People on this side of the airport want to leave, but all of them are blocked! Can't move! At this time, Kim came slowly! Looking at the box in his hand, it seems a little heavy! It's really hard to judge whether there are other things in it? It's hard to say it clearly!

"I don't think I need to introduce myself! Everyone is very familiar with it! Just call me Kim! " Taking a look at the car, king made a click. "Have a cup of coffee? Freddy? I'm afraid I don't have such a chance in ordinary times. Today's weather is pretty good! "

Freddy, sitting in the back seat, looks at Kim. Obviously, if he doesn't get off the bus at this time, I'm afraid there won't be too many good fruits to eat. All of them have been blocked! Jin took the lead in the direction of the hangar, the distance is not as far as imagined! Freddy gave a sign and got out of the car!

Jin didn't mean to put down the things in his hand, but when he got to the gate of the hangar, he didn't mean to enter the hangar immediately. That is to say, he stopped at the door and looked at the four people following him! It is also to stop their own pace! "It seems a little hard today! Freddie

"Is my name so loud?"

"It's not loud at all. If you don't know something about it, you won't notice it, but it's someone who has a great influence." Jin pulled a chair, the first to sit down, at the same time put the box inside the handle on the desktop, but still did not want to open the meaning!

"Anyway, you are a senior member of the team! Now it's really flattering to run out personally at this time. Should I show some respect here? " Kim said it on purpose!

"Mr. king, please invite us here. It seems that the situation is not enough?"

What about the things on the table? In addition to the box, there were several cups of coffee. King motioned and picked up a cup casually. "Freddy, are you interested in changing your job?" Good, a sip of coffee, the taste is too general, gold is also placed down, slightly disliked! Then he opened the box that he had been carrying!

There are not a lot of things in it, but it makes people have some dazzling, a small bag of bricks and stones, "now I think you should also be clear, sir, you don't have much interest in you. What if you were knocked to death? Freddy, you are not alone. Take everyone to the fire pit. It seems that this is not appropriate! Isn't it? "

"Director Jin, your recruitment is very cruel, but it is a little boring!"

"Everyone knows that your existence is meaningless! Sir, I don't pay attention to your small actions, although you are a little bit over standard! But now it's going to be cannon fodder! It's really a little wasteful! "

"Director Kim, is it so good to be a dog?" Freddy is scornful!

"Be a dog?" Kim shook his head. "I think your personal ideas are quite problematic, even extreme. I understand that your words are quite derogatory! Can understand, after all, standing position is not the same, you can say what you can, I do not want to forcibly change the meaning! Everyone has his own ideas! "

Freddy was trying to piss Kim off, but it was clear that Kim didn't eat it!

"If you want to buy me off with this, director Kim, you've got the wrong person!"

"You still don't understand the situation, OK! I'll tell you about the situation. You've been betrayed! Who betrayed you? I don't think the people below know, but do you dare Freddie not know? The forces behind you have betrayed you, and since you have been exposed, you have no value at all! "

"No value is one thing, but selling is another! Mr. king, there's no point in wasting your words like this! If there's nothing wrong, I have something else to do! "

"Betrayal? Why does this word sound so familiar? Freddie, maybe you can keep your own life. After all, your family background is different, so you can be sure in your heart that you will not be attacked by the top! But what about the people below? They deserve it, because of your decision, they have to die? We must destroy our families and destroy our families! Although the success of the project will be withered, isn't it a bit inappropriate to do so? "

"Director Kim, are you so confident?"

"It's not a matter of self-confidence or self-confidence. Since we can sit together, it has already explained quite a problem! Maybe now the forces behind you have been informed, so now you need to face a choice! It's not about how to settle your problems, but how to deal with them! In fact, it is very cost-effective to execute you for their so-called interests! Isn't it? "

Freddie didn't mean to look back, but he could feel that there were some problems in the breath of the three people behind him! This has nothing to do with the diamond in front of you!"Director Jin, you are a bit of a talent to stay in this position! You should be a press spokesman! "

"Say it! You Freddie has a choice, but does anyone else have a choice? There is no choice, even now some people should have considered killing! If your husband wants to move you, you don't need to borrow any people, because you've been sent to your plate! But Sir is willing to give you a chance

"Kim, you did it on purpose!" Freddy's face was so ugly!

