Arrived at the scene, the warehouse inside a few cars full of holes, the scene is also a mess.

Wesley walked around the scene twice. It was obvious that they were ambushed. This warehouse was originally used for evacuation, but it became the scene of ambush! Dead bodies everywhere!

"What do you see?" Jensen had already left! But it was pulled back by Wesley. After all, what about this matter? You can still use Jensen. He is an expert in action. Although he says that his legs are inconvenient, he has extremely rich experience. At this point, not many people can surpass him!

"It didn't take more than two minutes. They were suddenly attacked. You see, their hands have not even touched the trigger, they are dead! Maybe there are not many people on the scene, but they are all well-trained and have quite a fighting style! Even better than the field troops

"Field forces?" Wesley couldn't help feeling a little numb on his scalp!

"Yes! This is a standard field attack, which should come from the military. However, it is very difficult for me to judge what kind of military it is. Although each country has its own style, it is not difficult to imitate it. Even though there are such teams in the military, they imitate their opponents and train their own teams! "

"The military team, not the military personnel, can I understand this?"

"Come and see!" Jensen took out a piece of paper and a pen, "I just asked people to take a look at the scene with the UAV. This is the specific ambush position, and you can see their position. These two are sniper points. These are other attack points. Because the attack is too fast, they don't expose the so-called defense line at all! But from a three-dimensional point of view, the sniper point and the two points on the side are their defense lines. If there is a so-called poor performance in a task, then they can withdraw calmly. This is the standard military mode. Although our intelligence department also has quite a number of military personnel, there are not many of them able to do so! "

"Any more?"

"I didn't check the situation of the periphery, but I believe there should be a defensive line in the periphery to prevent support teams, and even to monitor and contact. Because it is a whole, I can guarantee that all the images around should be destroyed. There should be at least a few van or container for so many people! It's easier to hide! "

After taking a look at the casualties at the scene, Jensen also pointed to the outside, "take a look outside?"

Wesley also felt a little puzzled about Jensen's sudden "invitation", but he still walked out. The position was not very far away. Jensen looked at the surrounding environment, then pointed with his finger, "let people take a look at several places, and it should be quite fruitful! But the scene should be cleaned up! "

Do you want to know that there are no so-called traces left in this warehouse, and what so-called traces can be left outside? It should be an unlikely thing, but this is definitely not the purpose of Jensen to let herself out!

"What's the situation?"

"I know the people inside!" Jensen said in a low voice, "I once met in the execution of peripheral tasks. He left a very deep impression on me. I don't know what department it is, but I know that he should be regarded as one of our internal people!" After that, he also nodded his head heavily.

Then he also called a person not far away, pointed to the monitoring, "go and investigate the line, it may have been destroyed for a long time! But better than nothing! What's more, if the wireless communication around you was short circuited before? "

Wesley didn't speak, just nodded at Jensen!

The high-level should have reached a considerable agreement with the royal family, otherwise old Peter would never die in vain. However, he did not expect that these people had just brought Dili out and were ambushed. Who was the ambush? Can you control such accurate information? Take Deli away! Can it be Dili's?

There are definitely many people interested in Dili, but there are not too many people who can accurately find Dili and also have a strong strength! It will never be as much as you can imagine!

"Wesley, what's going on?" The headquarters side also felt thorny, Dili had been taken away! But who could have thought that such a change could have happened on the way! If people like Dili are not removed, then the follow-up may detonate more troubles and waves! This is what the intelligence department and the royal family don't want to see!

"It's very bad. After investigating the scene, they were ambushed. The ambush time was very short, but they were all experts, and they might be experts from the military! The one that belongs to the elite! "

"The military?"

"There is no way to determine the personnel in active service, retired or other aspects, but judging from the mode of attack and some conditions on the scene, it should be from the military. Other departments do not have such executive power. However, it is difficult to guess how many people there are and what kind of equipment and facilities have been used. We came a little late!"If there is no such situation, deli's business should stop here! But now Deli seems to have been saved! Things have to go on! There is no choice! The question is what does the royal family think of the issue? What kind of choices would they make?

