In the phone, Ding Yu really did not want to discuss too much meaning, at least at this time there is no need!

When they came back, they were all up! Also deliberately cleaned up a time, but yesterday, although the time to drink a little more, but really there is no problem, look at their appearance is also refreshing!

"Good morning, brother."

Ding Yu nodded. When eating, he didn't have any words. It didn't seem to be as excited as yesterday, but this seems to be Ding Yu's consistent style! So Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't feel too strange! "Brother! Are you leaving today? "

"It's not so sure. It may be tonight, maybe tomorrow, something hard to say!" After Ding Yu had eaten, he replied, "I have already called my father and mother last night, there is no problem! When I have time, I will go back to accompany my mother. My grandfather just passed away. She is in a bad mood. I can understand that! "

Then Deng Rong also brought a box over! Then Ding Yu opened it! "It's from Japan. I remember Wang Yang. You like it very much. See what's suitable for it!"

When the box was opened, people also felt that their heads were shocked, and a fragrant and leisurely aftertaste was heard. Among them, Wang Li also gave a strange cry, "Wow, there are such good things!" Originally is mixed up in the Forbidden City, to the good thing nature will not appear too strange!

Wang Yang is also staring at the boss, but Xiaobao's face is embarrassed, although the taste is very strange, but he really do not know what is in front of him, say it is a string of hands! It's tied, not tied together! And extremely irregular!

"From Japan, Dashan has a heart! Wang Yang Xiaobao, you can choose one by yourself! Wang Li, this is for you Ding Yu also took out an object from the bottom of the box and said, "take it with you and pay attention to it. You've been recently! Transportation is very common, so pay more attention to it! "

"Brother, don't worry, but I don't have any share in it? It's really hard to see! " Wang Li is so greedy for the things in the box!

"There are so many artificial things that you can't tell whether it's true or not. Even those who play with Xiangnan can't tell. Wild things are rare! Nothing great! But how much is good for your health, but you are not suitable, two children? I'm still a little younger now! "

"I see!" Wang Li is not too serious about this matter. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao look at the contents of the box and quickly choose the style they like. After all, it is the thing that big brother takes out.

Now, in addition to the big brother, there is really no other person who can take things out of the courtyard! Even if it is Wang Li, it is the same. Why can Wang Li take out things? It is not clear that big brother, this is the reason why father and mother were so angry before!

Now! I'm afraid this road is really unique! Big brother may not care, but what about the housekeeper? What about the others? So the future is really not the general difficult! And the origin of all this, is the second sister noisy, how to say is OK?

"I'm going to visit the Forbidden City. There are some things that need to be dealt with. What about you two?"

"We have quite a lot to do here! We still need to communicate with each other about the fund and go home at noon? " Wang Yang also has so many worries to ask a!

"I'll go home and wait for training when I finish my work there!" Although elder brother didn't mention anything last night, it's a thing that I don't understand. It's another thing that can't be mentioned in the same breath!

Big brother can ignore, but he can not as what has not happened!

After three people discussed, they also left the courtyard. While sitting in the car, Xiao Bao was also fiddling with the small objects in his hands. "You really don't have to say that there's such a sticky feeling. It's not big, but it's oily. It's very different from the strings you usually play with!"

"I usually play those are from the big brother's drum to get, but this thing to you is really a waste of some!" Wang Yang was also slightly dissatisfied, "otherwise, I gave you the 911!"

"Come on Xiaobao also could not help leaning against the side door, "I don't know you. I didn't have any interest in that 911. The things that big brother can take out are really extraordinary! But speaking of, big brother's string of hands and walnuts are many, but I heard that although there are more people playing in these two years! But the price seems to have come down! "

"I wipe, where did you hear that?" Wang Yang looked up and down Xiaobao, "I haven't heard that you still have this hobby. Don't think I don't know you! You are not the hand at all

What about the companies? I have a lot of hobbies in this area, such as olives, walnuts and King Kong. I also went to see them. I used to have tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, but now? There is no one to start with thousands of yuan, and I don't know what happened to it? ""How normal! In fact, it's a matter of mentality. Some people have to pursue the good, the better, the few thousand, the tens of thousands, even the hundreds of thousands, but what about these things? It's for fun, not for investment. It's just two things. I think you've moved your mind in this respect. "

"A little bit, but I don't feel like this material!"

