"Deliberately raising the bar, isn't it?" For the nephew's bad behavior, Su Quan expressed the most serious dissatisfaction, do not have you this appearance good? "Can't you give me a good word? It's not too tiring for you to grind your teeth here? "

"Uncle, it's not that I can't give you happy words, but what do you want? I don't believe that the military has no plan in this respect. This is just fooling people, OK? In that case, I have put forward the best conditions! Under such circumstances, what else do you want? What else? "

Su Quan looks at his nephew. This guy is definitely the master who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles. At least he wants to hide from him on this matter. It's really impossible!

"Well! What about the military for these children? However, there are some ideas. This is not only a process of training, but also a process of selection. They are all children of soldiers with fine traditions, but they are basically not well educated and treated! On this issue, we need to pay attention to it! "

"It's a good thing to pay attention to it, but how can I find it?" Ding Yu is also a little puzzled, "what about these children in 49 cities? To set up a correct awareness and concept for them, I can only do so much, and there are still a lot of going around, and now I have so many children come here, uncle, I don't run a kindergarten here! And I'm not the head of a kindergarten myself

"I know you don't run a kindergarten here, but look at these people under your hand, not to mention the security around you! Let's talk about other people, such as your two children, such as Wang Xiaogang and Tong Tong, and Wang Yang and Xiaobao, including... "

Ding Yu also frowned at this time. "Uncle, how can I listen to this meaning? It's on me!"

"It doesn't depend on you to know that you have nothing to do now. Since you have this leisure, don't waste too much. Do you think so?" Su Quan changed his tone at this time, because he was very clear that he could not be tough enough to deal with his nephew, but he should not be too weak.

To a certain extent, his nephew can be said to be soft and hard to eat that kind, of course, Su Quan also knows, if you rely on his own words, it is really difficult to convince his nephew, but he does not mind, now give him considerable pressure!

"Third uncle, I really have some doubts. With an uncle like you, will I live a few years less?"

"Don't you say you're not a good man?" Su Quan snorted, "the so-called good people don't live long, and the disasters last for thousands of years. I think it still has a considerable weight, isn't it?"

"I have other things here. I'm not as free as I thought. If you like, you can contact the farm by yourself." Ding Yu seems to have slowed down his own conditions! "But I won't be responsible for any problems and consequences."

However, such conditions are of no use to Suquan. What I hope is that my nephew can take over this matter, rather than let the farm below take over this matter! After all, farms are farms? Nephew is nephew, the two can not be confused at all!

"The first team, even the second team, performed very well. I don't believe you didn't pay any attention to it!"

"All right? This is their own business. What does it have to do with me? I never felt like I really did anything for them? I didn't expect them to remember me well? It's their own business to be willing to move forward, and it's their own business to be willing to go back! " For these people, it seems that Ding Yu has always been such an attitude!

"Xiaoyu, from your uncle's point of view, some things are too modest, which is not a good thing!"

"Uncle, this is my personal business!" Ding Yu's attitude also changed suddenly, "how I deal with things, is my personal problem! If you have any opinion, I will consider it! "

Su Quan hums stuffily, this bastard, unexpectedly does not give oneself a little face, let oneself also don't know what to say is good! This son of a bitch belongs to a donkey. If he doesn't walk, he will go backwards. When his father was there, he would give himself three points of face. Now his father is not here! I really have some pressure!

But Su Quan is equally clear. What about this matter? It's not as simple as I imagined. My nephew! Even more clever than a monkey, pulling the hair is hollow, he can't think of the risk behind!

"After all, there is still a long way to go before the summer camp! I know this will make you very embarrassed, but I also know that the relationship between you and the military region is very good, or the relationship between the farm and the military region is very good! You can't deny it

"I'm not responsible for the specific affairs of the farm. I'm an investor at most! They have their own operational context. As for public relations, I have found people. But this doesn't mean that I have to pay attention to everything. If so, I would have been exhausted! ""I know that when you were hanging out with Xiaogang, in addition to Wang An, you took a fancy to another child and even gave him a gold coin!" Su Quan also suddenly burst out a piece of news, "their family is really not short of this gold coin, but the same seems to have quite a guess!"

