"Let them go to mischief

"Director, I'll go and have a look." Song Tianren said hello, ready to go!

Ding Yu smiles and doesn't mention too much! On the contrary, he looked at the little fat man! What happened to Boston? Most people choose big cities like New York, Las Vegas or Los Angeles when they come to visit! What about Boston? It's a good choice, but it's at the bottom of the list! "

"You say? Or do I say it? " He whispered with his girlfriend next to him. Looking at his girlfriend's appearance, the fat man was also careless, "what are you afraid of? There's no shame in this one!"

"Yu Shao, what about me? Reading less, now is also a little money! After having money, I found that I had a little regret. I should have read more books at the beginning! But the domestic side! Too familiar face, not so convenient, and even a little humiliating, so ran to this side! If we can't read, can't we have a look? "

"There are not too many problems in going to school, but if you want to listen to the class, it may be a little troublesome!"

"Who said no, we thought it should be very simple, but after we came, we found that we took it for granted! We are also strolling around the school, the environment is very good, but also really envious, I hope that in the future my son will not be like me, just know to play, let them come to such a school, that's good! "

"Where have they been? The school is in the suburbs! It's a little far away! " Ding Yu is also quite interested, anyway, there are not too many things, as for whether there are people outside to observe, this does not matter!

"To Harvard, to Massachusetts! But all these guys are talking about birds. I can't understand them! "

"You're quite blunt. What about the University in Boston? In China, perhaps these two are the most famous, but relatively speaking? Boston College, Tufts University and Brandeis University are very good, but Brandis! What we pay attention to is elite education, which is what we call small classes in China. Compared with China, it's a little difficult to get into. "

Fat man's girlfriend also spit out his tongue, he only know Harvard and Massachusetts, as for other really do not know! But when did your boyfriend meet this guy in front of him? At this age? It should not be so big, but judging from the two children just now, it's definitely not so young on the face!

And there is a temperament that can't be described by oneself, which makes people feel very different!

"Yu Shao, are you working here? What do you know here? "

"Well! I'm working here! Didn't Xiao Bao tell you? I am a doctor

"Doctor?" The fat man looked up and down at Ding Yu, "Yu Shao, don't joke with me! I'm fat, but I'm a little bit bluffing. Are you a little too young as a doctor? "

Feel their next to the girlfriend touched, fat is not a bit of care! Ding Yu also feels that this fat man is a little interesting, very straightforward, but also has some of his own small smart!

"I've been a doctor for a long time! But more because of the family! My father is a doctor. He has been a doctor for decades in a small county, and now he has retired! "

When talking, I saw that the waiter came out one after another and placed a plate on each guest's table. The plate was not big, and there were two fried dumplings inside! But the waiter has made it clear! Fried dumplings are free, I hope you can taste it!

Ding Yu looked at a pan of fried dumplings in front of him. "Would they still make this thing? Why am I a little unconvinced? "

Song Tianren, who had already changed his clothes, also stood up on his shoulder. "The director, the eldest young master and the eldest lady didn't do this. Today you'd like to thank you, so they were very happy that they didn't give all the guests a list. I think you should feel lucky for me, director! I can't make much money in a month

"All right, don't cry and be poor! What do the two of them do? "

"Let me keep it a secret and say I'll surprise you, but Xiaogang has already started! In the back kitchen, that's better! "

In this regard, Ding Yu really felt quite helpless. He motioned to the fat man, but the fat man was not polite at all. He took up the chopsticks and put a fried dumpling into his mouth! Me! It's obviously hot! But even so, there is no meaning to spit out!

"Wife, delicious! Try it. It's delicious

The fat man's girlfriend was also defeated by the fat man's thick lines! Look at this meaning, this shop is just for others!

In fact, they found this store because some travel notes on the Internet often mention that if you feel you can't get used to it, you can come here and try it, not to mention that the taste is really good, but good is good. You can't do this either! Are there some that are too embarrassing!

"Yu Shao, is this your shop?" After frowning and winking for a long time, the fat man seemed to wake up suddenly!"This store is really not mine, really Ding Yu denied it! "It's their two little guys. I don't even have any shares. They don't let me have any contamination. Don't you see? Even if I come to eat, there's no discount? "

The fat man thought about his three children before and looked at Ding Yu. Then he also looked at his girlfriend. After hesitating for a long time, he did not give up to his girlfriend. Instead, he slapped himself! "I'll go. It's really painful. It seems that I'm not dreaming! Is that ok? "

"Yu Shao, they are two children, so you can trust to give them such a store?"

