"There are so many too dangerous, is really unexpected!"

Wesley said this to his face, moving his nose slightly, "I see! Is there anything else to explain, sir? I will try my best to help! "

"I won't leave it to you. I'll have a look at it myself." After that, he also waved his hand. When Wesley stood up, he moved his fingers. He even wanted to straighten his body and salute the old man. But he only stayed for a little time. Then he turned around, walked forward, pushed the door and left! There is no stagnation!

As soon as he left, Wesley reported to the Council about the old man, and the investigation on Dili had begun! When the arrest will end is still unknown, because when I know the situation, the arrest has already started!

For this news, people were still very excited, and no one showed any unusual performance. Wesley focused on a representative of the royal family. His face seemed calm, but his eyes still showed some joy? What joy is it for? Wesley is a little confused!

But what about this? Although it is worth to be happy, but how to deal with it, there are still some troubles! Because Dili's arrest did not go through the headquarters, but the decision made by the old man alone! Of course, he will report, but is there anything else in it?

Ding Yu didn't show any interest in the fighting between the intelligence department and the royal family, "Charlie? Is he still living in a dream? Pay attention to your body and don't do too much nonsense

"Very indulgent, but quite restrained! The problem is not that big! "

"Let him have dinner with him! And tell him, come back after washing, I don't want to smell too much rouge, at least not so used to it! Otherwise, I don't mind pressing him in the bathroom! "

When Charlie came, he looked at his cheek, and there was a feeling of blue. "Charlie, you are also a medical student. You should know that some things are too much. It's only a long time. I even have some doubts. Can you still be tough now? This is not meant to be ironic! "

"Ding, I have had quite a problem with my lover. Do you think it's appropriate to be disturbed at this time?"

"How about a fight! I haven't been boxing for quite a while, and I can't even find the right person to fight. Besides, I think the blue color on your face is too obvious! "

Although being punctured by Ding Yu, he didn't feel embarrassed for Charlie. He even blinked his eyes at Ding Yu. Anyway, he is just like this now! What can you do with me?

If you can't, then treat yourself as a disabled person! Now I absolutely don't want to get involved in those messy things. The position in the middle is so painful!

"I don't care what you think, but you still need to pay more attention to life!" Patted his hand, but also caused considerable attention, "today is a banquet for you, if you feel bad, I can arrange you to go to the hospital for a period of time, should not appear so embarrassed!"

"I don't know if my body can stick to it. Ding, if there is any problem, please tell me that I can persist. Believe me! I am a very strong man

"I'm sure you're a third rate actor if you're going to make a movie! It should not be said that, you are definitely a poor actor Ding Yu said with a smile, "OK! Eat first! I've ordered that it's good for your health! "

"Ding, it seems that I still drag you down!"

"All right! There's no point in saying these words! There is something to say, but some words are really unnecessary! Charlie, since you have made such a choice, I will respect your choice

Charlie gave a finger ring, "Ding, you know what? Sometimes I'm tired of it, but sometimes it's hard to be independent in such an environment. I know how to do it. I'm sorry for my friends! "

"Someone from my side has sent considerable gifts and even quite a lot of drinks, but it needs to be said in advance. When you are drunk, don't think that my people will clean up. It's impossible to leave you at the hotel. It's quite face saving to leave you at the hotel! "

" as for such ruthlessness? Not so good? " Charlie had considerable doubt, "but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I've been in this state these two days, but when I go to the hospital at night, I'm afraid it will be a little bad! We are all doctors. Gastric lavage is a very painful thing

When he left Ding Yu's apartment, everything was OK for Charlie. However, when he went back to his place of residence, Charlie was not able to be himself. The whole person almost turned into a fountain, and even the intelligence workers nearby were vomiting wildly, because Charlie sprayed all over the sky and some things entered their mouths!To the hospital, Charlie's situation is still a little better, but after a while, is also lying on the bed above, next to the emotional staff bed! It's really disgusting!

