Peter also tapped his ear with his hand. Obviously, he was not very satisfied with this matter, but some people from the headquarters could not pay attention to it at this time! Because the news I heard was very shocking!

"Deli, it seems that many people are interested in you! The communication on the headquarters side was paralyzed, including the inexplicable attack on Ding Yu previously, and even the group escorting evidence was attacked on the way. Any one of them is quite crazy. I don't believe that you can do it alone! It takes quite a lot of people? "

"You think I'm quite connected to the outside world!" Dilly is so disdainful! "How do you think I'm connected to the outside world at this time? With ideas? "

Slightly hum a, Dili continued to say! "I have my own purpose, but it doesn't mean that I am an asshole and a traitor, but after today, what will happen again is unknown! I don't know what will happen next, I just do what I want to do! And it's basically done! "

"Dilly, you need an excuse! Don't you even bother to talk about excuses? "

"Excuse, Peter, you said it all. Excuse, do you think that's interesting? Do is do! It's just a matter of admitting or not admitting. I don't have much affection for you. I don't have any so-called good feelings for what you do. I'm very clear about what you want, but you and I are all people who serve this industry. What else do you not understand? "

We are all people who serve in this industry. We are quite clear about the ways in this field. What is the so-called amnesty, or judicial exemption, and so on? Those are just fooling ghosts! It may be used when you need superficial articles, but it is absolutely useless for them!

"Well! In other words, what else can I do for you at this time? "

"Stay with me! You signed it back then! No matter whether you are active or passive, you are always involved in the affairs. You can be regarded as the top management of the Department of emotion management. If you are with me, I don't think life will be too lonely. If you are really speaking, you are not a good person, are you? "

"Peter, don't go around with him! Ask him why he did it The voice of the boss also came from the earphone. It's obvious that the headquarters is also paying special attention to this matter!

Peter slightly wrinkled his brow, slightly dissatisfied with such a request, even if the boss can? Can you cover the sky with one hand! "Dili, our colleagues for so many years, I haven't found any problems in your normal work. Even other colleagues don't have this problem!"

"Work is work, and private affairs are private affairs. I can still tell this clearly. At least in the past, I didn't think I was a traitor. As for whether I would be regarded as a traitor in the future, it's another thing. Peter, do you dare to talk like that after so many years in your position? And the people behind you, dare you say that? "

Peter's heart is also sigh, this word Dili dare say, he can only say half a half! As for the people from the headquarters? This judgment is really not good to go under, although everyone is brilliant, but behind it? Some problems or avoid some better!

"If you are not a traitor, what you do is for personal hatred! I think many people are very interested in it now. If we start from this direction, in fact, it's very easy to investigate, it's just the time! "

"That's a beautiful thing to say, but I want to ask, Peter, will Ding Yu give you so much time? From my point of view, not even he will give you very little time, so? Peter, now our position seems to have changed. What can you satisfy me? Don't tell me that cliche! I know what about the rest of my life? Either in a cell with no bottom, or once and for all, and the latter is more likely! "

"Well, guess, as a chip, I think I can still do a steak! This is a safe room. Although it is very simple, there are still not too many problems with some simple things. External things can't enter. I don't think it's necessary to state the truth. This is the best I can do! "

"It won't be more than 12 hours. I don't know Ding Yu very well. I just read some information about him, but I really admire him. If he can work in the intelligence department, your position is just the time for him. He has an extraordinary sensitivity, which is why I didn't provoke him in the past Well, I have no energy and ability to deal with such an opponent! "

"It should be a good idea to unite with him! If you want to achieve any so-called goal, he is the best target, and he has a lot of conflicts with the intelligence department! "

"Twelve hours is too general! The possible result is that I have steak and red wine, and you only have steak! ""And red wine. It's a big joke!" With a smile, Dili stood up on his shoulder. "The manpower, material and financial resources of the headquarters for Ding Yu in recent years are too huge. From these data, we can see some problems. There are many people to analyze them, but I don't think it is of much use! At least it won't play a key role. In fact, steak is very good, and mashed potatoes are also good if you fill your stomach

"Well! No more than eight hours! Although this is only my personal judgment, I should hold it up and down for no more than two hours. I still have this assurance! "

He waved his hand and said, "how about saying something I'm interested in before we go together?"

"Why am I aiming at you?" Deli looked thoughtful. "Peter, I remember you had children, didn't you?"

Peter didn't reply immediately, but the headquarters summarized the situation of Dili at the first time, and directly put it on the screen. Little grace, he died in a car accident! However, we still find some differences, because there are other things hidden in the closed report. One of the reports is Peter's signature!

The head of the intelligence department also knocked on the table with his hand, "who can explain to me why Peter signed this report? Is there any unknown information in it?"

"Grace?" Peter took a deep look at dilly. "I didn't expect to hear the name again!"

"My watch was given to me by grace. It's old school! Even there will be quite bad, but I always take it on my wrist! As a souvenir! "

"To remind you!" Peter asked, looking at Deli nodding, Peter also deeply nodded! "Sorry, I can't help it! I have no other choice, because this is the order handed down! "

"Yes! As explained above, you didn't have the ability to resist at that time. To be exact, you did. I still admire this point, because your promotion was suppressed for two years, but the situation turns out to be better. If you don't have these two years, maybe you can't do your present position now! "

The investigation of the headquarters side is also in succession, but not long ago, an assistant came to the boss of the headquarters, "head, there is no way to investigate the matter!"

Seeing that the boss was not very satisfied, the assistant also looked at the people not far away, "I don't have this right, and the problems involved are relatively troublesome!"

There's a little twitch in the corner of your eyes, damn it! It must be those bastards of the royal family. Every time something like this comes out, someone has to wipe their ass. after all, the royal family involves the image of the whole UK, but this trouble is really causing so much trouble!

