"Big brother is back? I haven't heard of it! When did you come back, but you will come back! The elder brother is originally the divine dragon sees the head not to see the tail, also has nothing to be strange

"What I knew earlier, I also went to the courtyard. I wanted to let your elder brother go home for dinner, but he had something to do in the evening." "Su Yuan is not too detailed! You come back first, and then you can talk about other things. Besides, your elder brother brought some things back. I'll give you a list. You can buy something by the way. "

Wang Li, who was still thinking of talking, listened to the busy tone on the phone, but she still called her brother and Xiaobao and didn't mention anything. She told them to go home in the evening!

But Wang Li is also quite resolute, directly called his elder brother in the past! And when the phone is connected, I come up to express my original intention, "brother, I heard you're back!"

"Well! Yes, I'm busy here! " As always cold!

"No! Big brother, are you very busy when you come back? " There is something wrong with Wang Li's voice! Even if you're fooling me, don't you? Right?

"If it's OK, I'll hang up!" Ding Yu can't get used to Wang Li! If there is something, just say it. If there is nothing, don't waste each other's words. There is no need for this!

"Big brother, big brother!" Wang Li is also in a hurry to stop, he is really too familiar with his big brother, if in a good mood, may still be able to linger for a few words, but it is obvious that his mood is not as high as he imagined, so it is better not to provoke him as much as possible, otherwise he will suffer a lot!

"Do you have time? I have something to do with you, brother! "

"If you're not in a hurry, just wait!" After that, without any response from Wang Li, Ding Yu also hung up the phone directly. He had to wait for the third uncle to come over in the evening, so some information had to be summarized to his own hand. Now, where do you have time to grind teeth with Wang Li? And I don't have that mood!

If Wang Li had any serious invitation, it would not have been like that before. She knew her very well!

Wang Li, who was hung up, is also gnashing her teeth. However, some young interns nearby are so dull. Because the elder sister is definitely the devil in the hospital, and the background is fierce and in a mess, the whole person is also quite "irritable", but the two twin sons are so cute!

Temper seems to be a little bad, but the whole person is still quite popular in the hospital! But look at today's situation, it seems that God came to the big aunt? But what happened to them? There is no pie on the sky, but hail that can blow up the dead is falling. Is that ok?

"Stop for me. Dare you run? Against you

When Wang Changlin came back home, he looked at Wang Li and them, but he was not scared. "What day is today? It's quite complete? What did you eat in the evening? It smells good

"Dad, are you back so early today?"

"I didn't have much to do today, so I came back early!" Take a look at his wife, Wang Changlin did not ask what happened, when the wife will say! When I take off my coat, wash my face and sit at the table!

Su Yuan also said in a low voice, "the boss is back, do you know?"

"I don't know! When did you come back? " Wang Changlin took a look at them. No wonder they came back! It's for this reason, "why didn't you come here? No phone calls? Or he has something on his side! "

"He said there were other things. I know that when he came back, he happened to pass by the courtyard, so I went to take a look and listen to his voice. It seemed that something was wrong, and it was more serious! It should be something related to China. I may have to meet with my third brother in the evening! "

Wang Changlin, who had already taken up his chopsticks, was also sluggish in his hands. "I haven't heard of anything?! There is no news to pass, you don't listen to the wind is rain! What's more, now that there is no storm, you know you're scaring yourself! What's more, even if the boss has something to do with it

Su Yuan is very dissatisfied with a glance, the husband is really so some heart big, if at that time saw the eldest son's appearance, knew that he was absolutely not joking!

"Wang Li, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have paid more attention to this period of time. I think your elder brother's face is not so good-looking. Something must have happened to you! You should also pay attention to some of them! "

There are a lot of people coming to Siheyuan by the river. Looking at Ding Yu waiting at the door, all the visitors greet Ding Yu with a smile, "haven't you eaten yet? It's just that some of our old guys didn't eat any food, so today we are fighting against local tyrants! We all know that director Ding is rich in wealth! There is oil and water

"I brought some things back from Russia. I can try some fresh food, but I'm afraid I won't get used to it for a long time." It is in the courtyard, although there are a lot of people, but it is not crowded at all. After all, the size of the courtyard is here, even if it is a few times more people, there will be no sense of crowding here!The speed of eating is so fast! We are not here to eat, but to talk about things.

