Elizabeth came with doubts! Look at the expression on Ding Yu's face, I really don't find anything, but this is not so strange. If you can find something from Ding Yu's face, it is not what you know! Because he has always been such a person! Don't say it's yourself! If anyone comes, it's the same result!

"Mr. Ding, I'm coming!"

"Sit down!" When someone brought tea and refreshments, Elizabeth blinked her eyes when she saw the treatment! But before Elizabeth spoke, Ding Yu took the lead in speaking! "I'm ready to finish off on the British side!"

Yeah? Ah! Elizabeth almost cried out, not hearing what was going on in England! Why did it start to end all of a sudden? Is it because of the mustache? Or what happened to Dili? There is no wind or grass in this respect!

But on second thought, Elizabeth also said mildly, "Mr. Ding, you are in charge of business. I don't have any opinions! And I'm in business. I'm a little white! That is to say, it's OK to do something! "

"The business in the UK may not be finished, but the problem is that the profits are big enough! I haven't talked to Charlie about it yet, but I don't think the Royal side will express too many opinions and ideas about it! "

"I see!" Elizabeth really understood! Mr. Ding is ready to quit because he has already made too much profit in the capital market! Even if we drag on for several years, we haven't been able to digest. In this case, if we are too greedy, I'm afraid we will become a pig!

"Mr. Ding, I will express my opinions and ideas in this respect to them. I believe you will respect Mr. Ding!"

"It doesn't matter whether you respect or not. The cooperation this time is very pleasant. In the process, your performance is also very good. I don't make any judgment on such things as you are a broker. What about your requirements? Never too stingy

"Mr. Ding, I haven't decided yet!" Elizabeth also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, she thought about the possibility of this aspect, but did not expect that Mr. Ding would offer her such a condition! If it's money, you don't really need it, at least not at this time!

This time, I also follow you to earn a pot full bowl of full, for yourself has been enough! As for other aspects, there will not be too much demand for the time being, so I prefer to temporarily reserve this so-called condition, and to be able to perform well in Mr. Ding is very important for his future development!

"Whatever you want!" Ding Yu nodded slightly, "if someone is willing to take over the British affairs, it will be earlier. Otherwise, I think the British side will not allow such an opportunity. However, at the end of the day, it may bear quite a bad reputation. At least it needs to bear a black pot on the surface!"

"Mr. Ding, I believe many forces will show considerable interest!"

Fame? Black pot? Are these more important than benefits? Bullshit! We care about what the so-called reputation, also don't care about what the black pot, as long as the capital market can earn profits, even if it is the business of beheading, we will actively participate in it! And still desperate to participate!

"If someone takes over, how much do you need?"

"Mr. Ding, you have given me such an opportunity, and I have earned enough! Greed is not a good habit Elizabeth declined, too! It's not that you don't love money. It has nothing to do with it. But you should take it by yourself. You can take it, but you shouldn't move it by yourself. Don't look at it!

After all, everyone can do it. He just because he performed well this time, so Mr. Ding gave him a chance to expand his network. This is something that money can't buy!

"Insatiable greed is not a very good performance. Enough is enough!" Ding Yu looked at Elizabeth and nodded her head slightly. "I talked to people about this aspect of the matter. This time I made a lot of profits, but the performance of some people is also very floating. You may not have thought about this problem, but I don't believe you don't feel it!"

"Sir, I can't interfere in such a thing!" Elizabeth also avoided the direct answer, "but it is very interesting to say, and business has been much better recently."

"Business with you?" Ding Yu also felt a little ridiculous, "is this the wrong person? If I ask you to do something, there may not be too many problems, but I really don't know, you still do such a thing! "

"I didn't go to fly in the air recently because I was with Mr. Ding recently. Otherwise, I spent most of my time in the air. The most important thing for brokers is channels. As for whether to do business or to do business, it's a matter of time. No matter which country you are, you can always find some connections.""In other words, people are worried that money can't buy good things!"

