"Open satellite channel?" The man standing on the side is also quite hesitant.

Previously, the high-level just issued an order, and it was necessary to obtain the consent of all people before opening some ports in succession. But the question is, is this the right situation? I really feel so scared! After all, things are not as simple as you think! You can report something, but make a decision? No way!

"Judy, are you sure someone cut in?"

"Adding a so-called valve in the middle will basically not affect the circulation. Everyone knows this truth, but if the middle valve is suddenly closed, the problem will arise! It's also a very simple thing to investigate. After all, the valve can't disappear without any reason. It must be a certain link! "

"How long?"

"No more than two hours! I should be able to find out, after all, we are not such a water pipe, but you are the head, you make this decision, I am only responsible for inspection, as for whether to repair or how to repair, this has nothing to do with me! Great! I went home with my father to fix the tap

When Wesley received the report, he felt his head was about to explode! The house leaks every night. The senior officials of the government have inquired about it! Even the prime minister knows! It's just that things haven't started to stir up yet, but if it's really chaotic, who knows what kind of problems will emerge one after another?

If Mr. Ding Yuding started all this, it would be better, but the problem is that Mr. Ding didn't do it at all, and even Mr. Ding didn't do it at all. I can still find out by myself!

What about the people who did it? It's just a lot of external forces. Britain's decision to leave Europe is a big blow to the whole EU. How can they give up? Especially in France and Germany?

As Jensen said earlier, the attacker is very familiar. What else can he say that he is familiar with?

What's more, the black hand behind the scenes has never shown up, but the water in the whole pond has been muddy! Under such circumstances, what kind of treatment should be done is the most appropriate?

"Wesley, the prime minister has made a considerable response. This is not only a provocation from the intelligence department, but also a challenge to the whole UK!" All the prime minister's envoys, including the Royal envoys, are here!

It's really a big problem. It's not only about picking up the conflict between the intelligence and intelligence departments and Ding Yu, but also because they are under the attack of the European Union, and they start to stab the knife directly behind their back. This can be tolerated!

If you can't face Ding Yu directly, can't you be a jerk? Afraid of a ball?

"I'd like to say in summary that it's quite a problem to be able to obtain the authorization of all people, and now there are quite problems in all aspects. What about the follow-up? I have some worries about whether there will be other situations in the future. If some incidents are forced to happen at this time, the impact on the whole UK will be heavy! "

Other times, people will never work together like this, just like joking, but now? But there are some really can not take into account! Even the royal family, is also trying to cooperate!

Charlie has taken a connecting flight to the United States for the first time. Obviously, he is going to have a meeting with Ding Yu. After all, the relationship between Charlie's family and Ding Yu is very good. On the one hand, he came forward to test Ding Yu's attitude, on the other hand, to stabilize Ding Yu!

The people under your hands have been killed! You can't do that! If it is someone from within the UK, no matter who it is, it will not be easy. But if it is done by the outside world, there will be a conflict between them. This will only make it cheaper for outside people, right? There is no benefit to both sides!

"Sir, there's a complete mess on the British side. Charlie called earlier. He's already on a special plane!"

"So eager?" Ding Yu is also slightly surprised, "it seems that there is a big event in Britain! But why are they doing this internally? As far as I know, our people seem to have no action in this respect! I haven't heard of anything else! "

"Sir, I also feel quite curious. After all, it's their own territory. If you can't take good care of your own home, it's not just a matter of ridicule! Will it be the European Union? I got the exact news that they were attacked while escorting the evidence back to London! There are people from the European Union! Jensen got hurt for it

"I prefer to believe that they are fishing in troubled waters!"

"If it's not the EU, then it's really interesting! But relatively speaking, it seems that Britain has never been calm in these years. I don't know why, Britain should suffer the most terrorist attacks! "

"There are so many inaccuracies in this statement. Some countries in the war, some countries in the third world and some backward countries are excluded. From the European point of view, except for the old man, Britain and France may be the two countries! It's just that Britain has received a little more attention, so we feel that there are more terrorist attacks! ""You tend to that, sir? But can they do it? The gold content of terrorist attacks can be said to be very low, or even backward, but I heard that the entire intelligence and governance department in Britain was almost out of order this time! "

"It's very natural that we are too targeted at us, and there are some loopholes in the internal competition for power and profits. It's very natural that the so-called fortresses are broken from the inside, which is never true!"