"On purpose?" Kim snorted, "why do you say that? Mr. A's trip to Russia was revealed to Britain! So what? Is Britain going to get into trouble with your husband at this time? Even if the news has been passed on, the British side has turned a blind eye to the news, but not heard of it, so this joke is really ridiculous

Freddie's face also changed greatly. "Director king, you can't talk casually!"

"It seems that even you know that you can't cheat yourself!" Jin also grinned grimly at the three people behind him, "see? Your leader! I feel it now! These are lies. The balloon will explode in an instant When speaking, Jin also deliberately made a gesture!

Two hands slowly open, open to a certain extent, the mouth is also a coax! Not to mention, it is really a very phenomenon, but from another point of view, how many people hate!

"Director Kim, whatever it is? None of us will betray it! "

"It doesn't matter!" Kim's answer was unexpected! Now that it's all recruitment! Can you still say that? Is there something that goes against it? "What you want or not is your own business, and it has nothing to do with me! I'm not your boss, I'm not your parents. I don't mean to be forced to do it! "

I don't know where to pull a small cigar out of the room, and Kim just held it in his mouth. "Do you have any last words to say? I mean the last three. Maybe on the way back, you will be attacked quite a bit. Of course, I will make a witness. I can use the reputation of my husband to guarantee that I will never do anything! "

"Even if it is sacrifice, we will not betray!"

"What about your so-called betrayal? Who will not be betrayed? " Kim looked at Freddie with disdain. "You may not die. At most, you will be shot twice. Then your old boss or the people behind you will meet you and tell you that this is a necessary sacrifice. Your resistance and resistance are useless! Because he will tell you, take good care of these people's widows! Yes, your understanding is correct, this is the threat! Even if I was there at that time, he would have said so

After clapping his hands twice, Kim's attitude changed. "Where am I going? It's a good thing to tell you the actual situation. In fact, it's very good for you to die clean. In my husband's words, it's not easy to find a toad with three legs, but there are some people with two legs. If you die, it will not have any influence, just like the wind blows through it! "

"Director Jin, are you so confident?"

"Why not have confidence? How do you think your information is exposed, is it really unable to bear the pressure? There may be some reasons for this, but this is definitely not the most important! Because you don't have much value! This is the key! Since there is no value! What should I do? If you really dispose of the waste, it seems inappropriate, because the rest of you have some foundation! In this case, if you can't handle it yourself, let others deal with it! For example, sir! It's a good choice! "

Jin explained everything very well, so that the three people in the back were also panicked! In a comprehensive view, what happened in this period of time seems to be really like this! The people below have been transferred! But these people did not have any action, and the things they told them were so rough and stiff!

Now Jin said that there was no in-situ explosion. They were all good at their quality, but they were also veteran craftsmen mixed in the trade! How can you not know anything about it?

"You don't have to see Freddie! There are people behind him, although there will be no way to engage in this work in the future! But there are still a lot of jobs for him to choose, promotion and pay rise, wrong, promotion is the most important, pay rise for him personally is meaningless! As for taking care of your widow? There should be no problem in the first two years of this, but after two years, there will not be too many solutions! "

With a playful smile, Jin did not dislike his dry tongue, "do you know why? Because there is no extra money to waste! Originally, your identity is of a special nature. Previously, in order to stabilize Freddie, there were not too many problems, but with the change of time, who can guarantee such things as you! Can you still jump back from hell? "

"And I'm sure Freddy is resisting now, but what about when you're dead? He'll take it! Now just do it! This is absolutely not nonsenseThe three people standing behind Freddie are not as smooth as they thought!

