After talking to his eldest son, Wang Changlin shook his head slightly when he put down the phone. Looking at his wife who came over with a water cup, he also laughed, "the boss of our family! Sometimes I really don't know what to say! I even have some doubts about whether he is more like me or more like you! "

Su Yuan is very discontented to stare at, when putting down the water cup, is also heavy to pause for a moment!

How about the eldest son? This matter can be said by itself, but it does not mean that other people can also say the same thing, even if this person is his own husband! There is no room for discussion!

Wang Changlin looked at his wife's appearance, but also felt quite helpless. He just made two complaints, not involving anything. As for such attitude? Isn't it too much! But is that a problem? I really can't say anything!

"Did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?" Su Yuan did not understand a question!

"Didn't the bank mention it to you?" Wang Changlin said casually, "if you want to say that other departments don't know, you can understand, but the bank can't pretend not to know. It's impossible not to inform you!"

"You talk about money?" Su Yuan didn't think so. "This matter was mentioned to me, but it's not a great event, it's not a transfer of funds, not to mention other aspects of the problem, that is, the capital into the country."

"Of course, it's not a transfer of funds. We should know that transferring funds from home to abroad is a matter of considerable concern. However, how about transferring funds from abroad to China? It's another thing, not to mention the capital of the boss? No problem! We all wish this could happen

"I heard that a considerable amount of money would be transferred here, and I didn't hear about other things! Yes? Someone's on it? "

"What's more, it's so simple!" Wang Changlin sighed! "What gold and silver! It's not that simple to think about it! How many industries have been brought about by the farm! Several provinces in the north have been greatly relieved! "

"I know something about this situation, but as far as I know, I don't feel that the boss has anything to do with them. On the contrary, some people have found me through the relationship. However, I have no way to deal with it. Even when the boss goes back every time, he doesn't seem to have much contact with them! But there are so many shaving hot

"The development of the farm has devoted a lot of efforts to the boss!"

"Don't put gold on the boss's face! It's not that I haven't seen it, boss! It's just a shopkeeper. What about the job? It's other people who are dealing with it. He's just a master! "

"You can't say that! You can't pay to see things like this! What about the farm? It's particularly troublesome to deal with. What do you see? It's just an article on the surface. If there is no boss in charge, so many forces will not be able to resolve the contradiction in a moment and a half! "

"I know something about it! However, the operation of the farm is very good. Earlier, Luo Xuan accompanied me to stroll around, and also introduced me to a considerable situation! He is a very clever man

"I know that Wang Yang and Xiao Bao mentioned it to me. If they didn't mention it, I really didn't know such a person. The old man left him at the beginning! I've known some of his information. I was wandering on the edge of black and white at that time, and I don't know how the boss found it out! "

"Previously, he was mainly responsible for public relations! I also have a little understanding. The boss has a great trust in him. He is responsible for many things in the farm. He seems to be very convinced of the boss. What about the family? There is really a lack of such people! Very easy to use! "

"It's not easy for you to say something like that!" However, Wang Changlin shook his head, "it is basically impossible to ask for someone from the boss's hand. Moreover, Luo Xuan has not been willing to come here, otherwise he would have gone on this road at the beginning! You don't have to wait until now! "

"The boss has a lot of talents. As far as I know, both Chen Feng and Anjie are interested, but they have no interest at all! I don't know what the boss thinks

"What? You are interested in Chen Feng! "

"That child is still good. After all, after being trained by the eldest brother, it is definitely not an easy thing to be the so-called housekeeper in the courtyard. If it wasn't for Wu Mingyu's sake, now! I don't know if there is Deng Rong's business! As for Anjie? Not to mention it! "

"Chen Feng's affairs are not so easy to handle, except for the boss? Also need to consider the side of Wu Mingyu! After all, how long has the family just been married! Moreover, Wu Mingyu can't be transferred to the capital in a short time. His background is so different! ""That's what I said!"

