"It seems that the prime minister is quite self-conscious."

"Absolutely!" It's a very interesting thing to hook up with Ding Yu. Sasha is a little excited now. She can't be herself at all! If it is not allowed by the situation, we must let Li Fu Zhen that woman have a look, don't think she really has anything remarkable!

Ding Yu cooks by himself. How does it taste? But it's definitely Ding Yu's careful preparation. She doesn't pretend to be the kind of person. Sasha is also hanging on Ding Yu's body, just like a sloth!

"He continues to stay in position, who knows what kind of impact it will have? And he quit this time! For all aspects are quite explained! Other people will not criticize anything. At most, he was too confident when he made the decision of referendum! So it's a little conceited! "

"Britain is going to welcome a new prime minister!"

"Yes, an old lady, on the whole, has made a decision!" She took a bite on Ding Yu's neck, "but from the sense of the senses, she doesn't seem to have a good impression on you. The queen has already approved it! Just waiting for the final procedure! In fact, it is a process! Nothing new! "

"So fast to the main target? But there seems to be something wrong with it! This time I didn't seem to come forward. Why must I put the target on my body? "

"Act confused, don't you?" Biting Ding Yu's ear, Shasha behind Ding Yu also has some meaning that she doesn't want to let go. "Now no matter who comes to the stage, the external claim is to solve the problem of brexit, but for the interior, you are the best target and the most useful target! It works better than anything else

"That's a little too much!" She asked Sasha on her back to be a little more honest. "What's more, even if you want to target the royal family there, isn't it better? Why put the target on my body, this is a little too much! Don't you think I'm so easy to bully? "

"No one is stupid. When the internal contradictions can not solve the problems, then transfer the internal contradictions and develop new external contradictions, so as to open up a considerable space for ourselves!" With her hands around Ding Yu's neck, Sasha didn't mean to let go. She was definitely not trying to taste fresh food today!

"So I was pulled out to whip the corpse. What about the royal family?" Hearing that Sha Sha had no words, Ding Yu also laughed, "it seems that I think a little bit more! The cooperation with the royal family is not over yet! They've come up with other ideas now, and these guys are really mercenaries! "

"Don't talk so bad, will you? Under the current situation, the British royal family will guide considerable power, but it will never come forward. If it does, the opposition will even overthrow the whole royal family. For the royal family, control is the most important thing! "

"Transferring the contradiction, let us face off with the British side again, can solve our own problems, but also can guide the guidance of the whole government. It is really not a general evil! But really, it seems that they are both. After all, I don't seem to be a good person! Isn't it? "


Sasha did not eat much, mainly to enjoy Ding Yu's care, at least this shows that she still has a considerable position and position in Ding Yu's mind! Some things are unnecessary to strive for, but are there some things? I still hope to fight for it! This is what I have to fight for!

However, wanton consequences are serious, the next morning, Sasha did not get up at all, even the whole person is not awake! But Ding Yu's spirit is cool, and even the whole person seems to be a little different!

Until noon, Sasha still didn't have any intention to get up. Even when Ding Yu entered the room, she was surprised to see her posture! "I don't mean anything else, but I'm really speechless when you pose like this! Even last night you were like this! "

"What do you know? I have consulted. This posture is for better fertilization!"

"Please, I'm a doctor, OK?" Ding Yu also took a small table and placed it on the bed, and then put the tray on the table top, "look, you haven't got up all the time. Eat something first! I think you are really going crazy

Hesitated for a moment, Sasha sat up this time, but she was still suspicious. She looked at Ding Yu suspiciously. Yesterday, she had already calculated the day, but the doctor said that this would increase the probability. However, it seems that Ding Yu is really a doctor, but he does not seem to be a gynecologist. Is it useful?

"If you cheat me, you know the consequences!"

"Relax! There is no need to make yourself so nervous! You can't rush such a thing. Maybe there will be an unexpected surprise! " Ding Yu is also comforting to say! How much I can understand Sasha's mood, so now is also as much as possible to comfort!"Well! My whole life has been ruined by your hands

"Thanks to my rough skin and thick flesh, I'm afraid I'll be a colorful cat today." Last night, Ding Yu was a little crazy, but she was not sarcastic!

