So we still need to move the forces behind song Tianren! Only in this way can we avoid considerable problems and subsequent troubles!

This thing is really a little depressed, why? At the beginning, song Tianren was not worth mentioning at all, OK? Even we didn't take him as a thing at all! He is not even a so-called foil! That's what we used to do!

But director Ding Yuding? He is in love with him, and song Tianren's performance is really beyond everyone's expectation. After coming to director Ding Yuding's side, it can be said that there is a sudden rise in force. No one can restrain his growth. It is just the speed that can be seen with the naked eye! This is really strange!

From the understanding of the situation, Ding Yu really did not give song Tianren any so-called small stove, but how could song Tianren eat? It is better than the other two. At this point, we really need to admire Ding Yu's eyes! Unique insight!

Forget it! Now what about that? Not too much use, now or temporarily contact Wang Yang and Xiaobao it! In this matter, the Wang family is definitely one that can not be bypassed! Although the Wangs didn't get involved in the specific things, what happened? Let Ding Yu be the eldest son and grandson of the Wang family!

What Ding Yu admits or doesn't admit is the fact, OK?

What's more, the previous thing should be the news delivered by Wang family first. Is it the intention of director Ding Yuding, or is there any other secret information in it that needs to be understood? If not, who knows what kind of problems and conditions will appear?

When Su Yuan knew the news, he was not so concerned. His attention was not on Song Tianren's body, but on the farm, or on his grandson and granddaughter!

The plane did not land in the capital, but went to the capital city where his eldest son lived. This made Su Yuan feel very bad, even a little uncomfortable! What does this mean? It was never like this before!

Because for this matter, so for other things is not so concerned!

As for the matter mentioned by Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, Su Yuan seems to care less about it!

Xiaobao is a secret stab Wang Yang, now it's your turn! I can't help you anyway! After all, your son is back! Don't think I don't know!

Wang Yang is a white eye, this thing is really no way! "Mom, I asked Xiaogang earlier! Their third brother may be back in two days! Mainly in the past to visit the summer camp, with some children to do some exchange and contact! There are also some other problems that need to be implemented by them! "

What can be done? Wang Yang is also very helpless about this! So now can only be to avoid the heavy, in fact, his heart is very clear, the mother's heart for the big brother's two children back! And did not come to this side of the capital, the heart how much or so some estrangement!

How old are they? Why should they be entangled in such things? Wang Yang is really quite helpless. But after all, he is his own mother and his own mother. What can he say? What's more, he is also a father! So for such things, how much is deliberately understood!

"I didn't hear when they would come back?"

"It's not so clear for now, but I think I'll stay in China for a long time! Previously, I heard that they had no problems in their homework, and they had done quite well. However, the elder brother didn't want them to carry too much burden at such a young age. For them, they don't need to consider too many academic problems in the future. "

"That's a big tone Su Yuan snorted!

In fact, Su Yuan is also very clear. From the current situation, what about the children's school in the future? There is absolutely no problem at home or abroad! For the boss, it's no problem!

This has not taken into account the children's homework, nor do we know how the eldest one is educated. In any case, such a way of education for Su Yuan, how many do not agree with it! In my opinion, what about children? Should be honest to go to school, do not go around every day, nonsense!

But what about the performance of your grandchildren and grandchildren? I have no way to deny the excellence of this kind of free range education. I can only say that it is too special and not universal. In fact, I do not agree with this point! How nice it is for the children to stay in the capital! rush about! I'm not afraid of anything!

"Mom, it's not a big voice, but a guiding education. Judging from the current situation, Xiao Gang's study has made considerable progress. Even our parents are shocked, but we are a little bit wild. I don't know what the elder brother thinks at all!"

Yeah! Finally, Su Yuan was satisfied with the last sentence, "I don't know what your elder brother thinks, and the children are not constrained in this respect. Now they have developed such bad habits, which will be difficult to correct in the future."Get it! Wang Yang now also understand, in front of his mother, can not mention his brother too many advantages, at least for now, under the temporary situation, or try to mention some big brother's shortcomings! But is that really good? If you let big brother know! Where is your life? You should know that your son is still in the hands of big brother!