Wang Changlin ha ha smile, "how? There are so many who can't bear the pressure! Song Tianren and their affairs I already know! So much money was taken out! Without any hesitation, it is really enviable to see! It's understandable that people are moved by this! "

"My eyes are red, OK! It's not so light! " Su Yuan glared discontentedly! "And what else! Someone spoke earlier! The eldest brother has never been married, at least there is no family on the surface, such a situation is always so inappropriate

Hearing this, Wang Changlin couldn't help wrinkling his brow, "how did you mention this thing again? Don't mention it again in the future! What do the boss and Taixi think? What's more, how to let the two children think? What's more, what will the Ding family think? "

"You can say that, but what can I say?"

"What do you say? Just tell me the truth! What else? If you have to get a so-called three wives and four concubines for your family, what's the situation? " Wang Changlin is very dissatisfied with this, "how the boss deals with his affairs, I think he has his own consideration, but the involvement of our party's parents in this matter is not disgraceful!"

"You do all the good people. I'm a bad man. It's all over the place."

"This is not a question of good or bad people, but a matter of basic principles. You are also a senior cadre! How can you have such an idea, the original time did not know the boss's thing, can say so, but has now! It is not appropriate to mention the situation again! "

Well, Su Yuan thought about the criticism and nodded, "but what about the boss? It's always a problem. What's the identity of Taixi? Some of them have been revealed, but they are all relatively secret! "

"What trouble is not troublesome. We just like to talk about the so-called gossip. If we can't open the so-called gap from other places, we can only find the so-called starting point here! When did the boss pay attention to it? What's more, you haven't seen the situation of the boss in China. He doesn't have much interest in this point! "

"That's true, but I don't know if it's because of the injury."

Wang Changlin is also a little tongue tied, is this not intentional? Still really let oneself not know what should say is good! There were quite a lot of changes at the time of the boss. If there were no such changes, would there be the boss now? One drink and one peck!

"These are the remains of history! Now it seems that some of them have been turned out! "

Hum! Su Yuan really didn't mean to tie her husband to the south wall! There's no need for that! Let him know his power is OK! It's not for nothing! As for the others? There's no need!

"I told the boss before!"

"Yes! But you don't know the eldest child. If he doesn't want to say it, who can pick out a word from his mouth? Don't even think about it! It's impossible! "

"If only I could come back!"

"I feel like he won't come back soon!" Wang Changlin said thoughtfully, "in fact, I have discussed this issue with you. How about staying in the United States at this time? It's not the best. If you come back now, at least there won't be so many troubles in China! "

"Then let the boss come back! They say the United States is good, but I don't think there is any good place, or our country is better. You can look at the domestic construction and travel! And communication and other aspects, even if it is world-class, no one will feel exaggerated! "

"This is really so simple to say. The boss must have considerable consideration, but he doesn't know what his consideration is? Anyway, I can't guess! Maybe it has something to do with the United States. "

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan are quite speechless. They can basically understand the situation at home, but for the situation abroad, they are beyond their ability! It's not what the forces at home can do! And the eldest son for this aspect of the matter, is also silent!

The next day, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao came back together! However, both of them looked haggard on their faces, "how did you make a fuss? You look so bad. What's the matter

"My God! I'm mainly tired. I haven't been so tired for a long time! " Lying on the sofa, Wang Yang is also open-minded, not scruple at all, Xiaobao is better, but also on his back half lying there!

"Are you so tired?" Su Yuan told the attendants to make some delicious food! "Look at what you two look like. It's not decent at all. Get up quickly!"

"Mom, I didn't know about the situation before, but I realized that it was really not trivial. Although we two said that we were in charge of the fund, we were all small. We can't let other people run ahead and behind! What's more, this is also to deepen our understanding of the situation! Sitting on the top of the table, you lose the meaning of going there"Multi use snacks, the funds are all in place?"

