For Ding Yu said this thing, Shasha really is not the general attention, she also consulted a lot of doctors, although Ding Yu is also a doctor, but Sasha is still not so reassured! After all, doctors can't cure themselves!

At least as far as I know, Ding Yu was not a very serious person when he was young! Still very lively, but after that event, until from the army inside, the whole person's character can be said to have undergone earth shaking changes!

Such a great change in people will certainly cause other influences, but from Ding Yu's body? I really didn't find much. No matter whether it was Sun Yingnan, Li Fuzhen, or Taixi, we all had a discussion on this issue together.

However, if you really don't stay, it seems not so realistic. At least until now, Ding Yu has not dared to deliberately release himself. For example, drinking seems to be a very good habit, but Ding Yu has never drunk too much. Most of the time, he just tasted it! This is still the result of indulgence!

Why never drink too much, is it because you don't like it? I'm afraid that's not the reason. At that time, Taixi and Fuzhen plotted against Ding Yu. At that time, Sasha also knew that there were some improper signs in the situation at that time, so ah! Some things can't be regarded as nothing to know!

"And your question? There is no complete solution yet? "

Looking at Sha Sha's worry, Ding Yu shook his head slightly. "Life has always been like this. It's not perfect, but sometimes it's very good to be vigilant. As for when to enter the next realm, is it? It's really hard to say! I dare not make any guarantee myself

"To the next level?" Sasha is very surprised!

"I really don't know what the next state will look like. At least I can only say a little bit about it now. But it will take quite a long time. At the same time, it involves some internal affairs of Taoism. You should know something about the relationship between me and Taoism, but I don't get involved in Taoist affairs."

Sasha's eyes were a little bright. "I really want to see it! I have a lot of talents in this field, but how can I say that? Kung Fu is very powerful, but the consumption is not so big. I'm afraid it's hard for ordinary people to bear such a consumption. I wonder when I can get your advice! "

"I really don't know about this situation. Why? Very optimistic about it? "

"From my personal point of view, the performance is very good, and I'm also quite relieved about them. But I'm going to recommend two people to come here this time. Who knows if you have the leisure, you can't enjoy it. So when necessary, you have to come out and make a scene!"

"Has Kim read the person you recommended?"

"Hum!" Sasa slightly had some dissatisfaction, and then sat on Ding Yu's thigh, "gold has been tested! I said that this guy is really a little too much. After he went back, he was black and blue, and almost had no way to meet people! I think this guy is on purpose. He knows it's my man! It's such a heavy hand

Ding Yu patted Shasha twice, with the meaning of some small warning, but his hand did not leave Sasha's back, but he did not mean to play with each other. "You are so reckless these two days! The situation in the body is not so good, pay attention to keep your own state

"Cut!" Shasha snorted it with a nasal voice, which was really attractive. She also hugged Ding Yu's neck. "Anyway, your elder master is here, I'm sure there won't be any problem, will you?"

"Nonsense!" Ding Yu didn't throw Shasha out, "your foundation is not so good! And the day after tomorrow's situation can only be said to be general, some too lazy! I don't know how you got what you're doing

"Hee hee!" Sasha is like a little fox! I don't care what I try not to do, but to say, I have been with Ding Yu all these years. I've been in good health, and I don't have any other problems? Or because of Ding Yu's careful care! Otherwise, how can you stand in your present position?

"Don't make a fool of yourself! How about your health? Compared with ordinary people, there is no problem, but if you really want to think about the next generation, you need to take good care of yourself

Other things, Shasha really didn't put much in her heart, but after Ding Yu mentioned this matter, Shasha's body couldn't help but be stunned, "previously, I had a female Taoist priest here! She was pregnant for me! But my physical condition is very good! "

"I can see it!" Ding Yu was not so concerned, "the way is good, the Taoist means! It's really extraordinary. At least it's smooth and soft. There aren't too many other problems. There's no need to rush for success! "

"You're not in a hurry. I've heard that you are very worried about Li Fuzhen.""Originally, I wanted to take her over, but it was not easy for her, and she didn't even mean to go back to Korea. Relatively speaking, the environment in South Korea is really very ordinary, at least for me? I'm not so happy about it! "

"I heard that Li Zairong had been invited earlier, but he refused to do so! This guy is so stubborn

"Yes, I called Li Zairong and mentioned some related matters with him, but he didn't make any statement. However, chairman Li Jianxi expressed some concern about this matter, but he didn't use Samsung's power and strength. It can only be said that it is private, and there is a considerable gap between them."

