"Yanu, here's a box. There's not much."

"Sir! Thank you Yanu really did not think that he had such luck, but Sanchez looked at the cigar box in Yanu's hand and said, "Ding, didn't you mean it?"

"It can be seen that he has achieved considerable results? Yes? I mentioned it to elder martial brother Dongfang! "

Sanchez couldn't help nodding, "I have had quite a lot of communication with Dongfang Jing, but I've heard about it, but the communication between them is really too limited, and there is not too much understanding! I think to a certain extent, we all neglect oriental culture too much, America! It's a country without history! "

"I feel that there are some other emotions in your words!"

"Relatively speaking, China is the only country with four ancient histories left! Everyone said that the United States is an inclusive country. There are some mistakes in this statement. I think the best inclusive country should be China! Tolerance, self-improvement and so on, these are what a big country should show! With a long history, it has its own elimination and inclusiveness, so it can form its own unique history and culture, and these are the main reasons for China's sustainable development! "

"It's not too late to get a better understanding of this, is it?"

"The two events, although to deepen our understanding of China, have always been in a bystander's perspective to consider the problem, rather than from their own perspective to understand the problem. I have contacted some so-called experts on Chinese history. To put it mildly, more than 80% of the people can't even compare with Chinese high school students! The things we have touched are too superficial, and they are always willing to de blacken, because some people want to see this! "

"Is to deepen the contact with elder martial brother Dongfang, can you produce so many feelings? Sanchez, you old man really makes me look very different. I feel like you have changed a little bit! "

"I didn't communicate with Dongfang Jing very much. Now I understand why you gave your child to Bruno, who has been living with Dongfang Jing since he was a child. He has some understanding of Chinese history and culture, and can see the advantages and disadvantages of it."

After speaking, Sanchez also took a deep look at Ding Yu, which he had just wanted to understand recently. When we look at this issue, we all think that Ding Yu is because of his close relationship with Bruno, and it is just by chance that he will take the child with him. However, he really does not look at the problem like this now!

The reason why Ding Yu gave the child to Bruno was that he had taken many reasons into consideration. Otherwise, he would not have done so rashly! Ding Yu's two children are likely to inherit Ding Yu's mantle in the future. Will Ding Yu be so casual? It's impossible!

So even if it is fair competition, Ding Yu's choice will be Bruno, not himself! Do anything, Ding Yu has quite clear, rather than the appearance seems so casual! This guy! It is really let everyone have so some underestimate! Or that we did not really recognize Chu Dingyu!

What he has shown has never been his real power. On this issue, it is really the traditional Chinese culture. There is a great possibility that he always uses seven points to leave himself three points! How much effort did Ding Yu use? Is really open to discussion, in their own opinion, may be less than five points!

"Elder martial brother Dongfang makes you feel cautious?"

"Yes, I have a certain feeling. I even have some ideas. I personally went to the manor of the Oriental family for a few days. The children in the family get up to exercise every morning, and they are the kind of people who get together. No matter what will happen in the future? But such solidarity is really eye opening! "

"Elder martial brother, have you ever been to the East for exercise? It's not so precious. It's not a panacea. At most, it acts as a catalyst. The question is whether we can stick to it! "

Sanchez also laughed, but nodded approvingly, "yes! Some people have also mentioned their opinions on this aspect to me! " Ding Yu face-to-face, Sanchez also did not have any concealment, "but I carefully read and found that those are panacea, really not right! It's like planting flowers and plants. What about seeds? Is their own, but how to grow out, but also need to see their own! The outside world can play a little role, but it's hard to say how big this role is! "

"So? I feel like you have something to say Since Sanchez has talked about this issue, Ding Yu really does not have much to oppose! Even took the initiative to take this topic over! "I know you're an old man. You're not shooting at random! Let's hear it! ""I just have this idea now, and I don't know whether this idea is right or wrong. It's hard to make this judgment. I also know that it will be a long-term plan, so I brought Yanu here too!"

Ding Yu held his chin and looked at Yanu, nodding slightly!

"After seeing the children in the manor and looking back at the children in the family, what do I think about American education? There are still quite a number of problems. Even if there is the so-called elite education, there are still quite some disadvantages in this kind of education, even those that are difficult to solve! "

Ding Yu changed his sitting posture. "From my personal point of view, American education has its own advantages and disadvantages. First of all, what about education? It has never been oppressive, but rather selective. There are many directions for us to choose from. However, there are also some shortcomings in it, which will make many children's education lack! This is a very big problem

"Whether it's the world-famous high school or university, does it look like an assessment? Are very strict, but this is only relative to the outside world, in their own internal? It has considerable controllability. For the selected talents, there are too many restrictions. It seems that there is a certain way out for them to say a bad word, but their space has been blocked! "

"Don't you just say senior employees directly?"

"I have lost my independence, I don't have much autonomy! It seems democratic, but in fact? You and I are all big consortia. What do you say? What we say is too straightforward. We are digging our own corner! "

"I understand more or less already!" Ding Yu nodded slightly. Although the conversation between each other did not touch a certain problem, we all understood how it happened! "What are you going to do?"

"Relatively speaking, the Boston consortium has made considerable profits this time. Although we all like the benefits very much, can we transform these so-called interests? This is what I think about. I'm an old man already! This life should enjoy all have enjoyed! Some other considerations are needed! "

After saying this, Ding Yu also fell into a burst of silence, gently tapping the armrest of the sofa with his hand. It was obvious that Ding Yu was also thinking about some problems! If there is any action, what kind of range will it be controlled in? What's the opinion of the outside world and how to mediate internally?

"Sanchez, this matter should not be concealed from the eyes of elder martial brother Dongfang. Under such circumstances, we have not been able to hide Bruno's eyes. Even in a small range, we have expressed considerable concern about this matter!"

