Jin did not ask what kind of power they were, or even what their purpose was! For Ding Yu, they are not so important. What I value is your channel, which is so simple!

If you can prove yourself, you will be given a fair chance. If you can't prove it, then there will be no follow-up! Previously, Dili's story can't explain everything, because it's not Ding Yu's account, at least not much to do with Ding Yu.

He didn't prove his power in front of Ding Yu, saying that other people have such bullshit! Now Ding Yu has given a task which is not particularly difficult. It depends on your choice whether you agree or not!

At least Ding Yu is not so interested in this thing as expected. If you can do quite well, I don't mind giving you a fair chance. But if you don't do well, then everything is in vain. At least I paid the check. From this point, there is no other follow-up thing! Let's go back to our homes and find our mothers!

After Jin explained the matter, he left! He didn't stop at all. He looked at the leaving gold and thought about it for a period of time. The amount on the check was quite small compared with the amount of 100 million US dollars. However, from the normal situation, the price given by Ding Yu was quite good!

Ding Yu's mission is not to focus on the ability of action, but to see the intelligence ability of the organization. For Ding Yu, there are many good hands in action. However, how to obtain so-called intelligence through appropriate channels is what he expects to see!

What's more, Ding Yu is still with Elizabeth. Who is she? She is a top broker. She has considerable power in Europe and America. If there is anything, why not give it to Elizabeth? The cooperative relationship between them seems to be quite good. At least, no other rumors have been heard from Elizabeth's mouth.

If you want to say that Ding Yu has no so-called power in Asia, there are some jokes. You should know that his base camp is in Asia, but this force has not been fully demonstrated! No one dares to underestimate, even the organization for some internal things, but also taboo.

Ding Yu did not investigate their recklessness, and even gave them considerable opportunities. This is a very good start. I hope that the next thing will not be a mess! After all, everyone wants such an opportunity, but whether we can win such an opportunity is another matter!

And Ding Yu here, also ushered in a guest, is in the hospital's office here! What's more, when looking at Ding Yu, his eyes are also quite sad! "Elizabeth, it doesn't seem to belong to you, Elizabeth?"

"I also want to ask moustache. The job in his hand doesn't seem to belong to him."

"Can I take it that you are jealous?" Ding Yu put down the medical records in her hand to find out how Elizabeth got in. There was no need for this, OK? In a money society like the United States, what happens is possible, and there won't be too many strange performances!

"Sir, can I know the details of the action?" Looking at Ding Yu, who was motionless, Elizabeth also said with emotion, "Sir, you know, that's 100 million dollars! Perhaps for the gentleman, it may be if there is nothing, but for us, it is already an astronomical number! Too many things can be done with this money! Even if it is a stable investment, there are at least tens of millions a year! This is still the one with a lower rate of return! "

"I'm interested in money Ding Yu hummed and laughed, "but as far as I know, you don't seem to be very short of money, and this time? It seems that you also have a considerable income, at least the advance funds should have returned

"Sir, the capital market is bloody. It's OK for a person like me to earn some so-called pocket money. If I rush to the capital market and throw a stone into the sea, I won't hear anything at all. This time, I got a little bit of capital because of my husband's care, but this payment is also quite huge! It's all about eating! "

"I see what you mean!" Ding Yu nodded, "what about the task I gave to moustache? To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with Britain or even America. I have a sister, Wang Li

"I know her, but I haven't made any contact with her!"

"Wang Li works in the Forbidden City!"

"Museum?" Elizabeth seemed to suddenly understand something, "Sir, I don't want to mix it up!" Obviously, Elizabeth seemed to understand the whole story.

"You must inquire, I have already told you! It's really a little late to say that you want to quit now! In fact, we all know who is behind it. But I need to know some of the channels. Mustache is mainly responsible for some channels in Asia. What about you? Be responsible for the channels in Europe and America! "

There is no doubt about Ding Yu's words. Elizabeth felt that her face was so bitter. If she had known that, she would not have been involved in anything she said! I thought it was something about Britain. It happened that the United States also wanted to inquire about it, but it was irrelevant. Didn't you jump into the pit on purpose?But now have jumped in, want to climb out again is not an easy thing! Elizabeth also felt her own rashness, but there was no way, the people behind her gave her considerable pressure, and she did not have any choice!

