For Sanchez mentioned this issue, although Ding Yu said that he did not have too much preparation, he was still more concerned about this matter.

On the way back, Ding Yu also talked about the related topic with Jin, "Jin, what kind of development do you think it will be?"

"Sir, in terms of our profits, not to mention Sanchez! Even if I feel that I don't believe it, I don't have any interest in money Kim replied truthfully.

"Thanks to your side, sir, how much can I control myself and the security of my home? Maybe because of this reason, I still keep quite calm. I have heard some things, the carnival way of some guys even makes people speechless! There's nothing they can't do

"This is a happy thing, but anything is limited. If you can't calm down quickly, it's easy to sink in!" However, Ding Yu is equally clear that this matter can not be done in a hurry, otherwise it is easy to have problems! "We need to mediate. In the past, we were too nervous. Now? But not too relaxed

"By your side, sir, there is no problem! At least I believe that these people around you will never have any problems! " In this regard, Jin has made a considerable guarantee!

"How about song Tianren and how are they?"

"It's not bad. Now they can calm down. All along, they should be under the greatest pressure, but from now on, there are not too many problems. This is quite imaginable with the director. Moreover, the time to come to the United States is not short, but it is not easy to maintain their moral character."

"After I go back, I'll call you all together. It's a good thing to be successful this time, but life! We should not stop here. We have successfully browsed a mountain, but not completely occupied it. There is a long way to go! So it's better to stay awake! "

Back to the apartment side, Ding Yu is really the first time to see song Tianren and their several people! "How's the job? And Jackson, sit down, don't be so nervous! "

"Director, everything is OK, and now I'm not so nervous! I don't know if it's because of too many things! So the whole nerve has begun to show a little numbness! "

"Very normal reaction, you have experienced quite a lot of wind and rain. Although you are not able to control the whole ship and sail in the storm, you are also visitors. With considerable experience, everyone wants to fly into the sky, not to mention you. Even I think about it, although it is not a realistic dream!"

"Director, you've done it!"

"Did you do it?" Ding Yu is more like asking himself, "what have you done? If you just talk about money, do you think this is a very difficult thing? At least from your position, this is not a very difficult thing. Even if you want to achieve the so-called financial freedom, it is very simple! "

"Director, this is not the freedom we want!"

"The so-called flying into the sky, this time you have seen it! From your point of view, am I soaring? " Looking at the people who did not respond, Ding Yu also shook his head. "In my opinion, even if it is a success at most, it is this success at most? Maybe a little bigger, that's all! "

"Sir, are you a little too low-key?" Jackson lived in China, but after all, he grew up in the United States, so what about his bones? Or mainly American culture, for such a low-key feeling some do not understand!

"There is an old saying in China, when the moon is full, it will be lost."! Things should be happy, even a small celebration is OK. After all, it is something to be happy about. But what about the present? It's not time to celebrate, at least not yet, if we've all started celebrating! So what will the UK do about it? "

Song Tianren and the three of them now understand how things happened. Of course, this has something to do with their contact environment. Now it is absolutely not time to be proud, let alone this time? It is the director who has made considerable achievements, but even the director has not made any performance. What are they doing with it!

However, they still need to be given some so-called rewards! Ding Yu has prepared a watch for everyone! A fully customized watch, the watch does not have too much indication on it, at most, some words are printed on the back!

The only thing that makes people feel special is a logo on the back of the watch case, Ding Yu's special logo. Besides, you can't see anything else! But watch box is not independent, there are some so-called accessories!

Wei Hou is a little puzzled about this. Song Tianren, who has a good relationship with Wei Hou, looks at him and explains to brother Mao, "brother Liu, this watch is specially customized. To a certain extent, apart from these pieces, there may be no other watches in the world! The parts in it are for preparation in the future, so there is no place to look for parts for maintenance when problems arise! ""Oh my God, what else?" Cat brother also opened his eyes! Isn't it a little too fancy?

