"Big brother, this tea lady is not ordinary today! The rare one! "

"I know! Just look at her eyes! But that hand is very steady

Get it! Wang Yang has understood! What you and elder brother consider is not on the same line at all! It's the same as not saying it! "The leaders of the small circle at that time, otherwise, they would not be equal with nine brothers! With nine elder brother has the quite relations, now? The life is comfortable and the teahouse is open! Taste life, second sister often come to drink tea! The relationship between two people is very good! I'll come here sometimes, but just sit down! "

"What and what!" Ding Yu glanced, "life is full of styles and tastes. You can live whatever life you like. There is nothing wrong with it! After all, life and life are their own, not for others to see! In that case, some of them will be too tired to live! "

"Brother, I will not accompany you! I'd better hurry home

Since you can't talk with big brother, don't make do with it! The nine elder brother's affair had nothing to do before, but with the old Dean's matter, oneself follow past, what meaning? No face to face? There's no need for that, OK?

"Follow me! It's really inappropriate for other people to get involved in this matter! "

"No! Big brother, I don't have much friendship with the old men. When I was in school, I avoided dealing with teachers. I felt like a headache! Although my academic performance is still good! " Wang Yang's head shaking with what like, other things have no problem, but this matter or forget!

"The old Dean has come forward! There must be something about the school. I don't know if you have noticed it! The state has begun to increase the cultivation of students, and the brain drain is a little bit big. This is not appropriate! "

"It's true that too many talents have gone to the financial industry! Relatively speaking, it may not be difficult to live, but under such circumstances, being able to live better has become the pursuit of many people! It is very difficult to retain talents in traditional industries, even in the medical industry. Too many talents have gone to medicine! Come on, come on

"I know a lot about it." Ding Yu snorted!

"I mentioned some of them when I chatted with my second sister! There is also this problem in the Palace Museum. It is easy to solve the problem when the older generation retires. When the time comes to reemployment, there will not be many problems. What about the Mesozoic? There are still a few, but there are too few new generations! There is no way but to recruit from other majors! And they can't recruit them! "

"I've heard a little too!"

"No way. What do you say? This is the capital, not other places? To put it mildly, eating can be done, but where do you live? I can't run beyond the eighth ring road! But how much is a month's salary? Only a little more than 10000 people have got it! If you don't eat or drink for ten years, is it enough for a toilet in the second ring road? "

"There is something wrong with your mood! What's the matter? Is there such a feeling? I also used the convenience to make a big sum of money! You said so, but you scolded me together! "

For big brother, Wang Yang really has no other meaning, "brother, don't joke with me! Where are my classmates? After struggling in the capital for several years, we had no problem with our ability, but our mother-in-law wanted a suite, so we made a sum up and paid a down payment, but Alexander

"There is a deep resentment." Ding Yu sighed slightly! "This is really the actual situation. The problems of life should be considered, but they can't be the whole life. Life! Still need to have other pursue! If everyone goes like this, the country will be ruined! "

"We had dinner together before, good guy, or I invited him. Now the life is really tense! Come out to eat a meal, sometimes also need to calculate carefully! I think I am also living in such a family, otherwise, I may go on what kind of road! I mean it

"There are more issues to consider at the national level! Such a thing is definitely not a one size fits all solution to all problems! Step by step, what are you thinking about! It's just a certain aspect involved, not so comprehensive! "

"Ah, just a little whining!" Wang Yang slightly showed that some of them were not very interesting, "in fact, I also know that my identity is so different! Even a little embarrassed. If it wasn't for big brother, I wouldn't ask for a meal now, but gnaw is always sure

"Since you said that! So you should be responsible for this time! There is no need to have any effect, just check the funds! " Ding Yu said calmly, "it's impossible for you not to make any arrangements at home all the time. Just take it as the first test! It's not a big deal for you

"Big brother, it seems that the fund will not be in any small amount? But is it worth it? "

In addition to the so-called "reserves", the so-called "consortia" should play a very important role in the current situation, but they should not make use of the surplus! Otherwise, it will become waste paper!"Well, it's more important than anything. When you get here, you'll become waste paper! Is there any place to reason? " Wang Yang said with a strange cry! But this strange cry didn't make any difference!

