Housekeeper Deng brought several boxes of cigars to come over. Before Chen Huai could get hold of them, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao grabbed two boxes in their arms and held them in their arms! Just kidding! Such a good thing is really can be met but can not be sought!

Don't talk about the nine brothers in front of you! Even if his father came, he didn't have any words to say, OK?

Chen Huai also rolled up his sleeves and waved his arms, "you two are a little too much! Call out the things quickly. What flavor can you extract? Cuba or Honduras? I'll get them back for you. I promise not to bring Chongyang! "

"Nine elder brother, you forget it! I still want to eat such a good thing alone Wang Yang quickly put the cigar to the side of the position, the province's nine elder brother snatched, what's more, Xiaobao is still looking at it with a fierce eye! "It's hard to buy such things with money. My father has the balance! Don't think about it

After quite a while, it was su Quan's arrival that finally brought the uproar to an end. Su Quan also saw the cigars on the table, took a look at Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, and immediately reached out, without any meaning to speak! There's no need to pay attention to the pathetic expressions on their faces!

"It's a waste to smoke for you! Bring it and you'll have it Su Quan is different from Chen Huai! The direct one is raw robbery!

"Uncle, you are my uncle!" Wang Yang wailed and said!

"What's wrong with my uncle? I have never heard of such a thing Fortunately, not all of them have been given to Baoyuan, but only one box is left for two people. The remaining three boxes are a sign to Deng Rong, the housekeeper next to him, "steward Deng, give it to my guard, let me take care of it! If he lost these three boxes to me! Be careful that I punish him

Get it! Deng Rong also picked up the things and left!

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, who originally thought of opportunism, were also looking at each other. There was no way to do this! Snatch from the third uncle's hand, don't make such a joke! Now the two people also have some hatred. Just now they put away the things, and there will be such trouble!

Chen Huai put his cigar away at the first time. Who knows if Director Su will start to do something hard to say, at least he still doesn't have any so-called fantasies. It's not practical at all!

"Uncle, I just came back to burn seven. There's nothing else!"

"You don't have anything else to do, but I do have a few things that I want to trouble you about, OK?"

Ding Yu held his chin, "uncle, have you eaten yet? If there is no meal, I'll prepare some more! "

"Don't do that!" Su Quan sat down and immediately took out a box of cigarettes, motioned to Chen Huai, and then took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Chen Huai was also ignited! He motioned for Ding Yu. Seeing that Ding Yu didn't react, there was no other action!

"I heard about the summer camp! I need a hundred places! "

"How much?" Chen Huai also can't help but shout, and then also ha ha smile, "sorry, just hiccup!" There are so many who do not resist. To know that for the number of girls in their own family, I can say that I have tried my best. This is not to say that your family has power and power or is rich!

After all, the one behind it! But Ding Yu! If he doesn't let it go, it's hard for anyone else to say it! We should know that the children who participated in the winter camp before were all bullies at home, but the changes are definitely changing with each passing day!

With such an example in the front, then how can other people not act, but this action is one thing, how to control is another thing! What about other people's choices? Have already had the quite goal, or has the quite pertinence, looks at other people's staff's attitude to know!

Back to Ding Yu, so I don't care what kind of identity these parents are? What kind of identity has an egg to use, the high welfare of the staff working on the farm is the envy of all people, but the same high standard requirements also make people have some egg pain!

But if you don't choose a farm, no one will be forced to do so. But since you join the farm, you need to abide by the rules of the farm. You should know that the audit department in the farm is not so simple as a pair of eyes!

If you want to be marked in the blacklist by them, it's more troublesome than breaking faith! So we really have no way, but who ever thought that after the third uncle came, it can be said that he really opened his mouth and came up with 100 places! It's not as simple as killing someone! A little too much exaggeration!

"Uncle! It's hard to say if there are 100 people in this summer camp. If you ask for 100 places, it's not exaggeration! It's like smashing the plate! This will cause public indignation! I think everyone will be furious when I think of it. No one can bear the consequences like this! ""I don't care. I need this quota. To tell the truth, you also need to give me this quota!"