Su Yuan also saw his little son's embarrassment, so he also snorted, "Song Tianren's affairs have nothing to do with the family. It's not clear at home how your elder brother handles things! This is the general situation! As for the opinions and ideas of song Tianren, I don't know! "

"Mom, it's easy to say that it's no big deal, they are! This is not dare to ask big brother, so I came to the door! Hope to know the inside story! But mom, song Tianren, are you so optimistic? "

"Song Tianren was selected by your elder brother. But if he doesn't perform well, your elder brother will never do it!" Although there are some dissatisfaction with the arrangement of the eldest son, Su Yuan has never doubted the level of his eldest son!

"Mom, I don't doubt this. Now Song Tianren is back! But what about the other two? Still in the sun in New York! Don't say that people are not worried behind, if it is me, I'm afraid the mouth has been full of bubbles! I'm afraid there will be so many people who have encountered such a thing! "

"Don't say it's burning! Even if it's on fire! There is no use for it. Only a limited number of people know about this matter. To be exact, there are two aspects: one is from your brother's side, and the other is from your brother's side? It's song Tianren! In addition to these two, we can not find any other direction. Our family has no opinion and interest in this matter! Do you understand? "

"I see!"

There is nothing wrong with this matter. The forces behind song Tianren soon got a reply from the Wangs. The Wangs are not interested in this matter, and they don't even pay more attention to it.

"Do you want to call director Ding?" Who is the best way to express the words of song siren?

"Save it! What about Tian Ren? There are not many problems, but when I call director Ding, the smell of provocation is really too strong! Who knows what director Ding will think? "

This is a little more direct, but it is also an obvious joke, now everyone's mood is quite good, song Tianren really give them a long face! And this matter also did not make other rumors before, the Wangs blocked the news more strictly! For song Tianren, there may not be too many benefits, but the same for the other two, there is a lot less reaction time!

It doesn't matter what's sinister? This is just a normal operation! And even if it's given time over there, what? It doesn't mean much! What's more, without the guidance of director Ding Yuding, no one can use it easily! This is really not a simple control, can solve the problem!

"Talk to Tian Ren! What is the matter? "

"I'll go there myself! Although Lao Huang is there to check work, but his identity can see Tianren, there are still so some not suitable! What's more, it's quite inappropriate to let Tianren come back. They didn't even stop in the capital, so they went to the farm directly. It's obviously urgent! And I believe director Ding let Tianren come back! This should be the meaning of this aspect! "

"Yes! By the way, there's a visit to Jen Cho with Jackson? He still played a considerable role in it, to see what kind of opinions and ideas Tianren was. After all, at the beginning, Zhan Zhao's procedures were handled! But it hasn't passed yet. It's all over the place! "

After discussing some small details between them, they scattered themselves, and then some people went straight to song Tianren. After all, the distance between the capital and the other side is not so far. Now there is no need for any planes. It is convenient to make high-speed rail directly! Safe and very efficient!

Just got off the car, song Tianren and Zhan Zhao were already waiting outside, "Uncle Gao!" Song Tianren is also the first to come over, looking at his funny face, Gao Bo also slapped, "you boy! Still so lively, how can you come here in person? I'll just go there! "

"We're getting familiar with things on the farm. I'm so dizzy when I read the materials, so I came out to have a breath!" Then he was introduced and said, "Uncle Gao, this is Zhan Zhao!"

"Hello, director Gao!"

"Hello, comrade Zhan Zhao!"

Two people shook hands with each other. Under the guidance of song Tianren, the four people also left the station. The car didn't stop in, not that it couldn't be done, but there was no need for it! The attendants who follow Gao Bo are not allowed to do so! No one knows if anything else will happen! These are my jobs!"Tianren, this is not your style! When did it change? "

When sitting on the car, Gao Bo also said jokingly that a seemingly ordinary business car, but the space inside is very large, there is no sense of crowding! "There are a lot of people brought back! It's mainly for assistance. There are two other people on Jackson's side. He wanted to come here, but it's not convenient to travel. It's a bit of an eyesore! "

"You! I know it's converging! This is a good thing! It's not easy to go out! "

"Fortunately, I have seen a lot, and my horizon has been broadened a lot! After a lot of experience, I found how childish and ridiculous I was in the past, but this may also be the so-called growth

In the car, there is really not much talk between each other! The most talked about each other may be the farm, but it is not about the farm, but about the construction and development of the farm.

