After Luo Xuan went back, he also began to clean up the inner part of the consortium, and the first step was to go to his hometown!

The two managers were directly carried out, and then the problems of some other personnel were highlighted! Although it is a small county, but the vibration caused by it is really so big! It's not like the earth shattering, but it's enough to make everyone feel so shocked. You know, it's a farm, and it's Ding Yu's hometown!

This news was detonated in the province at the first time, and even the capital also knew the relevant news afterwards!

Is the joke a little too big? Farms are booming, and now is the critical moment, but suddenly such things come out. What if it is other places? It's understandable, but the problem is that it's not other places at all, but Ding Yu's hometown. What's revealed in this is really making people feel scared! I can't bear it!

"My God! Mom, I finally know what the big brother is coming back for

Grabbing the water cup on the table, he poured himself a glass without saying, "I just got the news that something happened on the farm! Someone has been arrested! Now it's just the people inside the farm! "

"What?" Su Yuan was also surprised!

"What's more, you can't guess where it's from. It's the elder brother's hometown! Now two vice presidents have been arrested, and many people have been brought out. I have just received the news. It is not known how it will develop, but judging from the current situation, it seems to be more serious! "

"So fast? It's a little unprepared! "

"Who said no?" Wang Yang put the water cup on the table, "no one thought that things would develop so fast. Big brother just came back yesterday! But today, things have been pierced out. There is no preparation at all. Moreover, there are so many blatant meanings. I don't know what happened there! "

"When I saw your elder brother yesterday, I felt that something was wrong. His expression was very serious. In addition, he talked to your third uncle for such a long time last night. Today, Jin is back! Everything is in a hurry Su Yuan sighed heavily and looked worried!

"Mom, isn't your worry too unreasonable? If you want to worry about big brother, I think it's better to worry about other people. Can other people please him with his temper? I don't believe some of them! "

Su Yuan is very dissatisfied, looking at his little son, has been this time, still said such sarcastic words? Is it suitable?

"I see you! It's just that you have no conscience. Such a thing happened on the farm. You still don't care about it here. What's your big brother doing to you? Don't you have a point in your heart? "

"Mom Wang Yang was also in a hurry and said, "Mom, you really wronged me! I really let people inquire! Xiaobao has not come back yet, but no message has been sent back! I have no idea! No one can enter the courtyard. The gate is locked and the second door is closed! "

It's not that you don't do your best! That's not the reason, OK? You can't do yourself wrong, can you? However, there is no way to do it! It's hard not to be able to kick the door of the courtyard open, not to say whether you have this ability, even if you have this ability, the gate of the courtyard seems to be a bit heavy!

"I can't help one by one. I don't know what you're all for?"

Su Yuan was very indignant. In fact, the main reason was that he was worried about his eldest son, because the involvement of the farm was so big! And this thing came too suddenly, people did not have any preparation and prevention, the eldest son suddenly came back! Then the door is closed!

I'm a parent. If possible, I'll try my best to help, but how can I be the eldest son! It's a direct way to block the road! No one knows what he thinks in his heart!

Isn't there anyone else in the family except him? It's all a family. Why do we have to make such a difference? So Su Yuan was a little bit eager!

Wang Yang looked at his mother and poured a glass of water to his mother, "Mom, I think this thing is! A little bit weird? There's even something wrong with it! "

There are already so many panicked Su Yuan looking at his little son, but also leaning over, "what do you want to say?"

The words just finished, saw the attendant led Xiaobao to come in! Looking at Aunt Su Yuan and Wang Yang, Xiao Bao also spread out his hand. "After working so long, I haven't heard anything. Everyone has so many taboos about big brother and farm affairs! There are some people who don't want to and dare not to be contaminated! "

"I didn't do anything with you for a long time?"

"A lot of people have been found, but no one knows what the situation is!" Xiaobao, who sat down, was quite helpless. "I even took time to go to the courtyard. Good guy, I was kicked out without even going into the Hutong entrance! I'm the one who's not polite at all, just me! Oh! Stamp your feet and I'll be back! ""Cut!" Wang Yang also raised his hand! Said with did not say a bird like, does not play any role!

