In the evening, Ding Yu found a well-known restaurant in Boston and hosted Xu Linlin and Gong Yi.

The environment of the hotel is very elegant. Xu Linlin is also a little excited! The only feeling is that I didn't do so much preparation when I came here. I didn't really wear very good clothes on my body. I don't know if my uncle cares about this! At least I care so much!

"Coming?" Ding Yu called his hand and looked at the gift prepared by Gong Yi, but he could not help shaking his head, "it's OK to come! You! This gift is regarded as a big mistake Looking at the things in Gong Yi's hand, Ding Yu didn't mean to be merciful at all, and said it directly! You are welcome!

"Big and little, I'm in a hurry! I'm not so familiar with here, so I'll make you laugh! "

"I didn't expect you to come back! But fortunately, there is some preparation, so it is not so difficult! " Let two people sit down, and then the waiter also came in one after another!

After all the things came up, Ding Yu also knocked on the cup, "they are all Chinese, so there is no need to make so many false courtesies. There is no need! Whether to use knives and forks or chopsticks depends on everyone's preference! There's no need to make yourself so embarrassed in order to agree! "

Xu Linlin looks at all the things on the table, and she also has some drooling. But because she is an actor, she can't open her mouth even if she is drooling! Think about it is really some sad!

"Uncle, you mean it! I know I need to keep fit and have so many good things

"Gong Yi, what's your company's arrangement for Linlin?"

Ding Yu is very direct, so he starts the topic. Gong Yi's chopsticks in his hand pause for a moment, "big little, what do you mean?" When talking, he also looked at Ding Yu with an uncertain look, because he was a little uncertain!

"Linlin! Although it is said to be an old ghost's niece, it is also my niece. What's wrong with it? You're in the way! I know that you have a lot of credit for this, but Linlin is a girl! I really don't like her to be a star. I think you should know about it

"Star?" Gong Yi seems to have realized something, but he is still trying to say, "big little, in fact, the people in the circle are still very optimistic about Linlin. To say it's really spiritual, it's a bit of a drag, but the day after tomorrow, we'll work very hard, and we all know about it! She! Although not born to eat this bowl of rice, but this bowl of rice is really not eaten by others! "

"Linlin, what do you say, little girl? Today, in front of Miyagi, I'd like to tell you what's in your heart. If you want to be a star, there's no problem. No matter whether it's China or the United States, you can do it at will! But if you want to be a better actor, no one can help you except yourself

"Uncle! Isn't this a little too difficult? " Linlin felt a little bit distressed!

Gong Yi is slightly hanging down his head. Now he doesn't even dare to give up the atmosphere. Most of them are really open-minded. Now it depends on Lin Lin Lin's choice. It's good to be a star, but also, to be a star is to give up a lot of things.

In the face of the current world, can Linlin endure such temptation? Gong Yi's head is also very fast, and she has no other problems. No matter what kind of choice Linlin makes, she won't suffer too much. But from Gong Yi's point of view, being a star is the best choice!

"Previously, I asked people to know about you, and I performed very well. Although I said that there was palace care in recent years, there was no wanton behavior and no intentional operation. I appreciate this. However, it is not so easy for stars and actors to live and moisten a little."

"Uncle, I personally don't like that high profile! Forget it, I'll still be an actor! I don't want to fly to the branch and become a Phoenix. I'm not like that! The feeling is flat and light also very good! "

"It's plain and light, but it's not so easy to do it!"

But just half of Ding Yu's words, he saw a security guard come in and lean over to Ding Yu's ear. He whispered two words. Ding Yu could not help but snorted, "this old guy, did you come here at this time? What about the kids? Come along too

Seeing the security nodded, Ding Yu also responded and nodded, "please come here! If you don't invite him, I'm afraid that he will break in directly, and he has not never done such a thing! "

It didn't take long to see Bruno coming in with his three children! "Ding! Am I bothering you? "

Ding Yu hated to give a white eye, but still stood up, "I said Bruno, you old guy is a bit disrespectful, went to the other side of the capital, eating and drinking in the quadrangle, and even a meal of looting, a little too much!""Slander, pure slander Bruno screamed, too!

