why didn't Mr. Ding kill you before

"This seems to have nothing to do with Ding Yu!"

"Yes, and quite a lot!" Wesley shook his head. "I never understood why Mr. Ding didn't kill you! At that time, I was very suspicious, even to a certain extent, I think you are Mr. Ding's person, but now I generally understand that you are too stupid! Mr. Ding doesn't need to waste his hands and feet! "

"You threaten me with Ding Yu?"

"From the point of view of the truth, you launched an attack on Mr. Ding. As far as I know, there is basically no good end to what you do to Mr. Ding. One can be counted as one! But this time, you launched an attack on Mr. Ding, even caused considerable casualties. But Mr. Ding did not mean to make a big fight. Why? "

"Because of this? You seem to have mentioned the relevant problems many times before"In the past, there were quite a few explanations, but some of them didn't make sense! But now? Finally, I understand, because he is too reckless, that is to say, you are too stupid. Maybe there are not too many problems when you are an operation personnel, but other things are involved, ha ha! "

"I admit I'm not as good as you are!"

"It's not inferior! It involves quite a lot of problems. I know you have fire in your heart. This fire comes from Mr. Ding Yuding. No problem! But where are we now, we are in England, not in Boston! "

Looking at Jensen, who still didn't wake up, Wesley also had quite a feeling, "who are the main enemies we are facing now? Are they the guys you are staring at? No, not at all! What about the enemy we need to face? It's international consortia and forces. They are fighting against Britain. Why don't you even have such an understanding? Blind? "

That's just a few words that Jane Sen really can't stand! "But these guys are helping the tyrants!"

"What is their problem? Is it your turn to mention it? What are you? It's nothing more than a higher-level intelligence worker in the operations department! At this time, why don't you do your job well? It's in this office. I mentioned it to you earlier! The power behind Mr. Ding Yuding is definitely not one, so you don't have any interest in them? Didn't expect to dig these people out? What's in your head

Originally very arrogant Jansen, this time also did not have too much movement! "Wesley, maybe you have a point, but the problem is that some people have gone too far! They have no idea what will happen to Britain now? What they want is how to grab their own interests, and what kind of things are these moths! "

"You just see one direction. You don't deny that we have internal problems, and there are quite a few problems. But now we have to face external problems first. How can we ensure that external problems will not affect the main body of the whole UK? This is the key. Maybe our position is different, and we stand at different angles! That's why we have a debate like this. Whether it's right or wrong, let's all express our opinions! "

It was obvious that Wesley was a little angry at this time, because Jensen was too impulsive. He had advantages, but there were many disadvantages! It's the limit to be an operator! As for other aspects, I dare not think about it any more!

What about this side of the office? Did not do any protection, coupled with intentional people deliberately staring, so although not all of the two people's things spread out, but at least most of them spread out!

After all, who is right, who has something wrong, this problem is really not very good to decide!

We all work in the information management department. We still have some understanding of some situations and problems, but it's good to understand in the heart. If we really get the face above, there are too many involved!

You can't say Wesley is wrong, and you can't say Jensen is right! It just represents two different attitudes! But most people still think that Wesley's statement is more appropriate. Even when the royal family knows the news, they also praise Wesley's comparison!

Although the royal family is the beneficiary of brexit, they also need to consider more things. At this time, it is absolutely not enough for the royal family to stand up and act as the so-called shield! In this case, someone needs to stand up and bear the black pot! Ding Yu certainly can't!

Why not? There is considerable cooperation and entanglement between each other! Not only can't Ding Yu be pulled out now, but also can't be pulled out in the future! We can't afford it!

Fortunately, Ding Yu is also in America now! There is no intention of showing up at all, but it is a very normal choice, this guy?! Extremely clever, can be contaminated can be contaminated, can not be contaminated, he ran faster than the rabbit! It's good or bad to cooperate with such a guy!

However, Wesley is a guy who can understand the situation well and has some feelings about the royal family, but he doesn't make any action. It doesn't look like Jensen. Looking at his appearance, he seems to be trying to pull the whole royal family to the surface of the water. He has already taught him quite a lesson, but he is not alert!

It is not necessary to kill him directly. Killing the staff of the intelligence department will cause a strong reaction from them. The royal family is still quite alert. What's more, Jensen? It's a so-called little minion. Even if it's solved, what can he do? It doesn't serve as a warning too much!

