"Speaking of it, have you found a problem?"

"Questions? In what way? " Yanu feels like he's not keeping up with the pace!

"Don't you think that Ding's appearance has not changed much? If you taste it carefully, you will find that every time you see him, there will be a considerable change, but this change is more of the change of spirit and temperament, but the change of Ding himself, I only refer to the change of appearance, it can be said that there are not too many changes! "

"Is he a robot? No way For Sanchez's statement, Yanu seriously doubts!

"I'm not kidding you!" Sanchez also expressed some of his dissatisfaction! He said serious things, but Yanu gave himself such a reaction! "You can think about it carefully!"

"It should not be a robot, nor should it be a biochemical man, because a robot can not produce children. Is he a super power?"

It's over! Sanchez feels that Yanu's head is really broken! How could he have such an idea? I really want to give him a slap, directly wake him up, let him not to do such a daydream!

"Sir, I made a joke earlier. I also felt that it was so incredible. But to say that he is a robot or a biochemical man, I feel too exaggerated and illusory! But to say that he is an ordinary person, it seems that there are so many inappropriate! What do you say? "

"I asked Dongfang Jing. Dongfang Jing laughs mysteriously, but at the same time, he is very emotional. Obviously, he should know something, but the problem is that he didn't mean to mention it at all. After I came back, I also found other people who had some explanations, but the explanation was too obscure! I don't understand! The clouds and mountains are covered with mist! "

"Sir, can this be understood as the mystery of the ancient oriental country?"

"There are some things that we can't explain clearly, but I believe that quite a few people understand how things happen. Otherwise, you can see Dongfang Jing! How old is he already! However, if you observe carefully, you will find that his change is also very small! It's not like an old man at all

"I don't have much contact with Dongfang Jing, not much before and after that!"

"I have carefully studied the materials of Dongfang Jing, and I have paid special attention to this point. His changes can be said to be very small. Of course, this can not be compared with Ding Yu, but there are some problems that can be seen. It is absolutely not the use of any modern technology, but also some of them can not be committed!"

"Sir, you know there are a lot of women around me. They have used quite a lot of techniques. They look pretty good. But if you look closely, you can find that they are too stiff and rigid. They are not natural at all, and their senses are good for a while! There will be no way to see it in two years

"It's just skin and bone! It won't do much good to have less news in this area in the future! "

When you are young, you have to be restrained? May also restrain, but at that time there was no so-called idea of restraint, just feel young, is to release! That is to say, a lot of disputes have been caused! "

"Forget it! I wish you knew the problem! What will happen in the future? Now it's really hard to say. What about the things we talked about with Ding, do you have any candidates there? "

"Sir, there must be some candidates, but I don't know what kind of talents are suitable! I feel very confused about this, because it is also the first time that I know about this matter. Now let me take out the specific personnel, I can't take it out! "

"There are quite a few candidates in my heart, but I don't know whether it is suitable or not."

Listening to Sanchez's exclamation, Yanu also slightly had some actions, "Sir, is there a considerable problem in this? What can I do? "

Sanchez didn't answer that question, but waited until he got back to his office to ask Yanu to sit down! "I've been thinking about this problem all the time, but I really don't have many ways to deal with this problem, or I don't have any good way at all!"

Looking at Yanu who didn't speak, Sanchez also said, "what do you think of the three children, oh, no, how about the two children of Ding Yu? We have discussed this problem before! "

Yanu seemed to feel something, "Wang Xiaogang is absolutely inappropriate. After all, he has his own development direction in the future. From the perspective of his family, he will never allow him to have other problems. He can be directly excluded. However, I heard that Mr. Ding seems to have investigated another child, called Tong Tong!"

