"Sir Jin stood beside Ding Yu, very quietly!

Ding Yu is to think of what, "Shasha came here to complain! She said you cleaned up her people with black and blue cheeks! It's not very decent! What's the fuss? " There is really no sense of blame, because Ding Yu believes that Jin is still quite decent! I won't use the two of them to come and find a place!

"Sir, they have good foundation and enough experience, but some of them are too jumping!"

Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "say something about your personal feelings! Sasha asked me to explain it to them. I really don't know if there is such a time. If not, take them with you. "

"As for their identity investigation, I have preliminarily checked and approved, and there are not too many questions, but it still needs to be verified by you, sir. As you know, there is no contradiction between me and Sasha. Sometimes there are some small disputes!"

"As long as you don't make a fool of yourself, it doesn't matter! Sasha will be meeting with Europe in a while. This time, the British affair is over. I need to keep her around for a while, but this time will not be too long. She needs to go to the town in Europe, and I may have to meet Li Jianxi! "

"Sir, if Sasha sends the two of them here, the security force around Sasha may be missing. We need to mobilize people to go there." Some contradictions with Sasha is one thing, but security is another. It can't be confused!

"What do you think of the people in the UK?"

When he said this, Jin also pondered for some time. "Sir, judging from the situation, they have been integrated into the society, but there are still some problems. It is not the problem of physical function, nor is it that the action can not keep up with each other, but they always give people a sense of some defects."

"Distance, isn't it?" Ding Yu also sighed, "they are people! Some are discarded, and some? It's bad practice! The whole thing is a tragedy. Under such circumstances, if you want to rescue them completely, there will be some unrealistic things. I am very satisfied to be able to have the present situation! "

"But they still have a great respect for the gentleman. There is no doubt about that!"

"It's good to let them live well! I respect their choice. Let's take a look at the two people Sasha sent to us! If there is no problem, you can take it with you. Two people will be transferred from Britain to take charge of Sasha's security work, and one person from your side will be transferred out at the same time! "

"Yes, sir, I'll arrange it, but you may need to tell Sasha about it!"

Ding Yu nodded slightly, "yes, you two don't meet, she sometimes is too affectable! In fact, people don't have too many problems. Maybe it has something to do with her early environment. If she doesn't have a little shrewdness, she won't be able to hold up such a scene! "

And Sasha also took little Jiuyi to visit Emma at this time. Although Bruno explained it earlier, is there something? It's really not so convenient. If Sasha comes forward, the situation may be different! Why not sun Yingnan? There are some reasons for this!

Sun Yingnan's identity is appropriate! But the problem is that sun Yingna is in charge of America. Although she has given up her seat to Horton, she has a considerable influence in America. She can communicate with Emma about some things, but who knows if there will be other problems and situations? It's easy to have problems then!

And Sasha is different! After all, she is in charge of Europe, which is quite far away from America. People's ordinary talk will not involve the American side, so let her take Xiao Jiu with her, and Emma won't have too many problems!

Ding Yu didn't know what the result of the inquiry meeting was like, but Bruno took the initiative to call. "Ding, I have to say that the things you asked me to ask yesterday are really embarrassing. Although the atmosphere in the United States is a little more open, it does not mean that everyone is like this!"

"I know, but I care more about the result! So it doesn't make much sense to me how many slaps you got. What's more, I can tell from your voice that you seem to be very happy about such things! "

"Why do I feel you have so much schadenfreude?" Bruno was a little depressed about this. After all, he asked Emma some things, but how to say these things? It's really hard to do! That's Emma! If anyone else, I don't know what the result is!

"It's not Schadenfreude, but I think that there should be a reason for this. You have already investigated the food, clothing, housing and transportation! But there are still some problems, even more than once. What about this? I'm not so interested in the reasons. For me, I'm just a doctor! "

Well, Ding Yu directly got back! "Ding, you are not so good in this way!""It doesn't matter, but to a certain extent? I think you two are very good, personal opinions and opinions just! Maybe this is the reason! But this is just my personal guess, but what is involved? I dare not say now, nor can I say it! "

When I put down the phone, Bruno's face was not so complicated. How old was he already! What if it's someone else? There are not too many problems, just take what you need! After all, it's a material society now, but Emma! That's the pillar of your spirit!

Damn it! Bruno feels that there are some emotions that cannot be accepted!

Ding Yu is not a bad asshole! And where is this guy going? It really makes people feel speechless! Even if we take a look at it in reverse, Bruno also has some doubts. At the beginning, the doctors did not find out, or did they deliberately ignore it?

If you don't find it, you can understand it, but if you neglect it intentionally! Some of them can't be forgiven!

But think about it, is it really deliberately ignored? It is also possible to say that one doctor and two doctors, but with so many doctors, can they unite? Even some of them are family doctors, which is impossible to happen!

If this is the case, then it can only show that Ding Yu still has a little door, or this guy! There are still some so-called supernatural powers. When Dongfang wanted to recommend him, it should be the reason for this!

Shasha and Xiaojiu come back a little late, Xiaojiu is following the past! As a secretary, and when I came back, I hid in my own room. I didn't go out at all. My face was flushed with shame. After I contacted Sasha, I knew she was terrible!

Perhaps it should not be described as terrible, there are so many too shameful! How could she say that? How can I face my husband in the future! Is really dare not imagine!

"I feel that Xiaojiu is a little more simple!" When Sasha came back, she didn't talk about Emma at all. Instead, she had a certain idea about Xiao Jiu and looked at her appearance? Seems to be very dissatisfied!

"I said you had enough! If Taixi knows it! I don't know what will happen! "

"Taixi also has this meaning. I just told her something! Is there any big deal? " Sasha doesn't think so! "By the way, I've almost asked about Emma!"