"Yes, the funds are in place! Big brother really has nothing to say in this respect, but the fund is relatively sufficient, but there are many aspects involved, including all aspects. It can be said that the school pays special attention to this, after all, it involves quite a lot of research! "

"That's all you're tired of like this? I look at you! It's a lack of exercise! "

"Mom, it's mainly because I'm not familiar with this business. Studying in school is one thing, but how it works is another thing! It can't be compared at all! The two of us! With the help from below, they are as busy as the third grandson! "

It's not to say that things must bow to each other. There is no need for this. It is mainly at the beginning. To a certain extent, the eyes of the outside world are fixed on it. Under such circumstances, two people must do their best. Even if they are doing the appearance, they also need to do a good job. Absolutely, they can't have any problems and situations!

If there are any problems and conditions, it is not so simple as to be disgraceful, even quite a lot of things! Big brother there is no way to explain, and there is really no way to explain here at home!

But what about the teachers in these schools? Sometimes it is really more difficult to deal with, say to deal with it? There may be some not too right, to a certain extent, appear too stubborn, let people do not know what to say is good! But it's really a standard one!

When Wang Changlin came back in the evening, neither Wang Yang nor Xiao Bao had a rest. After dinner, they chatted in the living room, but they didn't go to the study. After all, it didn't involve any of them! So you don't need to be so deliberate!

"Tired? Look at you, it's a bit unbearable

"Tired? There are some of them, but they are not familiar with some of the situations. So Xiaobao and I, together with others, have investigated quite a lot of situations. The elder brother doesn't say that he will send two people to help us, just our two sticks and hammers, running around! "

Ha ha! Wang Changlin is slightly satisfied with this! "Go more and see more. This is the reason why the boss put you in this place. It's still very exercise in such a position! And contact these experts more, for your own quality cultivation, also has the quite help

"Dad! How do you feel like you have that feeling of schadenfreude? "

"What are you talking about?" Wang Changlin took a look of discontent, "I see you two were too light before! I'm so tired! Really need a good move! Compared with the previous time, I feel a little worse! "

"Dad, it wasn't lazy, it was a special situation!"

Wang Yang argued in a low voice, and Xiaobao was laughing on the side. It's really not two people who are slack! It's not the reason at all. It's mainly because the two people get up too fast and are easily taboo by the outside world, even Uncle Wang's side? It's also under a lot of pressure!

What's the problem! Although Uncle Wang didn't say so, how could he not know? But know return to know, still really not good, direct to say out!

"Yes! You didn't call your big brother? "

"Yes! But I didn't say much about it, but I didn't seem to have much to do recently. If I put it in the past, I'm afraid he would have hung up directly, but I have a lot of contact with Xiaogang. They are very happy now! The one who plays is called happy

"your brother is very idle?" Wang Changlin was stunned!

"Almost! You can feel it. If you don't believe it, ask Xiaobao! "

"Well! I also talked to my elder brother on the phone. He is not so busy recently. We don't know how it happened! But the elder brother sent some things back

"Yes, my elder brother sent me some things, but many of them are literature, and some are machines. There are not so many other things! I'm afraid it will take quite a while for the school to sort it out! "

"All right! I got it! You two have a tight tongue! But this is a good thing. You are too young to work in such an environment. I still say that, read more and learn more! "

"Dad, isn't the pressure a little too much?" Wang Yang also cried, "or you old man, do me a favor!"

"Well?" Wang Changlin looked at his own son and said, "come and listen!"

"Dad, what about school? In fact, it's not so difficult to deal with, but it mainly involves some problems and situations of the personnel. Xiaobao and I are just headless flies, and we haven't seen much effect on them! I know that some of your senior students are from school! "

"You two bastards have done a good job"Dad, you have to support our work, don't you? Xiaobao and I are asking for help from big brother! I want to borrow someone from big brother! But big brother almost give us kick out, there is no way, we can only find you! Who gives you access to this? Isn't it? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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