When the two people were talking, they heard a roar, and then the light in the room also flickered!

"See? Here comes the man Dilly snorted! For such a situation, it seems that there is not too much shock!

"Your men?" Peter didn't care that much!

"If it's my people, they don't want to take such a way at all, but relatively speaking, I can survive, but you can survive if you don't see it! I don't know if your men can resist it! "

Headquarters this side of an uproar, the safe house was attacked! The video was delivered at the first time. These guys were extremely quick and professional! It's clear what everyone should and shouldn't do!

The boss of the headquarters patted the table heavily, "I don't care who disclosed the information, what I want to ensure is the safety of Peter and dilly. Even our people don't know where Peter's safe room is, how the people attacking outside are found. And Wesley, you are responsible for supporting!"

"Yes There is no nonsense at this time. It's not that I really care about Peter, but that the situation is very urgent. Peter and Dili are attacked, which obviously has something to do with the issues they talked about. But how did this news get out?

They should not be able to run away from these people in the office, so at the first time he left, Wesley also put his communication facilities on the desktop, which also made some people's faces slightly changed!

Wesley's action shows that this matter has nothing to do with him, but it also shows his suspicion. The news should be spread out by the staff in the headquarters or even in the room. How to deal with it later? I don't want to get involved, but I can't let the hat fall on his head!

"Gentlemen, I need to check everyone's communication facilities! If there is any request, I will wait in the next room! I don't want to tear the so-called face, but the signal transmission will be verified after all! Five minutes! "

The people in the room looked at each other, and the boss had left! It's in the next room, and the people sitting at the round table are hanging their heads. It's a little noisy!

Behind Lucas's death, not only were factional fights as simple as this, but also involved other matters. Soon, someone stood up, ignored the eyes of the crowd, and walked directly into the small room next to him!

"Sir, I don't want to ask why this happened. The question now is how to solve it? What I need is stability and balance, but obviously, stability and balance have been broken! Everything is a mess

"Get rid of Peter, he needs to be responsible for Lucas, let Dili disappear!"

"What you said seems too simple! Do you think the home secretary and the Security Council will let it go? They must have received relevant reports now. In what way do you use, others will use the same way. Under such circumstances, if you get rid of Peter, do you know how much influence this will have on the intelligence department? There is still such a way, do you know what the result will be?

The speaker was also furious. What happened to the royal family was never a piece of smelly dog poop, which could not be thrown away. Moreover, it was extremely disgusting. Now he was about to be forced into the corner!

"Don't you? So I tell you, it is possible to get rid of Peter and let Dili disappear. I believe the person you are looking for may be able to do it. But if you do this, you will put the contradiction between the two sides on the surface. Do you think the forces behind you will agree with this way? "

"Now that I have come forward, I am responsible for it!"

"You are in charge. Once you die, what about the subsequent troubles? Follow up is a so-called muddleheaded account, and Ding Yu there how to account? Don't you think we're fuckin 'empty! "

"Never. Since everything has happened, we should start to solve it now. I think this way is of great benefit to all of us. Besides, I don't contact you with my mobile phone. Even if you want to investigate, you can't find out anything! But the signal aspect, may be able to check out a little bit, but is just a small person! There's no value in it! "

"These are not enough!"

"Some people will convince the Minister of the interior, including the Security Council, and some other personnel, even the prime minister, that there are no problems. Of course, Ding Yu will also be included. I think it is enough to exchange my life for Peter's life! As for other sacrifices, there will be a succession of people to be cleared out! "

"Not enough!"

"There won't be much news from the intelligence department. I can guarantee that there won't be any big moves in at least five years. As for your position, it may have a little influence. But I think I will leave enough time for you to make appropriate arrangements, and I promise I won't make any changes to your arrangements!"The people sitting there pondered for a while, "your guarantee is not convincing enough, at least not much persuasive, and your life has been connected to Peter. Moreover, the intelligence department will become a joke after this time. This is not a big clean-up that can solve all problems!"

"Ten percent of the budget, which is not included in the list, belongs to the intelligence department! I have shown my cards

"Twenty percent! I can resign, but the intelligence department can't be disordered or even split up. I need to pacify them! This is also my bottom line. I need to be responsible for the whole country, and also for the intelligence department! "

"Fifteen percent! In this way, both sides can accept each other! And my guarantee, you may not believe it, but I will give you a guarantee that you can't resist, but this guarantee will never appear in front of people. It will be placed in a fixed place and will be automatically destroyed in five years

Dili in the safe room, looking at the emergency light, said, "Peter, it seems that some things are even worse than expected! But I don't know whether this is caused by me or by you? "

"It won't attack for the time being. There's no problem with the protection here, and the children under my hand are all elite!" Peter snorted, "and you? I don't want to die, but your end may not be too good! Now I'm thinking about some questions. Should I kill you here? "

"At such a time of crisis, you even have to negotiate terms. You really have everything to do! I still really feel some admiration! But we do not have any so-called chips, some things can not be used as chips to get on the table, thank you for your concern

"Death is not a terrible thing, the problem is not to die!"

"I must be dead! I can still do that, Peter. Think about your own situation! You're definitely dead this time! I don't know the disposition of those guys in the headquarters. Anything can be negotiated or even compromised. Face has no effect on everyone! "

"I've read your health report and there's no problem. Sometimes it's not something you want to think about!"

At this time, however, the gunfire became more and more fierce. Some people directly opened the door and said, "Mr. Peter, there are too many people coming! And the weapons and equipment are too good for us to hold on to! "

"You go Peter waved his hand slightly. "I can't get out at all. Just leave me a gun! You have already done what you should do, and other things have nothing to do with you! "

"Sir, our task is to protect!"

