Wang Changlin and brother Wang Chenglin simply talked about some problems! It involves some problems in the family and faction! Mainly because Ding Yu's action is a little bit big, so that the home slightly shows so passive!

But let Dingyu say hello to the family. It seems unlikely that such a thing is not even a realistic thing. Dingyu is not a child. Besides, although Dingyu is the blood of the royal family, it is not even a person in the family and faction. What he does does does does not need to be considered in other aspects!

Factional side has hope, but that is only hope, if insist on, may show disappointment slightly!

In the morning, Dingyu also received his father's phone call, which was a little sudden. Ding Yu received the phone as usual! "Dad, you should be at night! "Not yet?"

"How to rest! You get out of this kind of thing, the noise here of the capital is a little bit loud, you must know that it is 100 million dollars! How can you stay calm after you see it? How can we be stable in a moving situation? "

"The message was delivered very quickly!" Dingyu hum a little! "But that's it! It's not a big deal, and there's no news! "

The news is definitely not able to reach Dingyu. No one dare to make such jokes. After all, this man is Dingyu, with the name of hepher. More importantly, it is the one with all things in silence! It's not that simple to say!

Even if everyone talks about this matter behind them, it is also necessary to force song Tianren to have the power behind them. There is no idea to target Dingyu. If such things are really passed on to Dingyu's ears, who knows that Dingyu is a careful eye. If he has been recorded in his heart, what will be done in the future?

This is not a matter of saying and two sentences, which can be solved!

Song Tianren, who are three junk goods, gave 30 million dollars to each, let them at will! My God! Whether it's a success or a failure! This kind of encounter is absolutely what other people don't have. There is such a large amount of money in hand, to specific planning and specific implementation, this is a rare opportunity and experience!

With these flowers and drinks? What are you kidding? I'm afraid this is the common people's idea, standing on the position of songtianren, and got such an internship fund. What we consider should be more comprehensive and profound! Otherwise, it will be useless to get the money!

The so-called office politics for song Tianren, since childhood, read the eyes, do not need too much guidance, they are familiar with the ears, but other aspects? For example, for the use of funds, for the overall planning, detailed layout, and so on! None of these have much experience! There is no experience at all!

If it is based on what is called accumulation, who knows what it will wait for? The so-called opportunities are not so good to encounter, but song Tianren is facing different situations now! They have been exposed to such a large amount so early, for their future development played a role, is absolutely critical!

Look at the wolf cubs in the first tier! They were ten million dollars each at the beginning, almost no different from now, but this way really opened up the eyes of these pups, and also made them realize their own problems and conditions!

No specific implementation, no one knows what kind of situation will be faced, can not say that the chest to ensure, pat thigh regret, pat the buttocks to leave, that is extremely irresponsible!

After the implementation, know how things should work and how to apply money. This is why song Tianren now gets 30 million dollars of internship funds, and everyone will have such a strong reaction!

To know that in dingyuding director side internship, has been given a considerable platform, now? And then I got this opportunity, and I want to make the tail light invisible to others! How can this work? Isn't it a complete cheating?

Is there any reason for it? Everything needs to be justified, right?

The first and second echelons are brought up by director Ding. These young wolves are all crying. What is the third tier or even the follow-up? Let go of this! That's not going to work? No, no!

"Of course you won't hear anything, but my side! It's a headache! There are a little more noisy people, both inside and outside! "

"And there are still people who dare to shout? How have you heard that? " Ding Yu's answer is very casual!

"You boy give me these so-called careless eyes, your things are afraid to have so many times and a half of a moment to say clearly!" Wang Changlin also said with a smile, "and your uncle is here!"

Dingyu was stunned. "I know! Zhuangdongliang mentioned something to me, some things are like this! Wait until you have a chance to go home later! It's not that convenient now! ""You! To be light, domestic affairs are noisy for a while, but they really won't do well? At best, it's just a headache! " I have already asked some questions, but what about my eldest son? The direct one was rejected!

What can I do for myself? Not at all! The eldest son is such a temper, of course, this is not to say that he does not respect, is completely two things! So I can't help it!

