Ding Yu's assistant has already nodded! The old man's reaction is also beginning to become dull up, in Ding Yu's nod signal, the operation also began!

Whether it's the people outside or inside, they all put their eyes on Ding Yu's body, concentrate, and even deliberately lower their breath! I'm afraid it will affect Ding Yu!

No one knows whether Ding Yu is worthy of the name! It's hard to say, after all, we have heard of Ding Yu's name, but the actual operation is really not how to see! However, with the progress of the operation, people outside also began to send out quite a feeling! Is from the heart of praise! As expected, he is worthy of his reputation, and there is no void under his fame!

"See, this hand is really steady!"

"Even if you are stable! This cutting is too accurate! Who dares to have a knife? But director Ding is also a Dao thing, smooth! You can't even see that there are too many bleeding spots! It's not so-called high-tech, it's just ordinary surgical instruments. This is expertise

To know that doctors are absolutely late, even after suffering to be able to stand out! It is absolutely impossible to do this without a considerable amount of surgery. It also needs considerable talent as support. Ding Yu's age is too young for famous doctors! There are so many young people who are not very decent!

"How did you get it?" People outside also expressed quite puzzled! "Even if he does surgery every day, it seems that the amount of surgery can not reach it? This is really strange! "

"Your operation is the amount of success, but others director Ding's operation is based on the quality. Although we all have the same amount of surgery, but the starting point of each other is not the same, so this feeling is not the same!" The speaker is not shy at all! "It's like cooking! You cook every day, has become a habit, others director Ding is to do a classic one! They really used their heart! "

"Get out of here!" "I want to be attentive, but I'm from the assembly line. I'm satisfied that I can cook now! I still want to be a Manchu and Han banquet. I have to have such ability

An old man with a thermos cup in front of him coughed slightly, "director Ding used his heart, you! Maybe you used your heart at the beginning, but you have lost your original passion after working for such a long time. If you want to be a good doctor, you need more than technology! "

"Dean! It's said that there are places in Harvard general hospital every year in Beijing hospital. Although we have quite a number of places, the gap between them is so big! What's more, people are building and donating, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger! "

"Ha ha, you bastards, are you envious or jealous?" The old man also laughed, "you! It is to think that Ding Yu can be pulled over, but how can it be? The old Dean of the capital hospital is my old classmate! However, they regard Ding Yu as a treasure in the capital hospital. What can we do if we have such a capable person? "

"Dean, director Ding can't choose one from the other, can he?"

"Why not? They were trained by the capital hospital. Even when they went to England to study, they were also specially approved by the school. They have accomplished their studies, so it is common sense to repay schools and hospitals. This is something we can't envy! Know who doesn't know in the whole medical system! "

"It's because I know it that I'm moved!"

Although they talked with each other, but their eyes did not leave the screen in front of them. The operation on the top was carried out in an orderly way. The speed was very fast, but there was no disorder. The division of labor among us was particularly clear!

Ding Yu is the chief surgeon. He needs to control the whole operation, not only to control the operation, but also to unite all the doctors and nurses in it. We should cooperate with each other. If we say that they have cooperated for a long time, there is no problem with this, but it is obvious that we are cooperating for the first time!

The first time we cooperate with each other, we can highlight this effect. Can we do this by ourselves? This ability to control the overall situation! It's really not what ordinary people can do! Their capital hospital has really got a baby, with Ding Yu's seat, the capital hospital will not have too many worries and problems for decades!

"Director, relatively speaking, our medical equipment and surgical ability seem to be not bad, but why do we feel the difference between heaven and earth when compared with director Ding? It's hard for people to think about it! And the people in the operating room seemed to cooperate with director Ding for the first time! Can you cooperate so well? It makes your scalp feel numb! "

"Beyond leadership!" The old man said blandly! "Director Ding's reputation is definitely not bragging! It's real! All of you here today have opened your eyes! People also practice, not blow out, whether the operation is successful or failed! They dare to come to the stage! "The last words mean something. I believe we all understand how it means! People are really blushing! This is not to say that we dare not stand on this operating table, but because from our consideration, if they do it, the success rate will never exceed 25%.

