"Sir, a man was beaten down by Taoist priest Liu!" Security is close to Ding Yu's side and says in a low voice!

"Got beaten down!" Ding Yu also feels so interesting! "It's not the American guys! Taoist priest Liu is my martial uncle. It seems that everyone has already known about this from a very early time! Anyone who has a brain will not go to the uncle, but I really can't think of anyone else except the United States! "

"Isn't there a new person there? Maybe he wanted to inquire about some information, but because Kun Yang didn't like too much activities, so he did not expect to be beaten black and blue! It's very hard to do it! "

"I see this fellow! There are so many demons

"Sir, do you want to give them some so-called eye drops?"

"Some eye drops?" Ding Yu's voice is so strange, "whatever you want!" Ding Yu's interest in this matter is not so big. Although he said that his trap was so perfunctory, he didn't expect that the gang in the United States was the same, which made him lose a lot of fun in an instant!

The eyes of the security guard are also bright. Obviously, we can feel that there is something different from Mr. Zhang's speaking attitude. Since we are playing games, as long as we don't play to death, then everything will be easier to handle. If we are a bit more casual within the scope of the rules, we will be very happy! isn't it?

But Ding Yu didn't settle down for too much time. The phone rang. Looking at the caller ID above, Ding Yu blinked his eyes and answered, "big brother, it's me!"

"Something?" Ding Yu's words do not have any joy, just like Wang Li on the phone is a stranger to herself. This is totally different from the previous visit to Ding Ding Ding!

"Big brother, can you speak without this tone?" Wang Li is also a little angry, "brother, are you busy? If there is nothing, find a help!"

"There's no time, I'm preparing to go back to a lot of things!" Ding Yu rejected it at the first time!

"Elder brother, an old man in the hospital has some problems. Can you take a look at it! It's mainly because I'm too old! It is very dangerous to have an operation. We have just communicated with the doctor, and the situation is not so good. However, if we do not have surgery, conservative treatment can not solve the problem at all. But if we do the operation, we need to use the shortest time to solve the problem. However, some old experts in the hospital can solve the problem in a short time That's a little bit more difficult! "

"I have some interest in it." If it is other things, Ding Yu is not so interested, but the medical work, it seems that there are some differences! "In that hospital!"

After asking about the location, Ding Yu also drove to the hospital side. Wang Li was standing downstairs and saw her elder brother. She was the first to greet her! "Big brother, here you are

However, Ding Yu didn't have too many expressions and movements. At most, he nodded his head. His family members were quite surprised to see Ding Yu. How could it be such a look? Was he reluctant? Or what else?

After arriving at the office, Ding Yu also shook hands with the resident doctor, "Dr. Ding, you are expected to come!"

"There's a little more at home!" However, there were not too many greetings. After changing the white coat, the security guards also took Ding Yu's clothes to the past, but they didn't mean to let other people start. Soon, some people put the pictures out. Some doctors and Ding Yu introduced the situation in detail!

"It's a little dangerous." After reading the image data, Ding Yu also felt a little shocked!

"It's sudden. The patient is a little old and has a number of diseases. But from the current situation, if we don't have surgery, we can't solve the problem by conservative treatment. But if we take open treatment, the speed must be fast, otherwise, the patient can't insist on the operating table!"

Ding Yu, who was sitting there, was silent for a moment, "see the patient! Take a look at the details! "

Ding Yu is mainly interested in this operation, as for other aspects, Ding Yu is not so concerned! Soon people also came to the patient's room, Wang Li took the lead to introduce, but it is obvious that his elder brother is not so face saving, or follow the downstairs when the same, simply nod with the public is just!

People don't know Ding Yu so well, but they still have a good understanding of Wang Li. When talking to people, Ding Yu is, um! Good! Wait and see! These slightly perfunctory words, but in the face of patients, Ding Yu is very detailed, and even let the next nurse do a considerable record! This treatment difference is really so big!

After a check-up, Ding Yu's face did not change. Instead, she nodded with the doctor next to her. Then she put the record in the nurse's hand on her hand. The little nurse next to her felt that she could hardly ignore it! This guy is so cool!I "accidentally" touched his finger and said an unpleasant word. I even imagined what I and his two children were going to do in the future! But now this time is not too many people will notice this blushing little nurse, everyone's eyes or placed on Ding Yu's body!

