Dingyu's way of starting is very simple. These departments have not been cut. If they don't, they need to be maintained. The so-called maintenance is not a penny and two cents can be satisfied!

It takes a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources, which is a bottomless hole. You took the lead in choosing this war, so I will be welcome! See who can't hold it first! Anyway, I am such a big stall. If I can't, I can start a new stove, but can you?

This is where Ding Yu is afraid! Dingyu doesn't care about these jars and cans! Smash it and smash it! But is your home stuff smashed and smashed? It doesn't seem like this!

The United States can say that this time is particularly concerned, but it is a matter of concern! Dingyu has no response at all, even Boston, and there is not too much reaction. They are the old God at all, as if they don't put what happened in their hearts!

It doesn't conform to Dingyu's character! He has always been jaicanthus? This way, Jackson and Zhan Zhao are moving. It is Ding Yu! But why Dingyu did not have any action, it was totally not in line with the common sense! Can't you get a big one behind this guy? It seems that there is no hearing about this aspect!

It is necessary to know that Dingyu is enjoying the fruits of victory at this time. In such a case, Dingyu can not move even if he wants to move. Is that why? So Dingyu doesn't have any action?

"Big master, chairman Li Jianxi agreed! If you are free, you can meet one side in Russia, just where the farm has introduced new technology! He went over and looked at it! "

"Such a thing still needs to be covered. Is it a little fussy?"

Sasha left her mouth. "Chairman Li hasn't moved much for many years! And Li's present days can be said to be particularly bad. In such a case, the whole South Korea can say that Chairman Li is particularly concerned. If the Korean side knows that Chairman Li sees you, I'm afraid it will really cause a big stir! "

"What we do here in the United States is a little bit too bad! Even if it is to give a stick, also need to give a so-called sweet date to eat! I can't take a so-called rotten persimmon and then let Li eat it in Rong and even South Korea, which is really a few people who are too bullied! "

"Li was not involved in this aspect. Although he ate the rotten persimmon, the following problems were basically settled by Chairman Li! Anyway, there is still a female president in front of us who is in the way. She is still a very good shield. Whether she has done something right or wrong is actually very vague! "

For Sasha's comment, Ding Yu nodded slightly, "not to say how much damage and influence she has caused to China, but compared with South Korea, she has made considerable contributions, but now everyone is only concerned about her shortcomings, and then enlarges it infinitely with magnifying glass! It's a little sad! "

"Although Li has the same problem, Mr. Li has too much good treatment, and can even command it remotely! Chairman Li will meet you this time. I think we will have to talk about this issue! "

"I am an old friend! What choice Li is going to make is his business. It is a bad thing to give him some setbacks. South Korea understands the same. If Samsung is really down! One is impossible, the other? I'm afraid the whole South Korea will be down! They are already symbiotic with each other! "

"Let Sun yingmen go?"

Dingyu looked at Sasha, and also considered some time for her suggestion! "Sun yingmen is not so suitable, let orange apricot go! Just show a pretty good attitude! If someone wants to make a fuss, let them go! Anyway, what bitter fruit is, I believe they should know now! "

After finishing this matter, Sasha didn't mean to leave, "I heard about song Tianren's things before!"

"Nothing big deal, there's no need to make something out! I'll let Taixi go and have a look! You! Let's just stop! This is the United States, not Europe, and some problems can not be handled in your way, otherwise it is really a mess! It's hard to end! "

Obviously, Dingyu's words make Sasha very dissatisfied! There are also some cold faces! This is also the personal character of Sasha decided, a little bit of strong, since someone hit the door! Whatever the reason, give him a shot first!

