Imagination is one thing, but being present is another!

Imagination is beautiful, but the actual process is so painful! The gap between the two is too big! Xiaobao is because there is no control in this position, if it goes on like this, maybe it will collapse directly! Have not experienced, is absolutely can not feel the taste of it!

"Big brother, I tried hard! Is it because I didn't work hard enough? " Xiaobao feels that there are so many can't think of it! I feel like I've got into the top of the horn! You can't get out at all!

Ding Yu really didn't have any meaning to laugh at, "is this a little hard work? It really doesn't have much to do with it. I'll give you a metaphor. Standing on the top of the mountain to see the scenery, it can be said that it took a lot of hard work. Even in the process of walking to the top of the mountain, countless people were left behind! Now you're at the top of the mountain, there's nothing more to look at! But can you stand there? Do you still have the heart to conquer higher mountains? "

"Big brother, I almost forget that I am still climbing mountains! I even felt that I had been kicked directly from the top of the mountain! All the way

"You climb the mountain and look at the scenery below, but you are ready to climb another mountain in front of you without any preparation. Even though you have considerable experience, you should know that the person who competes with you is never the same. Without sufficient preparation, you have to rely on your own blood. Fortunately, someone pulled you down, otherwise It's either falling off the cliff or freezing to death

Wang Yang also looked at Xiaobao, Xiaobao was sluggish for quite a long time!

"Ah! I don't know if I can see this in my home, so I gave it to me! There are also some who go deep into it and are hard to extricate themselves! " From this feeling, we can see that Xiaobao has realized the problem of his own! It's not that rotten wood can't be carved!

"No matter you or Wang Yang, if you really have this ability, then it is the best choice to leave the family. If you continue to stay at home, it will arouse quite contradictions. You are not willing to lead the family, but you occupy a considerable amount of resources in the family. No matter who you put it on, you will have opinions."

"Big brother, did you think so at the beginning?"

Ding Yu, who was asked about it, was also a little absent-minded! "If you want to know my secret, you can do it! It's no harm to tell you about it! At the beginning, I didn't mean that I didn't have any idea at home, but I also had a certain understanding of my own situation. If I came back? How to arrange is the most appropriate! Would it be for you? "

"Big brother, say an offensive word, you are worried!"

"Yes, I have a lot of worries. The so-called" virtue does not match "is not a joke. What about me? It's just the relationship that occupies the blood relationship. As for others? That's just one thing! If something goes wrong, it will affect the whole family and even the whole faction! "

Ding Yu did not say too clearly, but Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have already understood the meaning of the words! If big brother comes back! At that time, it will occupy a considerable amount of resources in the family, but what about the occupation of this resource? It will certainly affect the whole faction! This is a matter of no doubt!

"Of course, these are the problems that were considered later. Under the circumstances at that time, I really didn't think of so many of them. I can only say that there is providence in the world."

Ding Yu couldn't help but spread out his hand. "Some things in life are hard to explain. Even I don't know why I made such a choice. Nothing is abnormal! Of course, in terms of the situation at that time, it was not very normal behavior! "

"Big brother, this is to give oneself to destiny?"

"No, it's really impossible to say that fate is a wonderful thing. Explain it with idealism. What about fate? You can invest, but whether you can get the so-called return is another matter. Maybe you can't get anything, of course, you may not expect it! The so-called force can not! Don't ask for help

Three people are talking in the courtyard. After nine elder brothers come, it's the end!

"Xiaobao is back? But today is my treat Chen Huai immediately put all the things in his hand down, "today I personally opened fire to cook. Who of you can help me? It's absolutely good stuff!"

"Brother nine, can you do it! If you can't, let the service help quickly, save the waste

"That's what I want you to say. I don't have the ability to lick the plate today!" Chen Huai also rolled his sleeve!

The four men also went straight to the kitchen. Comparatively speaking, Ding Yu's courtyard was quite complete, even the firewood and cauldron were quite prepared! "Yu Ge'er, you are really luxurious to a certain extent. You can't afford such an iron pan at home!"