However, Gong Yi's chin is about to fall to the ground at this time! If Xu Linlin hadn't poked him, I'm afraid he couldn't wake up for a moment and a half. The one in front of him is really famous!

No one dares to say that he doesn't know the old man if he is involved in this business!

"Ding, your friend?"

Looking at the two people standing there, Bruno asked casually! It seems that it is not so attentive! Even though there is some frivolity in attitude, this is also in line with Bruno's character! Besides Ding Yu, there are not so many people who can move him!

"You old man! It's still such a style! Gong Yi, Linlin, come here. I'd like to introduce you two. This is Bruno, an old bum! "

Looking at Gong Yi and Lin Lin's attitude, Ding Yu immediately looks at Bruno, but ignores his joking eyes, "Linlin is one of my nieces! His uncle is my brother in life and death. When he died, I asked all the people to be buried with him! Now mixed up is still good, is a small actor! That's her manager! "

"Is everyone buried with him?" Bruno froze for a moment. "It's like your style! It seems vaguely that I have heard of it! " Ding Yu Nuo, look at some strange things about you

"Whatever! Now that you've done it, there's no need to hide! And even if it's hiding! So what? "

Bruno, on the other hand, raised his shoulder, "so say it! You are a very special guy After finishing the words, she looked at Xu Linlin and Gong Yi next to her. After examining and measuring for a period of time, she shook her head slightly, "Ding, her shape is not very good now. If she is allowed to walk on the T platform, it will be a disaster!"

"Vanity Fair is not suitable for her, at least not now! Even their own domestic affairs are not too clear, let alone foreign affairs! Your eyes are a little too ahead of time

Bruno is to give a favorable attitude, "this is also, to lay their own foundation is the foundation, if there is no foundation, everything is just duckweed." Finish saying, also be the first to stretch out own hand, "little girl, you have a good uncle! Congratulations

"Thank you, Mr. Bruno!" Xu Linlin still can't recover. When shaking hands, even the whole body still has a little shaking! Obviously, the tension still can't dissipate, but it's reasonable!

"Just to come here to eat?"

"I didn't expect you to be here! The children said they were coming to dinner, and I had Emma sent back first! I didn't know you were here until I came here! " With a click of a finger, "I won't disturb you!"

Looking back, I saw the waiter bring two bottles of wine! After the three children said hello to Ding Yu, they also said hello to Gong Yi and Xu Linlin. It was very polite! Gong Yi carefully looked at the three children's faces are recorded in their own heart, useful or useless, no one knows! But not afraid of 10000, just in case, right?

"Uncle, did you look too impolite just now?"

Sitting down again, Xu Linlin said to Ding Yu with lingering fear! Because my performance just now is too bad! If there is a gap on the ground, maybe I'll get into it!

"Quite frank!" Ding Yu is holding his chin and says with indifference! "Bruno, an old fellow, has a critical eye and a very different aesthetic concept! I may be a little bit arrogant, but I usually look like this. When I get in touch with more, I will find that this guy is an old urchin! "

"Big and little!" Gong Yi holds a glass of wine and drinks it down in one gulp!

"You have to pay for everything! You guy! Being able to mingle in this circle for so many years has nothing to do. It's your own business. I don't care, but Gong Yi! I need to say that I need to think more about anything. I may think more about myself and less about others, but I still need to think about it! "

"Big little, what happens in the future, you need to step over my body first!"

"It's a little serious! At present, we still pay attention to the rule of law! " Ding Yu waved his hand.

"Linlin, my sister-in-law and my children have never come to Beijing very much? I don't have much time to go back. At most, I would like to make a phone call. I tried to persuade that, but my sister-in-law is dead! There's no way to do it! "

"Who said no, my aunt is alone, and she is not so old. Our family is very supportive, and now it is not ancient! There's no such statement, but my sister-in-law doesn't spit all the time! "

"As long as sister-in-law and nephew live well, everything else is not a problem!" Ding Yu sighed, "OK! Eat it for the two of you Pointing to the next two bottles of wine, "Bruno brought it here. You two each have a bottle. It's good. You can drink it, and it's good to keep it for collection.""No need to send it. I'll go and see the children. If I don't, I don't know how to make trouble after I go back."

