When Ding Yu came to the hospital in the morning, he saw some people crowded in the front door of the hospital, some noisy and disorderly! And look at this posture, it seems to be shooting something, such scenes are actually quite common! Ding Yu really didn't show too much concern! I don't have much to do with myself!

But when he was about to enter the hospital, Ding Yu glanced at some people chatting at the door, and then stopped his own steps. He seemed to see a vague figure! Old ghost's niece, why is she here!

After calling the security guard, he whispered a few words. Ding Yu also went to the elevator and went to his own office!

My girls were chatting in a low voice. The security guard also came to one of the young girls. The people around looked at the foreign guy in a suit and looked like a black super. They were so confused. What is this for? Is there anything wrong?

"Hello, sir. May I help you? Our shooting has been applied for! The hospital also agreed! "

The security guard took a look at the two people standing next to him, that is to say, he blinked his eyes, and then his eyes were placed on the young girl's body. "Hello, I'm Mr. Ding Yuding's security guard. Mr. Ding just saw you. I don't know if he is in the office above at this time."

"Uncle?" Xu Linlin was still a little scared at the beginning! After all, this is the United States, not China. It has a certain reputation these years, but how much this reputation can play in the United States is still unknown! "Is uncle here?" The girl almost jumped up.

See the security is also made an invitation gesture, Xu Linlin is also rushed to the side of the deputy director said! "Director, I didn't know uncle was here! Can you take two minutes? I'll visit my uncle and I'll be back soon! "

"Linlin, we only have one hour to shoot. The hospital has set a time for me!" Deputy director also has so some embarrassed to say! After all, this thing will have a considerable impact! The reason why I said this is because of the one in front of me? Is also a little famous, and the person is not so jump off.

Otherwise, I would not have said so!

After hearing this, the security guard did not turn around to take a look. He pressed his earphone and whispered a few words. Then he also looked at the middle-aged man next to him, "two hours of shooting time! The hospital has approved it! You will be asked to sign a supplementary agreement later! "

Ah? This is not only the deputy director's surprise, but also the people nearby are all shouting in a low voice. You know, this is the Harvard general hospital. It is not a small hospital. It has been a lot of trouble before. This just signed up for an hour's shooting time. But I never thought, people just said a few words and directly added an hour! This NIMA!

"Director, uncle is a benefactor of our family. I'll come back soon after I say hello! It will never be delayed! "

"Assistant Dou, and Xiao Guan, you can help me with it." Previously, there were still some worries, but now it seems that the situation is not quite the same as what I imagined! Linlin, the girl, is not the most gorgeous girl in my imagination, and in her own opinion? A little too green!

Several people followed behind the security guard, and then went to the elevator. The elevator was not for patients, but a dedicated elevator. During this period, no one came to disturb me! Came to the door, the security also knocked on the door, when allowed, just took the lead to open the door!

"Sir! Here they are

Ding Yu sat on his sofa and looked at the girl who came in. There was a little smile on her face. But the smile was fleeting. "When did you come to America? And not say hello? "

"Uncle!" Xu Linlin is also respectful salute, after all, the things at home were handled by this uncle, as well as her own affairs in school, which were also assisted by her uncle. Otherwise, she did not know where she was now! And I've been in the entertainment industry for so many years. Basically, I've had a good time. It's impossible for me to have no reason at all!

"Sit down!" Ding Yu points to the position in front of you! "Don't say hello when you come! It's time to knock your head! "

"Uncle, I haven't seen you for years! You are still so young! Previously, I also went to the capital, but you are not at home! My aunt also asked me to bring some things! But every time it's a big bag. It's full again! Some of my fears are gone! "

Xu Linlin also said with a smile to Ding Yu! "Thanks to your care, I always wanted to find a chance to express my thanks, but I couldn't find the opportunity. I didn't expect to meet you here today!"

"I have a part-time job here, that is to be a doctor! I saw you when I came here in the morning. I didn't expect to see you for several years. I've grown into a big girl! Not bad Ding Yu took a look at it. "There are not too many changes on his face. I can see that there is no gun moving gun. It's natural, good!""Uncle, give me some face!"

"I heard that Gong Yi's son of a bitch is now a manager for you! Does this guy still remember to eat or not to fight? "

"Uncle, can you say so about manager Gong, when he was young, he took care of me after I came out of school. Everyone will make mistakes, so long as you correct them carefully!"