"If he is European or American, it depends on who has a stronger stick in his hand. There is no way to do it. If he refuses, he will either take a suit or kill him directly! It's all done! "

"If everything is handled in this way, the world is already in a mess!" Ding Yu comforts to say! "And the current situation makes you want to move. It is unnecessary. I know you have a little bit of fire these two days, so it's not good!""These guys are bullying and afraid of hard. They don't give them a little so-called taste. They don't know what it is like!" When she said this, Sasha had so many teeth and teeth, "although things are not so big, they do so, they don't give you face! Even embarrassing the whole consortium! "

"Things can't be violent. I used to take a tough attitude because we don't have any capital, but it's not the same now! We have a considerable capital. Since we have all sat here, we should go out of the game in person if there is no need. To be nice to say, it is rude, not to listen to, to bully children! "

"Are they children? The child is doing something wrong on the street with a machine gun? "

"I can't see the problem like this!" Ding Yu came out of the table with a pen, and turned it twice in his hand, and then drew a tree on the paper! "We are not that big, but we have grown very smoothly, and the United States is a tree? It's not the same! Compared with us, the big trees in the sky! "

"What do you mean?"

"What does cutting off one or two branches have on the whole uncle?" Ding Yu picked up a sentence, and then put the pen in the pen holder. "Don't say that it is to cut off one or two branches, even if it is cut off the branches, there is not much effect! At least not much for the whole tree, but if it is... "

Well? Sasha's eyes were also bright. Although she was ready to make a big move, she was also clear in her heart. Her actions could only be to cut off one or two branches. Even if she didn't pay attention to it, the branch would grow again!

"It's useless to cut off one or two branches, but if you say you give them some medicine, can they not fall down on their own initiative?" Sasha was completely in a frenzy. "No, it can't be a drug. If it is, it's not so safe and not so effective!"

"This problem needs to be step by step, which is the main reason why I keep this department. As long as it is still on the tree, I need to absorb nutrition. This is not really to say that if I want to stop, I can stop! Not so simple! And, if the branch is left, then there is no way for the other branches to grow! "

"You're all thinking about it now? I thought you would have cut all the branches off! "

"How can we do things first, if we can, cut off all the branches, really treat me as a fairy, and feel that I will not be tired, or what? Maybe when we cut off half of the trees, the branches that were cut off have grown again. If we don't see the speed of cutting, someone will recover quickly! "

"No wonder!" Sasha has fully understood Ding Yu's meaning, "but although the way is very good, but this speed is really so slow! And you changed the style, don't say how the following people adapt, and I am not so used to it, is that really good? And the U.S. will make it so easy for you to succeed? "

"It is human-made, but how to do it, this problem still needs to be considered. After all, what we see now is just one side of the tree! What is his back and what the root is like, we have some knowledge, but these know! It's still too little! "

"I see! I didn't expect you to think about it! "

Since the result of satisfaction, Sasha didn't mean to be aggressive! In fact, sometimes it is very reasonable, but in front of Dingyu, the situation is not the same! So there are so many different performances in this performance!

"Standing on the mountain and singing any song, all things are not one level of invariable, impossible things at all! But what kind of transformation? I'm afraid it's hard to explain it for a while and a half! What a matter! Sometimes you need to slow down, don't get over the line! "

"You are the master!" Although Sasha still has no intention of admitting the wrong, this attitude and action have also explained everything! And Dingyu also did not want to investigate the meaning, that would not have any meaning!

"The business here in the consortium is almost over! Now we have begun to sign the preliminary intention! "

"It's a good time, and it's also a good time to start posting the news! I believe there will be quite a few people who are interested in it! " Dingyu's voice is not very aggressive, but it has a certain degree of air!

When sun yingmen and Sasha began to send news to the outside world, some Ding Yu's opponents also felt that some of them couldn't sit down! Dingyu, this guy is walking so fast! Originally, although there were quite a number of financial groups and forces mixed with Dingyu, we still have a considerable control!

But now each other shares, cross! And really let Dingyu lose the so-called control!