If you really want to do something to the intelligence department, then you need to kill a chicken! And what about this thing? It's better to find an outsider to do it, as for how to explain it? Isn't Lucas the most readily available explanation?

Although said that this matter has been sealed! But what about that? It's just that it's sealed up by the intelligence department, but it doesn't mean it's sealed up by all departments! It can't be confused at all, OK?As for the big man behind Wesley, when he knew this, he was also satisfied with Wesley's performance from the bottom of his heart! There are also people behind Jensen. What about this choice? It can't be said that it's wrong!

But he was chosen by himself, and he could not be exposed.

Why go to Wesley? On the one hand, some people want to test Wesley's attitude! On the other hand? It's also because Jensen and Wesley have cooperated with each other. Although there may not be much recognition on the surface, they should be sincere and sincere in their hearts! What a pity! Time up, some are too late!

But now it may be your turn to stand up! On the one hand, it is convenient for Wesley to be on the top, on the other hand? How much of their own weight! To a certain extent, the royal family needs to be shocked. Although they say that they stand up, the final outcome will not be too good! But some things still need to be done!

At noon, Ding Yu got the news, and Jin personally rushed over! In Ding Yu's office, he reported some news to Ding Yu! "Sir, this is the general situation!"

Ding Yu slightly raised the report document in his hand, and Jin immediately put it away, "I know! There are still two surgeries in the afternoon. There may be no way to delay it. This is it for the time being! "

There was no reaction from Mr. Jin. Jin didn't mention it too much. After all, it's a hospital, not an apartment. There's no way to talk about safety! But Sir's attitude is enough to explain all the problems!

"I'll pick you up in the evening, sir!"

"Go and arrange a plane and return to the capital in two days!"

As for the fact that Mr. Zhang said it directly, Jin Wei was a little surprised. After all, he had just discussed this matter in the morning, and now he said it without any fear. Sir, this is quite preparation! Hope that there will not be too many people jump out, after all, this trap is too rough!

However, the more rough the trap is, the less attention it will attract. In our opinion, such a trap is not worth mentioning, and even has not been put in the eye at all! Maybe it is because of this aspect that many people step in! Even they didn't know they had fallen into the trap!

"Hello, Dr. Ding! May I trouble you? "

Look at the people standing outside! Ding Yu did not speak, that is, he knocked the table with his hand! The blonde man came in from the outside, too! Since you can enter this office, it means that the security has checked him!

"Connor?" Ding Yu is the first to say!

"Hello, sir! Connor mark The handsome boy first introduced himself! When looking at Ding Yu, there is no so-called fear! The image of the whole person is very good! The expression on his face seems a little uneasy! But what about this uneasiness? It's more like confusion than tension!

"What? Ouyang's affairs have affected you! "

"My father warned me that if he didn't call, I would not even know what happened. Ouyang and I have a good relationship and have been in contact for quite a while. I think she is the most beautiful girl in my mind! I will never let go

"Do you know the whole story?"

"Not yet! My father just warned me to have time to visit you, sir! I know it's a little bit of a rush! " Connor looked at Ding Yu with clear eyes!

"Does Ouyang know about your family? And do you know about her family? "

"I respect each other's privacy, mainly because we get along with each other. When I came to medical school, my family didn't agree so much, so my relationship with my family was a little bit bad. Except for some contacts, there was not much communication. As for Ouyang? She did not take the initiative to mention it! I didn't ask! "

"Do you know King III and Taylor?"

"Contact, but it was a childhood thing, now the contact is basically not! I don't have much contact with people in the circle. I like a quiet life and don't like the so-called noise! Moreover, we also basically ignore me. I don't have much interest in the family business! And sometimes I'm a little quiet! "

"What about Ouyang? It's quite related to me. What about her family? It's a family of Xinglin. The whole family is basically a doctor system. I know something about it. But I didn't expect that she would behave like that yesterday. If it was really described, it would be stupid. She found me directly! "

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry for this. It's not my attention. Maybe it's because we don't have a good understanding of each other and some of our feelings are too deep. So I'm willing to take the responsibility for this."

"You are very frank

"Mr. Ding, I've heard of your legend. Although it's not so many, I still know something about it!""So I must have left you a very bad impression!" In this regard, Ding Yu is really not so concerned about, "you two fall in love, this matter I will not have too much concern, because that is the two of you, and even your two families, if two people really come together, I will bless you, can not get together, also because you two have no predestination, have no relationship with other!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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