Xiaobao's words let Ding Yu slightly stagnate for a period of time, and then if nothing happened, keep going!

"Xiaobao, I shouldn't have been involved in your affairs, but I really took you as my younger brother. I didn't get involved in Wang Yang and Qiu Yan's affairs. It's Wang Li and Shangnan. I got involved in them out of thin air, because they have a lot of feelings for each other, but I don't know about you! I don't know what kind of problems will appear after mixing in! Because to a certain extent, this is related to the direction of the family and faction! "

"Big brother, in fact, it can't be regarded as single love! It doesn't even involve any messy things! "

Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to Wang Yang who said, "Xiaobao, feelings like this matter, other people don't count. Only you two are the most clear. If you can come together, I will sincerely bless you. Even if you can't come together, I hope you can bless each other. Don't hurt each other!"

"Big brother, I'm still worried about it!"

"What are you worried about? Is there anything else you can lose? If it is to reproduce the next generation, if you want to find a girl on the street, as long as there are not too many physiological problems, I think with your conditions, the people in line will definitely return to the port of Jincheng! But you have the right to choose. Why not find one that suits you

Xiaobao was thoughtful, but four people just walked into the street of siheyuan, and several people came to face, both men and women. It seemed that they had just browsed the courtyard, and their voices were so loud, even some joy!

Oh! One of them seems to have found something, but he didn't pay attention to the fat friend next to him! It was almost a trot! There is still a long way to go! It is also to stop their own pace! "Mr. Bao, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Xiaobao immediately raised his head and said, "Oh, it's you who are so fat that you don't live at home. Why are you running here?"

Ding Yu didn't stop at all. He went on and was not far away from his uncle's house! Wang Yang looked at his elder brother, but he didn't immediately catch up with him, "Xiaobao, I'll wait for you in front of me! It's not good to be late! "

The fat man also turned his eyes and looked at Wang Yang. He didn't dare to look directly at him. Who is Bao Ye?! And this one? Call Xiaobao directly? What's more, the tone of this speech is totally different! Mr. Bao has a big head, and this one will never be too small!

"Mr. Bao, I've delayed your business!" Little fat man is also very smart!

"I'd like to introduce you to the pit God when I opened the darkness with you earlier!" Xiaobao looked at Wang Yang's appearance and jokingly said, "salted fish turns over is him! But also don't what ye is not ye, the scene of the previous time, we laugh at it even if! Wang Yang, call three brothers

"Three little!" Call the third brother, don't make fun of it. People give you this face. You need to take care of it. Don't be ungrateful! "Hello, I'm fat cat! Just call me a kitten

Listening to the little fat man's words, Wang Yang also laughed, "don't listen to Xiao Bao's nonsense. What is my pit God? The main reason is that I play too little! If I play a little longer, it may be hard to become a professional, but it's no problem to be an anchor! "

"Just you? I'll let it go! I'm not looking for you Then Xiaobao also turned his head and looked at the fat man in front of him, "heard that?" This is very casual! It's also natural.

"Mr. Bao, I was promoted by you. If you have anything to do, just talk to me."

"There is no matter, although I have already retired! But I eat wherever I go. It's no different, but you're not the same. What about young rice? It's hard to say how long you can eat it. So it's serious to make more money and support your family. If you have a chance in the future, it's good for us to recall the days when we fought together! What's more, I'm on a higher level now. Don't try to drag me back! "

"I will listen to you. We brothers will never forget you!"

"OK, I still have something to do here. I'll go to visit the old man with my elder brother. It's not very good to delay things. I'll ask someone to arrange things for you in the evening. But don't make such a mess for me. It's not easy for you to find a daughter-in-law as you are. Treat people well!"

He patted the fat man on the shoulder twice, and then he walked forward with Wang Yang!

"Don't say, although your chicken soup is very insipid, it can still move people! It seems that this experience is quite successful! "

"Bullshit! They are just like children to me. It's true that they haven't read much, but they have a great love for games. We play one game and two games a month for ten days and a half. We're very happy. But they all play for years. Even if they play ten games a day and nearly four thousand games a year, I'm afraid I'll throw up if I play like this! "

"Any profession that wants to achieve the so-called acme is outstanding!""Absolutely, they love the game, and they are very keen on the game at the same time. It's not fun, where to find the sensitive points, and so on. These are not what I can do, but what they need to do with their first-line contacts. I just enjoy it!"