"So what?" Ding Yu did not express any resentment or even dissatisfaction, "that child's Kung Fu is pretty good, at least at that age! If the third uncle is really these old sesame and rotten millet, I really feel a little hungry! "

"That child's performance can be said to be very excellent. It may not be much comparable with Wang An, but it has a considerable future!"

"Uncle, that's a little too much." Ding Yu expressed his dissatisfaction, "I gave him a gold coin, but I hope that he will have a better development in the future. It is too much for you to go on the line like this! What's more, it's just a child. Do you think it's appropriate to threaten with a child? "

"Appropriate or inappropriate? This question? It depends on what kind of perspective to understand. At least from the perspective I stand now, it's not a big problem! " Su Quan's words are very natural!

"Third uncle, you think you will be hated for a lifetime!" Ding Yu snorted, "I don't know that child very well. How about Xiaogang in those years? I'm afraid Hou Tianliang only knew the news. I didn't expect that he even reported such news! It seems that we need to clean him up next time

"I'm afraid it's hard!" Su Quan's eyebrows slightly picked up, "he can be said that he is valued by all aspects, everyone almost want to break his head. Although the time under your hand is not so long, it has been well cultivated, and the business level can be said to be very high! This is not easy! "

"Uncle, I never thought it was a compliment!"

"But we are still very interested in you. It's a pity that song Tianren and the three of them are too wasteful! If I had known that, I would have to add a few places to everything, Wei Hou? Although it is said that they are from the military, they do not have any special characteristics! "

"Uncle, your idea is really not ahead of time in general!" Can't you tell that Ding Yu's remark is a mockery? Or praise, "but you can threaten me with a child's gold coin. I'm so speechless. I even have some doubts. What else can't you use?"

"Which one person or one hundred people should choose?! What would you do if it was your turn? "

Ding Yu does not want to refute his third uncle, even if it is refuted, there is no significance! How to treat this problem? Some things are really not a word two words can say clearly!

"I have a place in laomaozi's side, where Shasha is responsible for a lot of things, but the emperor also knows that the environment inside seems to be so bad. However, Lao maozi held a youth military training camp over there, which is not very many. If you are interested, you can try it there!"

"Lao maozi's youth military training camp?"

"Yes! The two primary schools have been there. They are not the junior military academy, but the youth military training camp. They are different from the junior military academy in essence. Lao maozi's selection of the junior military academy is very strict, and the selection of the youth military training camp is particularly strict. The information in this respect is not so confidential. You can check it and get some information! "

"I don't mean to be interested in the cadet, but what is the nature of the junior military training camp? Russia's junior military academy itself is very special. As far as I know, their junior military academies need to be highly recommended. They must be active or retired personnel, or some powerful departments. After the recommendation, they are still subject to strict examination, assessment and physical examination. "

"I'm not so clear about the specific situation. I've heard it mentioned by chance. I've been to play for two children. There are some bear children in it!" Ding Yu muttered, "but it is more fierce!"

Su Quan looked at his nephew suspiciously, "their junior military academy is basically not open to the outside world, but some photos have been circulated, but those are all fooling people. Our country also has a junior military academy, but what about this? It's really from Lao maozi! As for the junior military training camp, it has not been mentioned much! "

"I haven't seen it either, but they've been to my place for quite a while, so I know something about it, but what about these things? People will not reveal anything to me. I just know the news! "

"You Su Quan didn't know what to say, "what about our country? There are many young military academies, but the development at this stage is not so smooth, there are shortcomings should not be hidden! At this point, there is a considerable gap between us and Lao maozi! "

"I'm in charge of contacting. No problem. What about the money? I can do it too. People should sell me face onceIn fact, the hidden meaning of Ding Yu's words is very simple, "this time I'll take it as a matchmaker! No problem, but the same, after the event how to develop, this matter with me really do not have too much relationship! Do what you want

"You But that is to say a word, although it is also silent! I want to let Ding Yu's nephew take over this thing for a long time, but can I resist it? It's impossible. What's more, I used a cup of gold coins this time! Even this gold coin is not his own!

