"Wesley, I have a message!" With a glance, Jensen whispered!

Wesley squinted at some of the less steady Jensen! And then she gave Jensen a color! After a little manipulation, Wesley nodded to Jensen. The so-called control is anti shielding! To put it bluntly, it is so simple!

Don't think you are absolutely safe in your own office! Never said that! Be careful to sail for a long time!

"I called Mr. Ding Yuding earlier. Mr. Ding told me that there were still three missing fish in the previous attack, and now they have returned to England! Mr. Ding vaguely mentioned that this matter may be left to you to handle! "

"What?" Jansen snorted. There was so much hair! "This bastard? Still so yin? Let me deal with it. This is to make it clear that I will be the villain! Is he a little too disgusting? "

"This matter should come to an end, so you may be asked to deal with it. After all, both Jackson and Zhan Zhao should be Mr. Ding's people, and our people participated in it, although they were passive! But there is no way to be caught! Mr. Ding's words also express his attitude! "

"It's still the same as before."

However, after sighing, Jiansen also slightly hummed, "I got the news, Ding Yu went back to Russia!"

"Where did you get the information?" Wesley's face changed a little when he heard the news!

"What is the source of the news? Don't ask! In fact, to put it bluntly, there are some things that are not worth mentioning, and this is such an opportunity! This matter should not be hidden for too long, I just know the news a little earlier

"Do you have an idea?" Wesley looked at Jensen, and there was no other expression!

"What can I think?" Shaking her head, Jensen sighed a little! "I wish I could kill this bastard, but it's not realistic at all. I think it's one thing and how to do it is another! And now that bastard's body has focused so many eyes, it's hard to deal with it! "

The coffee on the table is a little cold, but it doesn't have much effect on Wesley! "Your message should be delivered in some ways! As far as I know, you have been dealing with domestic affairs recently, so the channel of information will not be too broad! "

"Why?" Jensen was a little bit alert, too!

"If you make a judgment, if the information channel is too narrow, you can get the source of information in two ways, one? It's the French side! The other one should be the United States. They have such a large branch here! But at this time, they will never take the initiative to contact you! So the biggest source of your news should be from France

Well!! Jason coughed twice and Wesley took a look! "You said that this channel was abandoned after it was used once! In fact, this statement is very unreasonable. The channel can only be narrowed or widened, or it can be directly destroyed! "

"So? I'm in the bag again? " Wesley's such a point, if Jensen has not yet understood, is really stupid X!

"There are many people who are concerned about Ding Yu, but what about the same? The people who can pay attention to Ding Yu's news are not as many as you think, because everyone and Mr. Ding get together at a certain distance! This will have a certain sense of security, but also a certain buffer! Therefore, at this time, only our old friends are able to find out the news and deliver it to us! "

"Maddy, is this what makes me jump again?"

"Jump into the pit?" Wesley muttered to himself, "who knows if it's a pit jump? It's too early to say so! This thing can be manipulated! "

"No! Is that all clear? And control? How to control it? "

"The U.S. side has cheated us and let our people be cannon fodder. Under such circumstances, will they continue to set a trap for us? What is this? Don't treat us like people? " The expression on Wesley's face remained unchanged, but from his words, we could see that he was not in general "angry".

"Doesn't it need to be discussed?" Jensen reminded me!

"Are you crazy? Or head water! If this matter is above the surface, how can it be handled? I am one of the top leaders. Although the clean-up is relatively clean now, once such a matter involves politics, it will be extremely difficult. Therefore, this matter can only let the upper authorities open one eye and close one eye! "

"Wesley, I've been told I don't have confidence!"

"Such a thing is not suitable for you! But I found that you are a little too targeted at you recently! This is a good thing, but not a good thing. You should pay more attention and pay attention to it yourself! ""These guys are looking at my weakness! Did I offend them? "

"Mr. Ding exposed you. I don't know whether it's a good thing or a nightmare? From this point of view, Mr. Ding seems to have some cautious eyes. That is to say, you have a big heart. You don't care about it at all. If you put it on other people's bodies, I'm afraid they've already collapsed! "

"There is nothing against me, but Ding Yu has not used any big moves, and thinks that I am so vulnerable?"