"I'll make you laugh, sir! With the opening up of the world, and the popularity of the Internet, we are more and more picky about life, the pursuit is also more extreme, some things can not be bought with money! So brokers are born in time! But a broker can't do all the business. More often than not, we have countless connections. "

"I've heard of it, but I don't know it in detail!" Ding Yu also made a gesture to invite tea, "I don't know so much about the problems."

"It's just a poor information. There are many kinds of brokers and all kinds of things they sell." Elizabeth looked at Ding Yu, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip. After that, she also put it in place. "Mr. Ding, in fact, we have prepared some things for Mr. Ding, and I don't know whether it is in line with Mr. Ding's appetite! There are so many hesitations! "

"Do you think other people's gifts are too light? Is it? "

"You're in the broker business. What about me? This business is a bit of a bully! To put it bluntly, it is monopoly, but what about this monopoly? It's not exclusive. If I do this exclusively, I'm afraid everyone will gather and annihilate it. Who doesn't want to be able to come up and have a bite of fat like that? The so-called Monopoly! It also needs ways and means. "

"I'm afraid the rest of you, sir, will not think so!"

"There are some cultural and historical differences involved in this. The education we have received is not the same! Which is better, capitalist society or socialist society! What about the present history? Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. We all try our best to absorb each other's advantages and strengths, and then abandon our own shortcomings. In this process, how should we absorb them? In other words, what kind of way to volatilize these advantages and disadvantages? "

"Mr. Ding, I seem to remember you said that Chinese culture is an inclusive culture!"

"The so-called Chinese culture, also known as Han culture, has gone through thousands of years. In this process, it has been bullied and humiliated. It can be said that it has emerged in endlessly. However, with the passage of time, it can recover and even move forward to promote social development. In terms of time, it may be slow, but the effect is extremely obvious !”

"In fact, American culture is also inclusive, but it has changed in the process."

"Historically, the United States does not have so many conditions, which is a good thing, but it is also subject to considerable constraints. The so-called limitations, the United States has been developed, precisely because it received the largest dividend of World War II, and even today, this dividend has not dissipated. This is an undeniable fact!"

"Some of them are complacent. With the change of time, the dividend is getting smaller and smaller. So far, there has been a considerable retrogression. This retrogression has begun to highlight in some aspects, but the government! Some words may be hard to say, sir. I find it not a shame to have been defeated by you in the first place

"Just talk! Let me say that there is no problem, but how can I do it? This is not what I can implement. I don't have the ability. I always have a very clear understanding of myself! "

"Mr. Ding, I have been in touch with many people, extraordinary leaders, but not many people like you! But one thing is certain, that is, everyone has a clear idea! "

"It's too high for me! I'm afraid of falling down! " Ding Yu said jokingly, "if you can, read more books. I know you like reading about modern philosophy. If you have time, you can have a look at the ancient and modern history of Chinese thought. It's very interesting! It summarizes some problems! But what kind of influence will there be? Different people have different opinions! It needs a good literary foundation! "

"Sir, Chinese culture is very popular in the United States now, and the research on Chinese culture is beyond imagination. Obviously, some people with lofty ideals have realized quite a lot of problems! It has something to do with the rise of China, sir. But it has something to do with China's rise. "

"Finding problems is one thing, and how to solve them is another! Whether it's Sanchez, Bruno, or elder martial brother dongfangjing, or old Peyton, the third generation, including you, we all have a considerable pursuit, but our ideas are quite different, and even there are opposites to each other! "

"To be able to stand together and do this time has also opened a precedent!"

"I didn't create this precedent. Not to mention how many precedents there are in Chinese history, even in the history of the United States, including modern history, even in the last century, we can find many examples! Is there no contradiction between Rockefeller and the Morgan family, including the Rothschild family? But don't they cooperate? Even now they have been blended together, it is difficult to distinguish them from each other so clearly"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Ding. Thank you very much."