Kim seemed to understand something. "Sir, we need to wait for Charlie to come?"

"We are only aiming at the market. Although we have quite a contradiction with the British side, when it's unnecessary, we use knives and guns? It doesn't make any sense?! And extremely criticized by people, now such a time, we can show our attitude! There's no need to be such an outsider! "

Obviously, Ding Yu is ready to draw a full stop to this matter. His own people can't die in vain and hurt in vain! But if someone is willing to deal with it, why do you have to leave? What's more, his departure at this time is too attracting attention!

Although there are some problems in the UK, there is no use in worrying about it. Wesley has shown his ability, but he has shown himself well both internally and externally!

However, when I saw Jensen, I also watched for a period of time. I had been waiting for the doctor to examine Jensen. There was no one else in the room! This just asked for a cigarette from Jensen, "there is a communication problem, so there are not many ways to support you! And you can't stay in bed for too long

"WTF, Wesley, I'm a man, not a beast! You want to kill me? "

When he spoke, he also pointed to his own body. Did you see that, "I was shot three times, and I didn't die. OK! You said I had a bullet proof vest on my body, but a stab wound on my leg? Haven't you seen the bandage just now? Almost puncturing the artery? "

"Yes! However, since you are not dead, it means that you should move and move. If you can't get out of the field, you can still be a commander. What's more, I can prepare wheelchair for you if you don't have other ones! It's not about going to the Olympics

"Damn it!" Jensen resented and scolded, "I have three teams of people who have lost their combat effectiveness! At the same time, I lost a whole team of people, and I can't come back! It's not only our old friends, but also quite a lot of jackals. It can be said that there are many big problems in our department! "

"The inspection has already started, even before you come back, it has found out quite a few problems!" Playing the party, Wesley looked at the cigarette in his hand. "Who do you think our opponent will be? From your point of view! "

"I don't know, but judging from the style, it's definitely not Ding Yu!"

Wesley was slightly surprised. "Why not him? You need at least some reason to support it. "

"I've had a fight with Ding Yu's people. Let's say it's a fight! They make me feel too fierce and extremely sharp. If they want to ambush me, what you see now should be a corpse, not me! But today's people and I are just five and a half! "

"This is not enough to prove it! But you're right about one thing! This time, Mr. Ding should not have much to do with it. I have contacted Mr. Ding! "

"You don't want to die!" Jiansen is also surprised. Now is this time to contact Ding Yu?

"I contacted Mr. Ding in front of everyone, and I heard that someone had already taken a connecting flight to the United States. I think we should have a fair talk with Mr. Ding. We don't know what the situation is, but there should be considerable results."

"Is it useful?" Jensen asked scornfully, "anyway? Our people killed Ding Yu's people, this is the reality! that 's ok! Even if this matter is investigated clearly! Someone set us up! But not our hands? Is there any problem with this? How to tell Ding Yu about this? Can the people who killed him be killed in vain? "

"Don't be too pessimistic!"

"This is not so-called pessimism. I think you should have your own views on this matter! After all, you know a lot about Ding Yu. I don't believe you don't feel at all! " He took a close look at Wesley and said, "look at your expression now, and you will know what happened! It's just that there's no way to express it! "

"Jensen, don't be too radical. It's not good for you. In this situation, the intelligence department needs to take the lead to survive! We can't have too many problems. If there are some problems in the intelligence and governance department, it will be a disastrous situation for the whole UK! "

"I'm not impulsive, I'm just a little dismissive of some fanciful guys!"