Without paying attention to Xiaobao's meaning, Wang Yang looked at his mother and continued to say, "Mom, I just said that this thing is not right, it's not right, you think about it! Although the farm is said to be a joint venture, we all know that the farm was founded by big brother. Many forces in the farm only recognize big brother! Others, no matter who it is, even if they stand up! What can we do? Can we get rid of all the forces? It's impossible! "

"What do you want to say?" Su Yuan's voice was not as calm as he thought, "is this matter dominated by your elder brother? No one dares to do anything but your big brother? "

Wang Yang is quite surprised to see his mother, right! Mother is very clear! Now that I know why I'm still so worried, there are so many things that don't conform to common sense!

"I think so. The big brother on the other side of the farm occupies a considerable weight. If there is no elder brother to speak, I don't believe that other forces will allow such things to happen. What's more, what's the starting point? Don't be kidding, OK? That's my elder brother's hometown

"There is a little truth in what you said, but things can't be seen like this! What about the farm? Your brother is basically not very concerned about, there is another point, is that your brother's funds have basically entered the country! At this stage, everyone is quite concerned, this gap has been opened! How much tear will it cause? "

"Can't you? Tearing up the farm, is that a little bit of a joke? "

"You! We didn't see the essence of the problem! What about the people who are going to clean up the farm? It's not the real purpose at all. So, what about its authenticity? It is your elder brother who has expressed serious dissatisfaction with the internal situation of the farm and has started to deal with it! That's what your big brother came back for

"I'll go. The farm is developing so fast. All of a sudden! That's enough

Xiaobao also said in a low voice, "but auntie, is big brother making this decision alone? It's better to talk about it?! At least from what I know personally, there doesn't seem to be much reaction from the top of the farm! "

To a certain extent, big brother seems to have some of his own way! After all, what about the composition of the farm? It's not one-sided! But many aspects, big brother to do so, will not cause other opinions and ideas! If I want to go on like this, I really feel a little chilly!

"Mom, if this hole is torn, it will certainly cause quite a stir!"

"The situation and Prospect of the farm are obvious to all! But there are not many ways! But this time the situation is different! Your brother! Take the initiative to tear a hole, and once the hole is torn, what will happen to the rest of the matter? Who knows? "

Su Yuan's worry also stems from this! To know how many people's eyes have turned red in recent years, watching the development of the farm! It's really eye heat! It is absolutely beyond imagination cash cow, but the problem is to run a small farm, there are not too many problems, but more than a prefecture level city farm, there are many problems in this!

First of all, the integration of resources, and then the investment of funds and so on, we all felt it was very difficult! But now, here comes the chance!

There are some internal problems on the farm side, which will inevitably cause some turbulence within the farm, and in the case of turbulence, it will certainly cause some instability of the people. This is definitely the best opportunity to take action!

On this side of the farm, it can be said that wolves look around. If there is any carelessness, it is not as simple as dropping a piece of meat. Can't it be more secure? What does the boss think if he has to take such a drastic approach? Su Yuan can be said to be very dissatisfied with this, but Su Yuan also knows that he is dissatisfied? It won't make a big difference!

"Mom, big brother's action on the farm will involve other aspects?"

Su Yuan snorted softly, "what do you think? Farm development across several provinces and cities, how many people's eyes are quick to bleed! How can they not move at all? Why did your elder brother see your third uncle before? It should be the reason in this respect. This time! It's real! "

"I'll go. It's really going to be a big move this time." Wang Yang also grinned at his own mouth, "big brother is really not a hand also just! If you really start to make a splash, you just don't know how many people will die in this overbalance? It's a little scary! "

"What you see is still too superficial. Why does your brother have to stay in the door for a long time? Your mobile phone! I will remember that, including everyone's cell phones will ring, because everyone knows your big brother's temper

"Isn't it?" Wang Yang Leng for a moment, and then also thought of what, "big brother's temper, don't you know? Now, even if you ask us for help, what can we do? If we can see big brother, we won't be waiting here for nothingXiaobao is tapping his head with his fingers and starting at the elder brother's hometown. The movement is so big, so the joint reaction is also highlighted! Big brother chooses to do it, so it means that people with problems are definitely not as simple as one or two? ha-ha!

