"Dilly, it's not a good idea!" Old Peter looked at dilly, very serious!

"Peter, there's one thing I don't understand, but it's too early to see. Do you want to know why I did this? Is it? " Dili suddenly laughed, the expression on his face showed a little vicissitudes!

"I really want to know, what is the reason why you have come to this point?"

"Peter, do you have any children? I remember you have children, and one of them is already a lieutenant colonel! It's not a secret, at least for me personally

Peter sat in front of Dili, thinking about Dili's words, "in my impression, you have a daughter, as if she died in a car accident! As for your wife, Sina, she died of illness very early. It doesn't seem that the relationship between you and two lovers is not very big. But when you mention this point, it shows another problem! "

"Yes, I still have two children. One of them died on the battlefield. It's a sacrifice for my country! But the other one is not worth it! Peter, do you remember anything? Something just happened recently! "

"Goodson!" Old Peter's pupils are very constricted!

"Yes, Goodson, it's no big deal that you killed Lucas, but you shouldn't let anyone else go with you. I'm just such a son! Although they didn't admit each other, I had a good relationship with them. I watched you kill him. What do you think I should do? "

Peter wiggled his body. "I'm sorry, I didn't know about it!"

"Sorry, you say sorry to me, then I say sorry to you, sorry, I picked up the war, do you think sorry really useful? You said I betrayed! From your personal point of view, who do you think is the real traitor, and I am the logistics department. How much ink have you been greedy for so many years? Do you think I really don't know anything? "

Peter almost stood up in surprise, but at last he stabilized his body, "Dili, I'm so lucky! Fortunately, I'm here. If I didn't come, what would happen to me? "

"You should be so lucky, but I feel so sad. The time is too short! I know this reorganization of the headquarters, I must leave my position, I have no time! I can't afford to waste such an opportunity! But I never found out, where did your greedy things go?! What a pity

"It's not right! Dilly, you did this in a hurry? The reason seems good, but it is not! Goodson's death may be one of the problems, but in my judgment, it's not the most important one! "

However, Dili didn't follow Peter's ideas, but said to himself, "you don't have too much consumption, whether it's family or life. What's your greedy for ink? Let's say you've greedy for some things. These things and a lot of money. What do you want to do? Peter, you and I are on this chessboard. Do you think I should be afraid or you should be afraid of some! "

At that time, if my daughter's time was too short for me to find out, it would be too short for you to give birth to a son, even if it was not my time to give birth to a child, you should not think that it was too short for you to give birth to a son

"You and I are both from the information management department, and have served the information management department for many years. What are the reasons? I can use my imagination to guess, and I can also play my imagination! "

"There was something wrong with her accident, wasn't it?" Peter said, "sometimes the intelligence department will deal with some things that can't be seen. Maybe from then on, you already have some ideas in your heart. Dili, for so many years, you've hidden enough!"

"Each other! Little grace is very smart, also very beautiful, has been admitted to Trinity College! But someone insulted her and made a drunken accident afterwards. Peter, do you know who did this

Peter's face changed a little, and dilly went on talking! "At that time, it was you who signed it! What's more, the people who do it are royal! Who do you think betrayed who? Now it's your turn to answer

Peter is really speechless. It seems that he has some impression. After all, the intelligence department sometimes goes back to deal with some obvious things. However, this matter is provoked by the royal family, which makes him feel sick and even nauseous!

"I'm sorry, this time it's sincere!"

"There were a lot of people who told me how to mourn for their sorrow. I really have some who I can't remember!" Dilly snorted, "Peter, why did you kill Lucas? There must be a good reason for that. You have a lot of things on your hands. What is your defense? Do you think I should guess? ""I should have killed you!"

"Peter, what if I killed you at that time? What kind of problems can we solve? It can't be solved at all. What I trust betrays me. How do you think I should deal with it? So your words have no meaning and value in front of me

"I want to know who else?"

"Oh, Peter, who else do you think? If you were in my position, how would you make this choice? The so-called war has already begun! Our people killed Ding Yu's people. From the point of view of Ding Yu, he will never give up. I am looking forward to that day! "

"You are not Ding Yu's man?" Peter was very curious. If Dili and Ding Yu cooperated with each other, what would the harm be like? I'm afraid no one can guess!

"Why should I be Ding Yu's man? Although I admit that he is really powerful, and the intelligence department is really embarrassed in his hands, what's the matter? I must cooperate with him? "

At this point, dilly showed the British pride, at least now the performance is like this, but in reality? Who knows? No one can stand up and explain everything!

"I think you must have a lot of things in your hands, and the people under your hands will be exposed one after another! There will never be any survival! "

"And you? Peter, have you ever thought about what you're going to end up with, and who are you going to leave with your stuff? Your successor? But who is your successor? Although I haven't investigated this point, it will still be exposed, so you have no choice, so what? Deal with me directly! Of course, I will wait for you to have coffee with God. Maybe we can have a good chat at that time! "

Peter took a deep breath, "but I want to ask quite a lot of things! This is not the result I want! "

"Try it!" Deli shook his head. "It's just early or late. I used some people, but Peter, what about you? How many people have you used? It's just a muddle up account. It's not clear! "

Peter was originally sitting on the chair, but at this time he stood up and crossed back and forth in the same place. "This is obviously different from my plan. What should I do? Temporary adjustment plan? But you have a very important role, which I can't give up! "

"Peter, I know what you're thinking. There's quite a contradiction between you and the royal family. Am I right about that? Actually, the Royal hand is too long! There are so many people who have been installed. It's a very interesting thing that they have to deal with each other! "

"What do you want to say?"