"What else?"

"Basically, there are not many clues about Dili's investigation. He has served the headquarters for a long time, and his work has given him considerable convenience, which has become the best cover for his crime. As for the accounts, there are no other problems. Everything is relatively clear. As for the follow-up investigation, it is still in progress! And it needs the agreement of the cabinet ministers and the Security Council. We are very sad about this! "

"I see!"

And Dili in the middle of the screen leaned back his body, "Peter, when you sit in this position, have you ever thought about this problem? You may not have thought about it, but I think about it all the time. Why? Little grace has a bright future. She has been admitted to Trinity College, but some people have destroyed all this and even planted a crime of drunken driving and endangering public safety! "

"Dilly, I'm sorry about that!"

"You just mean regret. If I regret what happened now, what do you think of my statement?" Dili couldn't deny humming, "she died under the tyranny of some people, and everything was covered up! Even the client is now in a high position. Peter, if you were my father, what would you choose? "

"I have nothing to say Peter, the whole man is like a deflated balloon! I don't know what to say. After all, I'm one of the parties. Although I resisted this matter, I acquiesced in it to some extent!

"However, Dili, I still want to say that no matter whether you have been treated unfairly or not, it can not be an excuse for you to trample on the law and public security, or even to lay the groundwork for you in Britain. From this point of view, I have the right to refuse to arrest you!"

"I didn't make any resistance." Deli raised his hand. "You see, I'm sitting in a position where I'm being interrogated, and the interrogator is you! I honestly explained the problem! I did it, and I showed my motivation! Isn't it enough? What are you trying to frame this time? For example, do I collude with Ding Yu? It's OK! I don't care! "This makes people in the headquarters feel very embarrassed on their faces. The signals have been transmitted. Although it is said to be a secret channel, who can guarantee that such a thing will not be known by Ding Yu. The Royal side and Ding Yu have a cooperative relationship now. If they disclose to Ding Yu, what will the intelligence department do?

As for the matter of deli's daughter, little grace, can it become the handle of blackmail the royal family? It seems that it can't. There are a lot of handles on the part of the royal family. Even if one of them is taken out casually, it is enough to make the Royal side unable to move. But the question is, does the intelligence department not have a handle on the royal family?

"Dilly, you're an old love worker! If it is just for revenge, my personal feeling is not appropriate! "

"Is it? Peter, you are a good man. As far as I know, you killed Lucas

What? There was an uproar at the headquarters. To know that Lucas's case has been sealed, it is not that there is no way to investigate this matter, but there are too many uncertainties in it! But now dilly suddenly lifted the lid. "If you kill Lucas, nothing, but one of them is my son! Although they are just my illegitimate son, they are two brothers. One died in the battlefield, and the other died in your hands. With little grace, what do you think I should do? "

"Why did I kill Lucas? This thing seems to have been sealed up! I doubt the purpose of your saying that! " Peter didn't show any flustered, just a steady expression of the facts!

"Lucas is in the office, and he has a bright future. Everyone knows that!" When he said this, dilly gave Peter a smile. "But he had other tricks. At least I know that when he was in the United States, he got in touch with some people, and even got quite a guarantee."

"This is not enough to prove it!"

"Wesley was in charge of Boston at that time, but he was removed from his post at the first time and was brought back. However, this guy has outstanding ability, has considerable communication with all aspects, and is very careful in doing things. He has the most comprehensive knowledge of Boston, and I really have some doubts about it If he was not in Boston, what would be the situation? Too much expectation led to some disappointment in the end

All the people in the headquarters looked at Wesley for a moment, and they did not deny that Dili's words still had some credibility. Wesley was an outstanding guy, but he was very smooth and had a certain principle.

"Why not Wesley, but me? Or someone else! "

"Other people can't do it. Wesley's capable is true, but this guy wants to make things all right. He hasn't got the job. Even now, he still can't do it. Moreover, this guy is smart and can't kill people. You're very hot at this point."

"Why can't I and Wesley unite?"

"Will Wesley accept your offer?" Deli seemed to understand something, but he didn't say anything, "everyone is smart people. It's meaningless to mention this! The American consortia have reached a considerable agreement with Lucas, so you killed him. From this point of view, you should be a nameless hero! "

Did Lucas reach an agreement with the United States? There's something wrong with the headquarters. What's the situation? Why don't you even know this? And the backer of Lucas, for this matter? I also feel a little surprised. Lucas has quite a connection with the United States. I know this, but I can't make it clear!

"No one knows about it! Dili, you've planted a lot of people

"Do you know why Ding Yu later investigated Lucas and Wesley? It has something to do with this. Wesley is very smart. He knows what can be done, but some things can't be done. But Lucas is too bold on this point! So he hung up! "

There is an uproar from the headquarters. There are too many problems reflected from this conversation! What about Lucas' death? Not only is the internal struggle so simple, but also has the quite external reason! What's more, Wesley, who has been in the United States for a long time, has not shown any ambiguity!

"I don't like Wesley very much, but I don't like Lucas any more!"

"What about Wesley? A little stubborn. What about Lucas? The origin of this guy decided that he had a high opinion. However, compared with Ding Yu, it was not enough for Ding Yu to pinch him with one finger. As for later, he was playing with fire, which made him burn. In fact, the agreement was still on file. You didn't think of it! "

It can't be Peter exclaimed, too!

"You can't get it, but it doesn't mean I can't get it either. But a piece of steak and milk is obviously not enough for my personal requirements. Let's talk about something else! What's more, there was another problem. At that time, apart from Lucas and the Americans, there were people who participated in it"Other people?"

"Yes! You don't think it's Lucas or the US! You underestimate the bottom line of some people! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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