Such a thing can only be done again, and there will never be another one! Even if this thing spreads out, what kind of influence will it cause? Su Quan's heart has so many murmurs!

His nephew's gold coins seem to be quite a lot, but they really haven't been handed down! That child is a good seedling. If you really ask for Ding Yu's door in the future, you will know that this gold coin has been used by the military! What to do then?

What about that kid? They represent more than their family. They represent Ding Yu's recognition of the martial arts forces behind the child. This kind of force can never be underestimated. Many instructors in the army are people in this profession!

Ding Yu is one of them, of course! Even this identity is extremely high, Liu Daochang in 49 cities these years, although the name is not so loud, that is just because people do not want to! What about Ding Yu's uncle? Taoist old man! What about Zhoucheng railway? It's also for him!

As for Ding Yu, he doesn't know much about it, plus his nephew? For the famous such thing is not so keen, and everyone for him how much also appears to have so some taboo! But even so, what? Say or not is a thing, know not is another time thing!

If Ding Yu really wants to release this news? How do you end up here? For the sake of your military children, we cut off our children's road. This matter is not so simple as to be out of the way!

"You! This time I'm really tied up to the south wall! "

"Wang An is my student, but now there are children. There must be an explanation for this matter."

It can't be Su Quan didn't even think about it, but he denied it directly! "I said, nephew, you are not killing me. You are lifting the table! Even if I agreed, the intelligence department would not agree! "

"All the good things can't be attributed to your intelligence department! There is no problem when you talk about terms! I also talk about conditions. What kind of choice does Wang an make? That's his business. But what about Tong Tong? We have already met certain conditions, and we will exchange one for a hundred! "

Su Quan took a deep breath, "I suddenly found out, nephew, you this guy is absolutely black heart!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu hehe said, "I never thought I was a good man! This is a matter for all to see! Since you are not a good man, do things? Of course, it's not a good thing! "

"But your heart is really black!" Su Quan was discontented, "do you want to know Wang An? But the bottom line in everyone's heart, you just give everyone a break to think, this is really cruel! "

"Don't there still be children?" Ding Yu said it casually!

"Yes, there are Tongtong, but Tong Tong is your student now, but it is quite different from Wang an! The future is uncertain. Under such circumstances, is it necessary to consider whether to choose Wang an or Tong Tong? "

" I have never said that Wang An is a member of the intelligence management department. I said that he would comply with his own choice and what kind of choice he could make. It was his own business and had nothing to do with other people. How to look at the present situation, the intelligence department seems to have taken him as forbidden! It seems that this is not appropriate! "

"I need time to think about it!"

"The noodles should be ready." Ding Yu also made an invitation to clean up, and soon Chen Huai and they came up with noodles! It's all hand rolling noodles. Suquan is not very angry, but he also makes a bowl of it, which makes him have a good time. In the middle, he has a few chopsticks of beef.

When putting down the dishes and chopsticks, Su Quan directly got up and left. Chen Huai and others also looked at me and I looked at you. Then everyone's eyes were also looking at Ding Yu! "Brother Yu, how do you say that? Is there anything wrong? "

"Brother Jiu, it may be your turn this time! Didn't you think of any gifts before? Ten million! But I don't know if it's going to work or not! "

"No! No one has paid attention to such a thing as 10 million. Even if it is 100 million, there is no problem. But this matter? Yu Ge'er, is it suitable for me to mix in? " Chen huaipo has so many concerns!

"The two of them are not suitable. After all, it involves the military affairs. If I pay for it, it's even more inappropriate for me to pay. It happens that Jiuge happens to meet with you, so you'd better pay for it! It's also a good relationship with them! How to put it? It's like investing in the future! "Chen Huai's eyes are also a light, "well, I understand! I'll pay the money and send it tomorrow. As for what I'm going to do, I don't know! " Chen Huaixin is also transparent!

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