"I don't have time at noon. Am I free in the evening? Come home and have a meal if you have time! If it's not convenient for you, you can go anywhere! The food here is not bad! "

Xu Linlin thought for a moment, "uncle, Gong is also here. He was too busy before. I'm afraid he will be able to come here after a while. Otherwise, do you always have a look?" Things belong to things, and human feelings to human feelings, which need to be distinguished and looked at!

"I haven't seen this bastard for years! Say it in the evening! I'll have you informed! "

When he came out of Ding Yu's doctor's office, the assistant next to him was also close to him at the first time, "Linlin, who is this! I've never heard of you before! "

"My uncle's comrade in arms friend, after my uncle died, he took good care of my aunt's family. I had seen two sides in school at the beginning, because of my uncle's sake, he was very kind to me! Mr. Gong knows about this. No, I have to call Mr. Gong first. "

As she walked downstairs, she took out her mobile phone. However, the assistant hesitated, "Linlin, Mr. Gong should be resting now, jet lag aside. She had been with the client for two nights before! Is there something wrong now? "

"If I don't call him, he'll be really upset!" Then I dialed the phone, and it took a long time to get through! There was a little mumbling over the phone!

"I said," little ancestor, I just slept for two hours. Would you please let me have a rest? We need to reason, OK? Your influence on my rest, the impact on the whole play... "

It's a treat for you! I've tried my best to face it

"Pull it, you will!" Gong Yi shakes his head. What about Xu Linlin? I really do not have too many ways, but this girl? It's quite good. There are not so many messy things. She is very attentive to acting. She offended her at that time, but she didn't care too much about it! The cooperation between each other can be said to be very good!

"How about the shooting at the hospital? If there's nothing else, I'll shoot first. I'll invite you in the evening

Please don't Linlin also said with a laugh, "I met uncle Ding just now in the hospital! He just saw me, and I also mentioned that you are here! I don't know if you have time in the evening! "

"What?" Xu Linlin is to take out her own ear, the voice over the phone is a little loud! Gong Yi directly sat up, "Linlin, I didn't hear you wrong! Is that true? "

"Well, that's right. I went with assistant Gong to say hello to uncle!"

"Wait for me, I'll be there in a minute!" Gong Yi also jumped up. What is the so-called sleepiness there at this time? Already ran to the horizon, disappeared!

Given two hours of shooting time, everything was in full swing. When the crew looked at Xu Linlin, their eyes were different! But Xu Linlin is still the same as usual, no high spirited performance, no arbitrary reprimand attitude! This is especially appreciated by the director!

Even the director also pulled the Gong Yi to one side of the position, "Mr. Gong, do you want to change it?"

After thinking about it for a while, he also shook his head, "don't change it! The starting point of this girl is not low. The speed of rising in recent years can be said to be quite fast. Fortunately, she is relatively calm and steady, and has not floated. My side is already satisfied! Good luck, little girl

"Mr. Gong, is there a dignitary here?" Point to the next building!

Gong Yi took a look at the director, but also a smile, "you old guy, you are really the ghost essence! Well, I'll tell you, just listen to it as a joke! When Linlin entered the school, I took a fancy to this girl. She was very pure and independent of the world. But the people below were too rough. I was cleaned up by a good meal, but it was also very good! It's a change now

"Mr. Gong, do you still have such a scandal?" The director said a compliment, want to know in 49 cities mixed up? Although Gong Yi's status is not so high, he can't afford to offend his free way of dealing with people!

"The people below are so asshole, but fortunately Yu Shao doesn't care too much about it, and the things in those years are very muddleheaded in the past! But I haven't seen less feather in some years! " What about Ding Yu? Gong Yi did not mention too much, after all, it involved quite a thing! Don't make trouble for yourself!

"Little feather? Not much of it? "

"Stop it! Not many of them have heard of it Gong Yi also pointed up, "Linlin! Although the relationship behind is said to be through the sky, but has never been too much situation, you! Just know it! Don't spread it out! Up to you! Don't say that when I don't tell you how to be nice, I'll be like an ant if they make me! ""Mr. Gong? Is it a little exaggerated? " The director said with a smile!