"It doesn't make sense!" Ding Yu also laughed angrily, "the recruitment of the farm has cost a lot of manpower and material resources, not to say that we can determine the quota after a few words with them. It is not so simple. In such a case, we still need to go through layers of review and review! After you came, without saying a word, you directly asked for 100 places! You give me the money? "

"I can give you money, and I won't let you suffer too much. Each person has 1000 yuan!"

"What do you think of the idea that I'll send you ten million yuan upside down? One hundred places, one hundred thousand yuan for each person, is just a summer camp. No matter how hard you go about it, I think this is enough! If it's not enough, I'll give you a little more subsidy! "

Then Ding Yu also looked at Chen Huai beside him, "nine elder brother, with 10 million to settle this matter, what do you think?"

How can Chen Huai answer this? Just like a joke, this is your family business. I'm an outsider. If I really get involved, who knows what will happen in the future? You are a good talker. I am an outsider. Who should I talk to!

"Not to mention, there is a little less food in the evening! I'm still a little hungry at this time! Third uncle, Yu elder brother son, if you don't ask the servant to prepare some noodles, if you have anything, you can talk about it, right? It's not as noisy as it is now! "

Now Chen Huai means to make it all right! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't mean to say anything at all? Now they can't help them. As for the eldest brother and the third uncle, how much trouble are they going to make? This is their business! We're all just rabbits, OK?

"Ten million, you really dare to open this mouth! How many shells are there? "

"Uncle, you seem to be the director of the intelligence department! I don't remember that you still have guns there

"No matter what you say? Each person 1000 yuan, a total of 100 places, a total of 100000 yuan, I do not want this year's salary! All of them will be their tuition fees! " Su Yuan did not want to joke with his nephew!

"Uncle, this is not a question of whether you want a salary or not. It involves a considerable problem. It doesn't matter if you give you a few places, but you ask for 100 places. I gave it to you, but it didn't achieve any effect in the end. What's the point? So if you open your mouth like this, you can only make things worse and worse! "

"Chen Huai, if you go with Wang Yang and Xiao Bao to prepare some noodles, I'm really a little hungry!"

Chen Huai, the three of them also left at the first time! Now that Suquan wants them to leave, there must be some things involved. If they know the problems, it's not a good thing! Such things can not be mixed or not to be mixed better, then it is not trouble to find the upper body so simple!

In other words, it really can't be provoked!

"Xiaoyu, one hundred places. This is negotiated by everyone. As you know, your grandfather is dead! What about the Su family? Your uncle is there. What about this? I robbed it. I didn't mean to take the post, but I couldn't just watch your uncle fall down! "

"Is there such a big thing brewing in my uncle's place?" Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "third uncle, before my grandfather died, he had a lot of communication with me, and also mentioned some things. I can't say some words, but I think you should be very clear in your heart. If I make a move now, this will be really unfair!"

"Well! I said it straight! What about the kids you enrolled in the winter camp? The effect can be said to be very good, we are looking in the eyes, anxious in the heart! But you can't find it, so you can only find it on my head! At least I can find it! "

"Third uncle, I'm also truthful. I don't have such a strong control at all. I even wonder what I think of the one hundred people? There are so many too much fun! I don't know about the situation of these children, and I don't know about the farm, so under such circumstances, how to guide them! What's the origin of these children? How to adjust? These problems need to be solved! It's not that you can solve the problem by overcoming the difficulties, uncle. There are quite a lot of problems involved in this, uncle! "

"What about the parents of these children? They have been serving in the army for a long time, although they say they can join the army now! But you should also know about the situation of the army. At the same time, the transfer of posts can be said to be quite frequent. We can do some work well, but at the same time, we also need to consider for their next generation! You've been a soldier, and you should know the pain! "

"Uncle, you are not so simple as to make people difficult! I promised to give you the quota, which I promised earlier. Not only you, but also my mother, the people in the plan, and the farm started to deal with the direction very early. But now you suddenly come to such a change. What do you want me to do? Similarly, I have no way to account for other aspects! ""What about this? I may lack considerable consideration, but things have already started! "

