When the information comes to light, is the sentiment management department worried? Why? Give up Wang An? How the hell to give up! You know that is Wang An, Ding Yu has never been so attentive to a child!

The two children in the family and Wang Xiaogang obviously can't be included. After all, they have blood relationship with Ding Yu! Even Wang An's treatment is not much different from Wang Xiaogang! Some places are even better than Wang Xiaogang!

It is obvious that Ding Yu looks at Wang an differently, and Tong Tong is also very good, but relatively speaking, Wang An is more hopeful among them! But there are also quite different. Whether Wang An can come to the intelligence department or even to the military is unknown!

But what about Tong Tong? The absolute root is Miao Hong. No matter what kind of problems and conditions appear in the future, he is a member of the emotion management department. Since he was born, his body has been flowing the blood of the emotion management department. This does not mean that you can change it if you want to change it!

There is also a problem, that is, to choose one or a hundred! If you choose Wang An, it means giving up 100 places. After all, this time it was through another child's gold coin that the result was achieved.

"It's Ding Yu! This is closely related! I'm afraid not many people can do it! "

Is Ding Yu a threat? It should be! But how can the information management department give Ding Yu? It seems that it can't be. This guy has helped the intelligence department quite a lot, and there are even so many examples, but sometimes this guy is not generally hateful! I really want to shoot this guy down!

Wrong! Should not be shot down, should catch this guy back, let him honest to be a drillmaster, that is his most important job! As for other things, what's wrong?

"Director general Su, we have found out about the Russian youth training camp."

Su Quan responded with a nod. "It's not difficult to find out. It's really true. The candidates are mainly selected from the junior military academy, and their training is more practical than that of the junior military academy. There are a lot of news that we know for the time being, but a lot of information is a little bit general! Further verification is needed! "

"When will director Ding Yuding leave?"

This words let the people in the office are a Leng, and then are all put their eyes on Su Quan's body! Other people don't know the news. Don't you know that, uncle?

"I don't know. Judging from his words and performance, it is obvious that he has some intention to dig a hole. After all, things in Britain are very noisy. There are many people in the United States who are satisfied with his action this time, but there are also many people who have other thoughts! No one knows if there will be any other action? "

"What else? At this time? Is director Ding's trap too simple and redundant? "

Su Quan at least spread out his arms, "I think so, and I also ask, but I have some doubts about what he is thinking about. After all, although we are quite close to the intelligence department in the United States, the degree of mutual enthusiasm is still a little worse."

This word is true, why, we seldom get the fight between each other above the surface, even if it is a fight in the dark! But Ding Yu is really not rational!

If you're really not happy, no matter who you are, you're not even your mother. At the beginning of the missile thing, he was also in charge of things like that, and he didn't even borrow a hand at all! It can be seen that the general!

The intelligence department has never given up the fight with Ding Yu, that is, in the past two years! Maybe it will stop a little bit! But the previous big moves in Boston also made people feel chilly! Ding Yu was ambushed, and even used RPG and big killers in the process. What about Ding Yu? It's going to kill everyone directly!

Of course, there may be some small mistakes in this, which do not kill everyone! It's just killing some of them! However, from the information we have learned, whether it is the United States or the United Kingdom, the loss is not generally heavy, including a considerable number of elites, but also senior personnel!

This is definitely not money can be calculated clearly! But what can be done? There is no so-called follow-up, everyone secretly well, who lost or who won, did not take it as a thing, the winner did not open his teeth, the loser did not cry, everyone's own gold, waiting for the next contest!

This is almost the case! As for when the next contest will start, no one knows. It may be Ding Yu's initiative or the US intelligence department!

