"Teacher!" Ouyang Qian stood in front of Ding Yu. The expression on her face was slightly strange!

Ding Yu is a look at, "directly ran to the hospital this side, home affairs have been solved?" After reading the patient report in his hand, Ding Yu signed his name and immediately placed it in the next position!

"It's basically solved! Teacher, I'm almost done with Connor! The family has a good impression of Connor, but teacher, this thing

"I didn't inform your father. Shouldn't I blame it on my head?"

"Teacher, did not Guo Li inform you the same thing?" Ouyang Qian has so many unwilling to wrinkle up his small nose, "little plum, this guy is bold! How dare you hide behind the scenes! It's a breath to go back this time, but he is more natural and unrestrained than before

"I didn't hear about it. It seems that he was blackmailed by you!"

"Xiao Li is very natural and unrestrained now. I went to the place where he lived, but he was so childish! Most of the things in the house are toys and handmade! The whole room is, big and small, looking at people have so many dazzling, really do not know why? "

How old are they already! Even like those things! In my opinion, it's not so steady!

"It's just a hobby. It's not a mess. You should respect your hobby!" Ding Yu leaned back on his body, "what about personal problems? If you deal with it personally, the elders in your family can only say two words of opinions and opinions. It's you who can make a difference! "

"Teacher, I feel that you sound like my grandfather!"

"Is it? I've met Ouyang. Sometimes he is childlike. Every time I go to my place, he will play with the dog for half a day! I don't know how much fun the old man has After a few words, Ding Yu also smelled, "what about Connor? I didn't see him! "

"Ready to go home and have a look!" Ouyang also felt a little bit faster, and he was really not prepared for this aspect. Moreover, according to Ouyang's own understanding, sometimes American families are more traditional and conservative, and even more conservative than Chinese families!

"I'm going to see my father-in-law and my mother-in-law so soon! It's a little early! "

In the face of his teacher's ridicule, Ouyang also had a bad smile. "Teacher, I also feel that I have some uncertain attention, which gives me a personal feeling. Connor is very good. Of course, there are some shortcomings, but everyone has shortcomings. I also have shortcomings, and there are quite some shortcomings, but we can tolerate each other!"

"Don't be too surprised then!" Ding Yu slightly ordered a sentence, "as long as you two feel good, then there is no problem in other aspects! What I didn't expect was that there was no objection in your home

"How can there be no objection? But my grandfather's first impression of Connor was very good. What about my father and mother? They don't have too many opinions, just let me be a little bit reserved! "

"All right! I have surgery here, I still that sentence, two people can come together, is a very difficult thing, good to cherish, not easy to give up a relationship! Especially this relationship for yourself is particularly important and profound things, regret is the most useless thing

Although I don't quite understand why the teacher said this to himself, Ouyang nodded his head attentively. "Thank you, teacher, this time I did something immature, and even there were some problems. But I will try my best, and I will never be pulled down by Xiao Li and Mingzheng."

"Xiao Lizi's performance in the capital hospital is very good. It's just the same. Although they're tired like dogs now, they have something to do! You really can't compare it! "

"Teacher, when I went back this time, I also saw the performance of Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng. To be exact, their way is not suitable for me. Although I was trained in this environment, the teacher, without exaggeration, has a corresponding part of the reason, because of the family relationship!"

"Teaching by example still plays a significant role. I can understand that, but I hope you will succeed in the future? Don't forget! The land that cultivated you, even if it was because of your family, but what about your family? After all, I am on the soil of China

"Teacher, I am always a Chinese, which will not change any more!"

"Remember what you said!" Ding Yu took a look at Ouyang Qian who was talking, "and since this is what I said! Then we need to make a certain guarantee for this. If we say something, we can't regret it. Do you understand? "

"You can go out and come to me when Connor is free."Ding Yu saw Connor in her office after the operation. Only Connor was alone, and there was no Ouyang Qian. Obviously, she should have known something about it! Now with Connor, some of them are not right!

"I hear you're going back?"