Looking at the watch in his hand, I really didn't see how different it was, but I can clearly feel from Tianren's words that he attached great importance to this watch!

"Watches are very expensive, but I think the director's meaning is very clear. Fortunately, there is no so-called inflation on our side. It seems that the decadence of capitalism is still so poor!"

"Tianren, I see you! Without the director's advice, he might have fallen into it already! "

"It's quite possible. When we don't see it, we all feel that they have no problem sticking to it, but after contacting, we find that it's such a situation! It seems that our ideas are still too backward! " In this regard, song Tianren expressed considerable emotion!

Ding Yu held a small meeting for his secretaries, so that they could be alert. This is also a little signal to the consortium! We should be happy with our achievements, but we should never be too happy! If you are too happy, you don't have to wait for others to do it. Ding Yu will definitely not be easy!

The consortium got quite a lot of news at the first time, thanks to Jin. In this regard, Jin is still very conscientious. However, the British and American sides who got the news feel a little upset about it. Ding Yu, you are enough!

Now, shouldn't you just revel? It's understandable for us to make any things out of this. But you guys even began to restrain the people below. What does this show? Do you want to give us a chance?

But for Ding Yu, I am such a situation, understand or do not understand, that is your business, as for how I deal with this matter, do not need other people to dictate! There's no need for that!

"British man, what's going on in England?"

For Ding Yu, the owner of the phone, sun Yingnan has so many do not understand, because what? Do you want to tell yourself to be more restrained? It shouldn't be like this. Jin disclosed the news earlier. To a certain extent, it's not aimed at himself and Sasha. I still have this assurance!

"Great profits can be obtained from the owners here."

"I don't mean to criticize. This time, everyone has done a very good job. Things in the UK are almost noisy! If there is not too much need, close the end, there is no need to haggle about, as for the so-called leftovers, if some people like it, then we can also taste it

"Sir, if we close quickly, our revenue will be reduced by at least 15%! But I will control it. There are not many people who are interested in it now! "

"The beginning of the market is not caused by us, but we have bitten off quite a lot of fat! What we need now is digestion. Since it is not us at the beginning, we should not leave too many traces of us in the end. We are too tolerant to be hated and easy to be cleared at the same time! Don't leave so many excuses at such a time! "

"I see! Master, I will deal with it immediately

"I'll get in touch with Charlie. There are some things that the Royal authorities need to know. As for what kind of choices they will make, it's their problem to see whether they are greedy or enough! This has nothing to do with us! "

"Sir, there should be no problems for the consortium, but it's hard to say whether the forces behind will be satisfied with this! If they mention other requirements, how do they need to be addressed? "

"We are no longer involved! If they are willing to participate, it is their own business. After the settlement is clear, there will be no relationship with us. We do not need to be responsible for their follow-up! "

Ding Yu made his attitude clear! "I'll tell them that we may be able to control ourselves, but whether others can control ourselves is hard to say. We can't be implicated by others for their reasons. This is not in line with our principles!"

"Yes, master!"

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also called Bruno the first time, "where is it? Come and have a seat with elder martial brother Dongfang if you have time

"What? Any other ideas? " Bruno seems to be surprised by this! "My route is still very safe. Let me tell you, but it may take two days in the East. He has some things to deal with!"

"Things in the UK have gone to a certain extent. Although they are not finished yet, I think we should take advantage of it!" Ding Yu didn't mean to fight for Bruno's opinion. To a certain extent, he told him his plan! "If you delay too long, it will do great harm to the whole UK. If you come to the door at that time, it is easy to have problems!"

"I don't have any personal opinions. Relatively speaking, the profits I have earned are enough! What I didn't expect was that you would stop so soon! " For Ding Yu expressed such an attitude at the first time, Bruno's heart is still quite shocked!"The time is more appropriate. When others remind you, it's already late! Now, if you stop, there is a considerable price for all aspects! Too greedy, easy to fall in, can not come out

"If you don't say that, I really don't realize this problem. In fact, the reason why some people in the East are making trouble is that some people in the family are making trouble. For them, it's too easy for them to get money! But it's also a process of removing the coarse and preserving the essence, eliminating the false and retaining the true! "

"What? Do you have the same problem? It's not easy! "

"I didn't care so much about this aspect, and I didn't pay too much attention to the things in the East, but even you showed concern in this respect! I can't pay attention to it at all. If it's true, I don't respect you too much! Isn't it? "

"This guy is a little unreasonable!"

