"Sir, Suya wants to come and thank you for your care."

"Soya?" Ding Yu slightly Leng for a moment, Kong Xiaoling's sister! "Now you will entertain me! I still have a few things to deal with! " I didn't say yes or no!

Song Tianren is the first time to pick up Su ya, but before getting on the bus, he also looked at her dress, which was very decent, nothing fancy! "Ya Ya, to say a few digressions, it's not as good to enter the apartment as imagined, but everyone is treated equally and there will be no exception!"

"My brother has mentioned something to me, but it is not specific! And extremely impatient, I think his skin is so itchy! You must settle accounts with him after you go back! "

"The director is not a person who likes to be polite. He doesn't like to be too wordy either."

"Not even a prologue?" Su Ya also feels unable to understand, at least to draw on the feelings between each other, this will not be better? "Brother Yu, are there so many too...!"

"What do you know, little girl?"

Listening to song Tianren's tone of speech, Su Ya also stares at her eyes, but song Tianren doesn't mean to give in too much, "the director asked me to entertain you, and I don't know if the director's business is over! As for whether there will be any so-called opportunities, it is hard to say! Make a precaution in advance

"And I came here today to have a good luck?"

"Do you think anyone can see the director? by the way! Has your brother mentioned to you the situation in the director's house? "

"It's very obscure." Su Ya has such a look of disapproval! "What? What's the problem? "

"If you want to know something about this in the future, it's just who told you! Where's the director's grandfather? It's Wang Pu and Wang Lao, his grandfather is Su bochen, Su Lao's general, and his father is Wang Changlin, Minister Wang! "

Ah?! Open your mouth! Then also quietly touched a, because feel their saliva has been left down! "No! I have been to the farewell party of Mr. Su! I don't see it! "

"Besides, I've met brother Yang and Sister Li, and the relationship is OK. I haven't heard of it!"

"It involves quite a lot of things, which were sealed up many years ago! If you ask the old man, you know it. The director was found when he came back. He never changed his name. Don't call him wrong then

"There is such a reason, really did not think of it!" But Su Ya immediately remembered something, "it's not right! Even if it's grandfather Wang or grandfather Su, brother feather seems to be unable to support it! "

"Where's your little head? Don't play such imagination out of thin air! The director can be said to have started from scratch. Your brother should be regarded as a member of the first echelon. At the beginning, the first echelon was led by the director. This is roughly the situation! "

"Not at home?" Su Ya felt more and more excited and said, "so

"You don't have to think about such a beautiful thing! How many people in 49 cities are thinking about this aspect of the beautiful thing, but even close to the people are few? The director doesn't like to deal with people in 49 cities! What's more, the outside world is so big, and the director already has two children! "

"Wow, I really don't know if I don't see it. I'm scared when I see it!" Su Ya tilted her head and looked at Song Tianren, "a rascal, brother Yu is so powerful that I have never heard of it. I don't think it's normal. Has brother Yu been abroad all the time?"

"Not really!" Song Tianren thought, "do you know about the farm?"

"You don't say which farm it is?" Soya immediately realized the problem! Looking at Song Tianren nodding slightly, Su Ya often let out a breath, "it is quite a lot of people expect to be able to build a good relationship with the farm, but the farm is not paying so much attention to the publicity as imagined!"

"I don't know so much about this situation. The farm was created by the director, but I don't know what the structure is! I wish you knew about it! There is also a sentence I mentioned to you, because of the relationship between your family, so I let you know, but it is not for you to publicize! Understand? "

"In other words, my brother and my family all know it!"

"To know is to know, but no one talks about it, and the director is not a person who likes to publicize." When he came to the apartment, song Tianren was the first to make a demonstration and passed the inspection. Su Ya was very curious, but he didn't ask too much about it. In this place, I still don't want to be too special!

"Speaking of, you feel a little perfunctory in this gift!"