"From the time they started to have this idea, I didn't really get involved. I mainly trained them, but my family also gave me a lot of help. Otherwise, they would have been kicked to one side just because of their two little peas! They still open shops and ask for food. They don't even look at them. They're all talking about things! "

"Feather less, this kind of way is a little too special, a little can't accept it!"

Always wait to see three small push a car to come over, fat man and his girlfriend is also ready to stand up, people with their politeness is a thing, but their big stab sitting here, is another thing!

However, before waiting for any action, Ding Yu pressed his hand in vain and said, "all sit down. Since we are here, we are here to enjoy the service. They should provide quite a service when they open a restaurant! It should be! "

Xiao Gang parked the dining car, and then the two children also put things on the table. The dishes for Ding Yu were a little bit small. Obviously, they also knew their father's appetite. They also knew that his father's appetite would not be as big as he imagined at this time!

Song Tianren also took off his apron and hat and sat in his position again!

"Not to mention, went to the kitchen to have a look, very standard, is also very clean, things are their own hands!"

"Do you want to say that they are personally deployed? I can imagine it! But these decorations are also made by them, there are so many fake! Their hands are not so stable yet! "

After all the things are put in place, Ding Yu takes up the spoon! Try it first!

"The taste is OK. Although the materials are matched a lot, the layers are still quite clear. However, some of them are too deliberate, and some of them are mechanical. But if you can feel them, you still have your heart! This should be appreciated! "

Ding Yu then indicated to song Tianren and the little fat man, "have a taste. It should be that they have worked hard and worked hard for quite a long time, although it is not as perfect as expected! But it doesn't taste like that

Song Tianren also learned to taste the soup first, and then roll up the pasta with a fork. The taste is very good, not as strong as imagined, but he is in the kitchen but watch the whole process. It is really the three of them to blend out, almost no fake hands!

Under such circumstances, to make such soup noodles is already very good! When you are as old as they are, don't say you are doing this! Even if you cook noodles with water, you can't do it yourself!

However, to say that there are no shortcomings, it is really not like this. The taste matching is very good, but it is too deliberate. From the taste feeling, it is not so surprising as imagined. It can only be said that it is fair! However, we should know that they are just children. Today, we are also following the director's light, otherwise we will eat a bird!

"Wow, the smell! Absolutely Fat people don't have too much feeling. Relatively speaking, they still prefer plain soup ramen, or beef ramen, as if they had eaten before. For such soup pasta, they really don't have too much feeling, but for their girlfriend, her performance is so surprising!

After all, she, who has always been a lady, can say such a word, it is so unimaginable!

The three little ones have been standing there, looking at their father angrily, waiting to see song Tianren and the fat man all the time. After eating pasta soup, they also showed a lot of smile!

"Don't stare at me. Tianren said," what about this time? He asked, and the tip was his! "

"Dad, I find you are really a big capitalist!"

"Just say I'm more stingy! I can understand it! " Ding Yu said in a positive way! "But you have already said that I am a big capitalist. I think you and I understand what a capitalist is! So it's good to put it in your heart! "

The little girl raised her chin and twisted her head to one side!

"However, judging from your attentive work today, I, as a father and uncle, should show something, but this is just because I am your father and uncle. If I were a guest, this soup noodle would not even pass the examination!"

"Dad, we want a full set of pirate king for the anniversary Heard his father speak, the little guy is also face-to-face! This face is really no one!"What else? It's a little too much! " Wave your hand, directly sent them three little guys!

However, there are so many sad things under the fat man's heart. The so-called complete set of pirate king's Handmade! And it's the anniversary version! Even if I like to do it by hand, I dare not to peep! Because the final price is a bit exaggerated!

Looking at Jin, Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth! Jin Fu's body whispered a few words in Ding Yu's ear. Ding Yu nodded and then looked at the two little fat men! He nodded at them with his hand. "At least he was Xiao Bao's friend. He also supported Xiaobao's work at the beginning. When he came to Boston, he couldn't let them down too much. Tianren, Jackson can be said to be the local villain here. Let him take charge of the arrangement!"