"The question is, what can you give me?" Deli gently smile, "I suddenly found, pull you together? It seems that there are some failures. If the royal family can be pulled together, it will be really interesting! You just want to do it like this. I can help you! "

"So, what do you want?" Peter looked at dilly as if he were looking at the devil!

"My life will not be saved! Even if you are the queen, it's useless. But I don't feel much about that old witch. But the royal family bullied little Grice. I still remember who your successor is. I don't have any interest in it. But similarly, who I choose, you don't think you will have much interest in it! "

"Am I trading with the devil?"

"Whatever you want! After all, the right of choice is in your hands. You want the intelligence department to fight the royal family, or there are other purposes. I don't care. But I have my own purpose. Whether I can achieve my goal or not has nothing to do with you. Whether you can achieve your goal or not has nothing to do with me! "

Peter's heart in the measurement, with Dili trade is a very difficult thing, after all, involves quite a problem, usually did not feel this guy has any so-called sense of existence, in the logistics position is very outstanding, but did not expect to be so powerful, let himself now is also very difficult!

"You've been staring at me for a long time, but you haven't let me know. It's amazing!"

"There's no need for mutual promotion in the office! You and I know what's going to happen next! My watch has been confiscated! My daughter bought it for me. I like it very much. It always goes wrong. After I die, I remember to put it well. Of course, if you open it, it doesn't matter. I have no problem! "

It doesn't matter if you grind your teeth. You don't have any initiative. The question is, does Peter have other choices? In my opinion, there is no so-called choice, either to do it now, or to cooperate with yourself, which is such a result!

"I don't believe that you haven't found out any problems in the logistics for so many years!""Peter, if you want to find these things, don't waste your time! Just like what you hide, I didn't look for the same thing, some things no longer exist! As for where they are placed, I'm afraid even I can't tell you clearly. You don't believe anyone. Similarly, I won't trust others! Even some of me don't believe in myself

"Well! Let's talk about it! I'm afraid we'll have to video this time! You are ready

Peter took a deep breath. Now it's his turn to make the decision! Because he did not have much time, Dili grasped his handle, the key has been pinched by others, how can he still?

"Now, Peter, your friend should be here! Even the royal family should have come! Deal with it! Maybe something unexpected will happen

"You gave them hints!"

Looking at Dili who didn't speak, Peter's heart sank. He opened the door and went out. It didn't take long for him to come back again! When I came back, I not only turned on the camera, but also turned on all the monitoring and so on! The first time the headquarters received the video data!

For this point, there are some unexpected things in the headquarters! At this time, we are still wondering what happened and why Peter detained Dili alone! He personally participated in it, but now the signal suddenly came in! There are so many people can't feel the head!

"Dili, as a senior member of the intelligence management department, and even served the entire intelligence management department for more than 30 years, I really can't find any so-called reasons. Your sudden rebellion has caused huge losses to the entire intelligence management department!"

"Peter, you have served for a longer time than me, even in the intelligence department from the beginning of your employment. After so many years of time, I'm afraid you can't explain clearly what you've done! You said I betrayed the intelligence department. How could I betray the intelligence department? What is the evidence to prove this? "

On the screen, Dili's spirit is not much excited, but similarly, it does not show any decadence and ferocity. His speech is very organized, "don't say how much cash I received. You should know that you are also from the intelligence department. You are just using the authority in hand to do something convenient for everyone. Such flexible means, I think, is more than It's you and me. I've chosen a person from the headquarters. I've done it both inside and outside! It's just exposure or no exposure! "

"We're talking about a little bit off the mark!"

"Dilly, I've read your information! Very clean! The only problem is that you have two lovers, and as far as I know, you've got 600000 euros from their hands, but I can't find out where these funds are used. Maybe you can give me a different answer! "

"The answer, what do you want, the so-called answer, not everything has a result!"

"It's a large sum of money. You don't spend it on eating, drinking, playing, or hiding in a corner. But you can't find the whereabouts of the money. I have reason to suspect that you are engaged in other things."

"For example?"

"For example, someone attacked Ding Yu's liaison office, and they still attacked directly. You did it! Can be perfect to hide from all people's eyes, I have to say, you really have so many considerations! But I really don't understand, why do you do this? You have served for 30 years. Is it because you have a grudge against Ding Yu? If so, standing in your current position, you can use another way to solve the problem! What's more, if we do it like this, we can cure the symptoms rather than the root causes! "

"Peter, do you dare to touch Ding Yu?" When he finished speaking, Dili looked at the camera ironically, "do those guys behind dare to move Ding Yu? Since you don't want to, I'll give you a chance to create. Isn't that good? "

"Opportunity? What opportunity, dilly, what's the essence of the problem? "

"What is the essential problem? Peter, you've all come in person! Don't you understand what happened? "

This makes people in the whole headquarters look at each other. Do dilly and Peter have conflicts? I haven't heard about this! Dili belongs to the logistics support. Even if there is contradiction, it should be work-related. If it is work-related, will Dili be so?

"I don't have much impression!"

"Yes! So many years have passed! You have no impression! You signed it back then! Whether you are in charge of this matter is not so important! But you act as an accomplice, this thing can't escape! If I say so, there should be no logical mistakes, right? I look like this! "

This words let the people on the headquarters side all of a sudden have considerable interest. What does Dili mean by this word? What is it all about? But it seems that there is no such paragraph in the information!"Dilly, is there anything that can't be explained directly?" Peter also slightly nodded to the monitor, but before the so-called action was made by the monitoring side, the people at the headquarters immediately stopped calling for a stop, and directly issued the order! It's transmitted to the Bluetooth headset of everyone!

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