So now Ding Yu set this trap? Will anyone come in? Even if you don't know the smell of beans, you can't do things like this! But Ding Yu has always been an old God, and what about those guys in the US intelligence department? It seems that there are so many can not stand the so-called tease?"That's why people from America came here? Just let some chicks come here? Let them come to Ding Yu's trouble. Isn't this a typical death? Ding Yu has never hesitated about the knife in his hand

"People come here to travel, and they all enter the country normally. After entering the country, they abide by the laws and regulations, without any overstepping." Su Quan also said impatiently, "under such circumstances, if we really aim at them, we will make quite a lot of things! It will not be as simple as the black pot

"Don't talk about those things yet!" The man in the middle tapped on the table, "think about the children! A hundred children! They are all descendants of soldiers. We can never ignore this issue! "

"There is also a point, we have been helped out in terms of funds! Ten million! Chen Huai is blackmailed by Ding Yu! However, it can not be regarded as blackmail. Chen Huai is still very willing to do so! "

The so-called willingness is how a thing, we are all aware of it! Chen Huai is following the path of Sasha! But if there is no Ding Yu, Chen Huai is absolutely impossible to get involved in it. People just don't take you to play. What can you do?

Ding Yu's fund to the intelligence management department this time will never be small. After all, this guy is always generous. But the story of 100 children moving funds from the information management department is really not reasonable!

What's more, if Ding Yu, or Wang Yang and Xiaobao give money, it seems to be quite inappropriate. But Chen Huai's capital is another thing!

"Ten million yuan is a lot of money. For a hundred children, it seems that it is a little too much."

"For the next time."

Su Quan also slightly shook his head, "next time anyone can go, but I definitely won't go. My heart is so angry that there are still some liver pains! Although he is my nephew, and still my nephew, but sometimes I really want to give him two feet, but can not start! It's a contradiction! "

"Director Su, don't let everyone drool! Other people are really not so suitable! "

You know that is Ding Yu, not a cat and dog! What about his character? It's just that siheyuan. It seems that not many people can get into it! After all, Siheyuan is different from other places!

Now it's better. After all, what about the courtyard? It's not Ding Yu's office. At most, it's just a place for Ding Yu to come back and have a rest! But even if it is like this, the leisure people want to enter the quadrangle, there are so many impossible, people do not receive at all, what can you do?

What about the intelligence department? They don't have any problems. Why kick the door? What's more, it's a quadrangle. If the emotion management department really kicks the door, it's OK to say if there's any problem, but if there's no problem, there's really no way to end it!

"I can't do harm to me alone." Su Quan also argued, "what about Ding Yu? It's not a trivial matter. I'll contact you without any problem. This time you need at least a considerable amount of people to come forward! What's more, I am in charge of the affairs of the European division, and now I have no time to do so! "

Is that a good reason? No, but not really? It seems reasonable! But looking around, there is really no other people to look up, everyone knows that Ding Yu is not very easy to deal with! It's a little painful to grind your teeth with him!

"Not even! Then I'll call the roll! "

People with Su Quan are also black with their own face, although said to accompany Su Quan, but it is clear that the follow-up thing is completely handed over to themselves, but this also needs to be asked, are you willing to do it?! I'm totally forced, OK?

"It's late enough!" Ding Yu didn't have a rest at this time! It seems that there is no jet lag on him! "I'll have someone prepare for supper?"

Su Quan didn't mean to gnaw at all. Anyway, he came with the one in front? Ding Yu did not pay attention to his third uncle at this time! "Director Ding, I don't need to do night work. It's too troublesome! Talk about it

"Yes He motioned to the housekeeper. Although he said that there would be no supper at this time, there were still no problems with tea and cakes. Soon the housekeeper also sent some things up, but he left immediately! It doesn't mean to stay!

"Director Ding, it's too late! Let's get to the point After seeing Ding Yu nodding, he also said, "one hundred places!"

"Yes!" Ding Yu is not ambiguous at all, "but now let them participate in the training. Even if we want to, I'm afraid Lao maozi won't want to. After all, the way between them is fundamentally different. We can go and have a look, even try, but there is no need to go deep into it.""Director Ding, in this way, you are very familiar with the training there!" If you know the training, you will be well prepared and ready for other times!

