"Wesley, come to my office!"

When he received the phone call, Wesley couldn't help being stunned. He was one of the high-level managers now! Although it is said that just promoted to this position, but everyone for their work or more support, whether it is above or below, it is so! There are people on the top who appreciate themselves, and those below support themselves!

However, the relationship between myself and the big guy in the intelligence department has always been very close, not far or near. Of course, this is intentional. For example, I directly invited myself to the office today, and even called directly. Isn't it too sudden!

Obviously, something happened. If it is a private meeting, there is no need to take such a way! To expose the relationship between each other in public, this is definitely not a means of old love workers!

"Sir, are you looking for me?" Came to the office, Wesley is very respectful to ask!

The old man made an invitation gesture, "Wesley, some of my friends in France have good personal relations with me, so they sent me some news! You have operational experience and have a good relationship with France, so I'd like to know something about it! " The old man has nothing to hide!

Turning his computer screen, Wesley is a little puzzled, France? Looking at the video on the screen, there are some fuzzy, but you can still see the problems and conditions inside!

It was an attack, but before the end of the time, Wesley almost jumped up, because the logo appeared in the video, he was too familiar with it! What's more, the attacker's methods are just like portraying them in the mind!

The person who was attacked is Ding Yu's, and the attacker is the British means!

"When did this happen, sir?" Before finishing watching the video, Wesley also asked eagerly.

"An hour ago, I received the news that one person had died and the other three were seriously injured. If it had not been for the quick response there, the support staff would have been sent out, and I'm afraid they would have been totally destroyed! The news has been pressed to death in France. My friend owes me something. Now we are cleared

Obviously, this news is not free, but paid a considerable price! But no matter what the cost, in Wesley's opinion, it's worth it, just like a joke! The people from the information management department attacked Ding Yu's people. This is not an ordinary small action! It's a big gun fight!

"Sir, our men attacked Ding Yu? I haven't heard of any action in this area? "

"Neither have I!" The old man also clenched his fist, "so I need to make a considerable judgment now. Let alone other situations, I'm going to ask you one thing. Do you think it's Ding Yu's self directing and acting?"

Wesley took a puzzled look, but he didn't want to ask the reason. After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head slightly. "From my point of view, Mr. Ding Yuding's management of subordinates can be said to be particularly strict, but there are also so many connivances. In recent years, some people have been eliminated, but they have never heard of any betrayal."

"So your conclusion?"

"If it is said that this is Mr. Ding Yuding's self directing and self acting, it should not need such drastic measures. Moreover, if it is impossible to investigate this matter clearly, if it is really Mr. Ding's self directing and acting, then Mr. Ding is digging his own grave. I hope this is the case, but my heart tells me that this is impossible! ”

the old man sighed for a long time, "impossible? I really hope that this is a self directing and self acting. If it is, it will be a great opportunity for us. But if we say that this is not a self directing and self acting event, what kind of situation will it be like for our people to act? Can you imagine it? "

"I can't imagine, sir, what do I need to do?"

"I will discuss with the internal, we are all on the way back, but there are some things you need to verify! Ten minutes later, the conference room! " The old man waved his hand slightly, and looked at the eyes of Wesley, and shook his head slightly.

When the meeting was held, the leaders of the information management department were also in a daze. They looked at each other. During this period of time, they all avoided direct collision with Ding Yu, because everyone was very clear that Ding Yu was no longer the main contradiction! Under such circumstances, to provoke Ding Yu? Is it suitable?

But now the situation above the video has been put in front of the public, what is it for? When Wesley came in, people's eyes were on him! "I just went to read the relevant information, there is no written information, but...."

Hearing this, however, everyone straightened up their bodies, and even their eyes were sharp!

"Wesley, did anyone change the order privately?"

After a glance at the speaker, Wesley shook his head, "but someone gave us orders to our people in France. It has the most complete procedure. Even the purpose and code of the action are exactly the same. There are contact codes and ways on it. Our operators in France only move their hands after verification. The relevant information is on the way back It's up thereAfter that, Wesley also sat in his place.