"There are big problems in South Korea! It's hard to say what's going on now

Listening to Sasa's meaning, Ding Yu nodded, "this is not something you and I need to get involved in. South Korea is a small country, even a country in the cracks, but the female president! I don't know it's really confused! Or some of them are too arrogant! You can't do it yourself

"I don't want to take advantage of it, but the follow-up thing is! I'm afraid there is no way to stop! After all, it's China, the superpower, who offends! There's something to watch! And the US side! It's absolutely not sincere. It's hard to say what kind of suffering South Korea will suffer at that time. It's a tradition of the United States to turn a blind eye to people. "

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten! Just say it

"China is not a backward country now! Relatively speaking, South Korea is a little bit backward! The problem is that they do not have the geographical conditions of Japan, nor the mentality of Japan, so now! It's not as simple as being blue and blue. I'm afraid all the bags will be light by then. "

"I have a good relationship with Chairman Li Jianxi, and both Li Fuzhen and Taixi are here! Even other people, for South Korea, a little inappropriate! What's more, Korean meat is so small! When the time comes, we will fight together and fight for it. What will happen after the fight? There's not enough meat left for your teeth! "

"This is the meat of South Korea! Some of them are too small! But that woman president's end will not be very good! I'm afraid there will be some good things to see, but this bad habit is really rare in other countries! "

"The politics of that country can't be understood by ordinary people, but this time her ties are definitely so big, even the previous president! There will never be any good end, criticism! I'm afraid it's the lightest. This has become inertia! Even some things are beginning to recover! "

"Do you really ignore it?"

"No, I'm not involved in political affairs. I'm afraid it's really a mess over there now. What about the woman president and me? Although some friendship, but she took the lead to make a choice, since made a choice, need to bear considerable consequences, this is inevitable, and the Li family! If you don't see it, you'll hold your breath! "

"You said it was chairman Li?"

"Li zaireng will definitely be dragged into the water. Sooner or later, he will go in this time, no matter what the consideration is! It's not the first time! But Li Jianxi, chairman Li, can hold back this tone. Even if he can't kill him, is it OK to do so? "

"Li Zai Rong is a little too proud! At this point, there is a very obvious difference with Li Fu Zhen. His father has paved the way for him, but the problem is what about his ability? There are still considerable problems, that is, the foundation is good, but with the passage of time, the influence will be more and more dissipated! "

Speaking of this, Sasha seems to have thought of something, "but this time South Korea's actions have given China great opportunities! I'm afraid some people are going to rise! If I remember correctly, you have already started the arrangement of this aspect a long time ago. Specifically, Li Fu Zhen is responsible for it! "

"The news is very well informed! But if exposed, there is still so much time to go! "

"I'm afraid quite a number of people have paid attention to it! Now Samsung's market in the mainland of China has been basically emptied! Even if it's not empty, I'm afraid it won't take two years. Even if I can persist for one year, I'll give them a high look! "

"This is not so true. Samsung still has a considerable market in the world, but they are a little bit complacent, so it is easy to be overtaken. However, with the development of the current social era, if it is overtaken, it is difficult to catch up with it!"

