Ding Yu didn't make any action. Sanchez didn't have any action. At most, he made two phone calls to New York, but that's all! There was no sign of outrage, as if Jackson were not part of the Boston consortium!

But the New York side of the force is the most serious dissatisfaction! This dissatisfaction is not against Ding Yu or Sanchez! It's all about the shooting! It's OK to start with other people, without any problem, but it's totally unacceptable for Ding Yu and Sanchez's hands! And it's still on the ground in New York!

Although it can be said that there are endless forces of all sizes in New York, it is totally a pyramid like structure. The above sentence still needs to be heard below. Moreover, if Jackson and Zhan Zhao are really dead, it is not a big deal, but the problem is that they have no such behavior at all!

All the video materials can be good to illustrate this point, which is a little bit unacceptable!

In public, they started to fight Ding Yu and Boston consortia, and they were still on the territory of New York! What is this? Think we're bullied in New York, don't you? The people who started the operation didn't put the influence of New York in their eyes!

Ding Yu and Sanchez did not investigate this matter, but the New York side can not say anything about this aspect. This has nothing to do with the buttocks of New York sitting in that direction! Even if they are sitting on the opposite side of Ding Yu, at this time, they must not have any protection because they are Ding Yu's enemy!

What's more, they are not Ding Yu's enemies! In this case, New York from top to bottom can be said to be particularly concerned about, the above attention, the following naturally need to work hard!

"There seems to be a lot of people around us!"

Song Tianren took a look around him and raised his shoulder slightly. "It's not a big deal. It should be the power of New York. I didn't see that the police had come over. Something had happened before. If we said something happened again, we would have a good look!"

"How are you doing?"

"It's no big deal. Brother cat's condition is a little more serious, and he almost broke his bone. But now I'm afraid he can only lie down! If it moves, it will be very painful, after all, bone fracture is not a small thing! There's no big problem with the gunshot wounds on your body! "

Jackson said in a low voice, because of the protection of brother cat, so he did not have too many problems, but such things are really so intolerable! What's the matter? Look at yourself bullied, right? So I gave myself such a hand! I'm afraid I would have gone to see God if I hadn't been lucky!

"What's your opinion, sir?"

"The director is very concerned about this matter, but let's deal with it by ourselves!"

"Mr. Yanu, that's the same thing." Jackson had a cigarette in his mouth, but he didn't mean to light it! Mainly to ease their emotions! When I was shot earlier, I almost peed my pants!

This is not to say how many things you have experienced, you can be indifferent, how possible! Now think of it, I still feel a little nervous! So it's also a cigarette in your mouth. When it's appropriate, you can divert your attention! After all, it can be better!

"Jackson, I called the two of them earlier, but there was no news from them, not even a little bit about it!" Song Tianren said thoughtfully!

"The goal is on you and me!" Jackson scratched his head. "Why put the target on you and me? We have three groups. We can say that they have nothing to do with each other. Why just aim at us? Is it because I'm here? It's a bit out of line with the actual situation. "

"The specific reason is not clear. There is no right to speak without investigation! What effect can we play by guessing for no reason? But the British and the South Asian? Even if it is deliberately framed, it does not need to take such a means! Do you think so? It's too low

"Calm down and think about it, it's really such a thing. Is the means of framing so low! What kind of person is not good? We have to use British and South Asian people, and we are still so obviously exposed before the Ming Dynasty. Let the British side be the scapegoat! "

"If Britain is used as the scapegoat to try out the director and the Boston consortium, it's OK. But what is the purpose of the participation of South Asian people? There must be something wrong with it! What do you say? "

When Wesley knew the news, it was already a little late! Fortunately, Britain still has considerable power in the United States. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will still be covered in the drum!

However, Wesley had been in the United States for quite a long time, so he did not have a long time to get quite intelligence, and even the relevant image data, he also had it in his hand! Look at the obvious three! Wesley also pinched his brow, these three guys! It's cannon fodder!When the so-called cannon fodder, it's no big deal, but you cover it up, right? Don't be so swaggering. What's the matter? You think you're the world's number one, so you're fearless? We're kids, so we deserve to be bullied?

However, Wesley is really not prepared to deal with this matter alone. He knows that this matter is one thing, and how to deal with it is another thing! So I didn't let this information stay in my hands for too long. I just changed hands and went out. I believe someone will be willing to take over!

"I have already checked it! It's our people! " At a special time, Jensen reported the situation to Wesley. "Even now they are under our intelligence department!"

"Such a big stab to move Jackson and Zhan Zhao, but also our people, their heads are flooded?"

"Is it water? I don't know. Although I am in charge of the operation, it doesn't mean that I can command all the people! What's more, I can only find out who they are subordinate to us, but who are their subordinates? I haven't found out yet, and

Looking at the hesitant Jensen, Wesley nodded! Sign him to go on!

"Our outside department! There is quite out of control, this thing you should know, not just because of Dili! Peter's affair has also had a considerable impact. Many people have no food to eat? "

"So you're more inclined to take the so-called private work, that is to say, they are used! Some people use our skins to do bad things Wesley's voice was so serious and deep!

"My personal tendency is like this: we have sent many people out over the years, but not so many people have been able to take them back. There are some internal problems, and the external situation is also rotten! Even the most basic life has a considerable problem, and the people sent out? A lot of times, the good and the bad are intermingled! "

There should be a limit to the difference between good and bad, isn't it? Now I've been shot! Let the British intelligence department back the black pot, this matter is noisy! And Wesley can be sure, these two guys! Maybe I've already bathed in that ditch now! If they can survive, they will be damned!

Without any use value, what is left? Waiting for someone to poke you in the ass?