Listen to Sasa's account, Ding Yu from time to time will record some, but the record of things can be said to be very limited! Sometimes I even ask about other things, and Sasha is a good expression of all this!

But at this point, Ding Yu put the pen in his hand on the desk, and the documents were put in the drawer after being closed! "I said to Kim earlier that the two people under your hand would come and take it with him for the time being. I don't know if there is any free time on my side."

"Let Kim carry it?" Although Shasha said that she had some conflicts with Jin, the contradiction between them was mainly in Ding Yu's body. There were not too many problems between them, "this guy? Silent, but there are not too many problems in ability, which is more convincing! "

"It's really not easy for you to say such a thing! But two people have been transferred from the UK to you, but they are only responsible for your personal safety. They will not be exposed to the public. You can choose one of the security

"Only three, too few!" Sasha puffed out her mouth, obviously a little dissatisfied! Because Sha Sha Sha is also very clear, although there are not many people around Ding Yu, they are basically guided and trained by him personally. People who are idle can't get close to Ding Yu! Now with such an opportunity, I can't give up what I say!

"Other people don't have such a chance at all. Are you too few?"

"Is it not enough? I've lost two people all of a sudden, and I'm the most effective assistant. They handle a lot of things! The British people are only responsible for safety. If you don't move, you will transfer someone to me. Even if you don't know when to take it back, no, absolutely not! "

"I don't care about the security. Jin is responsible for all the things. If he can promise, I don't have many opinions and ideas!"

"Cheat the ghost! Besides you, Jin will listen to others? It's impossible! "

"Although Kim obeys my orders, I basically don't interfere in his affairs, just as I don't interfere in your affairs." A smile appeared on Ding Yu's face! "There's no good in interfering too much, is it?"

"no, I need to tune out three people from security, and you can't turn it back!"Ding Yu took a look at Sasha's stomach. "The people in England don't say I don't give it to you, but you can't use it. They don't have to obey you. They belong to another force, even an experimental force. I think you probably know some of them, but what you know is not so detailed."

"That's why I want your men! I'm not sure about the others! "

"You, you!" Ding Yu shook his head. "I can give you an additional quota, but the three places are too much! If you take out three at once, you need to think about Kim's feelings! "

"All right." To be able to win a person, for Sasha is already overjoyed! Sasha also knows that it is quite wanton to do so! After all, the people around Ding Yu are not as many as you imagined. What about this? It has nothing to do with money!

They can be said to be very rich, even quite powerful people, but it does not mean that they can recruit personnel at will. Just like the people around Ding Yu, do they lack money? There is no shortage at all. For them, money is enough! But why do you still stay with Ding Yu?

Because stay by Ding Yu's side, can go down in the firm road, this for all people, is unable to refuse! Of course, it can also be understood that knowledge is priceless, but it is not money that can be measured!

But this knowledge is really not everyone can learn, need to have considerable wisdom, in this point, the performance of gold is very different! Now a lot of things, he basically did not come forward! But no one dares to ignore the existence of gold! Even in many hearts, Jin is a very taboo existence!

We all know that if you want to beat Ding Yu, the first thing you have to do is gold. Only when you get the gold, can you see Ding Yu. But the problem is, who has done this over the years? It seems not!

It's not that you don't want to, but you can't do it! This is the key to the problem!

To Ding Yu and Jin's position, some so-called means can not play any role at all, and even need to prevent the so-called counter attack, not many people can resist! How many lessons have you learned!

"I feel like Kim is a little bit demonized! If he had been in the middle ages, he might have been fixed on the cross now! Then! Barbecue is the lightest

"Gold! Although he is obsessed with it, he can still recognize himself more or less! "

Sasha disagreed. "By the way, what about Emma? You just sealed up all the information! "

"Don't ask! It's not good to know too much! I'm a doctor. At least I should have a certain degree of integrity, shouldn't I? Otherwise, it will really discard the essence of it. If we can find some reasons, it should be helpful for her illness, but now all is just guessing! "

"I'm going to find Xiao Jiu! Very interesting! " After patting her hand, Sasha also suddenly flashed, "how many of them are there? Should have withstood the test, but you are still there, I really don't know what you think, it's so weird! It's really hard to see! "

"Take it easy. Don't make other things come out!"

Although she knew that Sasha might not listen, Ding Yu still said something, which should play a little role, but who knows? Anyway, after coming back from England, Sasha was a little excited! Ding Yu is really not good too to restrain what!

However, Ding Yu did not settle down here, Bruno's phone call came again! Listen to this voice is really very urgent! "Ding, Sasha should go back!"

"Bruno, do you care too much?" Ding Yu said maliciously, "I just want to verify some things. You can tell me now that I don't have any clues. This is really a joke, and the joke is a little bit big!"

"I don't know you yet. You never fight an uncertain battle. Since you have chosen the direction of your attack, you must have quite a feeling. I just want to know something about it! There should be no problem with this one! "

"There's a problem, and it's the big one!" Ding Yu comforted and said, "I can understand your mood, but now I just took over, and the specific problems have not been clarified. You can directly ask me for the so-called result, brother! It's not like this! There's no one like you! "

"Emma is very important to me! Without her, I don't know how to deal with it! "

"Your emotional problems will not be helpful to the treatment, and even have some other effects. So at this time, I advise you to be calm and calm."

"Calm down, you don't have to think about eating in the evening. I'll go to your place now. If you don't mention it to me, I'll live in your house. As far as I know, you've gone too far these two days!""Whatever! If you come here, I'm very welcome! I'll ask the steward to prepare some food for you! "

Hearing Ding Yu Hang up the phone, Bruno is not really so angry as he imagined. Instead, he frowns a little thoughtfully. Obviously, he hears the meaning of this call!

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