Wang Yang and Xiao Bao did not say that they had never seen the so-called martial arts masters fighting. They might not be different from street fights. They were not even as good as the so-called fighting. However, both of them knew that the fighting among the martial arts experts seemed ordinary, but the fight between them was too bloody and even cruel!

After all, there are too many differences between the reality and the film. The expression of the film is more exaggerated, and the performance of the reality is too redundant and cruel!

But now the big brother and the young man's contest, it feels like playing with a child who has not yet been able to speak! Wave your hand casually and fall! This is still no use of strength, if there is a little strength, what will be the situation, is really unknown!

"Your Kung Fu is pretty good. You should be a good hand among your peers! But what about a way to the dark? How to put it? Too much depression does not mean that no one is going this way, but relatively speaking, suffering is not so easy, and even many people are going to extremes! "

"Master! Is it because of reading? "

"Reading can solve a lot of problems, but it can also breed a lot of other ideas. Reading is a good thing, but whether you can control yourself is particularly important. You can control yourself, control yourself! I hope you can do it. If you can, you will be a real success

Ding Yu looked at the water cup next to him and poured some water into his palm. There was not much water. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao also came to see the big brother's palm and said that they were not enough to wet their lips!

But I don't know how big brother did it? The water in the palm of the hand can't help turning, but it's in the palm of my brother's hand. It doesn't mean to leave! After turning for a while, Ding Yu gently sent it to the sky with his hand. He ordered up and down, not only Kun Yang, but also Wang Yang and Xiao Bao!

Three people at the same time feel their eyebrows hot, is really hot, not cold, although this feeling disappeared in a moment! We all touched their eyebrows, the strength is not heavy at all, but this feeling is really wonderful.

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't feel anything, but for Kun Yang, it was really a little too unreal! If you use marbles, you can do it. After all, it's a kind of exercise to the technique. But if it's water drops, there will be too many tests on yourself. Whether you can do it two or three times ten times remains to be discussed!

It seems to be simple, but the actual control, too difficult! What's more, Shibo is not facing himself alone, but aiming at three people all at once. What's more, Shibo's one-time success is so casual that he has no intention at all!

"Master, are you reading a lot of books?" Kun Yang expressed his curiosity!

"Although Hamlet's do a thousand dishes, it seems that we don't have to follow a thousand words of common people, but there is a little difference between them when we read a thousand potatoes, but there is something wrong with them

"More or less understood!" Kun Yang's reaction was a little slow, but he still understood what he said. As for who Hamlet is, I don't know, but I still know about the shredded potato. Although I seldom eat it recently! But carefully taste up, in fact, every meal, the taste is different!

Ding Yu also looked at Liu Daochang, "martial uncle, it seems that you are still quite interested in this child, and even more interested than Zhou Chengtie. If the city rail knows about it, I'm afraid it will be very depressing!"

"The two of them are not bad, but Kun Yang is more pure! I'm really worried about such a good seedling in my hand, because I'm not good at training, but the situation on the mountain is so inappropriate, so I can only ask you to help me! "

"There's no problem in helping. If you can keep this kind of mind all the time, there won't be too many problems!" For his Uncle Zhang mouth, Ding Yu really did not have any refusal, or even any unwillingness!

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, who were standing behind, were surprised to see Taoist priest Liu. Although they knew that the relationship between elder brother and Taoist priest Liu was extraordinary, they asked elder brother to help and mentioned quite a lot of requirements after they came here. What about elder brother? Happy to agree, this is still big brother?

"Kunyang, kowtow to your master!" Liu Daochang also straightened up his own waist. "Your master uncle did not point out too many people besides pointing out the city rail. Although he said that he had a good deal of contact with the mountain, he kept a considerable distance. It's lucky for you to break the precepts today."

Young people do not say a word, a kneeling to the end, Wang Yang and Xiaobao is to give up their identity, but this kowtow and ordinary kowtow is really very different! Ding Yu just sat there, watching Kun Yang kowtow!Then Ding Yu also got up, this time not with one hand, but with both hands to help Kun Yang up! I tidied up my clothes and even tightened my belt. At the same time, I put my hands on his hands!

