"I'm going to see my brother later. Are you going?"

Sitting in the living room of the three people, are also so some of the mood is low, before is not said that did not realize this problem, but we are deliberately to avoid! At least the subconscious evaded the problems and conditions in this!

Although it is said that they are closely related to each other, but it seems that there are some things that can't be said about taking advantage of this, and has the elder brother really refused them? It seems that there are times to refuse, but relatively speaking, they are basically successful!

Think about Ding Ding Ding, who is also the elder brother's sister. The relationship and feelings between them are really good? But what is the situation? Compared with each other, this gap seems not to be general big!

And the more comparison, the more people feel so ashamed!

"Let's go together." Wang Yang also said in a low voice, "Dad and mom didn't mention it before, but now I think of it, I feel my face is a little swollen! We are blindly taking, but we always feel that it should be taken for granted. Now it is not a common embarrassment to think about it! "

"You two may be better. Now I feel like I can't find a gap on the ground and get into it directly! I will not be able to see people in the future Xiaobao is also blushing at this time!

"All right! Now that we're here today! That is to say, I didn't treat you as an outsider. The same big brother didn't treat you as an outsider! let's go! I say hello to mom and Dad

Three people came to the courtyard together. When they came, Ding Yu had already come back! Ding Yu can think of Wang Li's arrival, but Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are also following! It is true that there are so some did not think of, but for Ding Yu, it is not a wonderful thing! Come and come! It's normal!

"Big brother, we came here to admit our mistakes!"

Standing in front of Ding Yu, the three men bowed with Ding Yu!

Ding Yu, who was originally rolling his sleeves, was stunned for a moment. Their movements were really neat and uniform. Ding Yu also looked at the three of them and said, "what's the matter today? The sun is coming out of the West?! Or you took the wrong medicine! It's such a performance

"Big brother, I was scolded by my mom and dad when I just got home. We also realized some problems and conditions of our own. We never thought about them!" Wang Yang is also hanging his head said!

Ha ha! Ding Yu also snorted and laughed, "no wonder! Today is like a withered eggplant, have not eaten! Now that we are here, let's have a meal together. " Ding Yu asked the waiter to serve! Things belong to things and meals to meals. The so-called biggest meal can't be avoided, can't it?

"Big brother, we really don't have much mood! Previously, I always felt that I should be divided. I didn't think about so many problems, but today I realize how shallow we are! "

"Sit down first." Ding Yu is also the first to sit down, at the same time let the attendant take two bottles of wine, "today, do not drink any red wine! There are some at home, but red wine! If you pass the best drinking time, there will not be too much flavor! At this point, it is quite inferior to our liquor

After opening the wine, Ding Yu also personally started, everyone poured a cup, even himself without any exception!

"What about the matter? There has never been a right or wrong theory. To understand a problem like this is a mistake in itself, just like I never thought I was a good person. I thought I was a good person. Would other people think I was a good person? It's impossible. Everyone hates that I have such itchy roots. I still know that! "

"Big brother, we'd like to offer you this glass of wine. You've been carrying a heavy load all these years! But we pretend we don't know! "

"How great I am! I have my own consideration, have my own ideas, I have never been a so-called sage, at most is some achievements! It's no big deal! " Ding Yu is not proud of Wang Li's performance!

"Big brother, we may be sparrows who have not experienced the wind and rain!"

"Everyone has his own sky. He doesn't say who is higher and who is lower. What about flies and goshawks? It's all under the sky! " Ding Yu's interest seems to be very high, but it has little to do with Wang Li. The main reason is that the achievements made by the British side are still impressive!