"Just look at big brother! Big brother is just to play, or calm their own mind, but big brother's hand string? To put it bluntly, there may be some inaccuracies. You also know that the elder brother is a Taoist, and the Taoist school prefers to be a pearl in it! "

"I know that there are a lot of good things in my brother's collection, but what about brother's? It seems that they are not particularly valuable, and the walnut is very ordinary! I feel like it's only one hundred and eighty yuan! "

"Now the economy is developing! What about your hobbies? It's up, too! But more often, it is also for the pursuit of fashion and modernity, which also led to the market there are so some chaos, what kind of varieties have come out! Take walnuts for example! In the past, what kind of splint was used to say that it grew naturally, but now? Good guy, there are a few who are not splintered, but I can't tell whether my hobbies are right or wrong! "

"So it's not worth it?"

"What do you think? The market is not small, but the things in it are too chaotic to tell the true from the false. Good things can't be sold at a price. What about bad things? No one wants it, so after a long period of speculation, the price has also plummeted. However, the serious good Dingxi is becoming more and more precious. There is a kind of priceless one in the market! "

"So! You'd better not hit me this thing attention! I will praise the bottom of the box to my son in the future

"Cut!" Wang Yang also snorted, "but if you really want to praise the bottom of the box? There may not be too many ways for elder brother, but there should be no problem in finding the housekeeper or the second elder sister. The second elder sister is originally in this profession. As for the housekeeper? He is not generally proficient in it! "

Wang Li went to the Palace Museum. Before she could tell the situation of the hospital, she saw several old men leaning over. Even everyone's noses began to move, "Lily! This is not the smell of perfume. How many years have you not smelled it? Go to your big brother again

"You will see my jokes! I went to beg my elder brother yesterday. My mother gave me a good scolding Wang Li also has some unpleasant feelings, "but the operation in the hospital is still very good. I just called, and there was not much postoperative reaction, but the follow-up conditioning may be troublesome for you! The elder brother said that he is not very good at it. It's up to you, the elder generation, to specialize in the art. "

"You girl, our old faces are nowhere to be placed!"

The crowd also burst into laughter, "but Lily, this flavor is really so special. If it's other aroma, I'm afraid it's already gone, but the fragrance is far away, heavy but not strong! Good thing

"I heard that someone expressed thanks and sent it to elder brother. Yesterday, I went to seek comfort with Wang Yang and Xiao Bao. I had a good time crying and drunk. In the morning, my elder brother gave Wang Yang and Xiaobao a piece. I'm good, that is to say, after smelling the smell, I really have some pitiful things. They are the same, so I look special?"

"You! I really don't know if I'm in luck

We all know that Ding Yu has good things, but what about good things? People can't reach out. They can only look forward to seeing and appreciating the quadrangle when they have a chance. For such things, people really don't show any greed!

What's more, who is that? That's Ding Yu!

Elder brother Wang Li asked for some embarrassing things! This is the reason why people come to welcome Wang Li today. As for the previous fragrance, it is just an excuse for us to find out!

But really don't say, this taste is really very different, I'm afraid only feather less such a fairy figure can have such a good thing! Such things are suitable to stay in Yu Shao's hands. In other people's hands, I'm afraid it's really a good thing!

When the crowd dispersed, Wang Li also caught an old man with white hair, "old wine, do me a favor!"

"Little girl, how can I find it? Do you have to catch me? But I have no research on medicine! Even if you catch me, it's no use! "

"In terms of recuperation, I think we can find quite a number of people in the hospital. I know that you have considerable research on Taoism, so I want to ask you some questions. Don't worry. I know your old rules. There are two bottles of old wine in the house. At the beginning, I got it from my elder brother! I'm sure you're satisfied! "

Is old wine good to drink? It's not good to drink at all. Anyway, Wang Li tried it. She really took a sip, but she would never want to have a second sip. If anyone said to drink the old wine directly, it was pure 250. The old wine was always used as a mediation wine. Even if it was a drop, the taste would become mellow and long-lasting!"Give me a bottle. If there is anything we can say alone, we can't let these people hear it. Otherwise, it will be over! Even if I sit at home, these old guys also come to play in the autumn! I can't stand it! "

"In fact, it's nothing. Brother gave me something, not Xiangnan. Xiangnan is a good thing, but the job I do is not so suitable. What's more, there are children at home, so it's not suitable. The elder brother didn't mention anything to me. I just don't care about the bottom!"