"It seems that you are not so good to the little fat people! It's not easy! "

"The live broadcast industry does not mean that you have a good time, nor that you are beautiful! Need to find your own advantages and characteristics, of course, you can also find your own black spots and embarrassing spots! It's quite resonating with you, but I'm giving up halfway now! What a pity! However, it can be regarded as making some friends, no matter what the situation will be in the future? There are still some friends with friends! If there are too many, I don't dare to say, just have a meal! "

While talking, the two men also entered the courtyard. Taoist priest Liu and his elder brother were sitting in the courtyard drinking tea together. There was another one practicing martial arts in the courtyard. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao walked around the corridor of the courtyard to give a gift to Liu Daochang! Then also stood in the back of the position, did not dare to speak!

"How about it?" The people in the middle of the yard finished boxing, but also stood up.

"Not bad, good posture, but the movement of Qi and blood can still be seen, there are so some stiff places!" Ding Yu's evaluation of this is really not any fancy, even a little stiff!

"Those who come from the top of the mountain have stayed here for quite a long time and experienced some red dust. As for whether they will eventually return to the mountains, it is hard to say!" When Liu Daochang talks, his voice is slightly lower!

Ding Yu looked at it for a while. "There are some problems with the movement of Qi and blood on his body. If he competes with Zhou Chengtie, he won't persist for too long. What's more, his eyes are not bright enough. Obviously, he doesn't understand something. He's stupid to practice martial arts?"

"Xiaoyu, can't you be more restrained?" Liu Daochang is also laughing, "you directly said that he did not read many books on the line! He! I don't have much interest in it. I can do better here. I don't have enough conditions on the mountain. He is lazy sometimes

"Read more books, read more classics, and you can't give up practicing martial arts, but it's the same with all these things!"

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao don't understand, because they are not martial arts practitioners at all. For them, at most, it is to exercise and maintain their own body. As for other aspects? Even the so-called layman is not counted!

Liu Daochang is very clear about the real meaning of Ding Yu's words, but he can understand this truth, but the child in front of him simply can't understand, OK? "Xiaoyu! He! When I was young, I went up the mountain! At that time, I had to go to Shaolin Temple to learn kung fu! The one who got him! It's also easy. It's directly sent to the nearest Taoist temple! "

Ding Yu looked up and down in surprise, "how big is it?"


"Don't call me uncle!" Taoist priest Liu also corrected and said, "it's right to call Shibo from the perspective of seniority." Of course, this is for Ding Yu!

"Hello, master. I'm seventeen this year."

Ding Yu also looked at his uncle, and Taoist priest Liu also laughed. Ding Yu waved at Wang Yang and Xiao Bao. After waiting for others to go far away, Liu said in a low voice, "his master has emerged! What's more, his qualifications are not bad. Some people want to fight for it on the mountain. What about others? There are other ideas! "

"No wonder!" Ding Yu looked at him, "but martial uncle, you are always such a bad man, are you really good?"

"When his master came to Beijing, he mentioned some things to me. Some things were inevitable, both in the temple and in the temple. So after eclosion, I also inquired about it, and directly asked him to experience in the world of mortals. This reason is more reasonable! "

"To such an extent?" Ding Yu took another look at the young man standing in front of him. "If that's the case, I think it's no bad thing to leave him on the mountain and let him know him well! But now that I'm down! What do you mean, uncle? "

"I don't have a good face, so I'm looking for you! Need to find a school for him, learning is not what the world, these? Although there is not much on the mountain, he has been in contact with a lot of people when he comes here. He needs to find a school to read well, so that he can understand things. If he can't read books, it will be bad! "

Ding Yu also a smile, "nephew, do you know why you want to read?"

"Master Hui, if you say so, take a rest!"

"Perfunctory!" Ding Yu's speech is still quite impolite! "There are many stages in reading. The so-called self-cultivation is too high-end. Cognition is the first step. The so-called cognition is not only the so-called recognition of words, knowing how to write, but also understanding some truth after reading! But now you should know how to recognize charactersThe young man looked up at Ding Yu, and his expression was a little puzzled. At least in his own understanding, reading is to recognize words, that's all! What are the other uses? Although the master has mentioned it, it doesn't seem to make any sense to myself! "I just like to practice martial arts, but I don't really like reading books!"