"Yes, chief!"

Ding Yu stood up and nodded with the two of them, "it's fun! I'll go first

After Ding Yu and his party left, the fat man and his girlfriend returned to their own table in a trance, "Pang Ge, who are you! It doesn't look like it's big! It's frightening to all of us! "

"Brother Bao's eldest brother! I met it when I was in the capital city, but I didn't expect to meet it here today. It seems that I am a very fat man with a lot of luck. Isn't it, wife

"You don't know how humiliating I was just now!" Who is brother Bao? Of course I know. Although he is no longer in the river and lake, the legend of brother Bao is still circulating in the lake. Even if you can eat here now, thanks to brother Bao, after all, people are the pioneers!

She had been waiting for everyone to notice that the girl asked, "who is this Yu Shao?"!? You were careless just now. Isn't it good! Don't come up with anything else. You should know that people have some ideas about you. The so-called big trees attract the wind! "

"You don't have to think about it! You didn't see that scene at the beginning, so you don't know much about Yu Shao. Other people haven't seen it. Baoge, you haven't seen it once or twice! I'll tell you! Baoge saw the feather less, just like the mouse saw the cat, I said is true! No exaggeration at all

Wait until the time to check out, the fat man found that the accounts have been closed! Even the tip has been settled! That is to say, they have a free meal here!

"It's a loss! If I had known that, I should have ordered something more! "

"How much have you eaten! Still eating? "

A group of people and so on is noisy, has been waiting for Jackson to come to the door, the fat man still feels unable to understand! However, Jackson's northeast dialect still aroused considerable interest from everyone! "Have you ever lived in China?"

"That's right. At that time, it was a comfortable day, three small barbecues a day. It's like having barbecue in Boston now. Forget it! What's more, it's not the taste at all. What's more, I ate a lot of barbecue, but what about the better taste? It should still be a city in the North! "

Jackson talked freely, but they were able to talk with each other very well. He had been waiting for Xiaobao's video to connect with each other, and the fat man was completely relieved! Other people can not believe it, but Bao Shao can absolutely believe that, even if it is a pit of their own, there is no need for them, not to mention that they do not have too many places to pit!

"Fat man, find a place where there is no one and say something!"

"Mr. Bao, is there something wrong?" Came to the washroom, fat man is also very polite to say!

"Can you get in touch with big brother?" Xiaobao is also very strange! Their own situation is really listening to the difference!

"No contact. I just came to Boston to play. Everyone said that I had not read a book. I just came to see it during this period, which is also a kind of edification. As a result, when I came to Boston, I just played, and there was no atmosphere in the University. When I had dinner, I was in a noodle shop, and I just met! And three children! "

"Well, I know that the two older children belong to the eldest brother, and the remaining one belongs to the third brother of Wang Yang."

"I went, I didn't see it!" Fat people really don't know! "Brother Bao, I didn't mean to. The spaghetti soup they made was very good. They also gave us a lot of things. Even the bill for dinner was paid by Yu Shao!"

"That doesn't matter. What's your mood like?"

"It's very good. I talked and laughed with us, and even joked with three children. However, when I was serious, it was a little bit more serious. At that time, I only cared about eating! Not so much attention! "

"All right! You fatso, you don't have to hide your little tricks from others! "

Fat people are also laughing, this is their way of doing things, some things? Since they do not know, do not understand, do not drill into the inside! There will be problems, but also big problems!

"Did you get in touch with big brother?"

"No!" The fat man's answer was very direct, "I found a foreigner named Jackson before! In Chinese, it's called a sneak! I feel that it is more standard than my Putonghua. It is exaggerative and very talkative. I even have some doubts about whether he will sell me! ""You are not worth more than pork Xiaobao also made a joke, "come to the capital when you come back. I invite you. Don't you want to feel the atmosphere of the school? I make you feel enough! If you had known that, just give me a call! Save you so much trouble

"Brother Bao, who doesn't know that you are so busy with your work, I'm just an idle person, be casual, but you are not like this!"

Chatting a few words, Xiaobao put down the phone, although still can't contact big brother, but fat there? It was an unexpected joy, and Jackson was also there. What was Jackson? Other people didn't know, didn't they know?

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