"The Boston consortium has benefited quite a lot this time, and I'm an old man. I can lead this time!" Sanchez leaned forward and said, "but there's a big problem. Ding, you can't get involved, but you need a lot of help."

"So you're still very concerned about the farm." Having said this, Ding Yu took a deep look at Sanchez. "There is no problem for me personally, but Sanchez, some things can be concerned about, but if you want to reach out, it will be very troublesome!"

"I know, so I have a lot of trouble now. Really speaking, the consortium has a lot of contact with China, but what about this connection? It always has a certain scale, and in this respect, you have a considerable natural advantage. If you can sit in it, it will be different! "

"You're no one with that sensitivity!" After thinking for a while, Ding Yu also nodded, "Sanchez, since we have talked about this issue, it's necessary for me to say that it's no big deal for us to communicate with each other and make common progress and study. However, since we have entered this environment, we are not allowed to bring any messy things in!"

"I have full power to solve the financial problems, but what about the personnel? Slowly start to contact it! No one will force them to do anything, because freedom wants it! We will work hard, we will struggle, and the investment is to get a considerable return. Even if there is only one, it is enough for the whole family and consortium! "

"Hard to say!" Ding Yu shook his head. "What do you think of the two children at home? It should be OK! But I am not sure whether they will take over in the future? Who knows? "

"In your Chinese words, such behavior is really some outrageous things. Their performance has already made everyone excited. I'm afraid it's still clumsy! I can't imagine what they would look like if they burst out their own light? "

"Spare me! Now I feel like a headache

The two people talked for a long time. Yanu has been sitting on the side listening quietly without any meaning to speak. He has not yet sat at that height. Therefore, understanding some of the problems and situations is certainly not in place. It is better to sit down honestly than to make a big speech!After leaving Ding Yu's apartment, Sanchez also looked at Yanu who was sitting beside him. He also took two cigars out of the cigar box, handled them personally, and handed one to Yanu!

"Do you feel that Ding is extraordinary?"

"The feeling can be said to be particularly profound, if you did not mention it! I didn't even think that there was such a way about the cultivation of three children. I'm afraid many people are still kept in the dark, and even people still think that Mr. Bruno is a good luck! "

"It's not just now, even in the future, when people talk about it, they think Bruno is really lucky! Can seize such an opportunity, but they forget too many things, or, Ding this guy! It's too old to do things! It won't be seen through by too many people at all! "

"Sir, there is no leakage. I think there is something wrong with it. Don't you understand it?"

"I don't need such compliments. I can see that it's because I went to Dongfang Jing and got quite a hint and inspiration from him. Otherwise, I am still envious and jealous of Bruno, and I don't have any feeling. This is Ding Yu. What he let you see will always be superficial!"

"How wonderful! It's unbelievable, but now I really have some of those pathetic intelligence guys! I know that the information about Mr. Ding has been filled with their warehouses, but even now, it seems that they have not been able to give Mr. Ding what? Although there are other reasons for this, some exclamations

"Several warehouses are both summary and subdivision, but their functions are too limited! Everyone is studying Ding Yu. It seems that they have thoroughly studied Ding Yu. Even when Ding Yu was a child, when he did not wet his bed, when he began to go to school, and what kind of performance did he have at any time. Speaking of it, even Ding Yu himself has never been so clear! But? They've ignored quite a few questions! "

Yanu is going to put his cigar in his mouth, but when he heard this, he was slightly stunned. He seemed to think of something at this time. "Sir, you mean that Mr. Ding's growth is unpredictable. Everyone only saw the side he showed, but never saw his real side!"

"Good! It's really good to see this problem! It's quite forward-looking! "

For Yanu's performance, Sanchez is very satisfied! "If you can see this, you also have the vision of the superior. Ding Yu's study has never been a decoration, and Ding Yu has never been a dead reader. As far as I know, even the three children in the family are guided by Ding Yu at this point!"

"I know something about this, and even I have read what they read. But really speaking, I can't understand some of them. It's quite difficult to understand Chinese characters! As for their classical Chinese? I'm really hard to understand! "

"I don't understand. I've consulted quite a lot of people. As for what's in it, everyone is also a fog. As I mentioned to you, there are many so-called experts. But if you put a piece of classical Chinese in front of them, maybe they can read it through, but let them explain it. Forget it! Make sure your brain is open

"Sir, does Ding raise his children because he can better understand Chinese culture and history?"

"Yes! A better understanding of China's culture and history, Chinese culture and history is too long-standing, to say a simple example, I remember one of you once said, anything tangible for the Chinese people, there is no use! If you taste this sentence carefully, you will feel its deep meaning

"This is a power of culture, isn't it?"

"It can be understood in this way that anything tangible is like this, even if he has joined the nationality of the United States, so what? Do you think you're American? No, in their minds, they still think that Laozi is Chinese, and he is a pure Chinese, so-called American nationality? Is to let oneself a little bit more convenient just! Besides, there's a bird? "

This is very vulgar, but think about it is really so, people's hearts because they are a Chinese, as for the so-called Americans? Swear to the Bible, there's an egg to use?! They don't like you at all!

"I've seen some of their copybooks, which are very interesting! The handwriting is very neat, but also very beautiful! But I just look beautiful, if there are other judgments, I really can't say it! "

"Don't look at me. Although I am an old man, I have no understanding of it! It can only be said that the handwriting is elegant. It is because he mentioned a sentence when he communicated with Dongfang Jing before. He said that the three children were still in a stage of imitation, showing a little immature! "

"It's really unfair!" Yanu was very moved, "what people have learned is different from what we have learned from the foundation. How can we compare them in the future?"www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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