"What can I do? It's not easy to bring a gift with you! The place of life is unfamiliar! What's more, if you didn't say it earlier or later, you said it at this time. Didn't you mean to see me joke? "

"Is it a joke? This matter really has nothing to do with me. If you know it, you should know it naturally. If you are so stupid, I really have some doubts. How did you live to the present?""You are here in your usual time! The environment is very good, I like this style! " Su Ya also pretended to look around, "do you still have tea? This life is corrupt enough

The tea on the table is very exquisite. You can see that it will not be made by ordinary people! However, song Tianren is at most interested in coffee. As for the dim sum, he is really helpless. However, Su Ya tasted two pieces of coffee! People who don't know think this is her home!

"Ya Ya, these things are high in calories, so you don't worry at all?"

"What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid Su Ya white one eye, the taste is really good, but try two also can! How much more words will appear to have no literacy!

"I'm just a little worried. If you like, I'll ask people to prepare some for you and try them for everyone. I also eat them regularly." When speaking, the two secretaries came in laughing and joking. We were all acquaintances. In the past, they were all quite connected. After meeting, they naturally became a little lively!

She even hugged each other a little, but she didn't stay for long. This made Su ya feel sorry, "you son of a bitch, are you busy with your work? If you look at other people and you, you will know that you are lazy. This is not right. Ah! There are really some worries about your future development! "

For Su Ya's exclamation, song Tianren also echoed with a smile, "our work is very busy, which is true. Today, in order to entertain you, I'm afraid that the rest time in the evening will need to be extended for two hours, but fortunately, they are all used to it!"

"So miserable?" Su Ya's expression on her face is obviously a little unconvinced!

"Do you think it's necessary to cheat you about this? I don't know the heart of a good man Song Tianren covered his chest, feeling inexplicable grief! "But it's true that I'm busy at work, otherwise I'll sit down and have a good chat with you! That's why tea is good! "

"I see! Sometimes I need a cup of coffee late at night! "

"It's better to drink tea, but the staff here are not so proficient in tea, but coffee is very good, but more often we all drink tea and make our own tea, but the refreshments seem to be so incompatible!"

"Brother Yu is usually so busy?" After relaxing her body for a while, Su Ya is obviously more interested in Ding Yu. The decoration and decoration here are a little monotonous, but things are definitely not too cheap!

"It depends! However, the director's situation is not quite the same as ours. We all study here! "

About ten minutes later, the communication settings on Song Tianren's arm also vibrated. Looking at the message above, song Tianren immediately stood up and said, "let's go! The director has some leisure time at this time! "

"It's very advanced." Immediately also followed to stand up!

"To this side of the room!" Ding Yu is dealing with some documents, while song Tianren is accompanying Su ya to stand on one side, waiting for Ding Yu to close the documents. Song Tianren says aloud, "director, Su Ya is here!"

"Hello!" Ding Yu stood up and simply shook her head with Su ya, "welcome to be a guest!"

"Brother feather, thank you for your help, otherwise I will miss the important meeting, and I want to express my thanks after I go back! I brought you a small gift. I hope you can accept it! But maybe it's a bit of a rush! So I hope you don't mind

Looking at the box placed in front of him, Ding Yu first made an invitation gesture. After all of them sat down, he also opened the box directly. At this point, he was a bit rude and did not have the implicit meaning of Chinese people at all!

It's a watch with a silver dial and a Leather Wristband on it. It's a nice little gift. I used my heart when I chose it Then Ding Yu closed the box and placed it on the edge of his desk! "Tianren, do you think if you don't give me a return gift, will it appear that I am too stingy?"

"Brother Yu, this is my new idea!"

"I see! Just by the way, I don't need to be so polite! "

Just when Suya was about to speak, there was a knock at the door, which showed a little urgency. She shut her mouth at the first time. Now, when she comes to disturb me, it seems that some people are disappointed!

Jin Tui door came in and nodded slightly to song Tianren and Su ya. The first time he went to Ding Yu's side, bent down his body, and mentioned two words in Ding Yu's ear. Ding Yu was slightly distracted.

Then he looked at Su Ya who was sitting there and nodded at Song Tianren, "Tianren, please treat Suya! Suya, something has happened here. If you have a chance, you are welcome to visit again! "

She was very polite, but Su Ya immediately understood that something must have happened, otherwise Ding Yu would never have such an attitude! "Brother Yu, it's just that I have something on my side, so I don't want to stay and disturb your work. It's my indiscretion! When I have time in the future, I'll treat you to a banquet! "When song Tianren and Su Ya leave, Ding Yu looks at Jin and says, "when did it happen?"