After eating and washing again, Sasha staggered on the sofa, but the posture was very lazy! The whole person does not seem to mention too much mind! Think carefully, yesterday, it seems that there are so many too crazy!

"Change your clothes! Let's go out and relax together! "

"Out?" Shasha is quite surprised. To know what she knows, Ding Yu doesn't seem to have the habit of this aspect, but today's situation seems to be so special! "To where?"

"Take a look at the art gallery! There won't be too many people there, and it's quiet! How did you like it? And I've heard a lot of rumors, so I want to see something about it! "

"Wait a minute for me!" This proposal is really very good. She is really reluctant to go to other places when she is busy. She doesn't want to go to too noisy places. She doesn't even have much interest in going out to eat. But when she goes to the art museum, this feeling is really different!

Ding Yu didn't bring too many people. She went to Boston with Shasha. The art museum here is famous all over the world. The Oriental artworks in it can be said to be well-known in the world. After two people bought tickets, Sasha helped Ding Yu, and they also entered the art museum!

To be exact, it should be called the Boston Art Museum. There are not many people in it, but the facilities are quite complete. There are even quite a few seats in it for rest! And Dingyu and Sasha also saw a few children are copying, Shasha looked particularly interested! Even deliberately take photos!

"There seems to be a lot of things here?"

"Yes, there are more historical relics in China and Japan! This also has a lot to do with the original founder. The dome design we passed just now gives people the citrus as if they had entered the palace of art! Fusion is not oriental charm, which highlights the personal style! Compared with the metropolis, there are still obvious differences! But what's the origin of something? Just a little bit of a problem! You know that! " Ding Yu also hinted!

"Do you still have this understanding of art? I haven't heard of it before! "

"Since I came to the United States, I can't say that I didn't give myself free time at all. I came to see it when I didn't pay attention to it!" Looking around, Ding Yu said in a low voice, "don't look at these things on the wall. In fact, many of them are high imitation. I heard that old guy Sanchez mentioned it! That old guy is not so cold about here either

Shasha also looked at Ding Yu with a fool's eyes. After a while, she also shook her head, "forget it! I am more proficient in this point than you. Although I may have a considerable gap with you in terms of vision, I definitely want to be more clear than you in the way! Have you forgotten what I do? "

Just after finishing the words, Ding Yu's expression is also a little lost in his mind, slightly twisted his mouth, as if he really forgot this thing! "The old Sanchez guy told me that it would be quite harmful to the genuine if they were kept for a long time!"

"At that time, we were also engaged in this field, but now I don't pay much attention to it. At most, we keep a good connection. What about every big museum? There have been quite a number of thefts, which is why some genuine products can not be displayed. Even sometimes, the exhibition also adds a lot of protection! But specifically, what about the back of every big museum? There's all this mess

Ding Yu slightly Leng for a moment, "I've forgotten that there are some reasons for this! Some take it for granted! "

"After some things are stolen, most of them are circulated through the black market, but what about such circulation? It is also quite risky, so many times it is one-on-one transactions and targeted sales. After all, the circulation of cultural relics and currency is still two times, but relatively speaking, cultural relics are still very valuable! "

"If Wang Li is here, I think you will have quite a common language! She works in the Forbidden City and deals with these things every day. In any case, some things in the house are taken away by her! "

"There may be a common language, but I think we may not be able to talk with each other. This may be the difference between the East and the West. In the west, don't talk about brother and sister! Even parents or husband and wife can't do this. Sometimes the property is independent of each other

"Not so identified! But it can be respected! " On this issue, Ding Yu has not expressed any strong will, and he is not very concerned about it! "Speaking of it, they sent a lot of things. What do you think should be done? I also have some headaches here"What? You can't hold your vault any more? " Sasha also said with a smile, "but I would like to share it! You know, I'm quite interested in it! But I am particularly greedy. If I get into my hands, other people don't want to think about it! "

"If you are happy!" Ding Yu didn't really care, "there is a list at home. I don't have much appreciation ability and I don't like it too much!"