"Uncle Gao, I used to be an intern here. I didn't really have much contact at that time. However, after I came back this time, I found that the farm was also a high-tech subject. It was not imagined that the farm was facing the Loess and facing the sky! It's not like that at all! There is a considerable difference between them! "

"I have more contact than your boy! The farm is definitely not a farm in the broad sense, but a new farm with a modern society! I've been on the farm all these two days? " This is a casual question!

"Yes! They are all in the dormitory of the farm. All of us are there, which is much cheaper than the hotel outside. However, this is not the most important thing. The main farm is relatively safe and will not be disturbed by the outside world. This time, I come back with eyes and ears! "

Gao Bo was stunned for a moment, but then understood that song Tianren didn't come back without authorization, but was arranged by Ding Yu. This is not unexpected. Moreover, judging from Song Tianren's expression, this time he is just a spectator, which is quite interesting!

Seconds understand Gao Bo looked at Song Tianren, "you! Whether it's luck or power, it's back now! Too much attention! It's better to stay on the farm side, at least it's not as attractive to them as you think, and you can't cross the red line! "

What does this red line refer to? Naturally, it's a farm! That is to say, other people will not cross Ding Yu and come directly to song Tianren, even if they don't want to live! Not in this way! But there is also a certain premise, that is, song Tianren? Just an observer, not a deep discoverer!

There is a considerable difference between the two! This is why Gao Bo came here in person!

After all, what about China? It's not a foreign country. The nature of each other is completely different. Don't think that you can do whatever you want in foreign countries. After you come back, you still have to adopt such a way and method, which will not work at all!

But fortunately, song Tianren really grew up. He not only understood the meaning of his own words, but also had quite a reaction. Good! It's really great! Came to the farm side, also did not have any pause, came to song Tianren's bedroom, but before this still met with Jackson!

This guy is not so different from what you imagined. It's really funny to have a big mouth! But very aware of the current affairs! Can be said to be on par with Zhan Zhao, to know his identity is similar to song Tianren! But still be able to maintain such a mentality, this is not what anyone can do!

"The place is still good!" After watching a circle, Gao Bo also exclaimed!

"Uncle Gao, have tea!" Song Tianren personally brought a cup of tea and placed it in front of Gao Bo! "After I came back, I didn't visit my elders. I didn't even call on you! Let uncle Gao go there in person

Gao Bo waved his hand, "these polite words! When are you going back! Let's talk about it sometime! We are still optimistic about you, and hope you can grow up, as long as you live up to your wishes

"There is still considerable pressure, the director? Loose outside and tight inside, it seems to be very moist, but the pressure can be said to be quite big! All aspects of training and competition, all the time! It's said that Zhou shaopi, I see the director! Even more cruel than him! It's true that I didn't intend to give other people a living! "

"So director Ding chose you wrong?"

"Not really. What about the chief director? The requirements are too strict! " Song Tianren touched his head, "Uncle Gao, do you have other ideas about this matter at home?"

"It's not that we have any ideas. We would like to see such things, but what about the other two people? They are still looking pitifully in New York. How should this matter be handled? They're almost at the door now! It can be said to be particularly irritated! "

"What about this? It's really hard to do, uncle Gao. Let's say it! This is the test set by the director. Naturally, there is nothing to pass this test. However, after passing this test, there may be many problems in the follow-up. So I may take two steps one step at a time, and there is no problem. But if they take one or two more steps, they may fall off the cliff! "Listening to song Tianren's account, Gao Bo also took a look. "Tianren, are you sure that this time's thing is not director Ding's personal preference for you, or there are some other

"Uncle Gao, I can be sure that the director is a little cold, but this is still convincing!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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