"It just happened, it's confirmed! It is our own personnel, the British side moved the hand, what exactly is the reason, now it is not known, one died, three seriously injured! "

"In France? Not Britain? " Ding Yu's expression is very strange!

"Yes, it's our liaison office in France. We all know that the attack was very sudden. I've seen the surveillance video! Now we are investigating the specific reasons! "

"What about the injured?" For the loss caused, Ding Yu is not so concerned about, "no matter how much the cost, go all out to treat them, as for the one who died, deal with his aftermath, and ask for the opinions of his family members at the same time!"

"Yes, sir, I'll take care of it immediately!"

After Jin left, Ding Yu picked up the tablet at hand, took the video from it, and looked at it carefully. The conflict happened suddenly, but it could be seen that it was very targeted. After entering, he started to do it without any hesitation or any inquiry. These British guys really want to die!

If it's a hidden department, it's no big deal. But this is the Liaison Office of the consortium, which is the department above the surface. In such a case, you still choose to start. What do you want to do? Challenge yourself? Or are they floating now? Feel like you can't hold the butcher's knife?

But Ding Yu didn't really mean to do it immediately. Instead, he sat on his chair and waited for Jin to come back. After that, Ding Yu looked up and motioned for his position in front of him. "For the first time, I know that Britain has such courage, but this thing is very strange."

"I also have such a feeling. Judging from the current situation, although we have made considerable profits in the capital market, it is not a heresy. What Britain needs to face up to now should not be us. Under such circumstances, it is really puzzling to take measures against us!"

"How are the arrangements over there?"

"The people in France have done quite a row and are trying their best to rescue them. The situation has been pressed down. The French government has not made too many statements on this. Obviously, they don't want to publicize this matter. I have made considerable exchanges with them, and they have blocked quite a lot of news now! But the secret investigation will still be done! "

"What do you think it's going to be Although it seems that the British side of the hands, but for Ding Yu, things should not be so to see! There must be some problems in this, and there are still quite some problems!

"From the video above, the target is clear and the hands are clean and neat. But obviously they should have noticed something, so they are not so clean in the follow-up processing. As for what they have noticed, I think they have seen our logo!"

"One is dead, three are seriously injured, and there are only four people together. If there are more people, what will happen?" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "if it wasn't for our follow-up personnel reinforcement, I'm afraid all of them were killed at that time! These guys are tough enough, they don't hesitate at all! "

"The relationship between the British intelligence department and us is no longer as sharp as before. At this time, there is no need to have any so-called conflicts with us. The same Royal side may be on guard against us, but it is impossible for the British intelligence department to act on us suddenly before the cooperation between them is over If we do, there will be only a few people left in the UK! "

"Those who are broke?"

"But can they buy the intelligence services in Britain? What's more, the place to start is still France! It needs a lot of hands-on relationship. Can we hide from the top management of the whole intelligence department? "

"If it wasn't for the British, what would have happened? On the US side, they can't do it. Their interests have not yet come to hand! Is it possible to give up such a big benefit? "

"It's impossible. So in a comprehensive analysis, there should be no one who will take the world's disrespect, but our people are injured! And what about the hands-on staff? It can even be directly investigated that they are from the British intelligence department, which is really very interesting! It's a little bit funny all of a sudden! "

"Sir, shall we inform the British side of this matter?"

"Tell British men and Sasha about the situation, but I don't need to inform the British side of the relevant information. I would like to see what kind of attitude the British side is on this matter!"

The reason why they did not inform the British side of the news is that they need to see the British response. Do they think they do not know? Or step by step? Or it's a quick response!

What's the royal family's response?These are what Ding Yu needs to consider, because it has been harvested in the capital market! Therefore, Ding Yu does not want to continue to conflict with Britain, at least in the positive. These are totally unnecessary. It is too tiring to confront Britain directly. What's more, there is more room for him to display behind his back!

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