Ding Yu here also directly drove to the old Dean's home! But just got out of the car and was rejected back! "All said, don't come here! Those old guys are really shameless! Even if it is a bully, there is no such bullying, some too outrageous! We are not without people. Don't be afraid of those old guys

"There's nothing else, so come and have a look!" Ding Yu is not so angry as he imagined! "Old president, this is my brother Wang Yang!"

"Good old Dean Wang Yang also rushed forward, such as the old president is worthy of their respect!

"I heard! Is the young man still very energetic? "

"Xiaoding! Those old guys in the hospital are really not so shameful! You're a medical student anyway, aren't you? What are they? They think they've given us a merger! You can do whatever you want! Go away

Wang Yang also felt that there were some smacks of tongue. He didn't expect that the old Dean could say such words! With their own imagination can be said to be very different, and even their three views are almost destroyed!

"Old president, there are not so many big things. Is life alive? How much can you eat? How much can I use? It's better to do something meaningful. To put it another way, bad things do a little bit more! I still need to do something good to ease my guilt! "

"You! Turn the corner! I know what you mean! But those old guys in the school are really shameless The old president said with emotion, "we don't say about the situation in the medical school. We have a number of things in our hearts. It's not only you, but also Guo Li. I've heard something about the situation in the Forbidden City."

"I didn't expect you to be so gossipy, old Dean?"

"A group of old folks are free. They need to talk about something! After the national events, there are still some trivial things or people are interested in! Over the past two years, the Palace Museum has been standing up! "

"I'm a little interested in string and walnut. As for other things, I'm not so interested. There are some collections in my house, but if I'm not careful, I'll wait for the appreciation! Is it a bit too Philistine, old Dean? "

"How many can say so openly? There are some collections in my house, not to say no! But I don't mean to collect it. It's for the next generation! They don't study medicine. In that case, I won't allow them to enter this profession. They have never been able to resist the so-called corruption and disgrace! "

"The old Dean is cruel enough! You're not even allowed to enter! "

"The so-called" having children is enough, but the society is changing too fast! Fast people have so many people can not accept, under such circumstances, they have not been able to restrain themselves, so we have to check! If there is a problem in the province, I'll regret it later! "

"Let's go! Old Dean, go and have a talk. Anyway, I'm free. If it's really at night, I really don't have much free time! After all, I still need to accompany my parents! "

"Well, give them a good look today! Let them know that what comes out of our courtyard is definitely not for nothing The old Dean is also a bit of high spirited! Wang Yang is the first time to run to the co pilot's position, if he let the old Dean sit in the co pilot's position, maybe big brother will kick himself down!

"Xiaoding, what about the construction of the hospital? It is step by step. The construction of the same school is also the same. It needs a long-term process, and we can see the so-called results if we don't see them! "

"Ten years of trees and a hundred years of cultivation, what can we do? It is now to build a good environment. If there is no environment, how can trees grow? However, if you can make a little effort, you still have to do something to make a little bit of it! Is life alive? After all, we still need to do something meaningful! I will be so much! If we don't have this ability in the future, I'm afraid we will have to enter the operating room at that time! Also very good! No worries about food and clothing

"I think it's very open-minded. I'm an old man, anyway. The students in the school are very active now, not to mention the hospital side! Now the atmosphere is particularly good! We are all scrambling to do so, but it's a pity that such a model can't be copied! "

"Old Dean, you can spare me!" Ding Yu also said with a wry smile, "what about the consortium behind it? When it comes to one or two projects, there is no problem. If it is a package, the whole consortium will collapse, and it will not be just me who will suffer at that time! "

"Yes! I know that time waits for no one! I'm still a little impatient, old man! "

"Take your time!" Ding Yu was also comforted and said, "our country is changing day by day. We all see it in our eyes. Far from it, even 20 years ago, who would have thought that the country would develop so fast and is now so powerful? You must have never thought of it! Isn't it? ""Yes! Twenty years ago, who could have thought that the country would have such a big change! With each passing day

When I came to the school, there was no obstruction at the school gate. However, Wang Yang, who was sitting in front of the school, tidied up his clothes. When he came out of the house, he saw nine elder brother, so this dress was a little younger. But now I go to see some old men, and the dress is a little bit off!