When she left, Elizabeth also maintained a modest attitude. She didn't talk to Mr. Ding for a long time, but she still had a deep influence on herself! Even in their own mind will come up with some things!

To some extent, I should be regarded as Mr. Ding's enemy! But she was deeply influenced by the enemy, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Elizabeth also felt that she could not say clearly! However, one thing can be sure that his distance from Mr. Ding is really more and more far away!

While we are still considering how to revel, Mr. Ding has begun to consider how to deal with the follow-up things! This is completely in front of all people, and even give up the benefits that will come soon!

Although relative to the interests of the early stage, the follow-up interests are not so big, but it is also a huge sum of money! But look at Mr. Ding's meaning, unexpectedly did not have any hesitation, has no attachment to give up! What can you say in addition to exclamation?

"Charlie!" Ding Yu also called, in fact, Charlie has already come! However, when Elizabeth talked to Ding Yu, he was really inconvenient to enter, but there was really no lack of a place for him to rest! And Charlie is quite familiar with it! No strange feeling!

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes! If you don't hear such news, you can only pretend to be deaf and dumb Charlie sat beside Ding Yu, even half lying there. He didn't regard himself as an outsider at all! And Ding Yu didn't care about it at all!

"How do you feel?"

"I don't feel much about it, but the royal family was quite surprised. I didn't expect that you could let go of such interests. Even I was quite surprised. I didn't enter the arena at the beginning or even leave the arena at the end. However, this is in line with your personality! I remember you too! Hidden

"There are so many people who can't do it themselves! Even if I give you a balloon, I can see you floating in the air, but I didn't find you like this

"Come on, what interests do I have when I see you, and you don't show any so-called excitement? Why am I excited! When I was in school, I had been beaten to pieces by you! The nerve has been thick to a considerable extent, and then again! This time I got a lot of things, but most of them are not my own. Why am I so excited? "

"Yes! You mean it Ding Yu ha ha ha smile!

"This is the general situation. Do you have anything to add! Nothing to add. That's all. The British side has to pack up and get ready to leave! There's nothing to be nostalgic about! "

"If the royal family wants to withdraw, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do so for a while. However, judging from the current situation, they are also quite moved. The market should continue to decline. However, who will enter the market is another matter! It is impossible for the government to let its own way! "

"And you? Continue to sit and eat and die? "

"I came here to get in touch with each other. In fact, I don't want to go back. I don't know what will happen after I go back! I have made an appointment to go to China at home. It happens that there are quite a few activities in the hospital over there. I am going to live in China for a period of time! "

"You are smart enough

"When you go back, remember to have dinner with me. I found a very good private dish in China, which needs to be ordered in advance. However, the taste is really very good, and the environment is also quite elegant, that is, the place is a little bit far away!"

Looking at Charlie who didn't want to move, Ding Yu also took a look at him, "is there anything else?"

"As for the so-called royal family, they have a strong explanation for this matter? This is from the government. It has nothing to do with the royal family! When you have time, I hope you can visit the palace! This is a royal invitation! For the moment, it's a private invitation. You know the problem! "

"What do you think?" Ding Yu asked back!

"It's just polite! If you go now, the royal family will be very embarrassed. If you invite or not, the government will lose face if you invite or not. But if you don't invite, the words have already been said, which directly intensifies the spear shield between the royal family and the government, and both sides will hate your itching teeth! "

Let's say it yourself! There is no need for Ding Yu to say it. If he said this, he would appear to be a little embarrassed. After all, there is considerable involvement in this matter in the family. He is also one of the parties involved. He really can't pretend that he doesn't know anything!

Although Ding Yu will not reveal, but he is really feeling a little awkward!"There will be no such arrangement in the near future, but the British side may have a good rectification! Be careful yourself

"No matter how messy you are, you don't need to do anything with the government." Charlie is also dissatisfied with a white look! Don't think so bad about me, OK?

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