There's panic, even some of Bruno! Sitting in Ding Yu's living room, he even lost his calm in the past. Such scenes are really rare! If it wasn't for the good relationship between each other, Ding Yu even wanted to record the scene in front of him! To "threaten" this guy in the future!

"Ding, I know what you just said implied other meanings!"

To get to the point, there was no hesitation. Fortunately, Ding Yu had already prepared for it, otherwise, he would be stuck here! Sasha and small nine have no meaning to appear, along with the attendant to send things over, but also disappeared, the whole room a little bit cold!

Ding Yu put his own file in front of Bruno. "It's not clear whether my conclusions are correct or wrong. It needs to be verified, but it should be regarded as a direction. Since other people can't find this direction, we can use other ways and methods, which may work wonders, Right? Don't walk all the way to the dark. The front is not as simple as the wall! "

"You! That is to say, if you can cheat other people, even if you can cheat me! " When he spoke, Bruno also picked up the file on the desktop and opened it directly. It was not the medical record in his imagination, but a piece of ancient Chinese prose. To be exact, it was a quotation!

"Ding, although I have a little research on Chinese, what about classical Chinese? Forget it! Not so proficient! I still have this self-knowledge! "

"There is a translation below, you can understand it!" Ding Yu is not salty or light!

Bruno took a look and mumbled, and then he reviewed it again. Soon, the review was finished. However, after reading, he also looked at Ding Yu with suspicious eyes. His eyes showed strange light!

"Ding, it's not detailed at all, even a little obscure!"

"In fact, the meaning is very simple. I don't believe you don't understand it. It's just a deliberate act of confusion! In my words, it is purely caused by depression, but few people mention this aspect. In other words, do you want to find a Chinese medicine doctor? After knowing the specific situation, we can generally judge it out! "

"Caused by depression? This is too general! "

"The death of Al made Emma feel very shocked, sad and sad! But these have not been able to dissipate in time, has been affecting Emma, this emotion has not been able to express, has been hidden in her heart! Let's put it this way! It had a great impact on Emma, and some of her subsequent lives were also affected by her death! This is particularly important! "

"Seeing things and thinking about people?"

"It's not as simple as seeing things and thinking about people. It also involves some other things. It's not very difficult to get out of the depression! But what about some aspects of life? It's not so easy to eliminate! "

"So?" Bruno asked eagerly!

"What? So, I just made some guesses! You want to be able to solve all the problems now, what kind of beautiful things! Don't take things for granted that are impossible! We still need to do some verification! "

"You've always talked about three points and left seven points. What about these seven points? It needs a lot of verification, Ding. Isn't there something bad about this? " Obviously, Bruno has guessed some problems!

"No way! You found this thing for me. If it's an operation, there's no problem. I've seen her operation. There's no big problem! Pay more attention to it. I still have this! The problem is the follow-up problem, which is the most difficult, but who knows? No one can guarantee that my direction will be correct! "

Bruno looked at Ding Yu suspiciously. Why did he want to slap him at this time? This guy's face is so annoying! Now I really want to be able to slap up, let him know some of the fierce!

Forbearance is really a very painful thing, especially when it involves Emma. I always need to think about it! "When you leave, I will give you a special gift, which may or may not be useful. But I reminded you to exercise earlier. What about this? You should have done it

"What do you mean by this fellow?" When he said this, Bruno couldn't help leaning back on his body. He felt a bit of bad things from Ding Yu's eyes! Although a flash, but I know Ding Yu this guy, absolutely can't use ordinary people to look at him!

"It doesn't mean much! Whether you want to or not, it's your own business. No one can do this, and I believe that there are not many people who dare to do it. However, there is a saying that such a thing still needs your love and I wish. After all, Emma's condition is still slightly special! What about friendship? That's it! What's left? It depends on how you do it! I wish you good luck, good luckHow on earth is how to leave Ding Yu's apartment, Bruno really feel a little confused, but Ding Yu implicitly mentioned things, Bruno has already felt out! This bastard! How can you think of this? And the gift he prepared for himself, which made Bruno really want to swear at the street! Is there such a joke?