Even though he has received considerable training, such a thing is too much to be accepted. If it was not for Charlie's special identity, maybe the intelligence workers next to him would slap him to the ground, and then have a storm to let him know how powerful it is! How could anyone do that?

The next morning when Ding Yu got to know the news, he also slightly frowned on his brow, "did I say that he was a little too pretentious? The information workers around him didn't give him two punches. I think it's so incredible. At least ordinary people can't do it! "

"Sir, I don't think you should go to see the scene at that time. I still feel a little twitch in my appetite when I think about it now." Kim also said with forbearance! It's obvious that it has also been quite hit!

"What's going on in the UK? It's been a few days? There should be a little bit of movement, right? "

"I heard that the weasel was caught inside, but there seemed to be some disputes and disputes. However, the weasel is an old man who has served for 30 years, and no one has thought how he did it! We are still quite short of information about this! "

"I said," Kim, are you stupid? Or are you in the game? "

Looking at the gentleman who shakes his head, Jin is also slightly stunned, and then he also wakes up. His own means are too gentle! We should know that there is a problem on our side, and it is still the hands of the British side. The matter is handed over to the British intelligence department, but we must have the right to know!

So Kim called Wesley the first time! Speaking is also very direct and tough! "Wesley, I know you arrested dilly. I want to know the details, including your interrogation records and videos!"

"It's impossible. The trial was conducted in secret, and I don't even know the details now!"

"You know or don't know, I don't care about this, but Sir, you need to know the specific situation. Don't say that I didn't give you time, and don't say I didn't give you a chance. Six hours, I think, is enough for you! All the information is reported to me. Of course, it may be a little offensive. Excuse me! "

When he put the phone down, Wesley almost dropped the phone inside! Of course, it is the one with recording, which can be consulted by other people. However, it is hard for people to say anything about it. Ding Yu is too arrogant, which is simply despotic. But what can the intelligence management department do?

After all, it's not a misunderstanding, people will be killed by the emotional management department! This is something that can't be avoided, or even can't be avoided. Moreover, Ding Yu has grasped the handle. He can show such calm now, which has already given considerable face!

"King asked us to provide some information about Dili. Look at this. Mr. Ding is very concerned about it. Six hours." When he sat down, Wesley also explained the situation simply!

Ding Yu really didn't mean to compromise in this matter. Although he had contacted Wesley, and even Charlie was in Boston now, it doesn't mean that I just let go of the whole thing and it's impossible! After all, my people are dead and injured! And it's the hands of your intelligence department!

So I need to understand the context of the whole thing, reasonable!

The Intelligence Department of the UK also has its own consideration on this matter. Dili has been dug out, but so far, no more information has been obtained. This guy has served in the headquarters for 30 years, too long! If there is a problem with such a person, I'm afraid there will be a string of them!

Now is nothing more than when to explain the problem! And how much to explain!

"Six hours! What's going on with Peter The old man sitting in the center also took a look at Wesley.

"I don't know. Dili was arrested by him, and all the interrogations were handled by him. Now it seems that no news has been received. It is not easy to bypass Peter!"

Why does old Peter want to hold Dili in his hand? Wesley now knows more or less. Peter is ready to let Dili open his mouth and even direct him to a certain direction, and then thoroughly expose the royal face!

Of course, it is quite dangerous, and even will be split in the end! But why did old Peter do it like this? The Royal side has already taken a quite clear attitude. He is making way for this, and at the same time, he is leading some problems to him. After all, what about Lucas' death? It's just sealed up. It's not over!

"Why is old Peter so interested in dilly?" The people next to me said something abruptly?

Wesley was also stunned for a moment, "I don't know. He informed me of this news, which should be to say hello. Now Dili is not here in the headquarters. It seems to be placed in the safety room outside! But I also feel that there is something strange about this question. Although it seems reasonable, old Peter seems to be in a bit of a hurry! ""Old Peter is not here at headquarters?"