"What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? I'm not in China anymore! I don't know what the situation is between them! If you have time, Dad, you'd better tell me more! "

Of course, Wang Changlin understood the hidden meaning of the words, "I didn't take care of Wang Yang and Xiao Bao's affairs, but I knew a little bit, and they performed well. At least they were very calm. However, we have other opinions about the fund of Wang Yang and Xiaobao."

"Whatever they want! I don't mind! "

"You don't mind! They're your brothers anyway, but... "

"If there is anything wrong with my uncle, he will call me. As for why he didn't call, I think he should have his own consideration! This is not a big deal

"Your uncle has his own consideration. Su Yu's situation is a little special, but I think his daughter-in-law is not bad." Wang Changlin is very clear, his boss is not look up to Su Yu, but his girlfriend, or good, also came to the house twice, his senses are OK!

"Let Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have a look! This matter has been handed over to them. As for how they will do it, this is their business! It's not good for me to interfere too much, not to mention Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have been involved in it! "

This is not a family industry. It's for Wang Yang and Xiao Bao to practice. If you join other people, what will the foundation look like? I don't know! But these problems don't need Ding Yu to worry about! Even if it is to let Ding Yu worry, Ding Yu will not do any attention!

Wang Changlin really can't say anything about this, and even if it's what he said, is it useful? At least it's not very useful for my son! So this thing can only come to an end!

"By the way, I also heard about some things, the news from the bank?"

"News so fast?" Ding Yu was stunned for a moment and then snorted, "their mouths are so fast!"

"It's not that they are quick witted, but it's about this matter that your third uncle mentioned to me. The noise you make is so big, and everyone is so worried about it! A lot of money is coming in. I don't worry about it for a long time? "

Words are so said, but Wang Changlin's mood is really quite good, no matter what? Ding Yu is his own son. What about his son? It really adds luster to your face!

So huge funds into the domestic, for the domestic development will definitely play a considerable role, as for Ding Yu will use this fund in this way, this needs to have a considerable operation! As for how to operate, this problem makes many people covetously look at!

Why do you want to covetously watch, because the capital is very huge, even if there are other aspects of advance funds, but after all, it is Ding Yu's business! This guy has his own hand. We have seen the rise of this guy in recent years. He is a fierce one, but basically he has not lost his hand!

That is to say, the so-called bet on Ding Yu's body is absolutely right! If so, why not operate some well! Don't use those messy ones. Basically, they don't have much use. After all, Ding Yu is not a vegetarian. What's the power of his hand? It also makes people feel terrible!

Although this guy is very cold! But there is a saying, life is still quite authentic! It's a blessing to be a friend or an opponent!

It is said that Chen Huai made a lot of money with Ding Yu this time. As for where the news came from, it is really not known to many people. Besides, Zhuang Dongliang and Ding Ding Ding are the same!

What about Ding Ding Ding? After all, it is Ding Yu's sister. Ding Yu treats his sister very well! And Ding Ding Ding is not disturbed by the secular world, has been very quiet and comfortable! The Cao family found such a daughter-in-law. I heard that they didn't agree at the beginning. This is not pie falling from the sky! incorrect! It's just a Golden Doll falling from the sky, OK?

But Ding Ding really didn't participate in the affairs of Cao's family, and even the affairs of the capital city were not involved too much. But to say that Ding Ding Ding did not have any energy, it was really a little funny.

What about Zhuang Dongliang? When Ding Yu got up in duckweed, they had a good cooperation. Later, when Ding Yu was forced to leave, he handed over all the domestic industries to Ding Ding Ding. Zhuang Dongliang did his best in this regard. What was the final result? Now we all see it! Ding Yu didn't treat Zhuang Dongliang badly!There is also Chen Huai, although he did not take domestic funds, take the road of salsa, but who is Sasha? That's Ding Yu's man in the room. Ding Yu is in charge of power in Europe, and his representative is Ding Yu! Two people are a family, OK?