"It's not a precious thing, but I made it by myself. I have some thoughts. I want you to be able to restrain yourself and be indifferent. It's not so good to control! Read more books, or useful! As for the Taoist Scriptures, it's not that you can't read it, and sometimes I can't read it, but I need to have a choice, because it's an idea and a spirit! A kind of inheritance! "

Liu Daochang shook his head helplessly, and Ding Yu was able to say such words. Who dares to say such words to other Taoist people? As a Taoist child, you tell me that you can't read the Taoist Scriptures. What do you want to do? Revolt?

"Kunyang, don't listen to your uncle's nonsense. His cultivation has reached a certain level. What about my cultivation? Not only the so-called Kung Fu, but also the cultivation of mind and spirit. What about you? That is to say, Kung Fu is still tolerable. As for the mind and spirit, it can be said that it tends to be nothing and can't aim too high! "

The old Taoist priest still attaches great importance to Kun Yang, so he deliberately wakes him up. If Professor Ding Yu really asks him to do so, he can, but some words need to be understood. The child's head is not stupid, but when he comes up, he should be lifted up. This is not good!

"Eat here at noon." Liu Daochang said aloud, "Kunyang's skill is not bad! I've learned a lot from working in the mountains! I don't know if these two little brothers are used to it! "

"Mr. Liu, we should have disturbed you!"

Here, Liu Daochang, two people do not have any show off meaning, in fact, usually two people are the same, although the family background is so different, but so what? Everyone is not the same as a person, although there are considerable differences between people, but so what?

Is it necessary to separate out a so-called three six nine class? It doesn't seem necessary, does it?

When Kun Yang went to prepare, Liu Daochang looked at Ding Yu again, "the taste on his body is very cool, even the whole person can't see the so-called killing decisive! If the people on the mountain see this, I'm afraid the eyes will fall down! They've really lost sight of them! "

"Martial uncle, you know, I never care about the things on the mountain, and I don't have much interest. I admire some Taoist masters. At the same time, I'm also a Taoist son, so I do what I can. As for other things? Whatever you want Ding Yu has always been like this, and this time there is no change!

"I knew you would look like this, just keep a good distance! Some things can be done, but some things don't need to be mixed up! " Liu Daochang's words are half hidden and half visible.

"Uncle, don't worry about my affairs! It's no big problem! "

At noon, I had dinner here, not to mention Kunyang's craftsmanship was still good, but Ding Yu still had a problem with his old habits, that is, he had a few chopsticks! Put down your own chopsticks at will!

Some puzzled Kun Yang didn't say anything. He had been waiting until he was free to smell, "uncle, don't you like me? There is no attempt at all. Am I doing something wrong? "

"On the contrary, you are still interested in you! As for why he ate such a little food, this also has a reason. He is a doctor, because of surgery, so basically he doesn't eat lunch very much. At noon, he just supplements some high-energy and caloric things! "

"Master is a doctor?" For this point, Kun Yang obviously did not think of, "no wonder there is a smell of other smell, an unspeakable smell!"

"Your nose is still very sensitive. Your uncle is a doctor and a great doctor. Being able to be noticed by him shows that your Kung Fu is still good. Although the city railway has been instructed by your master uncle, it is not much. He is mainly composed of a calm mind, but you are not the same! This has nothing to do with your master! "

"Shishuzu, I heard the master say that although you are in a busy city, your heart is very quiet!"

"It's just a matter of movement! I am a bad old man. Because of your master, I can live my old age in peace and do something in my spare time! Your master doesn't have so much interest in this aspect. Although he is also a Taoist, you will understand after contacting him more! After contact, we will know the difference! "

"Uncle Shi, do I want to visit him?"

"You really haven't been able to enter his home. On the one hand, it will have a considerable impact on you, and this influence is in many aspects. Is it another reason? Your status as a teacher is a little different! " Looking at some confused Kun Yang, Liu Daochang smiles, "your life is still very long! Don't go in such a hurry! ""Shishuzu, when I was on the mountain, I had heard of shishuzu, but I really didn't hear much about his name!" Kun Yang expressed considerable skepticism.

"Your master has his own name! However, he seems not so concerned about his identity. In fact, what about Taoist names? It's just a so-called code name. Maybe in your mind and mine, the Taoist name represents everything. But for your teacher, too much emphasis on his Taoist name is nothing good for the whole Taoist school! "

"I don't understand!"

