"Sir, crocodile tears are for the sake of excretion, and have nothing to do with other things!"

In the face of Jin's teasing, Ding Yu snorted, and then sat up straight. "It's going to rain, and my mother wants to get married. Just let them go! What about me? I did my best! Given them quite a platform, since they don't want to, then I can't force anything too much, so there is always something wrong with it! "

But King Kong just left, the three children also ran over in a flash, directly put Ding Yu to press on the sofa, there are so some small excitement! "Why? You? "

"Dad, we are going to go back home and pick up the bear. He has been used to it for a long time! Since the big bear came to the house, it has never been separated from us for such a long time. We have to go back to have a look, and then go back to have a look at my grandparents. The houses over there have been decorated! Besides, we are going to see senior brother Wang an! ...。”

Said a good big pass, this trip is really not a group of busy, look at this posture! More like a flying man than Ding Yu! I don't know where they come from. They are not tired!

"I see you! There are so many who can't sit still! Just a few days back? But it's not impossible! " Ding Yu didn't mean to stop them from going back, "but in view of some mistakes you made earlier, I'd like to give you two requirements. Where is Gong Junchao and uncle Gong? Some troubles, you follow to have a look! What's more? Go and worship the old ghost for me! By the way, see your good friends

"Dad, do you want us to bring anything?"

"You don't have to worry about taking something back, but there's another thing. What about the summer camp? It's already started! You can go and have a look. Of course, if you don't, there is nothing wrong with it. However, I hope you still have a look at the student aid project. It will take at least 10 days. This is a hard and fast rule. Xiaogang has never tried it, so you can take him to have a good experience! "

"Dad The little girl is also all of a sudden excited up, "with us?"

Ding Yu snorted, but Wang Xiaogang was feeling very bad. There was something wrong with uncle's eyes! Although I don't know what it means, I can feel it! "And your uncle? He is not allowed to follow, but you can let uncle Xiaobao take two people with him! If he had time! "

"Dad, will we have a reward?"

"You don't have to think about it. I'm not very proficient in this aspect. However, you can go to your elder martial Brother Guo Li. He has quite a collection of this. He is also a young child. I really don't know what he thinks! But I will prepare a special gift for you, but it depends on your performance

Three children roared and ran away!

But when song Tianren came over, the expression on Ding Yu's face was not so happy! The whole face is pulled down! It gives people a very serious feeling! "Director!" Song Tianren's whole person is so thin. Ding Yu looks at him twice and then drops his own eyes!

Obviously, it is not caused by mischief and drunkenness. I am a doctor and have some research on traditional Chinese medicine, which can be clearly observed from a person's face! Obviously, there are some overwork during this period! That's why it's causing the current situation!

"What? Is the sun coming out in the West today Ding Yu asked without salt or salt!

"Director, no, I just want to understand! So report to the director! " Song Tianren also looked at Ding Yu solemnly, "originally 30 million US dollars, my heart is not general uneasy, but now how much has understood, my future is not a special way, I just need to understand this process! Process and result are equally important, can not be ignored, but need to act according to one's ability! Focus on something! "

Ding Yu looked up and down at Song Tianren again, "ha ha, you boy is the monkey spirit!"

After hearing the director say this, song Tianren is also a little nervous about his emotions. Why? Happy! At least the director did not praise himself so much in the past, and his efforts were not in vain! What's more, I'm still one of the three, who is in the front! Under such circumstances, why are you not happy?

"Director, in this position, I'm really hard-working and I'll do it myself. At the beginning, I was excited and frightened. After all, such a large sum of money! Even indulge in it and can't extricate themselves! "

All these are the facts. Song Tianren has nothing to hide. "Fortunately, I still wake up later, director! This test is so mysterious! It's hard to go back! Even if I come back now, my heart is struggling! "

Ding Yu raised his finger to the chair in front of him, "if you can do this, it means you! There are still some smart ones, at least a little better than imagined. There is nothing wrong with sending out one's ambition, but the problem is whether you can control yourself, which can be said to be the key point! ""I understand, director, but it may take some time to calm down!" Song Tianren also straightens himself up. What about other things? Now I really have some can not care about, but now this time I just close the mind, really need a considerable amount of time to precipitate!