"It should not be the reason for this!" When Wesley said this, he was a little hesitant. In fact, Wesley felt a little puzzled. It was really easy to win Jansen! But Mr. Ding has never made any moves? What is the reason?

Is it a taboo to British intelligence departments? It should not be the reason for this! How could he be so worried about Britain? But if not for this? What's the reason? It's really hard to understand!

Mr. Ding's layout is too long-term, as long as there is no notice, then there will be overall misjudgment, this is Mr. Ding's terrible place! Wesley really means some scalp numbness!

"You go and deal with things first! As for the three people, if you can, it's better to keep them alive. After all, they also have a considerable identity. If they are slaughtered, the internal influence will not be so good, just close them! That's the only way to do it! "

"There should be no problem. I'll investigate it! But I can't make an absolute guarantee about it! I can only try my best! "

After leaving, Wesley also reported the relevant situation. Of course, he also mentioned something about Ding Yu's going to Russia! It's OK to control this thing secretly! Really, if you say it clearly, isn't it embarrassing for everyone? How to deal with it?

I have to say, Wesley's handling method is still very satisfactory to the public. Although this guy is a rising star, he has a set of things to deal with! The relationship with the royal family is good, the relationship with the government is also good, and there are quite a number of staff support!

Under such circumstances, no one will embarrass him! Because there is no need at all! This guy is not the one who monopolizes power! No matter what kind of people, Wesley can't say no to all comers, but he is not too harsh! This has been very difficult!

After all, Wesley can't be controlled by everything, leaving him no space! That would be no good for Wesley and no good for everyone. Similarly, everyone saw the future of Wesley, which is absolutely bright. In this case, is it really a good idea to offend Wesley?

When he was about to leave the office, the head of the intelligence department also tapped the table with his hand. "Wesley, handle carefully, and Jensen's side, he's a good helper in action!"

The so-called action is a good hand, but in other aspects, it is slightly retarded! This is really not a person two people's evaluation, everyone is so to look at! We all know that Wesley and Jensen have a good relationship, but if Jansen really makes a big mess, I hope Wesley can think about it!

After all, it seems that there are some improper things for Jensen to set up her own future! Everyone is more optimistic about your future, don't let down your good intentions!

"I understand! Jensen is more impulsive, but he is action oriented after all

It doesn't mean to cover up too much, but it doesn't mean to push Jensen out directly! At least to a certain extent, Jensen can still be trusted, he does not have too many other aspects of the mind, he can rest assured to use, this point is worth his own to invest in some!

"Sir, Wesley has sent a message about our trip to Russia!"

"Oh? Is he well informed? " For this matter, Ding Yu did not show too many accidents! "But he should not be so talkative? Yes? Did someone want to set him up? This guy is very smart. He will never send such a message without any reason! "

"He didn't say so, but it should be! If someone didn't want to set a trap for him, he would not have mentioned this situation directly to me. I think it should be a very dissatisfied expression! "

"It seems that our friends are really very useful, but it is not too low-level to always use such means! Whether it's to confuse us or to provoke us, it's a bit unbearable! "

"I think they should have both. On the one hand, they want to anger us, on the other hand, they should want to protect themselves. If they can pick up the so-called disputes, it would be better! After all, things in the UK are not completely over now. It is true that we have all retired, but the UK has not yet withdrawn from the EU! ""Things on the British side are too slow, the Royal side! Hum

Ding Yu's remark is obviously a little belittled. However, European politics has always been like this. It is really not clear that one sentence or two sentences can explain clearly, unless there is an absolutely strong leader. But is there such a possibility? In Ding Yu's opinion, it is almost impossible!