"And what else! You don't have to think about fame! There will be no such thing happening. If you die, you will die! At most, I can give you some compensation, but is this compensation? Maybe it's not enough for a meal for the big people behind it! You are the object of being used. To put it bluntly, it is so simple. Do you think what I said is too cruel? "

"Director gold! Are you sure? "

Before Kim speaks, the mobile phone on the desktop rings first, and Freddy is the one who talks behind his back! But that is to see a look, there is no other action, gold pressed the headset!

"I'm Kim! Well, I know! "

After a while, after the phone call, king looked at the four people in front of him with a pitiful look. "Freddy, I'm sorry to say that two of your people are dead! It's all traffic accidents. It seems that their reaction is very quick! "

It can't be Freddie got angry!

"If you don't get the news, it doesn't mean that I can't get the information, exactly? I just don't want to carry this black pot, because there's no need, is it? okay! My task has been completed and played a catalytic role in it. Is it a little late to say sorry now? "

"Gold manager!"

Listening to the people behind him, Freddie was also a jerk. "McNair, do you know what you're doing?"

"Head! I don't want to die. I just need you to make sure that the safety of the family and their life can be guaranteed at the same time! I have only one request! " The man who stood out looked at Freddy seriously. "Since I came here, I haven't regarded my life as a thing, but I can't make my daughter even unable to go to school!"

Freddie took a deep look, and his eyes showed helplessness, pity, and even considerable grief. Dare he say this? I dare not say, because my salary is only so much, and what I have to face is not one person, but all the people in the whole team!

"I will work hard!"

"Boss, we all believe in this, but the problem is that what we need is a guarantee. Even if we go out, we will immediately fall down, and there is no regret. We have no concept of money, so it doesn't matter if we become cannon fodder. Since we enter this business, we need to sacrifice. We just hope that we can sacrifice It's worth it! "

Having said that, without any hesitation, he pulled the gun out of his armpit. However, Jin slightly waved his hand to the security guard and sat on the chair to watch, because he had already guessed what would happen next!

McNair opened the safety and turned his chin at the muzzle of the gun! "Head, I hope you can say that you can do it! I'm not afraid of death! I didn't expect my death to be valuable! "

Freddie was silent, but the silence didn't last long. Kim's phone rang again. Listening to the voice in the phone, Kim didn't say too much, that is to say, a few times! "I see. It doesn't matter how many people die. Just keep watching! There won't be any action on us over there

Looking at Freddie in front of him again, "there is a bad news. Two more died. One of them jumped out of the building. I heard it was bankrupt! So I jumped out of the building after drinking! Is one of your deputies, there is also a accidentally fell down the stairs, broke his neck, slightly so some miserable! You've had good luck in speaking of it! "

"Head! It seems that we have no choice! "

But just after this, a man with glasses in the back quietly pulled out his gun and directly put it on the back of McNair's head, "sorry!" When Freddie saw this scene, the words just came to his mouth, and there was a blood mist in front of him! The whole head's gone!

Jin slightly frowned, took out his handkerchief and wiped it a few times, but the blood and the white brain are not very easy to clear! "I said, isn't it a little too hard to do it?! It doesn't matter if you kill people, but please, don't make it so bloody, OK

"Calm down!" Freddie also called out, looking at McNair who had fallen to the ground, and his eyes were full of laments! It shouldn't be like this. Things are out of control now! Even if you don't do it, will McNair really betray? He's got his gun on his chin!

"Calm down?" King snorted. "Freddy, you haven't seen what's going on? Or really want to let the people around you die! This is more comfortable, this one! It's been bought! How can you not understand such a simple thing? Yes, of course! You may just pretend you don't understand

He cocked up his legs and looked at the middle-aged man who was already shivering, "this one? How do I say this? If you want to stay, I will protect your life without any problem, he dare not shoot, I certainly hope you can be brave! But this matter is not I can decide! So forgive me"Gold!" Freddie let out a roar!

"Why are you so angry? Is this normal? Is it really because of my provocation? That's why this happens. Don't be silly! It's never been like this! The question is what kind of choice do you make? I never thought you were a hesitant person, but judging from the present situation, it is obvious that these people are almost going to die! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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