With such a low success rate, who would like to come to power? To some extent, it's almost death! But director Ding Yuding took over. Judging from the current situation, everything is in good condition. Is director Ding too fierce or the patient on the hospital bed too lucky? Really do not know how to judge!

The operation time is not long, because the patient's body is not enough to support a major operation, even earlier than expected, but there is really no fault in this! Come out of the operating room and send it to the intensive care unit directly! Ding Yu also follows, comes out from inside! The pace is very steady!


However, Ding Yu didn't mean to speak. He just threw his chin behind him, and then he entered the intensive care room. The doctors at the back rushed forward. In the operating room, director Ding's performance was really amazing, steady and orderly, fast and not disorderly!

"It feels like the world is a little unfair! With such a long posture, money and high medical skills! "

The head nurse at the back looked at Ding Yu in the intensive care room and the middle-aged greasy man beside him. He also snorted heavily with his nose, "people are absolutely handsome. You! It's not enough to describe you. It's almost like adding a cube

"No! At least I am a flower in our family

"It's just dog tail grass!"

See Ding Yu, and then look at this one next to you? Why is the gap so large? When I was in the operating room before, I also noticed that Dr. Ding was really wearing thin clothes, and there was meat in the strip! At that time, I almost didn't hold back. I went up and touched it!

Although in the hospital, I have seen too many people, all kinds of people, but I think that Dr. Ding Yu Ding is really too few! Do you really want to open the operating suit to see what it looks like inside? I heard that some small nurses took a glance and saw the abdominal muscles inside! There are really so many people yearn for!

Because the patient is Ding Yu's operation, so Ding Yu needs to do some docking. Fortunately, Ding Yu doesn't need to be responsible for too many lists. Someone will take the initiative to help Ding Yu solve relevant problems! Stayed in it for more than ten minutes! Ding Yu also came out of it!

"From the current situation, the problem is not so big, but it needs to be observed for a period of time!" Ding Yu simply said two words, and then is ready to leave, because he is such a separate operation, a new wash, change clothes better! Personal habits have nothing to do with anything else!

When he came out, Ding Yu looked at the call and hesitated for a moment. His mother's phone call seemed to have nothing happened in the past two days. When he called, it was obvious that he had heard some news, but the timeliness of the news seemed to be so slow! I have already done the operation on my side!

"I heard that Wang Li, a dead girl, went to see you? How is it going? " Su Yuan's voice was a little anxious, "how old do you think she is? How can you still be so indifferent? What's the situation with you? "

"Just finished the operation, no big problem!" Ding Yu's answer was very serious, and he didn't even want to ask where his mother got the news. For himself, he really didn't have any deep-rooted thoughts.

"How old is she? Don't you know that the action behind this is bad for your reputation Su Yuan expressed serious dissatisfaction with this matter, his daughter is not young! Moreover, as a mother of two children, her education feeling at home is still in place, but why is she so ignorant?

When I heard about this, I really felt angry. Who can't do it? You have to go to your elder brother. Even if your elder brother has excellent medical skills, but the success rate is not more than 25%. If there is a problem, how should we deal with it? Has this dead girl never thought about it?

When there is a good thing, I never think that Ding Yu is her elder brother. But when there are any problems and situations, the first person to think of is Ding Yu. Look at Ding Ding Ding, is there a bad relationship between them and her elder brother? Very good, but good relationship, when to see Ding Ding go to trouble Ding Yu!

What about Wang Li, a dead girl? Running to the courtyard every three or five times? Either trouble her big brother, or dig the corner of the quadrangle, how much of the play in the courtyard was drummed to the Palace Museum by her!

But what about those things? It's not to say that Ding Yu, the child who spent money by snatching and stealing, has gone to the Palace Museum quietly! People in the family may not say anything, but how will the outside world look at this matter?What else, if Ding family really knows this in the future, how will people see it?

After Dingyu started his family, did the Wang family and Zhao family help? No, no? On the contrary, Wang and Zhao are in the light of Ding Yu, thriving! But this is a good word, but it's not good to listen to!