The intelligence department has reached an agreement with the royal family to kill Peter and take Dili away. The intelligence department has agreed! The result is also in this direction, but what about the follow-up? The follow-up problems should not be borne by the information management department, because Dili is no longer under the control of the information management department!

The royal family is also very angry about this matter. Why? Dili was robbed! Who did it? The people who took Dili away were all elite, but they were ambushed on the way. They should not be from the intelligence department, because the intelligence department has reached an agreement with the royal family!

But in Britain, which side has the ability and courage to use the military directly? Is it an internal force? Judging from the current situation, this doubt can be said to be the biggest!

According to the situation reflected by Wesley, there are absolutely a lot of people involved in the attack. If it's an external military force, so many people can't be heard of. Although it is said that the British intelligence department has been weak in recent years, it does not mean that they really can't smell anything!

Is it difficult for the intelligence department to hide something deliberately? It's impossible because Britain is not their intelligence department. Each aspect has its own special channel. It's easy to hide from one person, but it's impossible to hide it from everyone!

However, the situation in Britain has been so chaotic recently! If the royal family wants to go to the front desk, I'm afraid it's not a simple thing. It needs a long process. But now how much has been able to make its own voice, which is quite good. As for paying a little price, this is also worth it!

"Continue to investigate, find out the people behind, and come back after dealing with the follow-up affairs!" Although there are not too many problems in the headquarters, Wesley should know something about some things. After this guy goes out, he has nothing to bear! But some people are already big heads!

Wesley is a very flexible guy. Let's get him back! Even if the so-called idea is good, of course, it is good to block the gun, and there will be no so-called embarrassment in the scene!

The intelligence department and the royal family have reached a considerable agreement. This matter still causes dissatisfaction and indignation from some departments within the intelligence department. As soon as old Peter dies, it still causes considerable problems! This is not just a power struggle. Lucas, the future star, is dead! Now the old and prudent Peter is dead! What's next?

Now the intelligence department has begun to have so many groups to warm up! If we don't hold together at this time, I'm afraid there are some people who can't explain clearly! Besides, Peter and dilly are both people who have served in the headquarters for many years. Who knows if they have any like-minded people?

What are these people going to do? From the perspective of the intelligence department, these people are suspected objects and need to be carefully investigated. But for the royal family, what about them? It should belong to the isolated object, the contradiction between the two sides is slightly so big, this can not be solved in a day or two!

Wesley didn't feel too tired when he came back! "It's almost time! Ding Yu gave six hours, but I need to ask, do you think it is possible that Ding Yu did the hijacking of Dili? "

Wesley really thought about this problem, even on the way back. After being asked suddenly, he hesitated, "I've been thinking about this question all the time. Can this be done by Mr. Ding? I even asked people to mobilize sun Yingnan and Sasha and some of them!"

"Not found?"

"Their security has never left, and their personnel are all as usual. Now they are full-heartedly manoeuvring in the capital market. If they participate in such an operation, it is not possible for one or two people to do it! It's absolutely necessary to surpass the personnel of a small team, and it needs quite a lot of arrangement. I also asked the people in the relevant aspects, and they have not received the news in this respect. This is very abnormal! "

"So what about your judgment?"

"It needs to be based on. Peter's so-called safe room is the most confidential place in the Bureau. Even I don't know where the safe room is! At that time, although there was signal transmission, we were unable to locate the safe room immediately through the signal. After all, we had quite a number of countermeasures, so where was the channel of information leakage? "

The boss of the intelligence management department also feels that things are difficult to do. If the information is not leaked from the intelligence management department, then it is from the royal family. However, the relationship between the royal family and Ding Yu is a kind of mutual cooperation. Whether they should be involved or not and how to get involved is a problem!"However, this is not enough evidence or basis. It is just a kind of speculation. But if Mr. Ding started this matter, what can he get?" Wesley asked! "I think if we look at the problem from here, I'm afraid it's also a clue!"