No wonder that Ding Yu had no response to Jackson and Zhan Zhao before. Specifically, Dingyu didn't respond to songtianren, even with Boston consortium. They were all about to have a negotiation! This speed is really enough! Quick let people have no preparation!We should know that such a business negotiation, even if it is fast, will take a year and a half. But why is this time so fast? It involves not one or two consortia, or even many consortia. There will be no less trouble between each other! But in such a short time, the initial intention has been reached?

Even some people doubt that the so-called lawyers have sorted out the original documents? But anyway? The press conference has been held! Of course, it will not be sun Yingnan or Shasha. Naturally, it will not be Ding Yu. Even in the whole meeting minutes, their names can not be found!

The press conference has attracted the attention of quite a number of people, but more people are just looking at the flowers in the fog. It is impossible to see the essence of it? Because there are layers of curtains in the fog!

"Sir, we can monitor, but the question is, what's the point?"

"Is there any effect? All we need to do now is to obey orders!" In fact, I don't want to come over, but I can't resist the order of clapping on my desk? It's impossible!

"Head, it's not that I'm talkative. Look at those guys. We're just going to circle them! Isn't it obvious enough? I even have some doubts, if I do a little dangerous action, they will kill me directly! Not that there is no such possibility! "

"No! If that happens, you can push me ahead of you! "

Although their identity may have been exposed at a very early time, but it is clear that the other party does not want to take down their own meaning, at most is to examine a little bit so much, that's all!

However, this may be due to the fact that you don't have any weapons and equipment on your body. If you say you carry weapons and equipment on your body, it will be difficult to make it clear at that time!

Security actually noticed when they came in! But there is no alternative treatment, inspection after the release! It's just the so-called press conference. It's not a great event! As for why you should stare at them, because the smell on them is too obvious!

"Have you seen the press conference, sir?"

"No!" Ding Yu put down the document in his hand, "what? A lot of ghosts and monsters have come? "

"Not a lot, but a lot! I don't know what they are thinking about, but one thing is certain. They attach great importance to the press conference! In fact, my personal feeling is that they would like to see you, sir, or other heavyweights! "

"This net is a little bigger than that." Ding Yu can't buy a hum!

"Anyway, there are no other things. I just want to see the scenery. However, I have read their documents and they are all real. I don't know how to consider them!"

Ding Yu held his chin in his hand. "What's the situation with song Tianren?"

"No more problems! New York is very angry, but the attackers have committed suicide! At least the news is like this. It seems that there are a few people associated with it, but this is the end of the matter! "

"Did New York reach a so-called agreement with them? Or is it a tacit agreement? "

"It should not be tacit agreement!" "But I didn't investigate what the agreement was. Obviously, the New York side didn't mean to get involved. In that case, there was no need to say anything to the New York side! They took the lead in making the choice! "

"What's the attitude of Boston? In other words, New York doesn't give Boston any explanation? "

"As far as I know, New York did not give any private response to the Boston consortium. At most, the official released some news. It seems that Boston has not been paid attention to! But now Mr. Sanchez is very stable, and he doesn't have much dissatisfaction! "

"Is it one aspect that New York doesn't want to be involved in, another? I'm afraid it's also a little envious of Boston's affairs. Under such circumstances, showing a little arrogant attitude also shows quite a problem! "

"Just for breathing?"

"After all, it's a big city! And it's one of the largest cities in the world. It's very normal to be proud of yourself! Leave him alone! How to make this choice in New York is their own business. I believe they should also consider it clearly! Leaving New York, we eat and sleep the same way, nothing is different! "

"Sir, I'm very interested in the forces behind me. I can reach an agreement with the New York side. I even pushed the New York side to force the New York side out. This is not something that can be done with a little bit of benefit! It's worth pondering! "

"In fact, such a thing will not have any practical significance if it is traced down. It is just that there will be some transactions behind it! It's a common thing. If we turn this out, we'll offend too many people, and it's not good for us. So let's forget it! ""Sir, I don't want to find them out, and I don't have the curiosity. I mean, since I have opened this hole, I should open it up to them even more!"

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