Although Ding family is not a big family, it is inevitable that there is no idea of others? Bully their entire raised son with you, right? There is nothing good about this big son, there is nothing bad, come to find this big son every day!

Su Yuan is also because of this aspect, so there are so many angry! Although said not deaf not dumb, can not be a home!

Some things in the home can be left behind, can not be everything to care about, everything is more true, but some things can not be really as nothing to see! Wang Li's performance is really too much! Even let oneself this be mother all have so some to look out of sight!

But the old man died before! Su Yuan has never found any good opportunities, but did not think about her daughter? There are really some less competitive! Unexpectedly, he played such a hand on such a bone saving eye. Su Yuan also came here with some anger at this time!

"She's still in the hospital? Let her go home at night! "

Ding Yu didn't mention too much about her mother's firm tone. "Mom, my work may be a little bit busy, and we need to deal with it later!"

Dingyu didn't give this too clear! Whether standing by the mother or sister, there are so many problems that are not suitable, and they don't want to be involved in them! At least I don't think there is any big problem! So there is no other mind!

When he put down the phone, Dingyu looked at Wang Li and middle-aged people who came by, and also slightly nodded her head. "Mr. Ding, thank you!" Middle aged people also rush out their hands, to Ding Yu to express their thanks! Handshake is also quite excited, his father's situation know a lot, is really into the ghost gate!

"There are no too many problems in the operation of the patient, but his condition is slightly special. No one can guarantee whether there will be complications after the operation. There are still too many problems. There are still many problems. There is a considerable need for care in the later stage! These need the care of the family members, and the patient's self-mediation! "

"Brother, you are all in this field. You can think about it!"

"I can't do this really. I'm not a total talent. The patient's situation varies from person to person!" Dingyu also interrupted Wang Li's speech, "there is no problem with surgery. I can start this aspect, but what about conditioning?"? This is not my specialty! After all, he and grandpa are of two properties! "

"Well! I'm fine! "

But Dingyu did not let Wang Li leave the meaning, next to the middle-aged people again thank, this just left! "Brother, you won't find me to settle the bill! OK, I do! What are you going to do?! "

"It's not what I'm going to do, but what you're going to do. Just now my mom called me. I'm not satisfied with your action this time. I think you still think about it. How to explain this is better! If there is no problem with the patient today, I will probably leave tomorrow! "

"Ah? How did mom know that? " Wang Li has so many claws!

"Don't ask me, I didn't want to report you! There are also some who can't make it, so you still want to think about how to deal with it! " Dingyu said with no idea, "I have said what to say, and I have done what I should do! You can do the rest of the things yourself! "

"No! Brother, this matter mother knows, will not lightly forgive me! " Wang Li can look at his big brother with pity!

"Will you be spared lightly, I don't know about this matter! Be good for yourself! "

Hearing big brother say so, Wang Li can not let big brother leave so much! If I really go, I can't cry and die! My mother will definitely take a heavy hand, what will be done then? So I look at my brother in a pitiful way. "Brother, would you please go back with me?"

"Don't think about it. I don't have so much free time! So go face it yourself! But I can give you a friendly tip. This time you don't want to pass the pass easily. If I don't go, it may be better. If I go back, it will never happen to you! "

"No! Can't mom ever take me alive? "

"It's hard to say!" Looking at the still ear, I don't know the sky drum of Wang Li, Dingyu also can not help shaking her head, "I think this time difficult you are afraid very sad! So, take care of it! And I see you on top of you? There are some problems. Go to me at night! "

what is it? Or I'll go with my mom! "

"You can go by yourself!" Dingyu had no hesitation at all, "pay more attention to yourself, don't always be careless, and it is no longer a child! In mother's words, they are both mothers of two children. Pay attention to it and do it all! "I don't understand! Wang Li also felt that she was a little upset. Her elder brother always looked like this. She always talked half hidden and half revealed, which made people feel so confused and had a very tight mouth! Even if he is hysterical, it seems that there will not be too many results!

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