"Brother, you're leaving tomorrow? Is it too hasty? "

"I came back to burn seven for my grandfather. It's over! Originally, I prepared some other things, but now it seems that some of them are useless, so let's forget it! " Ding Yu raised the glass in his hand and said, "let's have a drink together." The cup is not very big, so the people also drink the wine in the cup!But then you don't need Ding Yu to hold the pot! Wang Yang stood up and poured wine for everyone! "What about you, Wang Li? Wang Yang and Xiao Bao do not need to be burdened! Some people may say, put them in your position, the performance will be better than you, but in this case! Listen to it and treat it as a joke! There's no need to worry about it! "

"Brother, you can do it like this, but we dare not. We didn't realize this problem before. But now that we have realized this problem today, I think we should make it clear! It doesn't affect our feelings! "

Ding Yu nodded, "tell me or not? In fact, there is not much need. What about some? Haggling, but what about some? Just muddle along! Life is like this. I put Su Yu in your position, even Su Chen in your position. Can they do it well? Impossible

Looking at Wang Li who wanted to talk, Ding Yu waved his hand, "where are Su Yu and Su Chen? I pay more attention to Su Chen, but similarly, Suchen is not suitable for business development. He has considerable potential in official career. Wang Li, you are like a fish in water in the Palace Museum, but let you enter the official career, you! Two and a half days, you'll lose your armor

"Big brother, I'm not as bad as you said?" Wang Li pretended to be dissatisfied!

"Do you hear me?" Ding Yu smiles at Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, "she doesn't have much confidence in her own words. Similarly, Xiaobao, you are too. Do you enter the official career? It's not appropriate to walk on the official career. You need to be quite calm. At this point, your personality is not suitable. Similarly, I am not suitable to take the official career Road, because I give you the feeling that I am too serious and too strict! "

"Big brother, I feel that if you take an official career, you will definitely have considerable development!"

"You think too much!" Ding Yu expressed his veto. "You just saw one aspect of it. You didn't see too much! You think I'm suitable, but I tell you, if I really go into the official career, it won't be too long, and I will be opposed by all the people, and everyone will join hands to drive me out! "

But Xiaobao thought for a while, and slightly nodded his head, "it's really possible that it will be so. It's not that big brother is so strong, but that big brother sometimes demands too much. There are a hundred kinds of rice and a thousand kinds of people, so that everyone can keep up with the pace of big brother. This is not a real thing in itself! In this case, everyone's goal may be directly transferred to big brother's body! "

"So say it! Everyone has their own light and glory, in this world, no one will stop you! But how to recognize yourself? I am now in such a position. There are consortia behind me. But let me decide the direction of strategy. No problem. I can do it. But what about others? I can't even make me go to the market to sell vegetables, even if it's produced by the farm, I can't do it well! "

"Big brother, there are so many self belittling

"So? Don't feel that there is anything wrong, and don't feel that there is anything difficult to do. What's your parents' consideration? From their point of view, they have different understandings. We need to listen to some things, but we need to have our own understanding of some things. As for how to deal with them, it's up to you! "

Ding Yu really did not intend to let Wang Li and the three of them carry too much! At this point, they and Ding Ding Ding have a completely different identity and position, so Ding Yu's treatment is also very different!

Originally came to admit that he was wrong, but under the regulation of Ding Yu, Wang Li and the three of them really drank too much! Even Wang Li is holding her wine bottle and starting to blow! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are not good there. Everyone has his own pressure, but it is difficult to find his own way to relax!

Not everyone is as open as Ding Yu saw! As for the three people who drink too much? What else? If there is not a trace of reason, there may really be big news!

And Ding Yu picked up his phone, "Dad, it's me. Wang Li, they've come to me!"

"They! If you don't understand, you are already so old! They are still impetuous and have no other consideration. But if you want to say that they are sensible, how can they do such things? " Wang Changlin also has quite a sigh for this!

"Dad, from my point of view, it's your eyes that are too high!"

"You can talk, but don't you think their rice is a little bit too much. Should I call them sorghum rice now? Even if I give them sorghum rice, I feel a little wasted! "

"The times are changing, developing and progressing! Today, eating rice may be the most normal choice. Who knows what kind of crops and grains will appear in 20 or even 50 years? Of course, this is just a metaphor. Wang Yang and his colleagues now have such conditions, although they say that such conditions are somewhat passive! ""You said good things to them. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao performed fairly well. They were not the best, but at least they could speak in the past. But Wang Li! Is really let a person have so some disappointments, now still charge in front, she regards oneself as what? Some things? You may not have to think too much about it, but you need to think about it at home! "