"Still a straightforwardness!" Ding Yu is also smiling at his uncle! "Uncle! This kid still has so many not to accept! It seems that there are some demons

Liu Daochang shook his head slightly, and Ding Yu stretched out his hand. "I'll sit here with one hand and try my hand! Anyway, there's nothing to do today! "

The young man's eyes were so eager to try. Although the master came here, he didn't want to talk, but listening to the meaning of this talk really made him very angry! However, even if it was a big fire, the young man still looked at Taoist priest Liu. In addition to the master, this master uncle was good to himself!

Martial arts practitioners eat a lot of food and need a lot of nutrition. When they come to the martial uncle, they really want to eat whatever they want. In this regard, the martial uncle never hesitated. And the same is true of grandma! But this master? It's another matter!

"Xiaoyu! Be light and let him know the power of it! Don't give me a good or bad, he is still a child, young, this is inevitable Liu Daochang is not worried about Ding Yu at all. Although he is not fully aware of it, he still has an estimate!

Ding Yu is to straighten his right hand, the other hand on the thigh, there is no meaning to lift up! Although a little angry, but still very polite, salute, "master, please advise!" Finish saying, this just put his posture, but did not want to bypass Ding Yu's meaning, face to face with Ding Yu!

After staring at it for a period of time, he immediately put down his posture, and then stood there, thinking for a while and then faced Ding Yu again! I don't know why. I feel like I have a knife in front of me. I don't want to look at it, but this knife has attracted my attention!

After adjusting himself, the teenager straightened out his posture. Instead of paying attention to the hand under the horizontal line, he looked into Ding Yu's eyes, and then grabbed his body for the first time! But his hand just stretched out, has not waited to have the movement, even the other hand has not had time to do any function!

Ding Yu's hand has been put up, and I don't know how it was. He circled his arm, and his strength suddenly became uncontrollable! It's completely taken away! And this associated consequence is very serious, the whole person is also pulled by this force! When I stop my posture, I'm my great uncle!

There is no master uncle to speak, Ding Yu is gently tossed, do not know whether it is a coincidence, even the youth did not feel what the so-called strength, he has returned to the original position! Ding Yu is still the original posture, "come again! See if you have anything else

The young man took a deep breath, did not imagine the anger, and even closed his eyes, after a while, this slowly opened! "Master, please give me some advice." Then he leaned forward, but the pace was very slow, so he put his hand on Ding Yu's wrist, which made him feel like he was on it, but the problem was that his hand didn't feel like this at all!

Is it air that I touch? Hesitated for a moment, the youth is again to move their own arm, is still not attached, but the problem is that there is no sense of distance between the arms! Don't believe that the youth widened their eyes!

After I took back my arm, I found that my Shibo's arm was slowly put back to its original position. It turned out that what I touched was not the so-called air. There was a considerable distance between the two, but the problem was that the master grasped it too well! There seems to be a tiny difference between the two, but actually it is the distance between heaven and earth!

The young man stepped back three steps, "let the teacher suffer!"

Ding Yu snorted a little, and then he put down his arm. "Martial uncle, it seems that you still have no problem with your eyes. Your Kung Fu is average, but there are not too many problems with this character! It's not easy to understand this at a young age! "

"Just bully other people's children!" Taoist priest Liu also said, "Kunyang, you master! Originally is the immortal figure, does not say is you! Even if it's the city rail, there's no one or two moves that can be done on your master's hand. Even if it's the people on the mountain, there aren't many people who can take a few moves from your master's hand! You today! It's also luck

"Master, are you making me hate?"

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao in the distance were also watching, but they didn't understand. They had two strokes, one fast and one slow. However, after two strokes, there was no movement. Some of them didn't understand!

"Xiaobao, have you ever seen big brother do it?""I haven't seen it very much, but I've seen it when the kids at home practice! It's interesting! "

"Perfunctory, don't you? Have you seen the fight between the guards? I'm talking about serious fighting, not acting! "

"Naturally, I've seen it. There's a big gap with the movie. I'll use anything. I'll grab my crotch! It's too overcast! As for the performance, I've seen some of them. Although it's a bit fake, it's not comparable with the movie! But it's better than fighting in the street! That's it

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