"Brother nine, are you kidding me? What about this pot? It's just custom-made over there. It's a little bit troublesome to make it! But what about the family now? Rarely used, so it is a little strange, ordinary home with the end of the frying pan! Such a pot is too big! You can't do anything else just because of one pot at homeWang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't do much research on this, but Ding Yu quickly started to light the fire and began to add dry wood at the same time! After all, cooking pot and gas stove are two different types, and ordinary people have no way to control the heat!

"Brother Yu, you can tell at a glance that they have suffered a lot, not like Wang Yang and Xiao Bao. If they go to the countryside, they may be able to cook, but are they raw? Or paste? It's hard to say! It's almost the distance of the old nose

"You can't do anything!" Ding Yu wiped his hand, "from birth to death, it is a process of continuous learning. It's never too old to learn! Learning can't be learning, but not learning. I'm just reviewing it now! But when I think about it, it seems to be very happy! "

"And days like this?"

"Of course! When I was with Ding Ding, at that time, Ding Ding was still a small bean bag, and there was nothing to eat at home. I had no choice but to go out and eat early! At that time, in addition to sparrows, other birds were basically unable to catch, too small! After the sparrows are cleaned up, they are wrapped in clay and then thrown into the fire!

At that time, we need to control the heat. If it is early, the meat inside is still raw. If it is too late, it will be dark! There is no way to eat! And dragonflies and grasshoppers

"I've heard of grasshoppers. Dragonflies can eat them too?" Xiao Bao scratched his head!

"At that time, it was very young. There was not much place for dragonflies to eat, but the breast might have more meat than mosquito legs! Don't talk about cruelty? Or vicious! It doesn't involve this. Eat what you can. A match is just right! But now I think of it, I feel so incredible. I can still eat it now, but it's not the original taste! "

In fact, we really can't catch up with the service staff in cooking. It may be exaggerated to say that the difference between heaven and earth is exaggerated, but the mood is so different! Freedom, joy in it!

Chen Huai personally took out a bottle of old wine, a look to know is dust laden for many years! "That's all for today! No more red wine! What about that thing? That is to sell a reputation! We can't catch up with the good things of our ancestors

Old wine can not be drunk alone, this is completely wrong, need to use new wine to blend again, after the old wine is warm, adjust again! One of the taste is really a rare taste! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are both moving their noses.

Ding Yu also poured himself a cup, the amount is not very big, but let Chen you so excited! Because everyone knows that Ding Yu basically doesn't drink alcohol, let alone on the scene. Even under the scene, he can't see it several times! So now Ding Yu holds up the wine cup, is really not to give face so simple!

When Wang Yang and Xiao Bao went out to get things, Chen Huai also leaned against Ding Yu's body. "Brother Yu, are you ready to give the fund to them? I've heard something about the Zheng family

"What do you think of brother Jiu?"

"The industry created by Xiaobao has moved many people! With the popularity of mobile phones, what about this business? There is still considerable development potential, but the same market integration is not ordinary people can do, in this regard, Xiaobao has created, but now he wants to integrate! Basically, you can't do it. To put it in a bad way, even if you're Yu Ge'er, it takes quite a long time and a lot of resources! "

"I don't intend to do that, comparatively speaking? Some are too trendy

Chen Huai couldn't help shaking her head, "so you agree! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are pulled into this fund. I don't have any words here. They are really changed now! It's not easy! Low key, but very calm, so go on, the future can be expected

"Nine elder brother, if you don't object, my side is Wang Yang and Xiao Bao. They are two people. This matter is not so high-profile. It's mainly for Wang Yang and Xiao Bao to experience. Other places are not inappropriate. But their future development, I don't think it's worth mentioning. There is also a point that their ability is quite deficient."

For Ding Yu's words, Chen Huai naturally knows what it means! "You! I should say something. What is good? If Wang Yang and Xiao Bao want to come to me, at least one vice president! "

"I don't care. The important thing is nine elder brother. Can you move two families?"

"No move!" Chen Huai also gave a wry smile, "although they don't have any sharp performance now, we all look at their growth. They can be planted in my pot for two years, but I want to harvest is impossible. At the same time, I can't bear the pressure, unless you help me!"