"Shut it down! It's still waiting to be served Wang Yang took out his mobile phone and shut it down without saying a word! Xiaobao over there is no need to say, but both of them know that this is far from hydrolyzing the near thirst, the role of shutdown is just a drop in the bucket!

"Mom, is this intentional? I haven't heard of anything inside the farm! Everyone said that the farm will definitely develop by a large margin this time, but now suddenly something like this has happened. What is this? "

"Who knows why your brother did this? Go and ask him! "

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao looked at each other. From the perspective of the situation, although they have not presided over the farm, what about business matters? Are not so strange! From their two people's point of view, big brother's practice this time is really a little too abrupt!

The farm has problems, this is very normal, if there is no problem, this will make people feel so abnormal! As for what kind of problems are involved in the farm? This is unknown, but it is just a few items! Big brother, are you so angry?

There must be something we don't know, but it's impossible for anyone to get in touch with big brother. He doesn't give them such a chance. Speaking of it, there's a feeling of being mean!

"Sir! Now the outside action is not big, but the spread of news can be said to be particularly fast! But a lot of people are speculating, for which the situation does not know much! The situation here in the capital is so strange! It's very hard for people to feel their heads, so we all have a little calming down! "

"My father and mother should have called!" Ding Yu sighed, "it's all from my parents. I sent a message to my parents in the past, but I'm afraid the effect will be very limited."

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are really a little fidgety. There are so many people who come to visit. However, they have already received the message from their eldest son, so they have a lot of confidence in their hearts.

But even so, it seems that there are so many people coming!

In fact, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are particularly upset about this. What's the matter? It's good to say things. You are big bags and small bags. What is this?

What's more, what's the use of asking your grandfather to sue his grandmother?

Although Ding Lin is not a very big leader, but for some of the things or relatively clear door! What does Youdao say? Don't stretch out your hand, you will be caught! This is a number of things!

I've heard something about the farm, but I've heard about it, but I haven't expressed too many opinions and ideas. After all, it belongs to my eldest son, not my own! What's more, I'm not proficient in management at all. I'm talking nonsense. Who knows what problems will come out!

Now there's a problem! However, although there are many people, they can see that they are coming? Basically, they are all lobbyists, and they are quite respectable! And most of them? They all came down from the upper level cities. I don't know why they are so active?

Besides, Ding Lin has some doubts. If he closes the gate now, will the people outside push the wall?

However, Ding Lin closed the door directly on the pretext that the old lady's condition was not so good, and now it's really not the old couple and the old lady here. The farm is also here to help! See this meaning is also very obvious, is also worried about what other unexpected situation!

After all, this age is not young! Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

"Boss! This house is just like the gate tower. There are many people who come here! And each one has more weight than the other. What does this really want to do? " Ding Lin, the eldest son of the video, is also dissatisfied.

"What can you do? They all want to find some so-called reasons for themselves. They are all from the countryside. They all have a roundabout relationship. At this time, they all want to protect themselves. Under such circumstances, how about looking for other people? I'm afraid it's better to find you and my mother! "

"And your mother and I still take advantage of it? Isn't it? "

"There are not so many people involved, at least as far as I know now, and what about the bottom? There's nothing to do with it. It's basically the so-called middle and high-level people, these guys! How dare you! There are also some too reckless and reckless

Ding Yu's tone of speech is very insipid, but the more he talks like this, the more it shows that Ding Yu is definitely going to die! Back to the farm, give you a lot of space to play, under such circumstances, there are also ravines dissatisfaction, what else can be done? I don't give you the whole farm, do you? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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