"Complete purpose, code number, even password and contact information?"

Looking at Wesley nodding, everyone was also in a state of uproar, because this is not one person can master, but the problem is that everyone has not been reported on this aspect. Even if there is such a report, it needs to be discussed within a small scope, but if one aspect is not approved, the action will be terminated!

"It's impossible?" The man sitting on Wesley's hand also patted the table heavily, "this is what we all master. Is it possible that all of us have fulfilled the authorization in our dreams?"

"Because it's impossible, it makes people feel weird!" Wesley said on a matter of fact, "if you get one person's authorization, there may be some problems and situations. Let's say it can be done. Getting two people's authorization is already an impossible task. But everyone's authorization is really unthinkable. It's difficult for us all to betray?"

"Wesley, what's the situation with Ding Yu? He didn't respond? "

"I don't know. There's no news coming out! However, according to my personal information, at that time, Mr. Ding was visiting. A little girl from China, with a certain background, went to Ding Yu to express her gratitude because she took Ding Yu's plane, but then she came out from her apartment! "

Although it is a tiny detail, there are still some problems that can be seen from the details. Ding Yu obviously knew the news, so Ding Yu stopped the reception. However, what kind of reaction Ding Yu will make next is unknown! Because this guy will never be guessed by others, too clear!

"Wesley, what do you think should be done?"

Wesley looked around and found that all the people in the room were senior officials of the intelligence department, but they represented different forces, including the government, the emotion department and the royal family. If it was really aimed at Ding Yu, the Royal side would not be able to get through first. This was the same as when Jensen attacked Ding Yu in Boston thing!

At that time, the Royal side had not fully joined in. At the same time, the Royal side would not have too much attitude, but now the situation is different! "I think we need to communicate with each other now. If we don't object, I'd like to call Mr. Ding, right here!"

"On the phone?"

People looked at each other. Wesley wanted to call in front of the people, which was a good notice. And there were some people who couldn't do it. Don't look at the high and powerful people. But it's not easy to contact Ding Yu!

After seeing everyone nodding, Wesley also asked people to pull out a special line to come over, and then dialed Ding Yu's phone at the first time. The call was connected only after several calls! And the person answering the phone is not Ding Yu!

"Hello, I'm Wesley, British intelligence department! I don't know if Mr. Ding is available! "

"Wait a minute! I'll ask you, sir There is no embarrassment or anger on the phone. The expression is calm and natural. From this point, we can see that Mr. Ding Yu's staff are quite cultivated!

"I'm Ding Yu!" Ding Yu's voice was as deep and powerful as usual! However, such remarks also showed that Ding Yu did not pay special attention to the British intelligence department.

"Hello, Mr. Ding, I just got some news. This may make Mr. Ding feel in a bad mood. Similarly, we are very anxious! We are extremely sorry that such a thing has happened

"Wesley, you've made great progress recently! I heard you were promoted! The so-called promotion and wealth, this is a happy thing. I originally wanted to prepare some gifts for you, but I know that even if it is prepared, it seems that it can't go around your intelligence department, so it's also a waste! If you have time, I'll treat you to dinner! I know there is a very good French restaurant in London. The taste is delicious

Looking around at the crowd, Wesley then said, "our investigation may take quite a long time. I think both Mr. Ding and we all hope that this matter can be investigated and solved."

"I know that there is a famous dish in England. Look up to the star school! Of course, I don't really want you to have a chance to go back and try it, but who knows? Maybe I will try it! Look at the opportunity

After that, Ding Yu was the first to hang up the phone. People felt a burst of anger. Ding Yu did not refuse to contact, but he also had his own views on this matter. What about this matter? You must give an account, or look up at those fish heads in the sky sect, which is your end!

Have you all dealt with me? Can I bear it? Don't make such a joke, will you? This is also in line with Ding Yu's personality. If you move my person, I will cut off your head to see whether it is your head that is harder or my knife is faster!But the connection is good! At least Ding Yu did not completely close the door. Although Ding Yu is a madman, he is a calm madman, which is very good!