"Spare me! Nine elder brother you also know, I never get involved in the family affairs, too much trouble

"You can understand that there are some people in 49 cities who can see clearly, but there are not many people who can understand thoroughly. What about me? Eat a little more salt, so I have such a feeling! If there are you, there will be three wangsuzheng families. If there are three wangsuzheng families, there will be you. They can not be said to complement each other, but they can supervise and urge each other! ""Yes! This is also one of my original intentions, mutual contact, at the same time mutual supervision, too harmonious? It is not conducive to development, and if it is too strict, it will also appear too cruel. Now, the situation is quite good! "

"You! By the way, what do you think of our girls

Ding Yu was also stunned for a moment, "I never care about this matter. How the children in the family are willing to develop is their own will. I never interfere! Training them is a matter of time. It is mainly responsible for guiding them and letting them climb on their own. How can it be regarded as a matter of doing our own work by ourselves? "

"I see the two treasures of your family! That's a lot of it! Even Wang Xiaogang? I don't think they can take a bite, but Tong Tong is a good boy! " Chen Huai is also a provocative look! "And she has signed up for the summer camp, which is held on the farm! Full of momentum

"I really don't know about this. There are a lot of people?"

"There are not many people at all, but the selection is very strict. There are also special personnel responsible for communication and review. Boy, basically, I don't have much interest in academic matters. The most important thing is to see what books children have read now. It's all about communicating with children. Parents are either mute or outside the door, otherwise they are straight Pick it out! I don't know what other people feel like, but I feel good! "

"For hard work, the farm has given a lot of subsidies. This money is still approved by me. However, it is spent on children, but it is also used on the right path. Can we really learn anything? Or is it the children themselves? What decisive role can we play? It's a little too early! "

Chen Huai, who was just about to express some opinions, suddenly felt something! "No! Feather elder brother son, you this talk but have so some, too not idiomatic! I'll tell you the business! You are very kind! I took it directly to the ditch, but it's not very decent! "

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "nine elder brother, are you so optimistic about children? What about the child? I am still in the process of testing, he has some potential, but if you let them know such behavior! Will never give nine elder brother you what good facial expression, the sentiment governs the Department is not what is reasonable place

"Is it reasonable? It's all people, anyway! It is not difficult for them to get along with each other after all

"It's not difficult for Tong Tong to attend the summer camp." Then Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "but I don't agree with the decision to make for Tong Tong. They are too young. It's our expectation to change their life, but it depends on whether it's suitable for them."

"No, there's something in your words!" Chen Huai looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, "brother Yu, our brothers are not outsiders, I doubt you! There must be someone! "

"Brother Jiu, it's easy to have problems, and it's easy to have big problems!"

"No wonder!" Chen Huai looked at Ding Yu with an unusual look in his eyes, "brother Yu, if there is any problem with this matter, then I'll do it! Just as I didn't say it, you didn't hear it! " When speaking, I also raised the glass in my hand! Feather elder brother son this guy! It's too deep!

It's not only that I haven't thought about it, but I'm afraid other people haven't thought about it! You should know that the three children in the family, including the children, are under everyone's attention, not that you can hide if you want to hide!

Why should we put our eyes on them? Do we still need to say? Isn't it the same with yourself? Think about it, if it's done! How wonderful it will be! But I'm afraid that this thing can only be thought about now, not to say it's yourself! Even the top domestic forces, including foreign consortia? Didn't they think about it?

They thought about it the same way, but it was Ding Yu who was sitting in front of him. It was definitely not such a simple Buddha! If the county really exposed, and so on idle people don't say a finger, blink an eye not to have!

"When I came, I still thought about what gifts I would like to prepare for you today. Now it seems that some of them are not worth mentioning!"

"Nine elder brother, you are not! After eating and drinking, you have to take it. This is too much! "

"Brother Yu, what about this? It's nine brother's mouth! I can't help it either. Damn it, those foreigners don't know where to find the news. Your cigars are never in circulation on the market, but that thing is so special! When you show up, it's just like shaking the whole audience! "

"It's just that things are precious! Nine elder brother if you want to have a taste, I really have here, that is to have a little hobby in this respect at that time! I didn't think it would have a good effect! "

Ding Yu really has no intention to refuse! At least for myself, this is not a difficult thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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