"I will send the child back to you in the past two days to deal with such things? It's better to avoid children's eyes. At least, the way I deal with them is not suitable for their age. It's a little direct and rude! "

"It's just a good time to get together and to be scattered. The so-called seeking common ground while reserving differences is impossible for everyone to follow their own will. What's more, this time it's quite successful. Just pay attention to convergence! There is no need to be so serious! "

"I see!"

Put down Bruno's phone, Ding Yu did not immediately call his Eastern elder martial brother, but took the lead to call Elizabeth, "Elizabeth, come here when you have time!"

Without mentioning anything, Ding Yu hung up the phone, which made Elizabeth feel confused. What happened? At least, it seems that Ding Yu didn't find any other news about himself?

I've heard some news from Britain, but it's a little vague. Is that right? And this thing does not seem to have any relationship with my side!

There must be a problem. If there is no problem, Ding Yu will never find his head! However, we have not been able to find out some clues from the limited information, which is a very difficult thing! But this is not too humiliating, because the person he is facing is Ding Yu!

"Elder martial brother Dongfang, I heard you are very busy!"

Yeah? When Dongfang Jing received the phone call, he also had the same reaction as Bruno. His younger brother seldom called. To some extent, he belongs to the people who don't go to the Sanbao hall without anything to do! But this is his personal character, which has nothing to do with others!

"A tired life, Bruno's big mouth! This guy Dongfang Jing said, "it's a bit shameful to say it. You son of a bitch! Some of them are too much! It's a bit big. Other people don't have such a shock when they come forward, so I'll take care of it! "

"I had a talk with my old friend from China earlier. He felt that the whole person was a little frightened, and even he had a certain blow to his industrial mind. The old guy Sanchez also felt a little floating, and he didn't even know how to land. I just called Bruno, and he also had this worry! Some of our minds have changed too much! "

"Younger martial brother, what are you going to do?" For the decision made by Ding Yu and younger martial brother Ding, Dongfang Jing is basically a supportive attitude! This is a result of mutual trust!

"I have already informed Yingnan and Sasha that the British side is over. As for the follow-up? If anyone is willing to take over, take it. I won't do anything forced! "

"Younger martial brother, the income this time has been quite large. I can guarantee that there will be no problems on my side. I believe there will not be too many problems on Bruno side. With the Boston consortium, I think I have enough to deal with it! Anyway, it's not too late in the UK. If anyone has this idea, he can handle it by himself! It's not timid to say that a big tree catches the wind

"Well, let's all come together. I've already informed Elizabeth. It doesn't matter whether they want to or not. I don't need to ask for their consent when I make a decision."

"Elder martial brother supports you. The profits of the consortium are great. If they are not enough to satisfy their appetite, they are worth abandoning!" Dongfang Jing also said with great determination! "I'll clean it up and get there as soon as I can!"

This kind of thing does not need to have too much deliberation, when it is in a constant state, it will be disordered!

As for Ding Yu's gathering all of us together, mainly to discuss some solutions to follow-up matters, Ding Yu can not ignore it, but it will not be cheaper. As for the British side, who will take over at that time? ha-ha!

The so-called human relationship, business is business! It's not that you can take over all the business with one word. This is impossible. There is no considerable power and resources! Don't even think about it!After Ding Yu expressed the meaning of this aspect, there will be some people who will show considerable interest, because we can all see that there is still capital that can be squeezed in Britain! At most, doing so will offend the British side! But what about that? Capital market has always been like this, there is no family relationship to speak of, we only value the interests! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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