"I don't understand! Some things don't mean you don't want to tell you, but you don't have such a commitment. Your Kung Fu is OK, but other aspects are not comparable with your Kung Fu. Now that you are a martial arts man, you are highly regarded! Mind is a good thing, but it doesn't mean you don't understand things! "

"Uncle, do you read a lot? If you read too much, will your mind be so pure? "

"It's good not to be moved by foreign objects!" Liu Daochang said in a low voice, "your master read a lot, but he was not influenced by the things in the book. Instead, he absorbed the nutrition in the book. This is a very important point. Just like you learn boxing, stick to your own path and absorb the outside cultivation. Only in this way can you grow and progress! When you are influenced by the outside world, your path has begun to appear deviation! The same thing

"Don't build a car behind closed doors!"

"The idioms are well used, but whether you can keep the so-called purity or not is very difficult. Over the years, apart from your teachers and uncles, I really haven't found too many people. With the development of society, it will become more and more difficult. Because the information is too explosive, not many people can withstand such impact, but at the same time, if you don't accept it, It will not adapt to the society, so it is a very contradictory thing! "

"But why can you do it?"

"There are bright people in every era! Your uncle is such a person, but you don't want to be famous, so the whole person is very low-key. But even so, there are still legends about him in the river and lake. Have you heard of it? It's because you haven't been exposed to a certain degree. Haven't you seen a TV play before? There is a saying that is very correct, the river and lake! It's not about fighting, it's about the world! It makes a lot of sense! "

Ding Yu takes Wang Yang and Xiao Bao out of the courtyard of the martial uncle, and the three of them are still smooth! "Big brother, I feel the siheyuan is another world!"

"Another world? You can say that too! " Ding Yu didn't look back. "To let you follow me is to make you adapt. In fact, what about every profession? For the layman, it is a different world. If you want to integrate into this world, you still need to put in considerable efforts! "

Now Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have understood the purpose of the big brother taking them out today. What about the project they accept? Not to say that it is so simple to be responsible for a fund. The fund is a very simple thing for them, but it is not so easy to integrate into the school as expected!

"It seems that there are not so many choices!" Wang Yang snorted, "but such a challenging thing is really interesting! What do you say, Xiao Bao? "

"I said?" Xiaobao shook his head. "I feel like I'm in a pit! It's better to go out in the evening! Just made an appointment with that fat man! Previously in the Shanghai sea there too much restraint, since back to the capital, or let some people a little bit at ease a little better! Oh, I'm a hard-working child

"Whatever you want! Don't follow me! Maybe I will go back tomorrow! Just remember to collect the money then! "

"Big brother, I heard that the situation in Britain seems to be quite serious. There are a little more people jumping off buildings every day, although they are dark and cool in their hearts."

"The idea is a little too evil!" Ding Yu said, "the main problem for Britain is that there are some mistakes in their own strategies, which led them to continue on the wrong path after being fooled by the United States. Relatively speaking, they should put their focus on Europe! This is the most correct choice! "

"Big brother, what would be the result if the UK put its target in Europe?"

"If Britain places its target in Europe, then it will evaluate the relations it has fought before and the US power behind it. Then it will attack the whole Europe, because the existence of the European Union has too much influence on the United States, but there are too many forces to mobilize! There are too many changes in it! "

"Big brother, it seems that you still have a lot of scruples about the United States!"

"Stop talking about America! Even if it is against Britain, it is the same. The forces behind me seem to be quite a lot, but after all, it is not an easy thing to face the whole UK, a country with a small land area but a rich foundation! forget it! Don't mention that! Knowing too much is not good for you! And it's too dry to say that nowSome things can be told to both of them, but some things still forget! Knowing too much is not good for them, although now some things are quite clear! But understand is one time thing, to expose the matter, is another thing, or do not let yourself pierce this window paper!

Seeing that the elder brother left alone, Wang Yang took a look at Xiaobao. "Do you think that there is a certain meaning in his speech?"

"Don't harm me. You have already guessed it yourself. Don't you understand that you have to let me fall into this pit? Some of them are too bad! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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