Ding Yu said it in front of the old Dean, even without any concealment. The old Dean's heart was filled with feelings of Ding Yu's frankness! Even if he doesn't say it, can he still not accept it? Although there may be some disputes in the mind!

But Ding Yu didn't hide anything from himself? I even mentioned to myself the most practical situation! It's normal to think about it. What's more? Do people really have no such ability? It's not! People have this ability! It's not only a little bit too simple, but also a little bit wasteful in this position!

Since it's waste? Why should Wang Yang stay in this position! The old Dean is also looking at Ding Yu with a bitter smile! If Ding Yu is really invested, it will be a considerable amount of money! Ding Yu does not supervise this fund, so we need to let others supervise the fund! Who's right?

Is it right for you? This has nothing to do with age! On the one hand? I'm not in this major. What's more? Although I said some identity, but this identity does not have too much shock!

But Wang Yang is different! He is young, energetic and even has considerable experience! What's more? He is the eldest son and grandson of the Wang family. This identity is enough to illustrate the problem! The average person saw this identity when already did not dare to approach! Plus he is Ding Yu's younger brother! All together, this tiger skin is big enough!

He has so many redundant ideas, or Ding Yu's consideration is more comprehensive! "These old guys in the school headquarters are really shameless! However, their original intention is not too many problems. Even in our hospital, sometimes it is very hard to retain talents! "

"You need to pay a lot to get something. Nothing can be gained without effort."

"Do you like to listen to you, sit at home? And those old guys! Although said a bit not too old-fashioned, but the reputation is also very good! If you tie them together, it may have a good effect! "

"I see! Thank you, old headmaster, for your advice Ding Yu is also sincere thanks! "By the way, the old Dean brought you some things when you just came out of the house. If you don't dislike it, you can taste it. It's brewed by your own house! It's not a good thing, but it has a special flavor

"Am I in the autumn?" The old Dean looked at Ding Yu with a smile! "Yes! I don't really dare to accept it from others, but if you send me a golden mountain, I dare to accept it. If you have time, come to eat at home. "

But when I got off the bus, the old Dean seemed to suddenly think of it! "I was a little too busy before! Some forget! Ouyang Qian's father called me earlier, even his grandfather also called me. Boy, how long has it been since you went out, you've made such a fuss! "

Ding Yu slightly wrinkled up his brow, "how? Old Dean, things are not very happy! "

"It's not unpleasant. Think about it! What about their Ouyang family? It's a family of Xinglin! Now suddenly appeared a foreigner, originally Ouyang Qian is very good, but this matter is noisy? There are so many people in Ouyang's house who can't sit still! I'm afraid the roof will be lifted! But I think it's the thunder and the rain is small! "

"This thing! I really knew that when I was in the hospital, Ouyang came to me to report some things, and then she mentioned to me that she had a boyfriend! I reprimanded, the matter is not properly managed, but what? It doesn't seem appropriate! Old Dean, do you think so? "

The old Dean was stunned, "Ouyang is a good child. How can I go out for a few days and get confused? Is it a mere embarrassment to come to you with such a thing? "

"It's not difficult, but it's not so important. After all, she's in America! The journey is far away, some things can be managed, or need to be managed, but some things? Although I said it was her head teacher, there were some things that were not suitable for her. What about the old Dean? "

"It's not good to mix things like this!" The old Dean is also a final word. If it is his own, what can he do? Mind it! Ouyang Qian is not her own daughter, and this is a private matter of others, but let it be! She is a child again, let's say so! In such an environment abroad, who knows if they will be cheated!

"But, Ding, what's that guy about? It's not ordinary people who can confuse Ouyang with five mysteries and three ways. "

"The doctor of Harvard general hospital, a person was admitted to Harvard Medical School, and then he stayed there to work. His personal achievement is still very excellent!" Ding Yu did not point out the actual situation of Connor! "What about Connor? There are so many Americans who are different from us! "

"I don't care so much about Americans or Chinese people. After all, it's Ouyang's own business. What can we do even if we worry about it blindly?" The old Dean shook his head, "but Ouyang Qian has done so many things. How should I say this?""Forget it! The old Dean, as if she was young and not very sensible, what's more, at this age, she will inevitably have some impulses! " Ding Yu also comforted and said, "they are brought back by me. What about some problems? They need to solve it by themselves! We have no say in this matter

"Yes! They have the most say

The old Dean took a look at Ding Yu. Ouyang and his younger couple were brought back by Ding Yu. There are many meanings that can be interpreted. To a certain extent, it seems that Connor still has quite a sense of sense. If there is no such sense, will Ding Yu bring it back in person? It's impossible!