"No! He was not in the office when I went to inform him just now! "

The people around the table seem to be so concerned about this issue. Of course, Dili needs to be investigated carefully. But what is the old Peter's way to guard against? Or does old Peter have anything to do with dilly? From the understanding of the situation, it seems that there is no!

"What do old Peter and dilly have to do with each other?"

Wesley was asked to open his hand. Is this not a typical embarrassment for himself? For a long time, although I have a considerable relationship with the headquarters, I am not affiliated with old Peter, nor do I belong to Dili. I have always been outside!

The speaker, looking at Wesley's appearance, also knows that his words ask questions! Wesley has just been transferred to the post. He is not so clear about some situations in the headquarters.

Other people also slightly shake their heads, Dili and old Peter's work is not linked at all, after all, Dili belongs to the logistics.

"Did dilly's report and information come?"

"It has been sent over. There are no problems with the reports and materials, including the audit and evaluation. His account, including his family and kinship, has been verified. There are not too many problems! It's basically normal. The only surprise is that he has two lovers

"Two lovers?" The news is quite unexpected!

"What's the problem with them?"

"One has opened a bar and the business is good. The other is a gallery business. It has a close relationship with Dili. Is there any other problem that needs to be investigated? However, as far as we know, they have provided about 600000 euro for Dili, among which the bar people have provided about 150000 yuan, and the others are provided by the gallery people! ”

"600000 euro! It's a bit big! "

Wesley also turned the pen in his hand, "but as far as we know, both of them are voluntary, especially the lady in the bar. However, it is not known whether there are other transactions in this."

"Deli can't do such a thing alone?! Are there any other middlemen? "

"No investigation has been made for the time being. Our progress is very slow. Dili, the main client, is not in our hands. What's more, Dili has been working in the headquarters for a long time! We are very familiar with our process, so the ordinary methods are not of much significance and value to him! "

There was a heated debate at the headquarters, but on the safe room side, old Peter looked at Dili sitting there and felt quite puzzled. "Dili, you have served in the headquarters for 30 years, and you are always very regular. With your support in the logistics, you have not found any problems, and your assessment report can not see any other situation!"

Restricted to the fixed chair, Dili tried the chain on his wrist. "It seems that there are so many embarrassments, even some sadness. Today is such a scene!"

"This is your two lovers. They have provided you with 600000 euro in cash, such a huge sum of money!"

"Huge?" Deli laughed. "Peter, have you counted the amount from your hands? The amount from mine is far more than 6 billion euros!"

Hearing dilly say that, Peter immediately understood! What about pubs and galleries? Belong to the edge of the nature of the place, there are some so-called contraband, is a very normal thing! The pub may be better, but what about the gallery? It is obvious that they have a considerable cooperation with each other!

"If you earn extra money, I think everyone will open one eye and close one eye. But selling your country, Dili, I really can't figure out why, money, power or faith?"

"Why you, Peter?" Dilly asked?

What Peter couldn't help but be stunned was that he didn't understand!

Deli snorted, "Why are you here? Peter, don't tell me there's no one at headquarters anymore! I can understand if you don't keep me in the headquarters, but why you? It doesn't make sense at all. And you said that I betrayed my own country. This seems to be a little serious! "

"You didn't betray your country? Are you doing everything for your country? You have served in the headquarters for so many years. You should know the problems and the situation, not to mention you belong to senior officials! "

"Peter, let me ask you another question. Is Ding Yu our friend? I don't think so! From your point of view, do you think Ding Yu should be better alive or dead? Don't tell me that Ding Yu should live. Don't use those high sounding diplomatic words to talk to me. You know I don't eat this kind of thing! "

"You have been in charge of the logistics department for so many years, but now there are some problems. I don't believe you are alone. You can't do this alone! It's only a matter of time before or after the investigation that can be made clear! ""So will Ding Yu give you such a long time?" Dili also snorted, "I really haven't tried any so-called means, or you try, I can persist if I don't see it!"

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