"I know that, but the child can be ruled out! Because he is a child growing up in the family of the intelligence department! Neither China's intelligence management department nor our intelligence management department will allow such a thing to happen, so it is Ding Yu's two children in the end! ""It's excellent, and judging from Ding Yu's body, there are infinite possibilities in the future! From this point of view, two children are definitely the most suitable candidates! "

"Yes! There are countless possibilities. Judging from the current situation, the relationship between you and me and Ding Yu can be said to be quite good. Even the relationship between Jackson and song Tianren is also quite good. He also has a good performance in front of Ding Yu. All these are very good, but we can't stand still! "

"From the perspective of children, sir, I'm afraid it's very difficult, because all consortia and families have this consideration, and they all hope to become playmates of the two children, and now they have a good relationship. But what about the performance of their two children? From now on, it's still good! But that's it

"Under Ding Yu's education, these two children are very evil. They do not reject people from thousands of miles away, but they will not feel like glue. Judging from the reactions of other families, the relationship between them is also quite good. In this area, you are absolutely better than Ding Yu, a popsicle!"

Eh? Yanu also had a bitter smile, which showed a little bit of a problem! As we all know, Mr. Ding is really speechless in communication! Most of the time, can not see his appearance, he even gave up even ordinary communication! We can only say that he has some problems in some aspects!

Of course, this is a relatively modified statement! However, we are friends with Ding Yu, so naturally we will not use a more intuitive way of saying, otherwise, it will be easy to have problems!

"Sir, you mean...!"

"Yes, I have such a plan, or other consortia? They all have such plans. Even if they have no such plans, they definitely have such ideas. However, it will be very troublesome to implement them. After all, what happened to the old Peyton guy at the beginning still scares everyone! "

"Taylor's performance is very good. He has a good relationship with Mr. Ding, and even the relationship between the third and Mr. Ding is quite good." Yanuo said thoughtfully!

"If you let old Peyton choose one thing that he regrets most in his life, I think it's absolutely this thing! It's one thing to have a good relationship with Ding Yu, but it's another thing to be a student of Ding Yu! There is a great difference between the two! "

"It's hard to decide! Success or failure, just one chance! I know a lot about the third generation and Taylor. Taylor was the most promising one in those years. But after quite a lot of things happened, no one knows what changes will happen to Mr. Ding's heart! "

"Yes! No one knows what changes have taken place in Ding's heart! "

Sanchez can be said to be particularly lamented! No one can go into Ding Yu's mind to have a look at what happened! After Taylor's affair passed, Ding Yu never showed any interest. To a certain extent, Taylor has become a standard!

But is this standard too high-end? After all, whose child can be like Tyler? The reason why genius can be called a gift is because it is rare! It is not to say that anyone can take it out and call it genius. In that case, genius will be too cheap!

"Sir, if we make such preparations, it is very difficult to achieve the conditions of foresight. We cultivate children more to cultivate their nature, and then slowly guide them and impose them on them. It is difficult to achieve. Even for the old Peyton family, it is not a perfect success!"

"Yes! This is a big problem. What about the cultivation of children? It is more to cultivate their nature, but it is too loose, at least not so perfect. The so-called elite education can play a considerable role, but behind the so-called elite sex education, there are also many negative problems brought about by this so-called elitism! "

"Sir, there is another question: will Mr. Ding agree? We will list quite a few candidates, but if we first express them, we can be the first to eat crabs, but... "

"I understand! But the heart is unwilling! We should know that Ding's two children are really excellent, and the future can be expected. Comparatively speaking, our family's children, even teenagers, can't compare with these two children. I'm old! But I don't want to see the family's future collapse like this! "

"Let them communicate together, can see quite a problem, at the same time realize their own problems, this is a little bit higher for the requirements, and there are some people in the family! There are still some who claim to be noble, and they have quite a view of the outside world! "

"Boasting of noble blood and then erasing other people, such people may temporarily stand on a certain height, but in the end, they will collapse, and even collapse faster than you can imagine!"

At this time, Ding Yu is also responsible for entertaining Shasha. Sun Yingnan was supposed to rush back, but due to some things happening in the UK, she can only ask Shasha to find Ding Yu alone and report some things. Meanwhile, she also needs to explore her future prospects and development!After all, Sasha was born in England. She has a good understanding of the whole environment and atmosphere in Britain. She is absolutely unique to report on relevant issues!