But what about Ding Yu's work? Although I said that I had brought people back, how to solve the problem has nothing to do with me! Because Ouyang Qian, after all, is the daughter of your Ouyang family. I can't care what she does? This is not in line with common sense! Right?

After separating from the old Dean, Ding Yu and Wang Yang also drove home, because there was no other person on the car, so Wang Yang also inquired and said, "big brother, what do you look like? The old Dean is not as willing as he thought about this matter! "

"I don't understand enough. The old president didn't say he didn't want to, because he was worried. What about the hospital? The situation is more special, although the competition is very strong, but at least can also have a considerable result, this can promote a cycle of the process, but the school is not the same! The situation is too complicated! "

"I don't feel it!" Wang Yang is still confused!

"Put you in this position, can be a good exercise you, but also deliberately very good to say hello to these old people, relatively speaking, they are some pure people! It's up to you whether it's helpful for the future. If you don't want to, you'll leave office in two years. "

"Brother, this is not too much confidence in me?"

"Two things! You are so idle at home, after all, it is not such a thing! What's more, I don't know what kind of arrangement is at home. If you don't like it, you can change your position. I don't interfere. But since I'm in this position, I need to do a good job. I don't know how to learn! "

"Big brother, this request is a little too small!" Wang Yang pretended to sigh, "but fortunately, I don't seem to have anything recently. It seems that I can have a try."

"Money? We need to see how to understand. What is used is used in the right place. If it is not used, it will be placed in your own account or at home. It is no different from waste paper! "

"Brother, it's not used in the right place, that's money too!"

"I'm not as dirty as you think Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with a stare, "with the small pharmacy at home to play a so-called metaphor! The preparation of a small pharmacy is a whim to me. Sometimes some of its contents are far beyond its own value? But what do you think is useful? Still useless? "

"From the perspective of added value, it seems that some of them are useless, but if we look at the whole situation, people who can obtain drugs in small pharmacies are either rich or expensive. Therefore, whether they are drug digging and collecting, or brokers in the channels, they have made considerable profits, and people in the whole line have benefited from it!"

"Yes! People on the whole line benefit from this, but from another point of view, is this money spent on the right place? It doesn't seem to be able to say that it's good or bad! In a way, it's good to be worthy of your heart! After all, there is no right or wrong about such a thing! "

"Big brother, I need two help anyway! I can't hold on to some of them on my own, or? I feel very good about the public relations on the farm, especially Luo Xuan

"Oh?" Ding Yu was quite surprised, "you have a good eye! However, this person can not be released to you, he has a considerable use for me, and you have not been able to surrender to live! What's more, letting you manage the fund is not to let you do public relations everywhere. Even if you are optimistic about it, there is no use for you! A waste of talent

"The senses are very good, and things are clean and neat. What's more, things are very smooth. People won't have any stiff feelings, and they won't give people such a different look."

"Luo Xuan's father is an old subordinate of my grandfather. When I took Xiaogang out with me, I knew this news by chance!" Wang Yang is his younger brother, so Ding Yu didn't hide it, "but master Luo has already retired! What about Luo Xuan? The road is a little narrow, even curved

"Brother, there's no problem with my uncle?"

Wang Yang obviously thought of something. After all, his uncle has been in charge of the resources left by his grandfather. Can this be regarded as digging up the wall? If my uncle knows about this, who knows if she will have any other gossip?

"Before my grandfather died, I had already transferred Luo Xuan to the farm, and even solved the follow-up problems for him! There are some mistakes in your understanding. I just called Luo Xuan. I have no interest in the resources on this line! ""That is to say, uncle knows about this matter?"