Hesitating a little bit, Bruno also called Dongfang Jing in the past! Simply said something about it! "Dongfang, I have no doubt about Ding Yu, but there are so many things that are too mysterious!"

"The solitary Yin does not grow, the only Yang does not grow! What younger martial brother said is quite reasonable! "

"Don't tell me that, just say it!"

"On the one hand, things or conditions can't make things happen. Generally speaking, it can be understood in this way. From the younger martial brother's explanation, it is quite reasonable. What's my previous solution? There are some ideas on this aspect, but some of them are too cruel. What do you say, younger martial brother? "

"You! Also belongs to the slippery head one! Do you agree? "

"Emma has a good relationship with you, and Mr. al has passed away for quite some years! It's not something that can't be seen. It's not as embarrassing as you can imagine! No one will say anything

"I want you to say whether this thing is feasible or not. I want to know... Forget it, you guy! At this time, I'm afraid there is no other significance except to add chaos! I'm off the phone! "

"No, don't do it first. I don't think there are too many problems in the direction of younger martial brother, even there is a reasonable reason! All the time? We doubt the direction really considered the depression, but really did not dare to go to which aspect to think, mainly is not so hanging edge! After all, the condition is above the spine, not in that part! "

"I also have some doubts. There is no connection between them at all!"

"What about the mysteries of the human body? It's not so easy to decipher. Why did I recommend younger martial brother earlier? Because I feel that his kung fu is not ordinary. Even I have no way to infer what he has reached now. But the higher the level is, the deeper the understanding of the mystery of human body will be. This is why I asked you to find him! "

"East, you can't either? No way

"It's impossible. No one knows what the younger martial brother is now! It's been a long time since he did it! Another point is how much strength you have left in your hand. Who knows? Although it is the age of hot weapons now! But what about some? It's not something that hot weapons can solve

"For example?"

"Yama asked you to die at the third watch. Who dares to keep you till the fifth? Although such a means needs to be very high-end, it doesn't mean that it can't be done or even doesn't know how to do it! But there are too few people who can do it now! At least I can't do this personally. I need too many opportunities, and at the same time, I also need a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources. These are not enough, but also need to have considerable details! "

"You mean Ding Yu is a Taoist! That's what it means! He has a considerable historical heritage, but also has a considerable fundamental! All aspects of the conditions are appropriate! With Ding Yu, this guy is also quite diligent and hardworking! "

"How many years has the history of Taoism been passed down? No one can say clearly. It has even become a national religion for a time. But what about some things? You can't look at the surface. The superficial things are used to bluff people. What I know is quite limited. However, if you want to understand Taoism, it doesn't mean that you can read Taoist books and understand some Taoist culture! "

"It feels mysterious!"

"Mystery comes from the unknown! But I want to understand that although the current science can explain some, but the explanation is not comprehensive enough, so many people have devoted themselves to the so-called theology. This is totally a mistake, at least the direction is wrong, which I said in the original time! So I think you can try it! "

"I need to think about it!"

After hanging up the phone, Bruno really fell into the middle of thinking, even sitting in front of the assistant did not have any meaning to pay attention to! It's just sitting there in a daze. What about Emma? It's one time, but how to deal with it is another!

But Bruno is still quite decisive. Is there something? Although it is difficult to deal with it, Bruno thinks it should be tried out for quite some consideration! For myself, maybe it's just a little embarrassing! It's not a big deal!

The next morning, Ding Yu looked at Bruno who was running over again. He also looked him up and down. It was OK. He didn't come over early in the morning. It was quite difficult!

"Go and have an examination in the afternoon! Two together Ding Yu said a deep voice!

"Does it affect me too?"Ding Yu looked up and down, "from the face, it seems that there are not too many problems, but the face of traditional Chinese medicine, in the eyes of ordinary people, is ghost talk, many people believe in the basis of science, so a scientific check, it seems that the other side has quite explained, I don't want to be thrown into the puddle in the future!"