After a simple wash, they all sat in the middle of the yard, "boss, so the matter on the farm is very serious? The farm has been developing rapidly these years! Also thought of the considerable effect and effect

"The farms have their own monitoring, but they don't have too many problems, because I am particularly strict with them, but there are still quite a few problems in the farms themselves. Because of the wide spread and rapid development, some problems have been covered up!"

Ding Yu didn't avoid the disadvantages in the process of development, but pointed it out directly! "The development of the farm still has a considerable prospect, but the development also needs to pay attention to its own foundation. If the foundation is not firm, then there will always be a collapse day! So I want to solve the problem of foundation before this! "

"Do you hear me? Director Ding is ready to make a big move The middle-aged man also gave Ding Yu a finger.

"Director Ding, the problem found in the farm is very serious?"

"I have quite a lot of information here, but I haven't investigated it in depth!" If Ding Yu really wants to investigate, it's really not difficult, but it violates quite a few rules. Ding Yu really does not want to be involved in this aspect, "but according to what I know, there are still many involved! And there are people of considerable weight

Ding Yu handed one of the materials to the third uncle! If it is to clean up the problem of the farm, it is simple, but can not fundamentally solve the problem, need to combine exceptions! Only in this way can we solve the problem better!

"Involving several provinces and cities, the scale will not be too small! You! It's really a big problem! "

Taking a look at Ding Yu, the middle-aged man also put the information on the table, and at the same time knocked the information with his hand!

"The investigation time may not be completed in a moment and a half. Can the farm wait for such a long time? Will it have a considerable impact on the entire farm? "

"It can be carried out synchronously. On the farm side, it is mainly for the introduction of some technologies, the pregnancy and breeding of land and other aspects, as well as some investigation of mountains and forests, etc. These all take time, and at the same time, a lot of funds are needed. Moreover, the current farm is not only fruits and vegetables, but also animal husbandry and so on, but there is no capital Too many questions, but

Everyone sitting at the table knows what Ding Yu is worried about. Ding Yu's information is placed on the table, which mentions some investment intentions and funds, absolute astronomical figures. This is absolutely beneficial to the development of China, but what about the problem? We can't consider it unilaterally!

"Do you see, our director Ding is a general?"

The crowd also burst into laughter, but the laughter soon subsided! Because the things involved are not as simple as imagined! The follow-up processing will also have many situations! But Ding Yu can take the initiative to mention it, which is a good thing!

"Boss, how long can you stay in China?"

"I've got Kim back! It should have arrived, but previously, the forces on the US side of Jinbei were temporarily detained for a period of time, but fortunately, the problem has been solved! As for me? I think it doesn't matter whether you stay or not! After all, it's so convenient now

When people hear this news, they are also stunned. They really don't know much about it!

"It's a little fuzzy when the message comes back!"

"I don't know where I found it. I'm afraid it's full of earthy smell! I heard it existed for quite a long time! However, in order to force the golden hair, but also because he could not bear the pressure, he burst out to ease the contradictions between them, so that everyone had a buffer space

"After all, it's on someone else's territory, so you can't restrain yourself a little bit?"

"Since they have actively exposed it and are still used to ease conflicts, they want to have a try, but they have never thought that they will not give any opportunities at all! I just reached out, OK? They solved the problem by themselves! It's just a matter of providing enough food and clothing for me, and solving all the problems for me! "

"Are you not shirking?" The middleman is also very dissatisfied with Ding Yu's attitude. It's too dangerous! It's just playing with fire, OK? And still playing with fire in someone else's house!

"After all, everything is over, and there is one left, but now I have changed my career! There are still some forces in the family, mainly because of the black pot for some big people, but the mood is so bad! That's it! If you want to say that this matter has something to do with me, it seems that I can't say it! "


The amount of information in the conversation between the two people is so large, but the people around them have basically understood it! Some people tried to deal with Ding Yu, even hid for quite a long time without being found out. However, due to Ding Yu's reasons, he was finally exposed, and was the result exposed? It's all gone!Such a thing sounds like some horror and exaggeration, but it seems understandable to think about it. After all, it's Ding Yu! He has always been vindictive, his style of doing things can be said to be particularly aggressive and straightforward! But it's the United States after all. It's crazy for him to do this!