"Sir! In fact, I didn't plan to go back. Ouyang wanted to meet my parents. My original intention was to let my parents come over! They don't have much to do. It's good to come and have a look! "

"This is the problem between the two of you. Anyway, you two can negotiate to solve it! Are you ready for this in your home? You should know that Ouyang is not a good stubble, sometimes his character is a little bit strong! "

"Very good, I like this character!"

Well, it's equivalent to Bai Shuo. I'm afraid this is the cultural surprise of the United States and China! In Chinese culture, what about women? It's better to be weak, but in Europe and the United States and other countries, we appreciate women's independence more! Each has its own advantages, but it can't be generalized!

"Give my regards to old mark!"

Ding Yu really didn't want to ask too much. As for whether old Mark's family would agree to such a thing, the question would not be as big as imagined! It's better to agree, but do you disagree? There won't be too many problems!

It is Ouyang Qian to see the situation in Mark's home, what kind of reaction will be made, really do not know! May be shocked, but there will be any so-called rage, it is really hard to say! But is this Conner cheating on him? It seems that we can't say that! Can only say that each other's heart has quite a small secret!

When he returned to the apartment, Jin also stood up slightly at Ding Yu's shoulder. "Sir, we have reached an agreement over there, which is US $100 million. They want to carry out synchronous transactions in the United States. At the same time, our people will hand over Dili in Britain."

"Has the intelligence department and the royal family coordinated? They are very fast

"The main reason is that Wesley's performance is very excellent. Although he walked a little fast, his pace is very steady, which is beyond imagination. The royal family is very optimistic about Wesley's performance. Similarly, in the intelligence department, we all appreciate Wesley's overall view."

"Let Wesley sit a little more calmly! This is also conducive to our expectations of him! Now Wesley is on the right track. It's really not a general expectation. How will the royal family treat him in the future? Similarly, what kind of destructive power will he cause! It's really a little exciting when I think of it! "

The handover process was very smooth. Kim personally presided over the situation, and he did not want to investigate who was coming, nor how the money would be cleaned up. There was no connection with this side.

"Assistant Jin, I hope there will be considerable cooperation opportunities in the future! We are all looking forward to it! " When the transaction was completed, the bearded man standing opposite Jin also bowed slightly. One hand was placed in the front of his chest, and the other hand was placed on his back waist to show his respect. "This time I offended Mr. Ding, please forgive me!"

"I will convey your kindness!" For the big beard in front of him, Jin has no sense of disgust, but he will not express any good feelings. For himself, he is just a businessman, and there is no difference!

"Assistant Jin, this is for Mr. Ding!" Then he took out one or two boxes. After obtaining permission, he opened the box and looked at the contents of the box. Jin took a close look at it.

"Very valuable! It seems to be in line with your husband's appetite. It should not be easy to find out these things! " Jin knocked on the table with his hand, and the box closed by himself. No one else did it, and he didn't know how the lid of the box fell down. It was incredible!

"We know that this time's behavior really offended Mr. Ding. We are also forced to do such a thing. Although the right and wrong of the matter can not be judged in this way, we know that it does not leave a very good impression on Mr. Ding. We hope that we can get a considerable opportunity in the future."

The phone number on the desk is still quite a problem!

That's a little interesting for Kim! He stopped beating his finger. "I have some guesses about your origin, but I don't have much interest. But I have a puzzle here. Why do I choose Mr. and why do I want you? It may be a little offensive, but I want to hear your answer

"Because we need to survive, if it's our own, it's very difficult to support it, and Mr. Ding is a very tolerant person! No matter the opponent or the friend, this is praise and praise

"Such desperation is not worth advocating!" Kim also stood up at this time. "I will convey your meaning, but I can't guarantee that Mr. Wang will have other opinions and ideas! After all, your behavior is too radicalWhen Jin came back, he also told Ding Yu about the problems, "Sir, the British side has already taken over Dili. As for the follow-up problems and conditions, I don't know much about it. I just know that Dili has been taken over by Jason! And the same is not placed in the headquarters side, as if it is outside the security room! "