"Big and little!" Gong Yi and Xu Linlin are still present at the door, "what's going on here in foreign countries? As for the domestic side, it is natural to have the power? I don't pay much attention to domestic affairs. When I have time, I'll visit the housekeeper! He'll take care of it! "

Waving his hand, Ding Yu left directly! When Gong Yi comes back, she looks at Xu Linlin with both eyes, which makes her uncomfortable! "Mr. Gong, how do you feel? You are going to eat me!"

"Ancestors, living ancestors, let's not take such a joke, OK?" Gong Yi good hang did not choke to death by own saliva! Have you ever said that? It's scary, okay?

"I said, miss! Didn't think big and little are so nice to you? And that's Bruno! The big shot in fashion

"I see it! Previously, I felt very excited, but now I have calmed down, although it is a bit like a dream! But that's it Xu Linlin also took up the chopsticks in her hand!

"You heart! No one else Gong Yi sighed!

"I think uncle is right! Without foundation, everything else is bullshit, even if it can be set up in the branches now! What can we do? Help you is human, not to help you is normal! What's more! Uncle's relationship is one thing, and I'm another. I don't have a foundation. Uncle can help you once, but also can help you countless times? By what? "

"Well, I also follow you! It is true that there are so some did not think, to be exact, I did not expect happiness to come so suddenly! At that time, there were some meanings of debt, but the same, to say that there was no meaning in other aspects, it seems that there are so some unrealistic! There are still some small ones in my heart

"It's like general manager Gong that I know. I'd like to present this cup to you!" Xu Linlin showed extraordinary free and easy!

"No, you, me, me! That little thing in the circle! You have not experienced too much, but also should have a considerable impression, some people are not willing to ask, but you! It's really falling from the sky! There is really no way to compare it! "

Looking at Xu Linlin who wants to speak, Gong Yi waved his hand, "Linlin, what kind of election do you do? I will support you basically! But what do you want to do? There may be some difficulties! "

"Because of uncle?"

"Yes, it's because of big and small things! You know, in this circle, nothing can be concealed for too long. What's more, it's still so obvious that no one is a fool. So many people in the hospital have seen it! We asked for an hour's shooting time for our grandfather to sue her grandmother, but in a word, we added another hour. You know, it's Harvard general hospital, not a small hospital! "

"I think I understand! I didn't expect such a situation. I knew something about things in those years, but I knew only a little. Moreover, my sister-in-law would not let me go to my uncle! "

"I may know less than you about big and small things! But no matter how much or how little! Your future journey will be very different! " Gong Yi points his head heavily! "At that time, you may cross your eyes, and of course, there will be quite a lot of temptation, and one after another."

Xu Linlin also took a deep breath, "I know! I won't embarrass uncle! "

"Linlin, what about my palace? Can not be regarded as the past person, but in this circle is also mixed up for quite a long time, inside the doorway basically saw! It doesn't mean that you can live calmly if you want to be calm. It's two times! "

"I understand!" Xu Linlin is also waving her small fist! "Such a big thick leg, I have to hold it well!"

Gong Yi is also ha ha's smile, this time's Xu Linlin is in his impression of Xu Linlin, and does not have any arrogant meaning! The same also does not lose innocence, this girl! Yundao is really invincible!

Don't think that the number behind is not the people in the circle, which has no influence on the whole circle. Things can't be seen like this! After this time, the people in the circle look at Linlin, the girl, absolutely look at each other! Even need to be careful to treat!

"Mr. Gong! Go back! But this time it seems to cost uncle a lot of money

Looking at the next two bottles of wine, although I don't have much impression on it, but looking at the general appearance of the palace, I know that this thing is definitely not as cheap as imagined!

"It's a lot of work there!" Gong Yi looks at the drink! "Linlin, if you don't worry, you can put it in my place first. If you don't, I'll tell you how to do it. After you go back, you need to keep it constant temperature and humidity. It's not like putting it on the shelf! That would be a crime! "

"I've heard about it. Is it so serious?"

"If I give it to you, it's not a waste in general! After you go home! Either on the shelf or in the refrigerator, or forget it! First put it in my place for two days, when you have almost cleaned up there! Just get it from me! I've got a bottle of this stuff. I've already burned it! If I keep it, I think my head is really in water! I can't stand , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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