"Dr. Ding, what do you think?"

"If you have an operation, you need quite a lot of people. This is not an operation that can be completed by one person and two people. At the same time, we need to do a lot of coping during the operation." Although the operation will be quite difficult, but for Ding Yu, if the cooperation is equal, there will be no big problem!

"Dr. Ding, you can choose the doctors in our hospital!" The chief director also looked at Ding Yu with a smile. He knew Ding Yu's name in the medical profession. If it wasn't for Wang Li, he would never have been able to invite Ding Yu. It's not that Ding Yu holds his own identity, but that people's work is very busy!

It's not to say that if you make a so-called phone call, people need to come to the door. Don't make such a joke, OK? The relationship between others in the capital hospital is a kind of universal. If you have any dissatisfaction, you are waiting to be criticized at the meeting of the medical system! This is absolute!

"Trouble for you! I need a separate office and quite a few doctors to communicate. If there is anything wrong during the period, please forgive me! "

After all, it's not your own territory, and to some extent, you're robbing business. So it's not a bad thing to lower your attitude a little bit! And the hospital is naturally satisfied with Ding Yu's attitude. People can put this face down. They can't stand on the Kang across the pot!

A little bit inappropriate, people directly transferred to another hospital, not to say that there is only one hospital here in the capital. If you do this! Do you want to mix in this system in the future?

They have the power, the backstage, the ability and the means. Can they compete with such people? What's more, people are invited to come here, not to deliberately find fault? There's absolutely no such thing as smashing the floor! Unless you say that the hospital is really head water! Otherwise, I will never do those so-called messy things!

The first time for Ding Yu to vacate an office, and then the hospital began to deploy hospitals and nurses, let Ding Yu choose, there are really many people are eager to try, why? Ding Yu's qualifications are extraordinary, and what about this operation? It is also quite difficult! If it's done! The subsequent impact can be imagined!

To know that the number of operations in the hospital is not small, but no matter which hospital, the vast majority are routine operations, such as now this unconventional operation, can be said to be very few!

What's more, the identity of the patient is always a problem for the hospital. It's reasonable to treat it well. But if there is a problem in the treatment, if it falls on the operating table, how much trouble will it be? There are really some skull pains. Ding Yu took over this problem, and other things will come naturally!

In about three hours, the operation plan has been basically completed, and all the candidates and equipment for the operation have been completed. However, the operation can not be carried out immediately because of the need to take care of the patient's condition!

"Big brother, how are things?" While not paying attention, Wang Li also led people to the office side! Looking at the people behind, Ding Yu also looked up, and there was really no other action!

"Nothing is 100%. The patient's condition is quite special. Whether the operation is successful depends on the patient's own situation. Now we are ready! Just wait for the patient to relax a little, and then you can enter the operating room! "

"Big brother, this is the patient's family!"

"Hello, Mr. Ding." The middle-aged man looked at Ding Yu with a keen eye. He was his father. However, if he could save his father's life, no matter what kind of conditions, he would agree!

"Hello!" Ding Yu's tone is rather cold!

"Big brother!" Wang Li is also discontented, um, "the old man is a sudden illness at work, this thing is also to blame you! With such a heavy workload in the hospital, what can we do for young people? So I invited some retired experts at home. They are all the leaders in this field! It's just too old! "

Ding Yu slightly waved his hand, "this is your business, I am here now! It means I'm a doctor! I'm just talking about things! The patient's condition is not so good! There have been quite a few problems, but there is one point. There is still hope to save the operation table now. If we do it again in the future, it will be too late! "

"Brother, I didn't come here to listen to you. I asked if you could save him? Give me a definite letter

"Otherwise?" Ding Yu is very cold and heartless said a word! "You block my door? Or what? "

"Wang Li, Wang Li!" Next to the middle-aged man is also in a hurry to pull a, can see, Wang Li is really worried! But even in a hurry! You can't do that, can you? "Dr. Ding, some of Wang Li are too impulsive, some are too excited! Excuse me"Excited and impulsive, understandable!" Ding Yu's tone is still very insipid, "but now I am the doctor of the main operation. If you affect me, you may affect my action on the operating table! Someone is no longer a child, a mother of two