"See, these old men! It's really catching stones and squeezing oil out! "

Ding Yu smiles, and then walks down from the car with the help of the old Dean! The school headquarters is not so familiar with Ding Yu. It can only be said that he knows this person and has some understanding of Ding Yu, but that's it! As for the others? It's a lot of rumors! There is really no way to get the face up!

"All right! Some old guys, two brothers come here, not to be monkeys in the park for you! Quickly put your eyes down to me, if your eyes are long hands! It's almost in your pocket

Naturally, the old Dean has this confidence. Medical schools are incorporated into schools. What about such things? Nature is the above consideration, nothing to blame! But fortunately, the medical school is not vegetarian. In the past two years, there are also some meanings of dominating the place! Of course, this is also related to investment!

Everyone knows that learning medicine is a very hard job! The same cost is also very high, even after graduation from medical school, the real people engaged in work is not as good as three levels! But fortunately, Ding Yu's investment is relatively large, so there is quite a diversion! Also let the medical school side, these years time has had the quite development!

Comparatively speaking, the school headquarters are bigger! If you really want to develop, relying on Ding Yu alone is not enough, and still far from enough! But relatively speaking? Ding Yu represents the whole consortium, which is really not comparable to others! This point is basically understood by all the people present!

"Hello, director Ding!"

"Just call me Xiaoding. All of you are pioneers in the education industry. I am a latecomer and a follower. Everyone's steps are moving forward. If you all follow the path ahead, I am afraid I will still be in the dark!"

"Xiaoyu is the best in our medical school. You old guys should be light! If anything goes wrong, our medical school will try our best! If you don't believe it, let's try it! "

The words came down, the public is also a burst of laughter! See you later is in a small living room, the living room area is not very big, there are not too many people in the room! Except Ding Yu and Wang Yang, I'm afraid they are all extraordinary!

"Xiaoding! What about us old guys? It's also bigger! That's what I call you! What about school education? It may be OK at home, but we need to focus on the world and the future. If we lag behind, we will be beaten! "

"Yes! If you fall behind, you will be beaten! Especially in the modern society, fighting is no longer an ordinary war! We have been fighting for comprehensive national strength, which naturally includes the future of the country! If we can't build a proper foundation, we can't imagine what will happen in the future! "

The issues we talked about are basically about the future! Ding Yu really did not have any disclosure, even when he left, did not mention any, as for the old Dean? A little bit unhappy with your attitude?

Why? Because the more so, it means that Ding Yu will have considerable investment in this respect! How about education? Basically, there is not much possibility of returning to the original. Even if there is a return, the timeliness is too long, and it is not worth it.

To know that once Ding Yu put in, it will never be one-time! Ding Yu's money is not in vain, but also hard earned! This is what I feel so unhappy about!

On the way back, the old Dean also sighed, "Xiaoding, have you made a decision?"?! If this decision is really made, it will not be a matter of one money and two money! "

"Life does not bring, death does not bring, people? It's not a bad thing to be luxurious and pursue some exquisite life, but is life? After all, we still need to do something meaningful! This is a meaningful thing after all! But old Dean, I may not be involved in this matter! "

What does the old Dean feel? Also took a look at Wang Yang sitting in front of him! "Wang Yang? It's a suitable candidate. I think it's very good in terms of identity and experience! "

"The old Dean may have misunderstood it! What about me? Because of other reasons, there is no way to care about the relevant aspects of the matter! I can't transfer any staff here in China. What about Wang Yang? First generation class for a period of time, on the one hand is also a good exercise, what's more? Pave the way for his next work! I hope the old Dean doesn't mind! "

"This is a good thing! Young and light, can't be honest at home

"Because of the family, some things are really helpless. My father is in such a position now, no matter how he operates, there will be a considerable situation! In the past few years, there have been quite a number of people who criticize them. Things are easy to do, but sometimes it's hard to say! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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