"I understand! But this is Wang Li's appearance! If Wang Li doesn't show up, other people don't have such weight. I have a good relationship with the Forbidden City. It's one thing, but human relationship is another thing! It's true that I am a doctor, but again, I'm not a God. I still have quite a sense of it

"It's good of you to take all the responsibility on yourself, but what about me? We need to see some problems from them, and even need to correct them. After all, what about this family? Wang Li is not alone

There is no mention of Ding Yu, which is quite a part of the reason. It is not that Ding Yu is not a member of the family. It is not because Ding Yu's identity is too special. He is free from the family. If we can't overcome the difficulties in the family, it's ok to find Ding Yu!

Is there a problem in the past? Basically not! Under such circumstances, what about Wang Li? Although it means opening a gap, to a certain extent, it is also a pioneer. If we can't solve the problems in our family, what about the faction? What about outside? What to do?

"I see, Dad, you're under so much pressure now?" To say this, Ding Yu has the meaning of some jokes.

"The pressure is not great, but there are still some internal problems. Some things need to be solved step by step, but also some problems need to be solved slowly!"

"I know Mom's mood is not so good recently. I have to leave these two days. It's not so convenient!"

"Tell your mother!" Then Wang Changlin also gave Su Yuan a call! She can't settle down next to her!

"It's me. How are the three of them? In the beginning! We should let them know what the taste of Erliang grain is. Now the rice and flour are not good for them! I'm used to it! Now that life is good, they've all begun to drift

"It's not so serious. At least it's very good to be able to recognize our own problems! After all, it needs to come step by step. Over the years, I think they have made great progress. Although this kind of progress is still a little slow in your eyes and my father's eyes, it is not good compared with other people? "

"I don't care about others. I'll take care of them, you! It's also convergence. Don't get used to them all the time. You can say that Wang Li has two children now! Now, what can we do in the future? "

"I have already said that they are not in a good mood, but they are quite repentant. Mom, I am not in China recently! Everything at home is on your side! You also need to be more open-minded. Don't worry about it all the time. In fact, there's no need to worry about it. Dad's consideration is a little more comprehensive, so I can't erase this face. It doesn't matter to me! "

"You don't care! But what about the house? What a shame! Don't talk about it! I really don't know the height of the earth! If we go on like this, we will hide too many problems! "

"Is it true that they are all family members and there is not so much need, do you think so?"

Ding Yu's consolation time was a little bit longer. When Deng Rong came in, Ding Yu put down the phone in his hand. Deng Rong also put the summarized information in front of Ding Yu at the first time.

"Sir, I called from Japan earlier. There are other things besides gifts!"

"What? Are they making a lot of money this time? Or are some of them overjoyed? " Ding Yu took a look, and then he also put the document on the desktop, "is it so generous? You know, although I have some preferences for these things, I have never asked for them too deliberately

"Sir, you didn't mean to ask for it, but whether it's Dashan, Tanaka or tangerine apricot, they can only express their thanks in this way. I'm afraid this time it's not as simple as getting great development!"

"You mean not to take it down. It's inhuman, isn't it?" Ding Yu also sighed, "but how about taking it? I'm not so much research on these things. If I put them here, it's really not a general tyranny! In fact, I like these, in part because Wang Yang, I think he plays better than me

"Well, sir, it's a wish! They did their best! I've had a little look at it. It's OK! "

"It's not easy for you to say that!"

Ding Yu has nothing else to say. After processing some documents here in the study, he went to have a rest! In the morning, Ding Yu still got up very early. After training, he also went to the study. Sun Yingnan called. In the capital market, the consortia can be said to have seized a lot of profits, which is shocking!It can be said that the entire consortium has a wave of fat! Fat to the oily one!

"Sir, the problem here is not so big. Do you have any other opinions?"

"What do you mean?" Ding Yu asked back!

"I personally feel quite dumb about the British action this time. I just don't know what direction it will develop in the future. I'm not sure about this. It's changing too fast! It's too much to see

"I see! My plane tonight or tomorrow! We'll discuss it then! "

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