"I don't know that much!" Ding Yu shook his head. "It's just that the two children in my family have gone there to play and have a little time by the way. As for what are the gateways? I don't know, and I'm not so interested in it, so I don't pay attention to it! "

"But I believe that they should communicate with each other and show their excellent side! And we go with a learning attitude! " Ding Yu's speech really makes people can't pick out any problems!

"Director Ding, what about this? Maybe I need to trouble you! "

"I'm responsible for contacting you. I'm sure there won't be any rejection! But what about our people? I don't think it's too much to send. Let them adapt to it by themselves! We're not old ladies, and what about them? You don't have to be looked after all the time! "

For Ding Yu, it's just a suggestion. As for whether to agree or not, Ding Yu is really not so relieved! Why do you have to come to Siheyuan in person to talk about this matter with Ding Yu? On the one hand, I hope these children have a guarantee. On the other hand, it involves Wang An and Tong Tong!

"What about the child? This time, it's possible to be one of them

"I don't agree, I don't object!" Ding Yu really did not show any of his meaning, "I have always been such a concept!" Is Tong Tong too young? In other words, he is not suitable. Ding Yu doesn't pay any attention at all.

"Now that the matter is settled, we'll leave first."

"Not busy!" Ding Yu slightly rubbed his forehead, "I don't want anyone to mention Wang'an's affairs, but if there are any problems, I won't do it!" When he said this, Ding Yu's expression was really not serious in general, "first villains, then gentlemen, never say anything!"

Su Quan looked at each other with the one who came to see each other. Su Quan snorted and ignored the so-called tea and left directly! After waiting for her to return to the car, the one who came with Su Quan also said with a smile, "old Su, I'm afraid you already thought about it before you came here."

"Now you know what a jerk this guy is! I'm afraid I can't help speaking at that time! "

"You can't be a jerk. You should give me some understanding! After all, what about the business? It's a big deal! Change to another person, even if it is to lead! What can we do? It's not that we can achieve the goal by paying a lot of money. It's not such a thing at all! "

"In fact, I still hope he will end up in person!" For this, Su Quan still expressed considerable regret, "originally thought he had nothing to do. If he could leave the scene in person, it could be said that it was self-evident for the future of these children, but he never meant to let go of his mouth! The army is still his mother's home

"We can't say that. From a general view, we can see how much help Ding Yu has helped us over the years. Of course, these are not recorded, but the money is not fake! Do you think it is? Although Ding Yu is your nephew, it is mainly because our requirements are too much! It really can't be said that it's his problem! "

"He keeps the money to give birth?"

"It's true that they can give birth to babies, and people can make money. This is really a skill that we can't envy. Let's not say that people are just playing games. At least, the farms in China can explain quite a lot of problems! That industry can be said to benefit a lot of people! Too many people are quite envious

"It's not that he's bad, but sometimes? How can one say it's good? "

"Old Su, what's the age of director Ding Yuding? What's more, what is his position now? That's you! Who else in our department dares to come to the courtyard like this at will? Who dares to make such a face with him! If we can have such a person in our family, I will be an ancestor like confession

"Go to you, this is the ancestor of the family already!" Su Quan shook his head, "who doesn't know about the situation of our family and their family, even if it's Mr. Wang, there's no way! Fight! Can't fight, don't fight! Sometimes it's disturbing. Sometimes I still need my brother-in-law to be a lubricant! "

"Minister Wang, with such a son, is really not worried about his life!"

"It can be better now, but if you think about it, don't forget it! I have been busy working with me for almost half my life. At that time, I was the treasure of the two families! That's it! I'm afraid some of them can't stand it! "

"So now you are the only uncle who can show his respect for your uncle. I don't believe that other people dare to do it! Don't be so lucky! How many people are looking forward to it. It's hard to see if you can't eat it! Besides the intelligence management department, who else can have such a big face? If it was not for you, I would not believe that Ding Yu could not find other departments! Isn't it? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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