"You are really bold and reckless, and dare to come here to ask for conditions?! Aren't you afraid I'll hit you to the ground with a hammer? "

"Hey, director, I don't treat myself as an outsider, don't you?"

Ding Yu snorted slightly, "how? Did you hear that? " This talk is very insipid, even some unintentional!

"I heard that!" At this time, song Tianren was no longer a hippie and smiling face, but looked at the director of his own family. "However, I have heard some news. What is the situation like now? I don't know. It has caused quite a stir!"

"What a mind you have! No one else

Ding Yu went to the window and pulled the curtain. "If you participate in it, it's not good for you, and it's easy to attract a lot of attention. Are you sure? This is not a simple adventure! "

"Director, no one can succeed casually. This is not only a matter of effort, but also a lot of tribulations and tests. I feel that I have made considerable efforts, and have also experienced some tribulations and tests, but I think it is not enough!"

"Ambition is not small!" Ding Yu held the window edge with his hand, "it's not that you can't. go and prepare it! It happens that the three children are going back, so you should go back with them! I'll let Luo Xuan arrange the specific things for you, but I'll give you a request, just watch! Don't say it! do not do! Understand why? "

Sitting there, song Tianren nodded heavily, "understand, what about the farm? After all, it's not about official career, but about the nature of the company. My identity has a lot of problems, but the farm is involved more. I can see the context clearly! I have a good understanding of how things work! "

"I don't know when those two idiots will be interested!" Turning around, Ding Yu sighed, "what about them? Birth is quite different from you, maybe not as smart as you, but also do not need to underestimate their efforts, do not think that you advance a step, can be smooth sailing! Those who walk in front of us will experience more storms! "

"Director, those who walk in front of you can see the scenery that others can't see!"

"It's so heroic, but what about that? It's a lot slippery! Let's have a meal together! What about today? Let the two children treat them. Their noodle shop has been open for quite a long time. I know, but I haven't been able to treat them. It seems that there are some things that are not appropriate! "

"Director, let me do it! At least it's made a lot of money

Ding Yu did not have too many disputes with song Tianren on this issue. There was no need for Ding Yu. Even if he ate more food, how much could he spend on the noodle shop side, and between them? It really doesn't need to be like this!

The three primary schools expressed considerable interest in this proposal, but they did not intend to go there! Because they have other things to do and need to be separated for a while! So Ding Yu, Jin and song Tianren went to the noodle shop first. The location was quite good, and it was quite lively. There were not only Chinese, but also quite American!

"Director, the things here are very good." Song Tianren looks at the menu and is also curious. After all, this is made by two children of the director's family. What's the matter? Is this the architecture? It's not something ordinary people can play with.

"I really haven't been here. At most, I'll try what they do at home? You've tried. If you want to say that they're really chefs, they're not worth mentioning at all. But fortunately, they're still attentive. "

"Director, you are really second to none in the cultivation of children! I have also met many children in 49 cities. They are not only required to learn, but also piano, talent and so on. It seems that I don't learn these things? It's the one who doesn't know how to learn! I'm so tired for these children

"How many of them! Is there little to learn? It's really not. It's mainly a guide. It's no different from you! " Ding Yu picked up chopsticks, not only noodles, but also some other things, but Ding Yu just asked for a small bowl of noodles!

"Director, I'm a good baby!"

"Forget it! You! It's almost full of poison Ding Yu didn't have a good temper and snorted, "what happened after I went back? Pay more attention! As for the other side behind you? You don't need to pay too much attention to it, because if you are just an observer, if you are a participant, you will lose your original intention! "

"I can think of it! In recent years, the development momentum of several northern provinces is very strong, because of the drive of farms, so other industries are relatively prosperous, which also leads to some people forget themselves, even do not know what they are doing! These guys! Let them go home and sell sweet potatoes. It's cheap for them! They should be shot directly! If we solve all the problems at once, we can also play a warning role! ""I can do that, but you can't!"

Song Tianren thought about it for a while, but also helplessly nodded his head, "these guys! It's not that we can understand what we have learned, but we still need to adopt appropriate methods and methods! "

While talking, Jin seemed to see something. He whispered a word in Ding Yu's ear. Ding Yu also took a look at the situation and nodded to song Tianren! Kim stood up and walked in the distance!