"You are too cautious and careful, you fellow

"It may seem to you to be cautious and careful, but this is just a way! Some things are explained now! In the future, there will be quite a lot of trouble, which will lead to other disadvantages. Many contradictions are caused in this way. In fact, there are not so many things to say! First villains, then gentlemen! You understand, I rest assured, who is responsible for the tangle of the province in the future! Isn't it? "

"As if you were a good man!"

"I never said I was a good man! When did you hear me say that I am a good man, and a good man is definitely a derogatory term here, at least I think so! "

"In fact, I don't seem to be a good person either."

After saying that, two people's expressions are also different! But it is obvious that two people at this time how much seems to be so happy! "It's a good person or not, but Emma is very happy today, as if the weight on her body suddenly fell off. It's just such a feeling. I can't tell what the reason is!"

"It's nothing to do with me. I'm just putting forward a solution! Others may have thought of it! Maybe I didn't think of it, but basically there won't be too many people doing this connection. This may be the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. It can't be said that traditional Chinese medicine is good, and Western medicine is bad. The integration of the two may be better! "

"It's hard! Even a few! "

"Just let me know the result after the inspection in the afternoon! Anything else? "

"It's not your style to start chasing people so soon! But I really have other things on my side! The matter of cross shareholding has been discussed above! We are all busy these days! Now that we have a preliminary agreement, we are waiting for your golden pen to write! "

"This is not a big problem. Are you so careful?"

"Feel your side! Recently, there are many ghosts. I don't believe you don't feel at all. I don't know what you think, no matter what? We need to pay attention to them! "

"Why must it be me?" Ding Yu couldn't afford to snort, "is the target not you?"

"It's me or yours. It's clear in your heart that the British thing is over! Now you can put your whole attention on you. At least you join the circle now. Some people are not likely to fight from the surface, but secretly! It's impossible for this guy not to engage in so-called small movements, which have become habitual! "

"Then let them do some so-called little moves! In the end, some people need to be given a space to indulge, don't they? "

Bruno looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, and then shook his head, "how do you deal with it is your own business. I don't do any interference. I can only give limited reminders. Now we all have other things to be busy with. To be exact, we need to digest and have obtained this big cake. Under such circumstances, your support is absolutely limited!"

"I know it's been said when you talk about it!"

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance of not entering oil and salt, Bruno nodded, "whatever you want! However, even if they started, they didn't see too much action. Now, at most, it's for the sake of face. Besides, it's not an easy thing to really want to do you! I don't believe you're going to capsize in a gutter like this! "

"It's easy or not. It depends on the situation. I hope they can be more active, but who knows? Now it's time to do it! It's really a very interesting thing! " Ding Yu's appearance shows that the old God is there!

"It seems that you are absolutely ready! My words may be a little redundant! But at this time, no one wants you to have an accident! But some people will definitely stand on the sidelines. For them, you are really a bit big! "

"To see if their teeth will be better, I hope that their teeth can be better. In this way, I can be a little alert. If there is no good mouth, I'm afraid it will be more than just one tooth or two teeth broken out! I'll even kill myself

Bruno wants to remind Ding Yu again, but from Ding Yu's words, it can be clearly felt that if someone does it, Ding Yu will definitely kill the birds. After all, he has just joined in, and the time is slightly subtle. Under such circumstances, when someone starts to do something, things need to be solved!For Ding Yu, what is the best solution? It's very simple. If anyone dares to reach out, he can do it directly, instead of cutting off a hand. This is Ding Yu's consistent way!

Generally speaking, such a way is really too rude, even people disdain, but the problem is that this way placed on Ding Yu's body, it is extremely easy to use, and even make everyone have so many difficulties!

From this point of view, we and Ding Yu are obviously not the same kind of people, OK? But why do we get along so well with Ding Yu? Is it just because of interests? It seems that we can't say that!

But apart from the key point of interest, what else? Friendship?

When it comes to this, Bruno also shakes his head a little bit! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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