"Sir, from the current situation, we can say that we are particularly satisfied with the British side's profits!"

"Do you want to ask if brexit will continue?"

"Yes, sir, this matter has a great impact on the UK, especially this time, the British market has been shaken particularly hard, but I believe it will become more and more stable! After all, it can't go on forever! "

"Brexit is not a simple thing. All the words have been said. It is very difficult to take it back. What's more, will the EU allow Britain to leave so cleanly? This is not to say that you can solve all problems by paying considerable benefits. To a certain extent, Britain's so-called betrayal of Europe as a whole! "

"Sir, I don't have any problem with dealing with some affairs, but I don't have enough brains to deal with such politics! Too complicated, too unpredictable

"I think the old guys behind have already analyzed something, and you should know something, so there is no need to verify each other! Although the cooperation this time is relatively good, life still needs to continue! "

Elizabeth understood the meaning of Ding Yu's words, and did not mean to force them! How about mutual cooperation? It is not to say that it is only for this time, but no one knows what changes will happen in the future!

Ding Yu will not reveal too much. In other words, he always needs to give people a sense of mystery, because mystery represents the unknown, and the unknown represents fear to some extent!

What about Ding Yu's influence? It seems that it is not small, but now it is not stable enough. This time, it has seized so many interests, but it seems that there are many people who have distributed the meat. Why is this so? Is it not because of insufficient strength? If the power is enough, then it is impossible to have the situation like this!

Therefore, Ding Yu still keeps a low profile, even a little awe, which makes it difficult for some people or forces to start, even don't know how to start!

Now you can't do it even if you want to, because everyone's interests are involved. But if you don't, you'll see Ding Yu's power grow. It doesn't seem to be such a thing! It's really not a general pain!

But what's more, Ding Yu is so slippery that he doesn't keep his hands. To some extent, this guy is like a Puritan. His circle is too narrow. You are already a billionaire. Life shouldn't be like this, even if you come out for activities! Don't be stuck in apartments and hospitals all the time!

However, there is no way. Ding Yu has such a temper and disposition. Those who can invite Ding Yu can count them with both hands. There is really some doubt. What are Ding Yu's thoughts in his head?

"Mr. Ding, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask! I'm still in a good mood today. Although I'm talking about different patients, I don't have too many problems. He should go to see a psychologist! "

"That's what I suggested!" Elizabeth also said with a smile, "I feel that his courage is so small! I introduced him to a very good doctor. Sir, the British side has found me through considerable interpersonal relations and asked me for information and opinions in this respect! "

"You want to talk about beards?" Ding Yu's two hands were also placed together, "although I have been a middleman, what about them? Not under my protection, at least not yet. They asked for some opportunities, and I gave them a job. As for whether they can do this job well, it is not within the scope of my concern! "

Ding Yu didn't show any anger for Elizabeth's sudden visit. Why is it not Charlie or Wesley? That's too straightforward, and even may tear his face directly at that time. This is a scene we don't expect to see! Understandable!

The British side did not dare to ask Ding Yu directly, mainly because of the action against Britain. Although everyone's performance was extremely angry, the heart was really filled with emotion and even fear!

Ding Yu is a dog that doesn't bite! At ordinary times, even if he was kicked two feet, but he was really afraid? It's not like this at all. He's just patient, waiting for the opportunity. When he's not absolutely sure, he can control himself very well!

But once the opportunity comes, just like now, it's not as simple as biting and tearing off a piece of meat! It's just blood and flesh, blood overflowing! I'm not afraid of your clamor or your wanton. I'm afraid that Ding Yu will give you such a hand in secret. The trauma is too serious!There are people who jump off buildings every day in London. After all, it is an international metropolis. It will be a great damage to the reputation of the whole UK if such a scene appears. But what can we do? And who are these guys who are jumping? There are not too many ordinary people! We all know it well!