"I don't think you want to! It's not that I don't have any appreciation. I've seen the things on the Duobao Pavilion. Even one of the metal statues is worth more than 200000 dollars in the world

"You mean the metal bear?" On the Duobao Pavilion of the apartment, there are not many metal things. The position of the bear is very prominent! "It was set up by the children, and they liked it very much. After buying it, they couldn't put it down, so the position was very eye-catching! But the razor you gave me has always been with me. I still had a beard for a few days before! "

"I've seen the photos, but I'm really sexy!"

This incident also aroused great interest in Shasha. I've seen the photo myself! But before he started, Ding Yu had shaved his beard! For this point, it is a pity that people should be more than themselves!

"Very mature! I think you can stay! It has nothing to do with age, and you don't need to leave those big beards. Your personal style is not suitable for those big beards. Leaving such a green beard is also more mature and charming! " Shasha also talked to Ding Yu!

"It's too much trouble to take care of. I'm not used to it!"

"I think it's good. Comparatively speaking, what about the whole Asian people? Slim, slightly soft! I don't mean to aim at anything. I just express some opinions and opinions. If you leave a beard, the whole face will not look so harmonious. However, your body shape is quite different from that of Asian people, and your face is not feminine. If my personal opinion is left, it will have extraordinary charm! "

Looking at Ding Yu who didn't make a sound, Shasha also showed considerable interest. "I'll ask you for your opinions. I think you will show great interest in this matter."

"We didn't come here today to discuss this, did we?"

Just when the two people were talking, the staff of the art gallery also came not far away, but they stopped their own steps and really did not mean to go forward! Although the art gallery is relatively independent, it does not mean that they are inhumane. Just like joking, this is a guest of the Boston consortium and the most distinguished friend!

Always waiting to see Ding Yu's glance, the manager came over with a steady step, and then he bowed over with a respectful attitude! "Mr. Ding, Mrs. Sasha, welcome to the art gallery. I will provide you with the best service!"

Sasha's face was very serious, but at this time she was also relaxed. Although she said she didn't like to be disturbed, especially at this time, this sentence was still mentioned in her heart!

"Hello!" Ding Yu also stretched out his hand and shook it with the manager, "thank you! Sasha and I are here to cultivate sentiment. The environment here is very good

As soon as this was said, the manager understood what he meant and stepped back two steps. "Then I won't disturb Mr. and Mrs. Wang! If there is any need, the gallery will serve you wholeheartedly! " Turn around and leave without any stay!

It's not easy to find a quiet place

"It's not bad here!" Sasha is also a rare evaluation, two people also go all the way, all the way to say, but the voice is very low, absolutely will not loud voice, that will disturb a lot of people!

"This is absolutely a copy!" Stop in front of an oil painting, Sasha also vowed to say!

"There isn't much research, but how do you conclude that this is a high imitation?" Ding Yu looked at it carefully. "I don't see any difference. I know that there is Jiehua in Chinese traditional painting, but can oil painting also?"

"Oil painting is also highly imitated. In the past, it was reprinted. Now, because of technology, 3D technology is adopted. Even if it can't reach the most perfect level, it can be almost flawless! However, the modern detection technology is also quite superb, the use of a variety of ways, but no matter how to do, are slightly behind a step! "

"I've got a little bit of it! After all, it is one step behind! In other words, you can't catch a criminal before you commit a crime! Because it's not in accordance with the law, is it? "

"That's roughly what it means!" When Sasha looked at the oil painting, she also showed a smile on her face. "I used to handle this painting, so I was particularly impressed. At that time, there were some problems and even caused considerable damage, but the one in front of me is too perfect!""There is another saying, but why do I feel so uneasy?"

"Come on Sasha glared discontentedly, "I was just a middleman in those years. This thing has nothing to do with me, OK? What's more, I've changed my ways now

"I'd better play with my strings and walnuts! Other things are really hard to handle

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