"Wesley, you haven't been in this position yet. Are you sitting on this seat? It's not so important to deal with a hundred or even a thousand things, because this is your own job. But if one of them has a problem, then it's your ability. Let alone one thing? "

Wesley's expression was a little gloomy, just like that of the intelligence department! It's not enough to do what you should do, but also do some other things! Even so, it may still be rough and tumble, and it may sink to the bottom of the sea at any time, and never turn over!

"Time is coming! You can contact Ding Yu, briefly explain the situation, and temporarily pacify Ding Yu! "

"I don't think there will be too many problems! There won't be too many problems for the time being! " Wesley had a good judgment on this. Looking at the director's sign, Wesley continued to explain and said, "Mr. Ding is a relatively rational person. He will always want a so-called statement about this matter, but it will never be now!"

"You say the action on the capital market!"

"Yes! For Mr. Ding, the behavior in the capital market is more important now. According to my personal understanding, even if Dili is not dead, he will never have a good end, and Peter is dead! At least the big head has already had the quite explanation! As for the people below? You can discuss it slowly! I believe Mr. Ding is also aware of the current situation and situation! "

For Ding Yu, there is no need to give up the immediate interests to deal with a person's life and death. When things are over in Britain, and then turn around to deal with this matter, it will be more convenient to operate. At that time, what you really want can be what you want? Because people have such confidence!

"Hello, Mr. Ding." Looking at Ding Yu on the screen, Wesley also stood up to show his respect!

"I've heard that it's very busy in England at this time. It's even about to start cooking! Such scenes are rare! "

"I'll make you laugh, Mr. Ding! Something happened, but it has been controlled for the time being! The previous attackers have been found! It's dilly Wesley also explained to Ding Yu.

"I've heard the name, but it doesn't seem to be an important person! It can be regarded as a senior manager of the intelligence management department, but it seems that he is in charge of logistics! " Don't ask Ding Yu how to know the news! "Wesley, I think you are a smart man, and you will not use such means to prevaricate me, but this explanation makes me feel not so satisfied!"

"Peter is dead, too!" Wesley said indifferently.

"Peter is dead, too?" Ding Yu's expression slightly has so some surprise, "you said is old Peter?"

"Yes! Old Peter is dead! It's solved by a shot! I have pictures here! " Wesley was very happy to show Ding Yu a specific photo, "Peter personally interrogates Dili, and he is still in the safe room. Dili is also a senior member of the intelligence department. The headquarters is not very safe, but there are still problems!"

"Ten minutes for me!"

Ding Yu immediately hung up the video and immediately called Charlie, "Charlie, what does the royal family mean? Don't get drunk! There's a big thing going on in England. I need an explanation! "

"What?" Charlie also had some dreams. He didn't receive any notice!

"You can contact the royal family, I want to know the details!"

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Charlie also quickly folded his clothes. He didn't want to be involved in this matter, so he behaved like a fool. But it's a matter of not mixing in. The inside information should be told to himself! So the Royal assistant was called out!

"I don't know what happened, but Ding needs an explanation!"

The royal family was also embarrassed. "Deli is the main brain behind him. His daughter grace Jr. was killed in a car accident. But there were some royal scandals. At that time, the intelligence department covered up the past. Peter was one of the parties! As for the reason why the people who attacked Mr. Ding were mainly to pick up the contradiction between the intelligence department and Mr. Ding. This is the motive.

Only after Dili was caught did we know what the problem was! Follow up Dili exposed quite a problem to come! Lucas was killed by Peter. Lucas cooperates with the United States and the royal family. There is an agreement!

We have reached an agreement with the intelligence department to get rid of Peter and take Dili. The royal family will pay a knight. Everything is going according to the plan, but Dili was attacked on the way! All our personnel have been killed! "

"That's not right! How did dilly know that Lucas was killed by Peter? You have to know that many inquiries about this matter have never yielded any results! " Charlie felt his head was about to be called paste! And some of the news is so shocking! I really can't accept it for a while!"There was a man on the plane who was dilly's illegitimate son!"

"What the hell is the job of auditing and inspecting? What a mess

"This is the general situation." The assistant also stood on one side of the position without expression! Some problems? I'm really not very good to answer, because the cause of the matter is still in itself, so it's really inappropriate to attribute this responsibility to other people's bodies! Especially Charlie! There's no need to hide it from him!