"Exaggeration? You don't see more exaggeration Gong Yi sat on one side and shook his head, "there are No.1 in the 49 cities. In the early years, there may have been stabbed with this one, but these years! First, the majority of this person is relatively low-key, second, is it? Hum

"Well, I see! Mr. Gong, I'll invite you when you go back! "

"No, please! A good shot of this play is better than anything! What about Linlin these years? It is also relying on your support, so I have got the present achievement. If you can train her well, it will have a bright future

"Well! Linlin is a very attentive child. She is a good child! General manager Gong, in front of you, I'm not afraid to say it directly. She came to be a female sophomore. She certainly has your face, but is there a considerable part of the reason? Or because she has a good foundation and doesn't have so many messy things, which makes people like it. This business is too grandiose, and few people can live calmly, especially at this age! Too much to see! "

"Well, I won't tell you! Let's see if we have a chance to see the young and the big! "

"OK, Mr. Gong, if you need anything, please let me know."

Gong Yi has been waiting until noon to see Ding Yu. This is because Ding Yu is free! So I took the time to meet him. Of course, it was partly because Xu Linlin had said two good words to him. Otherwise, he could stay where he was cool! I just don't care!

"Big and little!" When seeing Ding Yu, Gong Yi also lowered his waist!

However, this did not please Ding Yu. Instead, he let Ding Yu frown a little, "straighten up your waist, not seven years old and eighty years old, a little energetic!"

"Big and little!" Gong Yi also agreed with a smile, "seeing big and little you, is also a little excited! I didn't expect to meet you here! It's really... "

"Well, don't flatter! I saw Linlin in the morning. I haven't seen her for several years! It is said that this girl has developed well in the past two years, and thanks to your care, she said two good words to you, but I didn't see that you still have this idea! It's not easy! "

Hearing this, Gong Yi felt his heart stretch out at once, as if it was hot after being ironed by an iron! Although Linlin this girl has never mentioned, but can let her say this sentence, their hard work these years is really no white pay! It's really not a white eyed wolf!

"Big boy, I did something wrong in those years. Fortunately, Linlin gave me a chance to correct it! Can also rely on this profession to mix a bowl of rice to eat! Ask yourself, if there is no chance to repent, what will it look like? I really dare not imagine it! " Under Ding Yu's sign, Gong Yi sits down!

"This business is quite chaotic. Everything has happened, and many of them are under the spotlight! It's not so easy to deal with things well. There are some industries in this field at home. I asked two children in those years, but they were not interested in this aspect either! "

"What a mess! To tell you the truth, what about the society now? The change is too fast, the social change is fast, this people's heart is a little too impetuous, I'm afraid it can't be changed in a day or two! It's nothing to say to come in and play, but it's a bit inappropriate to say that you really want to enter this business! Linlin! This is still for the sake of nursing, but it's also weird! It's really frightening! "

"You boy, run to me and ask for credit

"Big and little, I think so carefully, you can see it all!" Gong Yi also said with a smile, "Yu Shao, it's already noon! I've arranged a place? "

"This is Boston! You! Come here, is also a guest! Not a stranger! I've ordered a place to have dinner in the evening. " After a while, Ding Yu also looked at Gong Yi, "Linlin didn't tell you about the old ghost?"

"I haven't heard of it. Linlin doesn't say it. I haven't asked about it! After all, this is a private matter! I'm not too good to ask too much! Is there anything wrong, big or small? "

"Lin Lin Lin's uncle is my comrade in arms. We all like to call him an old ghost. He died a little unjustly and was killed by others."

When saying this, Gong Yi couldn't help but shrink back. I don't know why. I feel the goose bumps on my body are already up! Even can't help but hit a shiver!

"Linlin goes back to worship every year. She doesn't say if she asks. Does she worship her uncle?"

"We are all from the same team. If the old ghost died in the battlefield, but died in the hands of local ruffians, we can't bear it! I'm going to kill everyone

"Out?" Gong Yi couldn't help but think of something, "what happened in the stone city at that time! Apart from that, I haven't heard much of it! "

"The sources of the news are quite wide! At that time, I was young and full of vigor, and I felt the blood was surging up. So I put out these guys, along with those skirts! I heard the noise, but there were a little more gossipers, but then it was over! "Get it! Although the stone city things I know are not so detailed, but some of the grapevine I still know! Good guy! Now think of it, but also a kind of lingering fear!

What's more, as far as I know, the stone city now has considerable development and brightness. The storm at that time can be said to have played a considerable role. Who has no point in his heart? Right?

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