"It was careless in the past, but what do you want now? Continue fishing? Isn't it a little too taken for granted? " Ding Yu shook his head slightly. Obviously, he was not so optimistic about this matter. "It's too deliberate, but it also explains one thing. It's the interior of the emotion management department! There are many problems! "

"Jensen was already in hospital! However, Wesley pulled him out again, but he never went back to the headquarters, which was placed in the safe room! " Kim shook his head. "We didn't find out the location of the safe room! The British side has considerable protection against this, but it is not without channels! "

Ding Yu immediately refused, "it doesn't make any sense. It's no big deal to have a bad relationship with the British side, but now it's time to forget it! Although they have no choice but to do so, why? It's hard to please! And even if it's a big business, there's no need for such a waste! "

"Sir, how to deal with things over there?" Kim looked at the two presents on the table. "I've had it checked. There's nothing wrong with it! Their expression is very strange, there are some meaning to rely on the past! But in this way, I feel that there are other intentions in this? "

"It's a good thing that someone comes to the door! As for what they are hiding, is that really important? " Ding Yu didn't say a word about it. "I can guess about some things! There are really so many things worth pondering. What do you think the British side will have when they know about this matter? "

"What do you think?" Jin couldn't help thinking about it! "Sir, Britain should be helpless about it."

"Yes! They will be helpless. We did not cover them up. It was just a transaction. We acted as the so-called middleman. Of course, our main purpose? It is to let Wesley get to the top quickly. Only when he gets to the top quickly can he create greater constraints on the royal family. This is our main purpose! As for the rest, it can only be regarded as cuddling grass and beating rabbits! By the way

"I see!" Kim nodded to show his understanding!

"But one thing? I really think I can give it to them for verification! " Ding Yu seems to be suddenly interested, "Wang Li once told me about some of the domestic situation, about the museum there, do you still have an impression?"

"Sir, you mean the smuggling line?"

"Ding Ding has been tracking down this line and has even achieved considerable results. But how can we judge the effect? It has only played a certain role. I don't want ding ding ding to be put in considerable danger. What about the consortium? It's not easy to do too much. Now that someone has come to the door, let's have a try! "

"Sir, I'll go and prepare for it. I hope you can do a good job! This should not be too difficult for them

Instead of looking for the moustache in the first place, Kim made an appointment with him in a coffee shop next to his apartment after a day's interval After seeing the visitor, Jin was also the first to stand up, and even took the initiative to stretch out his hand, "will it be a little bit conspicuous?"

"No, I'm just a broker. Everyone knows that!" Mustache clenched gold's hand, and it was clear that gold would not seek himself for no reason!

One hundred million dollars ago! People didn't say anything. In fact, if Ding Yu really wanted to eat black, the problem would not be so big. But for Mr. Ding, the money was not put in his eyes. There was no so-called tracking and no bait after the event!

The British side is like a wild donkey, but think about it, this seems to be a very appropriate thing. After all, they robbed Dili from their hands. There are so many too many slaps on the face, which are not able to bear such a result when placed on anyone's body!

But those people in Britain have been evacuated safely. Even if they have not, they have disappeared. At this point, they can still maintain a high level! Otherwise, we would not have dealt with Dili at the beginning!

"I hope so!" Then he saw that Jin took out a check from his own words, "compared with the previous amount, this may not be worth mentioning, but Sir, you need to take a look at your ability! I hope you can investigate some of the issues in this. You don't need to do it. You just need to investigate clearly! "

"Assistant Kim, is there a time limit?"

"No, but time is money, which I believe you can understand. If you get ahead of others, it will be a bit more than the gain! No one wants such a result! Isn't it? ""If this is the case, I believe it should be able to achieve a considerable goal! But assistant Jin, let's exaggerate. What's behind this? Some forces may be involved. After all, those who are interested in these things are all big forces and big people! "

"Sir, I'm only interested in channels. As for the people and forces behind us, there's no need to worry about this. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke right and wrong, there will be no problem!"

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