Walking to the desktop not far away, looking at the young people sitting there, they covered the camera on the mobile phone for the first time. Some young people sitting there were puzzled and even stood up when they looked at the foreigner! What are you doing! Is this? Have you been offended?

"Little fat man!" Kim also said in fluent Chinese, "Sir, please."

Yeah? Fat man is also turning his small eyes around to see two eyes, this is the United States! It's not China. Even in China, there are many people who say hello to themselves, but please do it yourself? There are not many of them!

However, when he saw Ding Yu, the fat man stood up all of a sudden. The people beside him seemed to feel that he was not right. They all stood up and said, "sit down, what are you doing?" Then he motioned to his girlfriend and asked her to turn off the mobile phone first! This is not a good time to live!

"Hello!" Take a look at their clothes, it seems that there are really so some not suitable, there are so some too casual! What I pursue is a kind of live broadcast effect, but where would you expect to meet Ding Yu here?

Hesitated for a moment, but also helped his glasses, straightened his body, thought about it is also a drag his girlfriend, two people came to Ding Yu side of the table position! "Little feather! Hello

Ding Yu looked at the girl next to him, "the little fat man is old too! If it's convenient! Sit down

"Call people!" The little fat man also called out to some confused girlfriends beside him. The girlfriend was obviously a little bit muddled! When the little fat man called out, it was also ah. Obviously, there were some people who didn't respond. When they saw the reaction, Ding Yu and song Tianren were smiling!

"Little feather! Hello Or in their boyfriend repeatedly remind, the girl is also a reaction.

"Sit down!" Ding Yu didn't mean to be surprised! "What? Come here for a walk? But how did you come here to eat noodles? There are so many things that shouldn't have happened to this one! "

"Don't mention it! Little feather, what about foreign devils? It's OK to have a taste, you say lobster! Or other things, no say, but don't eat, no one can stand, I've been here for a few days! It's over! If you eat it again, it will become a balloon! I just heard that the pasta food here is good. I've just dried two bowls! "

It's very vulgar, but very interesting!

Ding Yu pointed to the little fat man, then introduced him to song Tianren and said, "didn't Xiaobao make a live broadcast? The little fat man has made a lot of efforts, and now he is a figure of one side. If nothing else, this physique is of enough weight! It can hold down

"Hello, I'm song Tianren!"

"Hello, Ren Shao. I am. Just call me fat! This is my daughter-in-law. I managed to cheat her! "

Song Tianren is very happy about the fat man's frankness. He didn't expect that the fat man should be so straightforward. No wonder the director called him over, "don't worry, no one dares to hit your daughter-in-law's attention. If you don't care, I'll take care of anyone who dares to break his leg!"

Ding Yu shook his head, "how do you feel about the things here?"

"The food is good. It tastes quite delicious, and there are many kinds of varieties, not only in China, but also in other flavors. I think it would be better to have such a company in China! However, there are many noodle shops in China, but they seldom have such characteristics, or they are taken to the wrong side! "

Ding Yu turned his head and looked at Song Tianren, "why, can you speak better than you?"

Words just finished, saw three trot come in, it is obvious that their own affairs have been dealt with! What is it? Ding Yu really doesn't mean to ask. Everyone has his own space! The same is true for children!

Dad! Uncle! Three small one voice's call up! Then he said hello to Jin and song Tianren, and then he put his eyes on the little fat man and his daughter-in-law! "Brother and sister!"

"Wow!" Little girl is also a comparison, the body size is big enough! But still called brother and sister! "Dad, should I treat my brother and sister well?"

"What are you going to do?" Ding Yu will not be confused by her! "You have enough pocket money! And want to earn tips? At least it's not feasible. What's more, it's robbing business. "

Hee hee, the little girl also blinked her big eyes, "Dad, we have learned a new dish. We wanted to show our hands at home, but we never had a chance. We just finished the work, so please come here and show our appreciation! Anyway, there are so many guests today"What do you say?" Looking around, "do you want to give them face? Try it

After seeing everyone's agreement happily, three small is also ready to run to the kitchen! See the little fat man and his girlfriend, is also stunned! Is this their home? Just go inside like this?

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