"The copy of the contract doesn't have much significance and value for Mr. Ding, and Dili doesn't have much significance in Ding Yu's hands. Although Dili is a senior official, the value of what he has mastered is not so great. Relatively speaking, it is not as good as little Charlie!"

Listening to Wesley's description, the boss of the headquarters nodded slightly, but he agreed with Wesley's analysis. The value of Dili to Ding Yu is not so great. Since Dili can be found, Peter must also be found. Judging from the value, Peter's value is definitely higher than Dili, even far more than Dili!

"A mess! It involves some situations in Lucas and Boston. Now Peter and Dili are emerging, and there are Qing Zhi headquarters, royal family and even Ding Yu. All of them are mixed together. It is not easy to find some clues from them! "

Obviously, this will also mean to leave the matter to Wesley! Wesley is very flexible and tactful. He has a lot of connections with all aspects. He is a member of the intelligence department. He is familiar with both the operations department and the intelligence department.

As for the royal family, he didn't show any difference. The royal family seems to have a certain favor for Wesley. What about Wesley and Ding Yu? Although there is no good personal relationship, Wesley can still talk to Ding Yu.

The handling of Boston affairs has also added a lot of impression points to Wesley. All of them are combined together, which is enough to make Wesley gradually start to walk on the established line!

"Sir, it's easy to say that it's easy to find clues from it, but it's extremely difficult to say that it's difficult to say it's difficult!" Wesley also expressed his own difficulties!

Because if you want to find the so-called clues, you need to start from scratch. But if you start from scratch, you can't get around the royal family! And will the royal family allow themselves to do so? I haven't seen it! Some things are not only can't get on the surface so simple, and even can't talk about it secretly!

"What do you think?"

"I think there will be great interest in this matter. Let them lead the investigation and we will assist in the investigation. Sir, do you think this is OK? In this way, we can avoid the problems that we will encounter in the whole process, and we can make a good relationship with them

This is a very good idea. Although it is said that this is the affair of the intelligence department, it should also be regarded as a royal affair from a certain point of view. The intelligence department takes care of them, but does the same royal family have any so-called fear of the intelligence department? Everyone is one another!

However, if the Royal authorities are allowed to lead this investigation, they will be very interested in it. They will also avoid a series of problems in the process. What's more, they can avoid the so-called problems in the intelligence department to the greatest extent!

"I'll coordinate the problems on the headquarters side! You are responsible for arranging a considerable number of people! "

"Sir, the staff of the headquarters are not willing to participate in the relevant investigation, and two officers are involved. We may have considerable resistance to this. What's more, if people join the headquarters, will there be considerable resistance there?"

Wesley can describe the problems! As for how to arrange, it depends on the boss's means! Believe him to sit in such a position above, absolutely is not what give! I don't need to express any so-called opinions on this matter. I don't need to. I just need to deal with it!

Signal Wesley to sit down! "Have you heard about the previous events?"

"I've heard a little, and I feel a little bit irrational! Maybe there are other ways to deal with it! " In front of the public into the small office, this end will not be too good! He's jazz, but what about that? In the face of rights and interests, it is not worth mentioning at all. I am afraid it has entered the countdown of life! Or already in heaven!

"I may not have too much time in this position. Although you are a latecomer, we still have a good impression of you. We should make a good balance and not be too biased."


The people sitting there waved their hands slightly, "the new prime minister has taken office. During my time in office, I have not done so many things, and even many problems are in a mess. In addition, there are such things now. It's just the time." Obviously, this is the final arrangement!

"Sir, if you leave too, there will be too much turbulence in the whole department! We have lost so many senior leaders one after another, and we are also faced with complicated external situations. It is not possible to mobilize one or two heavyweights to solve the problem! I may say a little bit presumptuous, but this situation needs to be discussed! "After all, there are so many things, not to say that the incumbent boss made a fuss, but because of the accumulation of many years, this situation will appear now, and now all the credit to the boss in front of him, this is quite inappropriate!

At the same time, it is also a very inappropriate thing to let the boss carry the black pot, really good? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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