"Li Jianxi, chairman Li should send you quite an invitation! But I'm afraid it's not suitable to go to Korea at this time, even to China? Some of them are not suitable! Do you need to arrange this location in the United States? However, the United States has not been able to ignore this matter! Not so appropriate! "

"Samsung has a considerable market in the United States. It is really a matter of more than gain for Samsung to offend the United States rashly, especially in the current situation! If you need to meet, the biggest possibility is in Europe! Or the emperor! ""It seems that I need to contact the emperor! But you haven't been to him for quite a long time! He is still talking about you as a friend, and he doesn't know what happened? You should know that he is not so arrogant

"A good old man! Don't be deceived by his appearance. Although the consortium has entered Lao maozi's place, I never want to violate each other's interests. I should earn what I should earn. We should cooperate with each other. If we can't cooperate, we can break up peacefully! Everybody knows that! "

"The development of the consortium is very good there, and we are very satisfied with the cooperation with the great emperor, not to mention that the effect of the farm has made laomaozi very satisfied, and the development of other industries has also improved significantly."

"In his position, he is a man who is both reasonable and unreasonable! Although there are some contradictions in this statement, the fact is that we are not like these guys in the United States, which is why there are not too many American consortia and enterprises entering into it! "

Two people discussed for a long time, even if small nine came in! Neither of them stopped! However, Sasha looked at Xiao Jiu, and her eyebrows also jumped twice. "You have never wanted to move her. It seems that there are so many inappropriate things!"

"Don't you give me a face?" Ding Yu glared discontentedly!

Then Ding Yu coaxed Shasha and Xiao Jiu out of the house. There was really some trouble for them to stay here. Xiao Jiu didn't have too many problems, but Shasha's temperament was so wild!

Ding Yu takes out his mobile phone and dials Bruno's phone! "Ding, have you got the result?"

"No, but I need to know something. It may involve some personal issues, and I hope to discuss it with you alone! If it's inconvenient, forget it! "

"Five minutes for me!" Bruno really is not the general heart, after all, this involves Emma!

Before five minutes, Bruno called. "What's going on?"

"I want to ask if Emma's illness happened after her husband died!"

"Well! Let me think about it! " Bruno blinked his eyes. "It seems that this is really the case. To be exact, it should be discovered a year and a half after al's death. Previously, everyone thought that he might be caused by Al's death, but later it was found that the situation was not like this, but it was not considered in this respect. Is this the reason? But Emma doesn't have too many mental problems! "

"Are there any children between them?"

"Of course, and three children, two boys and a little girl, I am still their Godfather! But they really don't have any problems. After Emma's problems, their family is very concerned about it, but neither Emma's parents nor the next generation have any problems! "

"When Sasha came, she gave me a wake-up call. I don't know whether this direction is right or not, but I should ask about it. If it is, it may be very troublesome in the future! What's more, I ask a more private question. Did Emma's body have any problems at the beginning? "

"No! At least it has not shown any situation. No matter which consortium it is, it is beyond imagination to protect all the people directly related to the family. Almost everyone has his own doctor to ensure his personal situation at any time! And when she married Al, it was a union between the two consortia, and every aspect needed to be considered! "

"I've read Emma's situation report, but one thing? I have not mentioned any problems above, but they are not too good! After all, this involves some personal issues! "

"No! Ding, you are a doctor. What's wrong with that? "

"I'll let Sasha take people over. After all, Sasha is a woman, but before that? Ma'am, I'm afraid that some aspects of your greeting may be misunderstood by me! "

"What's it about?! It's impossible! " Bruno immediately woke up, after all, he is a flower in the characters, but also one of the big people, can not understand at all!

"I don't know, but this is my guess. It's true or not. No one can tell clearly. But I need to verify and judge in some aspects. Since you are the family members of the patient, these things need to trouble you! And there are some personal issues involved, you know! "

"I see! I'll give you an answer! I believe it won't be too long! "

When putting down the phone, Bruno also slightly twisted his mouth. What about this? It's really hard to do! But Ding Yu's consideration is not wrong, rashly asked about this aspect of the matter, even if Ding Yu is a doctor is also quite inappropriate!But if it's true, let yourself say something? Is Emma a special system? But it doesn't seem like this when you are young! Is it because they got married? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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