But what about the three of them? Ding Ding is not able to have any action at all, at least we will not hit her, also dare not to play this aspect of attention, do not joke! That is Ding Yu's taboo. Even if Ding Yu is moved, there will not be too many problems. But if Ding Ding is moved, it is not as simple as making a basket!

As for Zhuang Dongliang? I'm afraid that is to think about it. After all, he has his own industry, and has a very good relationship with the Cao family, Wang family and the province! It must be used for the development of industry and other aspects. Will the province allow such opportunities for development? It's impossible! After all, what Zhuang Dongliang is holding in his hand is real gold and silver!

As for Chen Huai? His funds have not entered the country, but it is just the time! Why? Or is it because he is innovative and belongs to the kind of work in the outside world. If all the funds are put into China now, it will make people feel a little wrong. It's just two things!

The relationship between them and Ding Yu is not detailed. However, compared with them, their capital is still small. What is important is Ding Yu's fund, which is absolutely big! How to use it, everyone wants to share a share!

But how can we get a share? This problem really needs to be carefully considered? It is not that there is no action at all in China! After all, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have already started quite a move. Is this a signal from Ding Yu?

But now Song Tianren and the forces behind them are so frightened. Why do you say that Ding Yu is really opening up a little bit so big! Song Tianren, whether they can withstand such a consideration, whose heart also does not have this confidence!

They followed Ding Yu's side. The time seems not short, and they have experienced many things. But after all, some of them are too young, and they have always been in the United States. We don't know much about the situation! The main reason is that Ding Yu is too much to worry about. It's not good, and I dare not probe too much!

If Ding Yu really turns over his face, he is absolutely merciless. There are not many people who can carry it! At that time, even if it is Wang Changlin, it has not been able to play too much role! Although he is Ding Yu's father!

What about hou Tianliang? Behind it is the whole military, but does the military pay too much attention to Hou Tianliang? Basically not! It even provides quite convenience for this! What about hou Tianliang? I can't hear much from him now. Why?

It's not that Hou Tianliang's performance is bad, but that the whole military is scrambling to rob him. To a certain extent, the military is hiding Hou Tianliang to protect him! It can be seen that the general!

So now Song Tianren's influence behind them can only be watched with open eyes. At the same time, there are some worries in his heart. I hope that song Tianren and his three sons of bitches can bear the pressure. Don't let people down! After all, they shoulder too many people's expectations!

But on the other hand, although song Tianren was handed over to Ding Yu at the beginning, there were some small problems, but Ding Yu really spared no effort to cultivate them! A lot of resources have been poured into them. What about these? There is no way for the faction to give it!

After all, the faction can't give 100 million US dollars to song Tianren, and they can make a fool of themselves! Not to mention 100 million dollars! Even if it is 10000 US dollars, we need to think about it. But what about Ding Yu? There is really no such problem and consideration. After all, he is not considering it!

After all, no matter what Ding Yu does, there will not be too many people to blame him. After all, Ding Yu is not a person in the official career, even he is not even a so-called businessman. What about his serious position? It should be said that it is a doctor! And he is a famous doctor!

Turning around, what about song Tianren? It has also received considerable training, but Ding Yu's funds have now entered the country. Do you want to have any so-called actions? After all, this is not a trivial matter! But how to do it? What about this problem? Really let a lot of people are racking their brains!

Will it appear that there are some too shameless? It doesn't matter! Song Tianren and their training is one thing. Now they are involved in this matter, and it is another thing. Can't they be confused?

The so-called eating in the bowl and looking at the pot seems to be too much, but if you don't start on your side, there will be many aspects to start with. Everyone will start the same way, right? Let's see what will move Ding Yu in the end! After all, Ding Yu doesn't rub sand in his eyes!

"Dad, there's still a lot of interest in this at home?""It's a little bit strange!" Wang Changlin can be said to be quite dissatisfied with this. "I talked to your brother-in-law about some problems in this respect, but your brother-in-law is obviously not involved. He should have talked with Zhuang Dongliang about it! But what about the house? After all, it's from home

Get it! See what it means! However, Ding Yu also snorted, and really did not express any opinions and ideas in this respect! But this is also in line with Ding Yu's personality! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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