Wang Li glared at her brother. She kindly invited her to come here, but she didn't expect her brother to give her such a set! Wang Li bit her teeth, "you wait for me! I'll find someone to reason with you! "

But Wang Li also knows that the so-called people to reason with, who to look for? In the past, if my grandfather had been there, I might have been better, but now my grandfather is not! Granddad and grandma, it's better not to disturb them! "I'll go to your two nephews! I don't believe you dare to do it! "

Ding Yu is really a few angry smile! He looked up and down, "go out! I'm going to get ready on my side! Don't mess around here! I don't mind shame! Don't blame me for being rude if you go on making a fool of yourself

Hesitated for a moment, Wang Li or try to make their anger down! Glare at Ding Yu, this just slowly left the room, but when leaving, is also associated with quite a small action! Obviously quite unconvinced!

"Wang Li, I know you're worried about the old man. I can't thank you enough for calling Dr. Ding!"

Out of the office, middle-aged people are also very emotional to say! What happened to the old man has nothing to do with other people. It is mainly because the old man took care of Wang Li in the past, so people are willing to support this friendship! But you can't be ungrateful, can you?

"Don't be intimidated by my big brother! He's just bluffing Wang Li out of the office, but it is not as fierce as before in the office, it is two things! "If you don't know for sure, big brother will never come here. You can rest assured."

"Ah, the old man is also old, how to comfort you can't listen to it!" The middle-aged man sighed, "but it's an old problem! I didn't expect it to be so serious! "

Two people said two words, Ding Yu is again to the ward to see two eyes, the patient's situation has tended to be stable!

"Director Ding? No, Dr. Ding should be called! " At this time, the old man had calmed down. When he saw Ding Yu, he even had a little smile on his face. "It seems that I am a lucky old man!"

Ding Yu also echoed with a smile, "you are blessed! Good guy, good hang didn't scare everyone to death! Previously, Wang Li ran to my office, and she had to drop the pots and bowls! Look at this posture. If you don't get it back, I don't have to go back to my home! I'll just be wandering around then

"There are still some small personalities! It was like this in the original time, but it's good to keep such vitality! "

"The mother of two! Sometimes it's unpredictable, but it's OK! I was in a hurry earlier! Just go to my place and drag it over! " Ding Yu also explained a little, "from the current situation, maintaining a good attitude, the problem is not very big!"

"I don't worry if you do it, doctor Ding!" The old man also said with a smile, but when he spoke, he was weak, but his mental state was really good! "I'm still looking forward to your tea."

"Well, that's it! Come and have tea with me then Ding Yu leaned down and patted the old man's arm. "I'm going to make preparations. You should also make preparations. Relax your mind. Everything will be OK."

Came to the operating room this side, Ding Yu is also from inside to outside for a change, there is no way, the operation is such a situation! Cleaning is a little cumbersome and troublesome! But for the sake of the patients and for themselves, we should overcome them!

When I came to the operating room, the room was very large. At the same time, there seemed to be a lot of people waiting, not only in the operating room, but also outside the operating room, but many of them came in admiration! We have heard about Ding Yu's name, but we don't know much about Ding Yu's video!

Today can catch up with such an opportunity, is also very rare!

"Take it easy. I don't like to talk in the operating room, but I don't like to be too cold. Talking more when there are too many people can relieve people's tension."

Because each other has not been familiar with each other before, so Ding Yu also simply said that, after all, this is the operation led by Ding Yu! When waiting for others to push forward, Ding Yu nodded at the crowd, "master, your little life is not only in my hands, but also in your own new year. Be strong!"

"Good boy, now it's time to challenge! It's all up to you! If something goes wrong, I'll pick up your Windows! "

This is also the people laugh, obviously there are so some did not resist, but Ding Yu is really not so concerned about this, nodded to the anesthesiologist in the distance, "master, everyone is actually a profession, but what you are doing is the device, I'm doing is the human, to put it bluntly, it's almost the same, don't you say?"www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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