"Sir, how should this matter be dealt with? It seems that some friends in the United States are jumping too much! "

"It's not a good thing to jump too happily! These guys! The original time also because of the deeper hiding, so the more precious, reluctant to use, but now they have lost a considerable value! Since there is no value, let's make a deep use of it. Our old rivals have always had such a disposition, and there is no accident this time! "

Is it a little sad? Originally, they did not have any reservation to pay for the United States, but now they have been exposed for some inexplicable reasons. They even have to send them to Ding Yu's hand, waiting for Ding Yu to clean up. Even if you want to do so, you can do it as long as you are happy and wanton!

Even if it's Ding Yu's cold treatment, it's no big deal. Anyway, these guys are chicken ribs! It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to abandon them. Under such circumstances, it's not bad to give full play to their surplus value, is it?

"Sir, the character of these guys is stone!"

"The fortress is always broken from the inside. Since someone is willing to offer us such an opportunity, why not make good use of it? If you want to have a cup of coffee with their people, there should be no problem! What's more, drinking coffee in public is not a great thing

Jin already understood Ding Yu's meaning! If you ask them for coffee here, it will make the power behind them very difficult. Ding Yu clearly wants to find out the problems and conditions in this, and whether or not to take the plate?

If you don't take this plate, you can only watch these guys being identified by Ding Yu, and then put them in. When the time comes, the opposition head will be against you! But what if we pick up this plate? How do I get it? These guys have been exposed to the public, basically not much use value? Is it all done?

It's not impossible to solve the problem thoroughly, but the problem is to do it in such a way that the internal damage will appear a little big! It's good to say, but not to hear! For their own people can do so, in the future, who's heart is not good to think about one or two!

"How about meeting at the airport, sir?"

"You can arrange it! Sasha is leaving! You can see her off by the way

This matter does not need Ding Yu to come forward personally, there is not much need! Kim seems to be very keen on this matter, but on the road to send Sasha, he didn't mean to share the same car with Sasha. Can't you avoid it?

However, Xiao Jiu is a little embarrassed at this time! Along the way, Sasha from time to time to instill some things into herself, she is not suitable to listen to, but not to listen is also a little inappropriate! So I can only be silent to the right, I have a good feeling for my husband, but good impression can not represent everything!

The differences between eastern and Western cultures are reflected here! And small nine has always been so some can not let go of meaning!

"Kim? Is the sun coming out in the West today

Kim looked at Sasha seriously, and after a long time, he also knocked on his head! "Sir, I have something to do today, so let me escort you!"

"Cheat the ghost! As soon as you turn your eyes, you know that you must have other bad ideas Sasha was not polite at all, and there were some people who didn't give gold the face. "Besides, the two people around me came to you, and I heard it was a good meal to be cleaned up!"

"They have considerable potential, but this potential has not been brought into full play, and there are also some flaws in their cooperation." Anyway, there is still quite a time, as is to ease the relationship between each other! "At this point, they need quite a test, and the gentleman has not seen them yet!"

"Well!" Sasha snorted, but this is not aimed at the recent, but this is a few days of time! Ding Yu still doesn't mean to see two people. Is it hard to believe that his own people are not worth believing? It shouldn't be like this! "Since you have handed it to you, it's up to you!"

Sasha won't say it's up to you! I'm relieved. How can I admit defeat? And this person is still Jin, even in the face of Ding Yu, Shasha will not say so, personal personality causes, and other irrelevant!

"I'll go to Russia and hope he can be honest!"

Kim is a little silent. If you say it, it may have some credibility. But what you say seems to have no effect. Can you and I manage it? Since you can't control it, don't say anything! If you say it, you are really embarrassed!"Jin, protect him. Although it's calm now, there's no guarantee that anyone will get angry. Besides, Ding has always been so bold. Although sun Yingnan stayed here, she didn't have an idea at all! I'm afraid you are the only one in the family who can comfort you

Kim took a deep breath. "I'll try, but I can guarantee that no one can cross the line when I meet my husband!"

"I love the promise! At the same time, I will remember this guarantee! The plane is about to take off! Go back first

"I have some other things to do!" Then I turned my head and looked back!

Sasha is, um, did not pay attention to too much, directly on the plane! I don't seem to worry at all!

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