Shasha came out of the cabin and looked at Ding Yu waiting below. They looked at each other in the air. The time was really so long! After a long time, Sasha just like the queen went to Ding Yu! When he looked at Ding Yu, he also looked up and down with a glance, and then held his head high! It's gentlemanly! "

Ding Yu's face showed a little smile and opened the door. Since she was willing to, it would be good to follow her small temperament! It's not a big deal, but when she got on the bus, Sasha also threw her high heels away! Sitting on Ding Yu's thigh!

Delicate red lips also bite Ding Yu! Fortunately, there is a baffle, otherwise there are some embarrassment, but even if there is no baffle, now Sasha is not necessarily on top of her heart! There is quite a long time did not see Ding Yu, and this period of time to bear some of the pressure, Shasha slightly crazy!

Touch the corner of his mouth, some swelling! What's more, I noticed that my shirt was stained with a few red lips! "It feels like you're rich!"

"Do you mean I'm fat?" Sasha straightened her clothes, but she didn't mean to care at all. "Things in the UK should not be solved in a short time. The European Union hopes to drag Britain down. Britain wants to boast about the mess, but there are some internal problems! It's a mess now

After a period of intimacy, Sasha also put her legs on Ding Yu's thigh, but she didn't mean to avoid it at all. "Things in Britain will not be solved in a certain period of time, but the same royal family will never let things drag on too much, because the damage to Britain itself is still so great!"

She kneaded her legs for a period of time. She was also dishonest and always wanted to tease Ding Yu! But because his legs are under the control of Ding Yu, there are so many can not move!

"On the British side, we have already made considerable profits, which are enough for many people to eat, so we may have to take a few days off!" Sasha is also looking at Ding Yu with spring in her eyes!

"You know what happened to Li Fu!"

Hum! I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Anyway, Sasha hummed stiffly, "she was the first one! What's the situation of Taixi! But she was the first one. This is unfair. I'm very dissatisfied. You have to compensate me. If you don't compensate me, I'll never stop pestering you! "

The United States really didn't say much about the arrival of Sasha. The situation in Britain is very clear. The British side has already held a referendum. If it wants to leave the EU, things there are already in a mess. Sasha's arrival now is not as significant as imagined!

What can she come for? At most, there may be some adjustment in the direction. As for other aspects, there will not be too many changes. Therefore, it is of little significance and value to stare at Sasha at this time. Everyone knows how to deal with things!

Now that things are so clear, do you want to continue to "add fuel" to it? There is no need to do so. Some opposition forces and intelligence departments in the United States are holding a wait-and-see attitude!

Who knows if Ding Yu, the "brute", has any other ideas. When he went back to China, he set a trap. Although it is said that the trap is a little rough, is it not that someone fell into it? I'm afraid his mother can't recognize him after being beaten! When the photo was sent back, it was so sad!

However, the trauma is more serious. In fact, there is no problem. Even now it seems that the whole person is just like a good man! But Ding Yu issued a warning, we still understand how much!

Things have come to such a point, or to avoid Ding Yu's limelight!

At present, too many forces at home and abroad have turned to Ding Yu. At least for the time being, they are all standing behind Ding Yu, because Ding Yu has brought too many benefits and values to everyone. If Ding Yu has problems, then these interests and values may be ruined, and the big family will never allow such things to happen!

What's more, don't you see Bruno and Sanchez all running towards the apartment? They even brought quite a lot of things. Is it because there is no place for our own things? How could it be?

They are thanking Ding Yu! And this so-called thank you is only the premise, what will follow, this is really not enough for outsiders to say! Outsiders even know it! It's no big deal! Is it difficult for others to come out and gossip, and do you want your own life?

Do you think Ding Yu is a vegetarian, or do you think the consortia behind him are vegetarian?

They are the masters of cannibalism and not vomiting bones! Do not give them to think too simple, only they think, there is really no they can not do! To a certain extent, Ding Yu still talks about some so-called truth. If people don't attack me, I won't, but in other aspects? I really dare not say that! It's horrible!PS: new year, new expectations, congratulations on the new year, happy every day!

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