"Maybe I know, maybe I don't know. I didn't touch the interests of other parties in the first place, but I just called a person, so I don't need to make a big fight at all! You boy! There are so many ideas that are too complicated! " Ding Yu comforted him and said, "it's not feasible to call the people from the farm, so you can figure out your own way."

"Big brother, since it is an unofficial one, I can find someone else."

"What? Do you still want to pull Xiaobao in? I remember that he seemed to have a lot of things about him, right

"He has obtained considerable capital in the past two years, but big brother, capital still needs to be operated in the end! I think what he's feeling at this time? " Wang Yang didn't say it all!

"What? What else is there? I haven't heard of it much! "

"Xiaobao has some other ideas. Now the situation is so chaotic and seems to be booming, but many times there are also some uncontrollable. The main reason is to make this market, and even to make the whole cake bigger! But some people are still very dissatisfied, I talked with Xiaobao! He also thinks that if he continues to stay on the court at this time, there will be quite a problem! So it's better to

"I am not involved in this matter, because this is your capital choice! You are all good at it. You need to make your own judgment! " Ding Yu really did not show any opinions and ideas!

"Originally, Xiaobao wanted to talk to elder brother, but this industry is the way that elder brother guides after all, but because of the death of grandfather! And big brother, you still have a lot of jobs, so you haven't found a suitable opportunity

"And me? May be regarded as a guide, but I don't think you should be directed at your life, this is simply not appropriate! The development of the industry needs to look forward, not follow the command of some people! Is Xiaobao in the capital

"No, but I can come back at night."

"OK, tomorrow's time will be a banquet for nine elder brother. If he has time, he will come and sit down. Previously, everyone was busy and did not have a good get-together. This is the right time!"

Back home, the two brothers did not mention the previous thing, as for their father is to come back! But because of the work, I can't come in time! But both the old man and the old lady were there, so it was lively!

"It seems that you have a good talk?"

Wang Pu is also very casual to ask a!

Ding Yu is a person who understands things, so he nodded his head in response. His two nephews held their thighs and seemed to want to chew on them. Soon, they were carried away by their mother and Wang Li! But two people are still so reluctant to part.

"I talked to the people at the University headquarters. I don't know the specific work, but during this period of time in the United States, he often went to the laboratory or university, so he had a good understanding. This time, he should make some profits. I think we should take some out, which is like waste paper in my hands! Not much use! "

"Let Wang Yang join in?"

"Anyway, he has nothing to do at home. It's not a matter for him to be idle every day. He is responsible for the operation. He has such a face, and the uncle and uncle on the side of the capital must also take good care of him. How to arrange in the future depends on his own choice. I don't intend to nail him in this position!"

"Before, someone from the Zheng family came to visit me. I'm a bad old man?"

Ding Yu snorted, "I haven't seen Xiaobao yet. As for how Xiaobao wants to deal with this matter, it's his business! It seems that there is no need to make decisions for others without authorization. "

"Wang Yang has been silent for quite a long time, and his performance is not bad! To manage this aspect of things, for him, it is also a training Wang Pu said it without delay! "Just pay attention to the scale problem."

"I don't care! Look at their own will! In fact, they are like a middleman. I'm just responsible for paying. What about them? Responsible for supervision and management, and also responsible for the communication between each other, even if they can't learn anything, they can also deepen their cultural cultivation! With a touch of culture! "

"Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are both involved? Is it a little too thin? "

Ding Yu took a look at his grandfather and chuckled, but he didn't say anything. Of course, he understood his grandfather's meaning. It was nothing but the Su family's problem! But on this issue, I have my own ideas and opinions!

"Look at their own outlines! The materials are all ready! What do they want to do? How to eat, that's their own business! I can't seem to interfere! And everyone has their own taste, only they know what it looks like? It's the most appropriate! "Well, it's the same as not saying it! What about the Su family? There are really not too many neat, Suchen is a good child, but he has gone to the post, as for the rest of those? You can't choose a general among dwarfs! Ding Yu, the great grandson, doesn't value a thing. Can Wang Yang and Xiao Bao value it?

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