Wesley put down the phone. "I don't know whether this judgment is right or wrong. I just represent my personal opinion."

After a glance at the crowd, Wesley then said, "I don't think that Mr. Ding Yuding did this by himself, because to do so is to dig his own grave, which will alienate the people under his hand. Second, this is not in Mr. Ding's interest, because we all know that we are not each other's main goal. Third, it should not be particularly difficult to verify that we can obtain the authorization of all people. If we mainly expose such moles, Mr. Ding will be so stupid? "

It's easy to say other things, but it's not a simple thing to obtain the authorization of all the people. Under such circumstances, it's really not a simple matter to make such a stupid choice for a smart person! Besides, is Mr. Ding a stupid person?

"Wesley, you are in charge of the contact with Mr. Ding. At the same time, we will have full power to investigate this matter. I don't care what you think in your heart, but we have to find that damned bastard, because they have threatened our entire intelligence department! I don't mind making him a fish head! "

Sitting in the middle of the person's order, everyone began to get busy! The relevant investigation is also carried out in succession! Pick up the battle between the British intelligence department and Ding Yu! How dare that bastard have such courage?

But Wesley didn't get his ass on his side, so Jensen called! "Wesley, this is Jensen. The men in the operation Department have been sniped. Six of them have been injured and two have died. I have mobilized quite a few people to take care of them, but I need more support!"

"What? Eight casualties. Are you sure you didn't wake up just now?! Are you talking in your sleep now

"I'm sure, because I was there! I've just been shot twice in the back. If it's in the chest, maybe my ribs have been broken! And my spirit is very excited, if you feel necessary, you'd better arrange some ambulances to come over! Because I'm not sure there will be other problems in the future! "

"Can you be sure who it is?"

"Not very sure, but definitely not a force! And we have the taste of our peers in which, and even give me a sense of familiarity, the specific judgment has not yet been able to come up with! But I think it's time to hurry up! "

It is obvious from the phone that Jensen's voice is so heavy. Although he is wearing a bulletproof vest, he will never be so relaxed when he is hit by two rounds. Fortunately, it is not face-to-face. If you say it directly, whether you can speak now, I'm afraid it's all about two things!

Don't be too superstitious about bulletproof vests. In the case of obstacles, wearing bulletproof vests may be able to protect your own lives. This also needs to see a considerable probability. What's more, the so-called bulletproof vests are not used to prevent bullets, but to protect the so-called shrapnel. Many times, people are misled by the name of bulletproof vests!

"Hold on, support will come later!"

Why does Janson call Wesley? There are not many people in the headquarters who can be trusted! Another point is that the route arranged by oneself has not been told to other people at all. Under such circumstances, it will be leaked. The problem is too big!

"Who the hell bought this? Now it's still not connected? I want live communication images! "

"Boss, I can't help it. The procurement is about logistics. We are only responsible for liaison! What's more, China's manufacturing is the best in this respect, but as you know, it's ignored at all! So we can only take these rags, and I don't have any way! "

Can't see the scene, can't the scene situation, rely on the telephone communication, have a bird use?

"I'll give you five minutes. If you can't solve the problem, I'll send you to the South Pole!"

"Head, don't say five minutes, even if it's fifty minutes, there's no way to do it!" After looking around, he also pulled down his earphone, "head, let's say so! Our channel is locked! And it's a kind of completely locked one. It's almost impossible to open it now, at least for a short time! "

"What do you mean?"

"It means someone is coming into our passageway! It's like a water pipe. We used to use it ourselves, but now someone comes in and adds a valve in the middle of us! If he wants us to circulate, we can circulate. If he doesn't want us to circulate, we have no way out! "

"It's impossible!"

"It's not going to work in the usual way now! Don't talk about mobilizing me to go to the South Pole. Even if it's going to the moon, I don't have any way, unless we discuss with the above, open the satellite channel to us! If you open the satellite channel, everything will not be a problem. You have such permission, but I have no such right at all! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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