At most, Ding Yu used to be a vindictive person, but what is the situation now? This hammer really makes many people feel that their back skull is not made of iron. Even if it is made of iron, it has not been able to bear such a hammer! It's not just the dead!

The original time feeling Dingyu is very irritating, but now Ding Yu has begun to let people fear! After all, it even succeeded in dealing with a big country like Britain! It is true that there are many other reasons, but the success still shows a lot of problems!

Ding Yu focused on quite a lot of eyes, and really transferred a lot of attention for the whole consortium! From this point of view, the plan is quite successful! At least the effect is satisfactory!

"What? Is Lao Zhuang here? " Hearing the security report, Ding Yu is really stunned for a moment! "Where to stay?"

"In the hotel next to the apartment, sir! He just called to ask if you have time. He wants to come and visit him! " The security whispered!

"I'll give him a phone call, and dinner will be held on this side of the apartment in the evening."

After the security left, Ding Yu was the first time to take out his mobile phone to Zhuang Dongliang and called in the past, "Laozhuang! The sun is coming out in the West! Do you want to hang out? "

"Yu Shao, you have wronged me! I have a mind to hang out there! I miss you so much

"Bullshit, come over for dinner at night! That's it! Just come here! Don't make so many empty headed things. There is no shortage of anything in the house. If you bring it here, don't blame me for throwing it out for you! "

"Ha ha, Yu Shao, you said that a little late! I'm sure I'll be there in the evening. As for the things, I've already delivered them before! " Zhuang Dongliang is also very proud of this!

The income of earlier period has been put into one's own account! Good guy, almost didn't let oneself not come up in one breath! This benefit is really too big! The big one makes people feel that they don't know what to say! Yu Shao is not in the capital anymore! It's in America! So Zhuang Dongliang also deliberately took a plane to come over!

Do not personally come over to express the so-called thank you, Zhuang Dongliang feel that there are really so some regret in this heart!

Yu Shao transferred all the shares in China to Ding Ding. It seems that he is looking for the care of Ding Ding Ding, but is this really the case? The company has had a good time these years. Is it because of its own merits? If there is no feather less secretly inside the care, absolutely will not be the situation like this!

And this time feather less is pulling his own boat, except Ding Ding, it seems that there is no other person! This is the rhythm that does not regard oneself as an outsider!

So Zhuang Dongliang rushed over at the first time, but he also knew that Yu Shao? After all, the situation is not the same, so I waited until Boston before I called. However, Yu Shao is still the original Yu Shao, and there are no other changes due to the change of identity!

I had a lot of worries before. Now it seems that I have to spend the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain! Do people like Yu Shao need to see themselves in the same way? Even if you take out all your wealth, will you make Yu Shao interested? I haven't seen it!

"Coming?" In the evening, when Ding Yu came back, he looked at Zhuang Dongliang who was sitting there. He didn't have the usual politeness. He said, "Hello, sister-in-law."

"Yu Shao, it's still the spirit of dragon and horse!"

"Lao Zhuang, there is no need to flatter! It's not an outsider Nodding with the attendant next to him, "wait a minute. I'll come back immediately after I change my clothes. The hospital just came out. It's all special flavor!"

Ding Yu, who changed his clothes again, also said with an apologetic smile, "my elder brother is the only one in the family. The children and their mother are not here. Lao Zhuang and his sister-in-law don't mind!"

"Feather is little, can this kind of life seem a little too bitter?" Zhuang Dongliang has been to the quadrangle, but this apartment is really the first time to come here. The decoration here is good, but there are not too many people. What's more, what's the most you see here? Maybe it's a book! Even the common tools are not so many!

"Used to it! If it wasn't for the special circumstances, I would not have lived here. I prefer a quiet place Ding Yu slightly waved a hand, "to say a digression, Lao Zhuang, although the money is in place! But personal tax matters, you need to deal with it by yourself! Don't let the small lose the big! "

"I understand that I will do effective tax avoidance, but I will never do such things as tax evasion!"

"You are the only one! That's what the early earnings are! As for the later period, what will happen? It's not clear now. It may not be as rich as the premise! You can understand as much as you can! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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