"Who's that guy in South Asia? Why did he get involved? "

"What is involved in the intelligence bureau is not so clear! However, as far as my personal guess is concerned, the possibility of being pulled in is very large. How is it involved? They are not fools

"Can you find it?" But before he had finished speaking, Wesley laughed at himself, "I'm a bit of a whim! Under such circumstances, what will happen to the guys behind us? Just the guys in New York will never let him go. It's not so easy and easy to break free

"It's not so clear how those guys in New York are going to handle this matter, but it's certain that the American guys must have been involved in it. There are few who can do such things! But why bring us? Even if it is to attack Ding Yu, isn't such a method too crude

"Did you hear that? Their business? "

"You mean the people who were transferred? I've heard some rumors about this. It's a secret department within them. All the people in it are very elite. I don't know how to be exposed, but the overall structure is still there! "

"Even if the overall architecture is still there, what is the use of it! All the people below have been transferred! Is it hard to expect those in the office to go to the front line? It's impossible. Although the overall framework is left behind and no one has lost it, the secret department has no meaning of existence any more! "

"Wouldn't it be better, as you say, to put them all on the surface?" Jensen is very puzzled about this. "If they are all put on the surface, then their actions will certainly be exposed to the public, and they can achieve the same goal."

"It's not like that!" Wesley shook his head. "You! I'm afraid that it's only a matter of exerting one's strength in the action department! Jensen, remember one thing, if you're asked to sit on a chair in the future, or you're ready to take a break and mix in the so-called retirement benefits, or? Someone is going to send you to death! "

"I remember it!"

"I'll say that again. I hope you will always remember it in your head, always alert yourself, and your ability is outstanding. There is no doubt about it. But your ability is too one-sided to consider things as a whole. You should know that things are not black or white! Politics is always above action

"With such an action, Ding Yu got a backhand immediately!""You really can't say that the dismissal of the secret department was the hand of Ding Yu. You can't even find any clues and traces. Although we all know that this is the case, many forces are willing to sell Ding Yu a face! As for backhand in the United States? There was a sense of impatience

Jensen sat there and thought for a long time. "This action is so rough that it feels like it's intentional. In your words, it's angry! But even if it is angry, directly to Zhan Zhao and Jackson's small life, is not it too much? In particular, Jackson, who was placed by Ding Yu in Boston, was particularly valued by song Tianren! This is very unusual! "

"We are not so clear about what kind of changes there are. This matter will be discussed at the meeting soon. Let's do it for the time being! How's your job there? "

"What else? It's the same as before. I have to clear up some problems and situations. As for other things, I don't mean to touch on them. I'm in charge of the action, and act according to the order! At least it won't be too big a problem! "

"Ding Yu's people have been evacuated?"

"Anyway, as far as I know, all the personnel have been removed! And the evacuation was very clean, but little Charlie is still in France! His performance? I can't say it's a stop, but there's not much action. It's a little tricky. I've got a lot of information about him! "

"Little Charlie, we can't move. We don't have any law enforcement power in France. Moreover, there are many disputes between us and France. Little Charlie has decided on this. Moreover, little Charlie is from here. He knows us very well. Even when we have no action, he can make an action Outline

"Will Ding Yu make trouble for us on this matter?"

"No, Ding Yu won't make any big moves. On the one hand, it's because the Boston consortium is in the front, and on the other hand? Will Ding Yu directly beat them to death? What is the meaning after killing him? Ding Yu will never do such useless work! He! Very bad! So a warning at best

"What is the purpose? Ding Yu has always been a person who must report his revenge. We have cleared this point! Is it possible that Ding Yu did it on purpose? " At this point, Jensen's face was not so good-looking! After all, Britain is a ready-made example, Ding Yu deliberately set a trap for the British side!

Subsequent retaliation? Some of Jensen, who knew the inside story, couldn't bear to look directly. They didn't dare and didn't want to see it at the same time! Ding Yu bloodletting for the whole of Britain, but now Britain is not down, but the problem is whether you can sit firmly on the chair. It's all about two things. Don't look at the appearance! Because those are all fake!

"It's hard to say whether it was intentional or not, but Mr. Ding didn't make any moves, which was not only in my expectation, but also in my expectation! It's not that it didn't happen to Mr. Ding, so he didn't worry. It's definitely not the reason. He didn't act? He may be watching! Or have other deep meaning, the latter is the majority! As for his actions, it can't be said that he was prepared for it already! "

"Confused! I'm going! I'm just following orders, sir

Wesley didn't have any opinion about the leaving of Jensen. As for this matter? Let's talk about it after the discussion! From the current situation, it will never be thrown on their own body! I still have this point to grasp myself! At most, when I contact you in the future, I will show up, but that's all!

At the same time, Jin also reported to Ding Yu about the situation, "Sir, there are more people moving now, but the range of action is not so large. We all maintain a very cautious attitude towards this."

"What's the attitude in New York?"

"They seem to be so eager. After all, this thing happened on the streets of New York. If it's a small thing, there should be nothing. But obviously, it's not a small thing. They can't bear the pressure! But what does it feel like? There are so many thunder, little rain! "

"There should be more than three attackers! But how many people can be found now depends on New York! But my personal inclination? These guys who showed up should have gone to see God at this time! The possibility of being alive will never be as great as you think

"It should be said that there were still some tensions in the previous situation, but now it has suddenly stopped, which makes people have no idea! The speed of change makes it hard for people to adapt! "

"It's too early to say that they are poor in skills, and these guys still have considerable power. We can't take this lightly. Since they are willing to do this, we still need to provide them with considerable convenience."

Ding Yu is really quite black at this time. Now, he can't move you. This is the actual situation, but it doesn't mean that you can't be tossed about! At least can't let you have too good mood!And to do such a thing, for Ding Yu, is really an expert, after all, this is not the first time! It's very familiar!

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