"How can I explain this to Ding?" Charlie scratched his head!

"I have contacted the British side. Mr. Ding will know the news through other channels even if he doesn't know now. We have a close relationship with Mr. Ding. The important thing is that we need to know who hijacked Dili and whether Dili is dead or alive now!"

"Do you think it's Ding who hijacked Dili?"

"I have considered this aspect, but the possibility is extremely small! Because it doesn't have much effect! "

Looking at the assistant, Charlie nodded his head slightly!

"Mr. Ding's previous investigation direction is correct. Starting from Lucas, we can extend some follow-up questions! If we could find out earlier, I'm afraid there would not be so many things! "

Yeah? Charlie looked at the assistant who was speaking for a moment, and then understood, "do you want Ding to deal with this? It is not so easy, Ding should not interfere in this matter, because there are a lot of troubles, involving the royal family and the Ministry of intelligence! Even if it's a sky high price, it doesn't work! "

The assistant stood up on his shoulder. "The Royal side just wants to get a copy of that agreement back, because we have already shared it with the intelligence department! Some things have been revealed to the public. Now the government has some objection to it. It is absolutely impossible for this copy to flow out! "

"I can try, but I can't guarantee that there will be other problems!" Charlie's not so optimistic about it! Who is Ding Yu! This time can be said to have made considerable capital! Will he handle these so-called troublesome things at this time? Even if it is to pay a considerable price, what can it do?

"Charlie, if we want to go to the surface, some things are not so convenient. The relationship between the intelligence department and US needs to be balanced. Under such circumstances, we can't directly come forward, nor can we find other forces to deal with it. But Mr. Ding is different. He has a very good relationship and cooperation with all aspects."

Get it! See what it means! The royal family must bring back a copy of this agreement, otherwise the matter will be absolutely serious. However, it is not convenient for the British side to come forward. What about the US side? It's true that some people will come forward, but the price will definitely frighten people, and the royal family will be seized!

Therefore, this matter must be handed over to a trustworthy person, even a person with considerable power to be able to finish! But is Ding Yu so persuasive? Charlie really didn't have much hope for this!

"Ding, I know about it!" And then Charlie said it simply! "I don't know why it's like this, but there's only so much I can find out!"

"Internal contradictions are used in my body. This is not too simple!" Ding Yu snorted, "I know, Wesley is still waiting for me. I want to talk to him! It's not to say that everything will disappear when people die. At least I need to give an account to my subordinates, otherwise there will be problems! "

"Wait a minute, Ding. There's a request from the royal family! If you can, find Dili and bring back the copy. The Royal side will sincerely thank you

That's not a good idea, Charlie Ding Yu expressed his dissatisfaction slightly! "If it's something else, how much can be discussed, but this matter involves so many forces. I'm involved in it just for the so-called thanks. Do you think it's meaningful?"

"I know, it's just a paraphrase! In the end, I'm still entrusted with it! "

"What a beautiful thought! I don't want to get involved in such a thing. You can just say no! " After saying that, Ding Yu also hung up the phone, but then he was connected again. Wesley!

Charlie shook his head helplessly at the assistant next to him. "Ding clearly refused. If he was interested, it should not be such a statement. It has nothing to do with the value of the gift. What's more, from his status and status, the so-called gift will not play such a big role."

What to do? What else can we do? Tell me the truth! Let's get a headache up there! Anyway, I have already done what I should do. As for the follow-up, this is not something that I can worry about, nor can I solve it! Can it be solved? Do you have anything to do with yourself?

"Wesley, Peter is dead! But dilly wasn't dead! Things still need to be explained! We Chinese people pay attention to the so-called "safety in the land", so we have to give an account of this matter. How long? "Ding Yu doesn't have too much nonsense. He doesn't need any so-called nonsense when he is in front of Wesley. He has such confidence now, and even has given the British intelligence department the face. I have been generous without stepping on it!