"I understand what you think!" Wesley snuffed out the cigarette end in his hand. "Mr. Ding Yuding will never do it at this time, because he has made considerable profits in the market, even more than expected profits. Under such circumstances, he will not cause trouble to himself! That's it"I'll tell you! You must understand! I don't know how powerful this guy is if he didn't fight with Ding Yu. After fighting with Ding Yu, we will find that he basically has a certain purpose in doing things, which may be interests or other things. But obviously, things like revenge will be kept in mind for the time being! Not now

"Jensen, I found that there was a little underestimation of you! I thought Mr. Ding would be your magic barrier, but now it seems that Mr. Ding has promoted you very well and made you grow up a lot

"Don't give me these chicken soup for soul. It doesn't work with eggs. Even if I'm against Ding Yu now, I'm still a scum, just like Tang jicuode who takes a spear to meet the windmill! What's more, I just realized it. I believe I've already understood it at the beginning, but why not say it? "

"Are you sure you want to know?" Wesley said it with great interest!

"Don't tell me, it's all those damned politics again!"

"Here comes the prime minister! Even the royal family sent someone here! What you brought back earlier is the evidence of why our people started to fight Mr. Ding Yuding. There are quite complete operation personnel, operation purpose, code, even including communication and contact, and approval report! But there is no record of these things in the headquarters, and even all the senior managers don't remember such things! "

"The whole operation? It's impossible, even Ding Yu can't do this, because it requires authorization from all people! And it needs considerable verification! "

"Yes! It needs authorization from everyone, even detailed and careful verification. However, this matter has not been authorized by anyone, because this thing has never existed. At the same time, how does this verification work? It's hard to imagine that the investigation has begun! What are you going to do now? "

"I feel a little confused!"

"You feel a little confused, but what I need to do now is to stabilize the situation and hide the whole information management department, and even pick up the contradiction between us and Ding Yu. Under such circumstances, will there be other actions behind this? I don't know, but I need to take precautions! There is a problem with one pipe, what about the other? I don't know if there is the same problem! "

"Is it so serious?" Jensen felt bitter in her mouth!

"This is definitely not something that one person can do, at least a group, but what kind of people are the groups? In what way does it exist? In order to simply pick up the contradiction between us and Ding Yu, we exposed such a group. Do you think it is possible? "

"You have something to suspect!"

"There is no guarantee that you are one of them!" Wesley's eyes were sharp!

"If I had been, I would have been killed by now." Jensen didn't mean to pay attention to it at all. "I know you guy. Your style of dealing with the enemy is merciless. It's just that the means and style are different! But it doesn't mean you won't do it, at least I know some! "

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"I have selected some people. You are only responsible for me when you come to be the team leader."

"Although you have such authorization, I need a written order and signature!"

"Yes, I'll go to my office in five minutes and I'll tell you something, and Jensen, some things are not as simple as you think. Take care of your mouth. I hope to see you, but I don't want to see a body! Besides, corpses are not of much use. To bury them in cemeteries is a waste of land! "

"It's heartless enough, I know it!" Wave your hands! Signal Wesley to leave! I can also rest five minutes, although this time is very short, but after all, it is also a time to rest!

Five minutes later, Jensen appeared in Wesley's office. She came in an electric wheelchair. It was really difficult for Jensen to walk directly! Now I don't know who can trust the headquarters. Wesley can only let Jensen stand up. At least he knows that Jensen doesn't have too many problems! That's enough!

What's more, although he has some conditions, it doesn't matter much! At least it won't hinder the whole operation in any way!

Wesley handed Jensen a piece of paper. "This is the list. After reading it, destroy it. You don't need to work in the Bureau. I'll give you a safe line. If you can't find me, you can go to burns and let him take charge of it! I think you should know how to contact burns! I mean, if I can't be found, what's the problem? "

"I obey orders, but where is the place?"

"Security room, this is the top secret security room, but I hope it is the most confidential. I don't know whether it is or not. Maybe to a certain extent, you are the bait, who knows!"

"You are really insidious When speaking, Jensen still has a small mood. After all, it is not a happy thing to let people be bait. But now, I really don't have many choices. Since I am in this position, I need to make some choices! "I said! You are suitable for this position, with you in this position, at least it's reassuring! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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