"I order you to retreat, let us two old guys stay here for a while, and cherish the memory of the past. Things have nothing to do with you. Don't make fearless sacrifice. It's not worth it!"

"Will you shoot him, sir?"

"No, his role is greater than you think. It is OK to say that he is a sinner. As for the traitor? From the present point of view, there are still some additional, let's go! If you don't leave, there will be some too late

He bit his teeth hard, hit a salute, and then rushed out without looking back!

Deli looked at Peter with some envy, but that's it! "Dilly, everyone's gone!" When I speak, I also turn off the monitoring! There's even time to go to the inner room and shut down all the communication facilities! There's not much use left for them now!

"You old guy is still as old as ever! It's really rare to be able to keep such a cool head even when life is in danger! " The chair was uncomfortable, and Dili shook his body and adjusted his sitting posture.

"You have quite a guess, don't you?"

"Well! How many guesses! But what about that? " Dili ha ha ha smile, "anyway, it is such a situation now! But in advance to say, if you are ready to shoot, remember to tell me in advance, I can sit up straight! At the same time, pray to God

"It's almost as if you go to hell. Heaven won't have your place!"

"Can't we yearn?" Deli snorted, "as if you could go to heaven! If the evil spirits in hell don't drag you in, I think they'd rather rush to the heaven and make a mess of the whole sky! So let's not talk about anyone! Just sit quietly and enjoy yourself

Words just finished, heard a burst of footstep sound, there is a figure flashing! People outside don't know much about the situation inside. Anyway, they see two target objects sitting there. It seems that they don't care about what happens outside! I don't know what they are doing, but the guns on the table are obvious!The two men came in slowly with their weapons in their hands, and the muzzle of the gun was also aimed at Peter. Actually, both Peter and Dili had both hands on the table top, and did not mean to resist. This actually made the people who rushed in with masks obviously feel puzzled. What is the situation? Give up fighting!

"Confirm target!" Press your own headphones, timely report the situation here! "The target did not resist!"

There was a little noise coming from the earphone, and then the muzzle of this gun was also aimed at Peter! Not ready to listen to what he said, he pulled the trigger in his hand. Deli looked at the fallen Peter and shook his head slightly. This guy is also a fool, but now he is dead!

As for whether it can be as usual, no one knows, "take him away!" Someone cut off the handcuffs, and immediately put on the headgear for Dili, fixed his hands, and then clamped away!

By the time Wesley arrived, the cauliflower was already cold! Looking at old Peter lying on the ground, Wesley also slightly shakes his head. What is the situation at the headquarters? I already know it now! It is obvious that a considerable agreement has been reached, but the Royal side has since revealed that they have no intention to cover up at all!

"What was the situation then?"

"Peter was shot in the head and Dili was taken away! The follow-up situation is still under investigation, but there should be considerable difficulties. There was no other damage on the scene, everything could be restored, and the purpose was obvious, which was to run to Peter and dilly! And communications have been restored! "

"I see!" Wesley sighed a little, then turned away!

"Wesley, what's going on over there?"

"Peter was killed, Dili disappeared, and the scene was not damaged. However, the follow-up pursuit could not be carried out for the time being. Now it still needs to be verified. The information gathering is so slow!"

Wesley is very clear about what happened. Now he needs to see the attitude above. If the above means to find out, he will continue to pursue and even find out who did it! If the above does not have the meaning of this aspect, is to deceive the words, I will account to the following!

Peter is dead! Now it is time to change. If we continue to investigate, can we restore his reputation? It's impossible! At this time, the most important thing is how to go on your way, but before you go on, you should take the lead to ensure your own safety!

"I see! What about the casualties? "

"There are quite a few casualties, but the problem is not very big! I haven't met them yet, but they are very brave! "

After understanding the above attitude, Wesley has now known the specific situation, so he is also a good listener to say that he does not care what happened, what he cares about is how to deal with the next thing!

He made a look at Jensen next to him. "Be honest. Now it's a good time to take care of yourself."

"There is no problem in the safe house, but I didn't expect such a situation."

"It's not something you should talk about!" Wesley said a warning! "But it's not appropriate for you to do things at this time. Go to the hospital for a rest! Just so many people are together

Jensen was so silent that she felt a cigarette from somewhere and hung it on her mouth. "I know! Be careful! I can't help you! "

And then he left the wheelchair! It's obvious that Jensen also realized something. Old Peter is dead! The body's lying there. Any other instructions? They are all systematic, and they are still so high-level. They are so dead here. But look at this meaning, they don't pay too much attention to it!

Isn't it clear enough? This muddy water is definitely not as simple as you can imagine. It is a kind of deep bottomless one!

I'm afraid even a bubble won't come up when I go in like this. When will it sink to the bottom? Don't even think about it. It can only be a white bone!

What about Wesley? This guy doesn't have too many problems. At least he gives himself the feeling that he doesn't have too many problems. He's always playing with his brain, and he also has considerable support. The above can be said to be more optimistic about him! I hope he can get through this! If even he can not pass this level, the future situation is really too bad!

"Head, something's wrong!" The assistant almost trotted over!

"What's going on?" Wesley also looked back!

"The man who attacked the safe house has been found?"

"Found it? So fast? " Wesley felt a little weird. How could these guys be found? If it is found, what should be done next? And what will the headquarters do? "Where is it? Call in...! ""Head, don't mobilize! Dead people

Wesley turned his neck mechanically and looked back at his assistant! "What are you talking about? The dead? "

"Yes, they are dead! The situation on the scene is a little bit miserable! It's about three blocks from here! Judging from the scene, it should be ambushed! The action is neat and quick, even can't find too many clues! The specific situation remains to be investigated! "

"Go and have a look!" Wesley felt a little bit out of control!

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