"Mr. Ding, I will solve the problem as soon as possible, but let me say the exact time, even if I said it! I don't think you will believe it, Mr. Ding! This matter can't be concealed from your eyes at all! "

"You are honest enough Ding Yu was not stingy and said, "but Wesley, I always need to give an account to the people below, otherwise I can't sit in this position! What about Dili? You can do whatever you want. I don't worry about it. Anyway, he belongs to you, but there must be an explanation for this matter! What do you say? "

"Mr. Ding, the headquarters had a discussion earlier, and it would pay considerable compensation to Mr. Ding and even the casualties. No one wants to see such a thing! We hope you will understand, Mr. Ding! "

"You can talk

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "For the moment, I'll look for you if there's anything wrong with it."

Also did not say agree or disagree, the matter is like this for the time being! After all, there are quite a few problems in the British intelligence department at this time, and even the royal family has to stand up. Under such circumstances, they are too conspicuous. Now it's good to see, but in the future?

Some problems need to be solved in the long run! Can't just look at this thing in front of you! It's not worth mentioning!

Things need a gradual process, not just ignore.

Wesley is not so satisfied with this matter as he imagined. He is still Mr. Ding Yuding who he knows! If he can be reckless, although it will embarrass the intelligence management department, or even be difficult to do, from a long-term point of view, it is extremely beneficial to the intelligence management department!

I'm afraid it's Mr. Ding's behavior. The intelligence department has difficulties and crisis. OK! I am not a kind of unreasonable and unforgiving. I can fully understand your situation and wait until you are stable! Everything is negotiable!

It seems to be easy to discuss, but what about the actual situation? In the future, Ding Yu will directly stab out the dagger in his hand. It may not be fatal, but it will definitely break the artery and give you a so-called bloodletting, just like this British brexit!

If you have been a thief for a thousand days, how can you guard against it the day before yesterday? It's impossible!

"Chief, Mr. Ding, we have basically solved the problem! He didn't indicate his attitude, but he understood it. At this time, Mr. Ding is basically not going to make a move! For him, standing opposite to us now does not conform to his style, but also makes him too prominent! He is not a man willing to show off! "

The chief pointed to the chair in front of him! I just got the news that the royal family went to find Ding Yu, but was rejected at the first time! The royal family has prepared considerable conditions, but it has not said so! "

"This doesn't prove that Mr. Ding didn't want to be involved in the matter. He has an absolutely accurate judgment on the situation. If he can, he really wants to talk to him. The origin of the matter lies in Dili, but it starts from Lucas, which is ignored by everyone!"

"We all ignored this line, not to mention that at that time, due to some internal reasons, Lucas's affair was sealed up! There's no way to check it out. If it wasn't for Dili, I'm afraid this matter will never see the sun! "

"But at that time, Mr. Ding put his target on Lucas. Maybe he knew something, maybe he felt something. Of course, he may have hit and bumped by mistake, but there is no wrong direction in this direction! If this is the case once, but every time Mr. Ding is able to get to the point, it is worth exploring! "

"It's not a long time for you to fight with Ding Yu, but judging from the current situation, at least you still have considerable confidence. I'm afraid it's really rare! We fought with Ding Yu many times. No matter in the light or in the dark, we did not occupy the so-called upper hand. This is a very humiliating thing! Even a rather shameful thing

"Director, it depends on whether Ding Yu will turn back in the future! If Ding Yu comes back, then we still have some opportunities. If Ding Yu doesn't come back, we are afraid that what he can do is just a drop in the bucket and can't play a very important role! Whether he is in the United States or in China, we are at a loss! "

Wesley expressed his opinions rationally. In the United States, it might be more convenient. After all, the intelligence department in the United States is also extremely hostile to Ding Yu, but in China, they just wear a pair of pants, OK?

But what about the two areas of Ding Yu's daily activities? Basically, it is China and the United States. In front of these two superpowers, Britain is a loser! Not that there is no effect and influence, but too little!"Do you think Ding Yu will come back?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on what kind of plans and ideas Mr. Ding has. More specifically, it depends on what step his relationship with the royal family will take. If the royal family really goes to the front desk, Ding Yushi will have to come back. But if the royal family doesn't think it is necessary to really go to the front stage, they just express their influence. I don't think Mr. Ding will It will come back! "

"What about these things? In the end, it will be handed over to you. It's just a matter of time! "

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