Looking at the things that Wang Li showed, the old wine man also examined them. After looking at them for a period of time, he really didn't mean to start. After reading them, he put away his reading glasses and said, "good thing! It's safe. Just take it with you all the time

"I know it's safe, but I can't understand my brother's words."

"Do you understand? Naturally The old wine man also narrowed his eyes, "Yu Shao is a Taoist. He has a lot of research on Taoism. What about me? In front of Yu Shao, don't play tricks on others! I am an old man who wants to keep my face and drink more wine

"Old wine, there are so many of you. It's too unrealistic! What I took from my elder brother's house is Hongdong, and it was not banned. Are you sure you are not interested in it? "

Wine old is not help but pinch his hand, at the same time, the throat is also not from a swallow of saliva, "you girl! You let me say something about it! Is it really embarrassing? "

"Old wine man, it was the red Dong of that year. Before it was banned, it was filled with tiger bones, pangolins and other things. Now? I can't see it at all! Since I got it from big brother, it's absolutely authentic! And it's a treasure

"You can coax me! What about this thing? Even if it's safe, I can't see what's extra. I really can't see it. Although I have some knowledge and contact with Taoism, there's a saying in our profession. Layman is always a layman. Comparatively speaking, compared with Yu Shao, I'm a layman! "

"I didn't see how many Taoist practices my elder brother had. Anyway, he was not afraid of wine and meat, and

"Lily! You can say that, but how can I say it? Does the so-called depth of Tao really have anything to do with it? This is not the case at all. Everyone's understanding is quite different, so you can't look at the problem from your single point of view! Even if you look for other people, their answers are the same! "

"Yes! I'll give you two bottles tomorrow Wang Li also puffed her face, "by the way, old wine, previously annoyed my mother adults, today will not be too good! So we may have to leave earlier today! "

"I don't want to take advantage of you, if it really spreads out! How can I be a man? There are several cases of Maotai from my disciples and grandchildren at home. I'll give you one bottle for two cases! No matter how much! "

"Please forgive me, old wine! It's for you Wang Li really didn't care too much about this aspect. "If you really don't feel suitable, I know your old sculptor is good at carving two things for the two little guys in the family. How do you like it? I'll take two bottles of wine as stuffing

No two words have been discussed, and the two people have reached a considerable agreement! In fact, it's more like a joke between two people!

For the big brother to give things, although did not ask out a why to come, but Wang Li how many hearts already know! It is also very solemn to wear on their own body! This is not the intention of big brother so simple!

Before noon, Wang Li took the lead to go home! Before going home, I also called Wang Yang and Xiaobao. Of course, I didn't go home empty handed. I still carried some things I bought back!

Just entered the door, was entangled by two children! Su Yuan looked at the things in Wang Li's hand, hummed, then slightly curled his mouth, "Mom, at least two children are also here, you are also a grandmother, I know I did wrong, you must give me a chance to correct, right? Don't beat me to death! At least give me a break

"I should give you two more sticks!" Su Yuan sighed heavily, "I heard I drank last night! And also drink a lot, I said whether you have long heart! You went there just to drink? You've lost your wine at home? "

"Mom, I went to pay for it yesterday! At the same time, I realized some of my own problems. At that time, I was so excited, but my elder brother's mood was very good. When he spoke, we couldn't refuse, so we drank a little with him! "

"Well? Did your brother drink too? " For this, Su Yuan is still very curious, because as far as he knows, the boss seldom drinks, at least he knows only a few times!

"Well! I didn't drink a lot, but he opened his head and later we didn't stop. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao and I realized some problems, especially me and mom. You can rest assured! It will never happen again in the future! I promise you"Promise me?" Su Yuan didn't mean to be fooled by her daughter, "you promise! I don't think it has much effect? You didn't promise that time! "

"Mom Wang Li also gave a strange cry, "how can my guarantee not work? Anyway, I was raised by you, too! You just don't believe your daughter? "

"Well, look at your performance." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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