"With my third uncle, you accepted quite a lot of trouble and then left it to me!" Ding Yu doesn't know what to say at this time! "Third uncle, do you just pit your nephew like this? If my mother knew about this, what kind of reaction would my mother have? Do you think you'll be able to do it then? "

"You don't seem to be doing anything lately? Don't always soak in the hospital, if you have time, you can solve some of your family's affairs, although the country has improved now! Development! But the people who live in the army pay too much for it. We can't watch the next generation suffer with it! "

"Uncle, this is not a matter of taking out some funds. I also need to consider it! I believe the military also has quite a summer camp or winter camp! Although I have not participated in the so-called military summer camps, I have heard of them at least. There is no need to worry about the funds! It won't cost much! "

"No, those so-called military summer camps are all under some so-called guises! Of course, it's not that it's useless at all. It's not practical to say that it's not practical, but it's quite different from the farm activities. Xiaoyu, you're trained by the military, you can't forget your roots! Isn't it? "

"Uncle, you are not here for this matter, are you?"

"There are other things. Recently, some people have come to 49 cities. What do you mean? It's like running for you When speaking, he also took a look at his nephew, "but although it seems to be coming to you, but depending on the situation, it seems that there are quite some problems, some of which are not clear!"

"So you doubt the purpose of my coming back!"

"I know you have a good relationship with the old man, but now it seems that there are some really out of date! I didn't stay too long before! When I come back at this time, I can understand that your layout has been completed, and the harvest has started, but it is still quite unreasonable! "

"It's just in time. It's like Uncle three. The layout has already been finished, and now the harvest is starting. Under such circumstances, it's not so important whether I'm here or not!"

"So? Do you want to pit someone? " Su Quan was also surprised to see Ding Yu, "at this time, anyone with a little head will not be cheated! What kind of medicine do you sell in this gourd? "

"It depends! I don't mind if anyone wants to, of course! If there is really a lengtouqing, it is also a happy thing. Recently, it has been so depressed! "

"I don't believe it!"

Ding Yu stood up his shoulder slightly, "uncle, do you believe it or not? I have given you the explanation you want! What else do you want to say? If you wait a little longer, I'm afraid the noodles will be really Tuotuo, and then there will be no way to eat them! There are a lot of things to eat in the evening, but they are all very greasy. You need to eat some noodles and press them! "

"You go and fool the ghost Su Quan was very dissatisfied and said, "what about this matter? Even if you have quite a statement, I will not force you. On the contrary, I will talk about those children's affairs. Since you have found you, you can think of a way for me! If you can't think of a way, you can't eat the noodles! "

"What do you want to do, uncle?" Ding Yu asked his third uncle in reverse! "This is not a question of 100 or 1000 places, but how to guide it! I don't have so much time now, let alone the guidance on the farm! "

"What do you think of the academy?"

"Military academy?" Ding Yu looked at it quite puzzled, and then asked, "the military academy in China should not be a difficult thing for the third uncle! What about foreign military academies? Thornhurst in England is too troublesome, while Saint sear in France or vorongge in the old man, including West Point in the United States, is not a big problem! "

"It's a little loud!"

"If that's the case, there's no problem. In terms of funds, I'll ask nine brothers to provide 10 million or 100 places. This matter doesn't need other people to worry about. I'll be responsible for contacting you." Ding Yu seems to be very happy!

"I really underestimate you! These four military academies are the birthplaces of generals! "

"Wherever it is? I'm not going there to steal secrets, or the kids are going on holiday to have a look. It's no big deal! " Ding Yu's reply was very casual, "I have a good personal relationship with the Russian emperor, and the farm has made considerable achievements in laomaozi's side, as well as considerable investment, etc., which are also very good! As for France and America? It's mainly because of their close ties with their consortia! What's more, it's not a big deal in itself, is it? "

"For you, it may be nothing, but for China, it's really not everyone can do it!" Su Quan slightly hummed, "but let them go out like this! It's not humiliating enough, so forget it! The plan needs to come step by step, don't you think? ""So, uncle, do you have other plans in mind? But this seems to be a very good condition! I really have so many conditions that I can't think of better than this! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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