However, soon the topic of the public was shifted back, mainly related to the situation of some provinces and cities. Ding Yu listed the problems inside the farm, but everyone knew what the extended meaning of Ding Yu was. Under such circumstances, there were people who put out their hands regardless of everything. They had forgotten their original intention!

The time was a little bit too long, but when he came out, Ding Yu was always at the door. "Third uncle, will things be a little bit passive, and I'll come back so suddenly!"

"You know, suddenly! I thought you were! It's already floating in the sky

"Uncle, I didn't expect things to be so urgent. You know that I am very lazy sometimes, and I don't care about the following things!" Ding Yu is also to find his so-called excuse!

In any case, this is the case. You've done it!

"Where are you going to start first?"

"My hometown, I think which place is good!" Ding Yu's answer seems very casual! Even a little casual! Taking a look at Ding Yu, the middle-aged man also patted Ding Yu on the shoulder, "you! It's really that I don't know what to say. Are you so tolerant? It's all from the old folks? "

"It's just because it's from my parents, so let's do it first! At least the place is not very big, and it is quite meaningful! "

"That's what it says, but you boy! It should be noted that they are as old as they are! Can't always be so wanton Looking at Ding Yu, he is also willing to say two words, if not, there are so many regrets!

Ding Yu's temperament! I'm afraid I can't change it for a moment and a half! At the same time, this attack is too cruel and merciless, this time the incident will not be too small! But it's not a bad thing! After all, it can play an inestimable role, which is OK!

After Ding Yu came back, he was sitting in his study! No one came to disturb me. The working time was a little longer, but I still got up very early in the morning! Wang Li wanted to come over, but she was refused by the housekeeper! The courtyard is not open here! It's just a word to go back!

"I called!" Wang Li rubbed her eyes. She got up so early, but she went back last night. After all, there are two children in the family. The children are too young. She came here early in the morning! But did not think, he called the elder brother, did not connect at all!

"I didn't even talk to my eldest brother. The housekeeper refused me directly!" Sitting in front of the dinner table, Wang Li bit the quicksand bag, but also said that she was not very happy! "But I've heard some news about the trail. Last night, sanbo went to the siheyuan, and they didn't leave until very late."

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan took a look at each other. They knew about it. After the eldest brother came back, he met with the third brother! What is revealed in this is not simple! But the problem is that the boss doesn't want to mention it, and even keeps a considerable distance from home!

Apart from the boss, can other parties disclose any so-called information? Even more impossible!

Ding Yu didn't go anywhere, but stayed in the courtyard. However, the gate of the courtyard was closed at this time, and there was no intention to open it! Even the guards and security standing outside were evacuated! And the location of the hutongkou is also hung with a rope, private residence, forbidden to visit!

This is a scene that we didn't have in the past. In the past, we didn't care what to visit or not to visit. Anyway, there are security and guards at both ends, but now it's different! Ding Yu's attitude is too clear! Let no one in!

What happened, why did Ding Yu suddenly have such a performance? It's hard to think about it! I haven't heard any other news!

At noon, Jin's plane landed and did not make any stops. He went back to the courtyard directly! And the arrival of Jin is really a little confusing. Jin didn't even get together with Ding Yu. You should know that both of them have always been Meng Bu Jiao and Jiao Bu Li Meng! What happened again?

"How do you feel?" Ding Yu, who was standing, also threw a long stick in his hand to Jin!

Jin carried it in his own hand, tried the weight, and then put it aside. "Sir, there is no need to start with you! I'm just masochistic, and I don't think it's a good idea to start with you now, because I know that your mood is not as good as you think

Hum! Ding Yu moved his fingers twice, then took a towel and wiped it. He went to the chair not far away and sat down! "The mood is really so general, encountered such a thing, the heart is always some imbalance, this is not a moment and a half can calm down!""Sir, it's not that we don't pay attention to the so-called benevolence and righteousness. If people don't attack me, I won't commit crimes!"

"Ah Ding Yu sighed and did not mention too much!

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